Fruit Tasting in P6a

This week Tracey from Tesco came to our class and was teaching us about rainforest fruits. We were given world maps and had to mark on the different rainforests around the world. Some of the rainforests we had never heard of for example the Cloud Forest in Ecuador. Once we had finished finding all the rainforests we go to try some of the fruits that grow there.

We tasted papaya, pineapple, mango, blueberries and coconut. These fruits come from rainforests all around the world. Once we tasted them we had to mark on our world maps where they were from.  Papaya and coconuts were from the Amazon Rainforest and the pineapples came from Costa Rica.

I tasted them all but my favourite was the pineapple – Annie

I also tasted them all and I liked the pineapple the best too but I didn’t like the papaya much – Louise

At the end of our session Tracey set us a challenge to design the craziest fruit. It could be fruits mixed together or your favourite food mixed with a fruit.  On the back of our maps we had to draw our fruit and see what the combination was. We had to make sure it had a name and then write about where it grew. We could be as imaginative as we liked. All entries need to be in by Wednesday so that they can be sent to Tracey who will choose a winner. There will be a prize for the overall P6 winner.

Annie & Louise

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Fruit Testing in Class O

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This week Class O were discussing foods that were healthy and unhealthy. We were investigating the food groups they belonged to and why they were important in our diet. We reaslised there was lots of fruit we hadn’t tried so decided to try them. We used our senses to help us learn about there tastes. We were smelling, touching, tasting and discussing what the fruits looked like. We used spinich, fig, passion fruit, tomato, kiwi, plum and nectarine in our test.

Cameron: In the fig there was too much seeds so I didn’t like it. However, the passion fruit also had a lot of seeds but I really liked it. In fact it was my favourite. It was very juicy.

Liam: I really liked spinich becasue it tasted yummy. I didn’t like any of the other fruits, but I was brave and smelt and licked a few. The passion fruit had a very strong smell and comes in a hard shell to protect the soft fuit inside. It smelt nice. The fig was squashy.

Callum: I did not try any of the fruits. They had strong smells that put me off trying them. I have been trying hard to taste new foods at snack to help me make more healthy choices.

Jamie: I tried all the fruits. This was the first time I had tried passion fruit, fig and spinich. They were nice and I would definately have them again. My favourite was the passion fruit becasue it was juicy.

Yolie: I tried some of the fruits. I liked spinich and kiwi. I tried passion fruit and it was tasty. I did not try tomato, plum, fig or nectarine becasue I did not like the smell of them.

Cody: I liked the plum becasue it looked nice, smelt nice and tasted nice. I had actually tried it before so I knew I liked it. I find it hard to try new foods becasue sometimes they don’t smell very nice and this puts me off eating them. However, I was very brave and smelt the tomato and tasted the kiwi. It tasted a bit like coconut but without the milk.

Fabulous fun at Lowport!

P5b spent a fabulous 3 days at Lowport.  The sun was shining and all the children had a great time and participated enthusiastically in all the activities.

What I enjoyed about Lowport…………….


I enjoyed the canoeing especially playing splash wars! Harry

I really enjoyed the canoeing because we got wet and muddy. Kamron

I enjoyed canoeing because we got to play tig with the rugby ball. Katie

I enjoyed the jungle bashing and playing at the park. Archie

I enjoyed canoeing because we got to stand up on the boat.  Skye

I enjoyed canoeing because we got to jump in and dunk the teacher.  Tobin

I enjoyed being at Lowport because you got to do adventures at Beecraigs. Fiona

I enjoyed the Beecraigs adventure because we got wet and muddy. Emma

I enjoyed canoeing and swimming.  Stacey

I enjoyed Lowport because of all the activities.  Cameron

I liked doing the Loch walk.  Gary

My favourite part of Lowport was the canoeing because we got to stand up on the boat and then we joined the boats together and the instructor shook them.  Casey

I enjoyed Lowport because we went swimming and there were lots of waves and I enjoyed going on the train. Noah


I enjoyed the Loch walk because we got to draw the Palace.  Robyn


At Lowport I enjoyed the swimming because of the awesome waves! Jamie


I enjoyed watching telly and the song Peanut Butter Jelly! Gabriel (Sorry we can’t give refunds!)

