Primary 1c Down in the Town

On Thursday we visited the partnership centre in Bathgate. We met a lady called Rosanne in the library. She sang some songs and played with the parachute. She blew some bubbles for us to watch floating.





Rosanne gave us a small tour of the partnership centre. She showed us all the different places where people work in the centre. She showed us the playgroup and the special room where people get married. It was beautiful.
Whilst we were walking to and from the centre we saw lots of different things. We saw:
traffic lights – Skye
trees – Harris
leaves on the ground – Grace
lots of different shops – Noah
a zebra crossing – Maddison
a police car – Esther
flowers – Evie
the police station – Alex
cars and buses -Sarah
the nursery and the bus stop – Ava
a post box – Dionne

Class dojo winner was Dionne

Article 28 – the right to an education

P4B- W/B 28.9.15

This week, we began our new context for learning:

We enjoyed learning about how plants grow through a process called photosynthesis – Sophie, Lucy M and Liam.

We also learned about the different parts of a plant and what each part does- Baillie.

In maths:

We enjoyed doing our times table challenge