I enjoyed going to bed.  Mark (again, no refunds)


I enjoyed at Lowport the breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Murray


I enjoyed going to the Mariner centre because of the giant waves and the floats.  Aiden


I enjoyed going canoeing because when we jumped in it gave me practise for going to the Mariner centre and going to my bed.  Luca


I enjoyed Lowport when we got to do the walk in Beecraigs.  Lauryn


I enjoyed going canoeing.  Dasha


I enjoyed helping out in Primary 1.  Katya

I enjoyed being in the Primary 1 class.  Michelle

I enjoyed helping the Primary 1s.  Jordan

I enjoyed going out on my bike with my friends.  Colin

This week Steven enjoyed playing the drums and practising for the assembly.

I’ve attached some photos from my group.. Mrs McClafferty’s Marvellous Muddy Minions!

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Enjoy the long weekend!


In our vertical learning groups this week, we were not working on a challenge but were each looking at a different aspect of the Rainforest. In Mrs Stutt’s group, Jordan was learning about deforestation and the effects this has on the Rainforest. In Miss Bollen’s group the children were learning about Aboriginal art and telling stories through pictures. They were using a pointillism technique. In Mrs Haddifon’s group, Taylor was learning about the eco system of the Rainforest and created terrariums to show the carbon cycle. Miss Davidson’s group were focusing on using line and colour to create an effective picture of a creature in the Rainforest.

Also, we have been writing the beginning of our stories about our explorations in the Rainforest. We were focusing on the beginning of the story and had to use our  senses to describe the Rainforest.

Class Awards:

Class Dojo: Eve


Enjoy the long weekend!


Article 28: Right to an Education

Primary 1 is an exciting place…

Here are some of the things we are excited about…

Charlotte – I enjoyed playing maths games in the playground with my buddy

Sam – I liked playing maths games

Emily – I liked learning about circle patterns

Rhianna – I liked making new friends.

Hollie – I had so much fun making new friends and I was excited about learning how to write a story all by myself.

Grace Q – I was excited about learning tricky letters.

Lilyrose – I enjoyed drawing a picture of myself.

Sara- I liked doing numbers.

Grace M- I was excited about learning colour patterns.

Sophie M – I was excited about drawing a picture of me in art.

Eilidh – I enjoyed learning to write the letters m, i, a, t and s. I know excited has a ‘t’ in it.

Fearne – I was excited about painting.

Luke – I was excited about learning tricky number work. I had to count everything in the classroom.

Jude- I was excited to do jumping with Mr Jeffries.

Sophie S –I was excited when we learned to play tunnel tig at the gym with Mr Jeffries.

Archie G – I was excited when we got to play tunnel tig with Mr Jeffries.

Archie M – I liked playing tunnel tig too.

Max – I liked learning numbers.

Artjom- I liked playing with my friends.

Keegan- I liked learning to draw a picture of myself.

A tasty test in Class M!

This week we have tasting food, playing castles at playtime and playing on the laptop at silver circle.

Joe’s favourite day this week was Friday because it’s a half day at school. I also liked Tuesday because it was a nice day.

Cary said “the best thing about our topic is we got to do a taste test. We tasted crisps, cornflakes and jaffa cakes. We tasted the same food from different shops.” Aiden preferred the McVittes jaffa cakes because he eats them at his Nana and Papas house. Joe liked the Kellogs cornflakes. Cary enjoyed all of the food but would buy the cheaper ones. (Good news for Mum!)

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Caitlin tells us what she is learning in maths: “In maths I have been learning about our left and right in twister”

Adam tells us what he is learning in literacy: “I have been learning some new letters. I built a tower with letters. The letters were a,e,i,o,u these are called vowels!”

Dylan tells us about P.E. “P.E is very good because we played castles. We build castles out of hula hoops. We go into teams and try to knock the other teams’ castle down by throwing balls. Castles teaches us about good teamwork. To be a good team player you have to help others, listen and try your best.”

Be Happy, Be Healthy and Get Well Soon!

We have had an extremely busy week and have being doing lots of fun things. On Monday Lewis told the class about baking cakes. This sparked interest with all of Class G and as a result we baked cakes for the whole resource to have at snack time. Everyone was very good at weighing out all the ingredients but the best part was decorating the cakes. We also had a very exciting visitor in this week. Dr Marshall, who is David’s mum, came into our class to talk to Class G about being a doctor. Class G loved looking at and trying out the equipment. We got a lot of information about visiting the doctor and also about what a doctor does.

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Here is what we all have to say this week:

Logan – I enjoyed looking at all the doctor things with Doctor Marshall.

David – I liked making icing for our cakes. I liked my mum coming to the school to teach my class about being a doctor.


Lewis – When I was making cakes. I followed the recipe.


Jake – I liked playing in teletubbyland.

Jayden – I liked when we made our cakes. We put decorations on them.


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P4b have enjoyed learning more about the weather this week:

Throughout the week, we have been collecting and recording information about what weather we can see and hear. We have been using a rain gauge, thermometer and anemometer to record rain fall, temperature and wind speed. We have also been discussing how the weather  can change throughout the day and how this affects us.

We liked learning about how a rain gauge works and enjoyed putting our class one outside to collect rain- Keira, Sophie, Freya, Breanna and Kelsey.

We loved art this week- we were learning to shade and sketch on drawings of still life weather objects- Lucy R, Rachael, Aidan, Robbie, Eva, and Karys.

In our maths groups we have been learning different skills:

We were learning the 5 times table-Finn.

We were dividing by 10- Lucy M, Ava, Emma, and Demi.

We have also been researching internet safety on the netbooks. We were learning what SAFE thinking means and made posters to tell others how to be safe.


Special person- Isla Bee


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We have the right to access information- Article 17

Another busy week in P1c

Another busy week in P1c.
This is what the children thought about the week………
I liked playing on the smartboard doing my number work – Daniel
I enjoyed playing with Ray and Leon at buddy time – Nina
I liked playing with my buddies at playtime – Dionne
I loved playing with my buddy at snack time – Evie
I liked playing in the playground with Grace – Ava
I liked all of this week – Grace
I liked playing with Nina and Grace at playtime – Keira
I liked learning ‘i’ this week – Emma
I liked hearing the story of jack and the beanstalk – Liam
I liked playing outside – Ryan
I liked learning ‘n’ this week – Maddison
I liked learning my numbers to 10 – Isla
I liked school lunches this week – Elise
I liked playing with the cars – Marley
I liked learning about the dojo points and all the maths and everything! – Sarah
I have enjoyed everything this week –Kayden
I liked getting my house badge – Harris
I liked going outside for P.E. – Alex
I liked drawing with my pencils – Skye
I liked doing my numbers – Leon
I liked seeing my brother outside – Esther
Article 28 – the right to an education
Article 31 – the right to rest and play


Camp Photos!!!!

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This week we have been learning to write a newspaper article. We have learned about making catchy, bold headlines and how to compose a full newspaper article. We used the Battle of Stirling Bridge as a stimulus for our writing. Here are some of the headlines we made up –









In maths we have been working on our problem solving skills. We have been learning to think logically as well as thinking ‘outside the box’. Here is a question we found tricky ….can you work it out?

Q. A family has two parents and three daughters. Each daughter has four brothers. How many are in the family all together?

In science we were learning about chemical reactions. We carried out an experiment to with bicarbonate of soda, vinegar, food colouring and water. We put everything except the vinegar into a glass and when we added the vinegar it caused a chemical reaction and the mixture frothed up and right over the side of the class! Great fun!

Another week has flown by….have a great weekend!

Primary 4a

This week in our topic we have been learning about recording the weather. Everyday we went outside to record the temperature, the wind, the rain fall and what we could see and feel. We recorded this in our weather diaries and then used the information for our reports.

In maths we learned about the four points of a compass. Calvin said that he learned that the four points are North, East, South and West. Inbetween there are also other points called North East, South East, South West and North West.

In maths Annabelle said that she has been learning to count to 10, 000 in 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s. Reece said that his group have been learning to divide by 2, 10 and 5. Dadirayi said that her group have been learning to count in 2s, 10s and 5s. Kayleigh said her group have been learning to add to 20.

In PE this week, Demi Leigh said we have been learning to be a good team member. Leia said a good team member is someone who doesn’t shout at others, they forgive you, they help the team out, help others and is a good friend.


This week in P6B we made terraniums, which are mini-ecosystems. We made them so that we could see how an ecosystem works in a rainforest.

Millie – It was really fun.  It was cool learning that there was no water added, just the moisture in the moss.

Ryan – We put gravel then carbon, soil, the plant then the moss.

Brooke – It was fun and quite easy to make but you have to tap the bottles to make sure the moisture goes onto the plants.

Other things we learned this week were:

Jack – I liked how I do my spelling to the beat of the drum. It really helps me with my spelling.

Meadow – This week I liked testing my rainforest shelter to see if it was waterproof. It was thank goodness!

Daniel – I liked the solve and shade in maths. It’s a fun way to learn my tables.

Aaron – I liked the quick method to multiply by a multiple of ten. The concept was difficult but I kept at it then when I got it, Mrs Haddifon showed me the quick way to do it!

Valerija – I enjoyed doing our writing about flying through the rainforest.


We have the lady from Tesco visiting on Wednesday to let us taste different tropical fruits! Have a nice holiday everyone!



This week we made up number games for our P1 buddies. We planned in advance by recording the name of our game, how to play and the resources required. We then set up our games outside and collected our buddies.

Here are some explanation of some of our games:

‘Our was called Hula Numbers. We drew numbers 1-10 with chalk and put hula hoops round them. We called out numbers and the children ran to the correct hoop. We also drew a bubble out of chalk. If the P1’s ran out of the bubble they automatically got put out.’ – Leon

‘Ours was called Number Jacks. We drew numbers 1-20 with chalk and drew circles round them. Then we called out a number and all our buddies had to run to that number. To get to that number, they had to jump on the numbers in sequence. When they got three right they got to throw a ball into a hoop.’- Sasha

‘We drew a hopscotch on the ground. We called out a number and our buddies had to go to that number. ‘ Aaron and Shaun

Our buddies had great fun and were full of smiles. Here are some photographs of our games in action.



Article 31- Right to Play
Article 28- Right to an Education

P4/3 are learning across the curriculum

Our Learning across the curriculum is Our Local Area which is Bathgate. Bathgate is a town in West Lothian. It has a population of over 21 000.

We had a really fun time going out on the streets of Bathgate using our directions-Kiara,Robert

I liked being special student- Teighan

I liked doing map making at Drama with Kiara-Megan

I enjoyed map making with Erin at Drama. We put fields and houses everywhere. It was a very old map of Bathgate-Suvi

I like the ibooks with Erin. We were playing the map game- Mia

I liked being secret student -Ben

I was doing mapping with Ava at Drama. That was good-Lauren

We liked everything this week-Alfie G., Gemma

I liked story writing about my wellies in Bathgate-Oliver

I liked working with Robert on maps this week-Emma

I was working with Denholm at Drama .We were drawing a map of Bathgate and colouring it in-Euan

SRA is fun- Sophie,Ava

Story writing was fun. We were writing about where we go in our wellies- Erin,Denholm

I liked PE .It was fun this week-Connor

I liked Home Learning this week-Alfie B.

I liked working with Jess on map making-Liam

We listened to the story called Where my wellies take me and this week our story writing was all about places in Bathgate.I loved this -Sophia

The new book”How many jelly beans” has a huge picture at the end …there are  one million jelly beans on it- I like this book-Jess

Enjoy the holiday weekend everyone. See you back here safe on Wednesday.

Mrs Aitken






In maths, we have been learning to…

We have been learning a lot in Maths this week.

We have been learning to:
– Order numbers using party hats (Kyle)
– Order numbers to 20 by cutting and sticking them in the right order (Isla)


– 2D shape bingo (Brandon)


– Use beads to make patterns (Lily)


– Use the maxi cubes to make patterns (Scott)
– Stamp numbers in the right order (Elena)



– Make patterns with the colours of the counting bears (Lucas)
– Use the peg boards to make patterns as well (Akasha)


We are looking forward to learning more about 3D shapes next week in school!

*Remember that we are not in school on Monday and Tuesday AND next Friday is the MacMillan Coffee Morning*

Article 28: The right to an education

Healthy Choices in Class O

Class O have enjoyed a variety of activies this week to further our knowledge and skills required for healthy living. We have been looking at how exercise and water are essential for keeping our body fit and healthy. We have also been learning about the different food groups and how we need to make choices about how much of each we are eating to keep us healthy.

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Yolie: I had lots of fun at PE. I was running. Callum was helping me. He was the leader.

Cameron: PE was great fun. It was very tiring too as we had to do lots of running. We were learning to play games that get our heart working to keep it healthy. We also had to work as a team.


Liam: We made snadwiches to help us learn about healthy choices. We had to wear a hat and apron. I made a white bread sandwich on butter. I had to spread and cut. My sandwich was a n unhealthy sanwich becasue of the butter.

Cody: I enjoyed making sandwiches in the sensory room. I had to be very hygenic and wash my hands and wear a hat and apron to stop germs from spreading. After making my sandwich I had to decide it is was healthy or unhealthy becasue of my filling choices.


Callum: This week I tried mango at snack for the first time. The mango was sour to taste, but I had a little suck of the juice and a nibble to try it. I was very brave. The adults were proud of me. I think I will be able to try other new foods now.

We hope everyone enjoys the holiday weekend! We have also been learning about how rest is good for our bodies too!

Rights: Right to an Education (Article 28)

Famous Inventors and their Inventions

P3/2 have been reading for information to discover more about famous inventors and their inventions. We learned that inventions are not always machines, for example James Naismith invented the game of basketball and Edward Jenner invented vaccinations to stop people from dying from diseases. We also learned that Louis Braille invented the language of Braille for those with sight impairments.

We worked in groups to produce posters about an inventor and then shared this information with others.

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Next week we will be starting to create some inventions of our own.

Have a lovely long weekend, see you on Wednesday! 🙂

P6a Weekly Update

Last Friday we went to Deans Community High School to do drumming in front of a huge audience. We played different rhythms on the djembe drums. We were feeling really nervous but we have lots of fun.

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This week in Maths the Hexagons learned how to find the mean, mode, median and range of a set of data. The Pentagons and Triangles have been learning to mentally subtract 2 digit numbers by counting back in tens then ones.

For vertical learning this week we had the challenge of making a rainforest in a box using our knowledge of the layers. We also started different activities with different teachers. Some of us were learning about deforestation and the effect humans have on the rainforest. We had a vote to see if our group were for or against deforestation. Others were learning about aboriginal art and we had to make a story on our art work using symbols and dots.

The best part for me was doing the rainforest in the box. – Roan

I liked when we went to Deans to do the drumming because it was lots of fun! – Madeleine

Roan & Madeleine

Another busy week in P2b

What another busy week we have been having in Primary 2b!

Our topic has progressed in lots of different ways this week and we have enjoyed learning about visual impairments. We heard the story of a little boy called Theo who was partially blind. We learned about ways in which his school life has been adapted and also tried our best at writing in Braille and drawing with our eyes closed. We have also been investigating the sense of hearing this week and now understand how sound is created! We have completed lots of practical investigations to test our sense of hearing, our favourite being ‘Don’t clap this one back’. Mrs Mansfield won the game this time but we are practising using our sense of hearing so that we can win next time!

In maths we have been learning all about number houses and the families that live in each house! We know that each family has a daddy, mummy and baby number and understand how we can use these to create four number sentences for each family! This is helping us to understand number bonds and know that 3+2 is the same as 2+3. We are really looking forward to investigating different number bonds next week! In practical maths we have been learning about 3D shapes and how they appear in the world around us. We split into groups to investigate one shape and then presented our findings to the rest of the class.

Highlights of this week include: Mrs Mansfield playing toilet tig with us in outdoor PE, Don’t Clap this one back, learning colours in British Sign Language, practising our French conversation, getting new reading books and jumping around the class on our maths number line.

A huge well done goes out to our star of the week, Jamie. Jamie has shown a very mature attitude towards his learning this week and has contributed well in class discussions. We can’t wait to see who next week’s star is going to be!!

Primary 2b

Welcome to Hospital G

Class G started our new class novel this week: George’s Marvellous Medicine. We read chapter one and made character profiles on Grandma. Some of the descriptions were very funny. We have also continued to learn more about doctors. We got to have a role play activity in the sensory room where we got to pretend we were doctors and nurses. Here is what we said about our work this week:


Gabriel – I was being a doctor and I was listening to David’s heart.


Logan – I was a doctor and was making the lady better.

David – I was dressed as a doctor and I loved the puppets.

Jayden – I was dressed up as a doctor and I liked using the stethoscope.


Lewis – I enjoyed being a doctor. We were just pretending..



We are all looking forward to learning more about doctors next week.


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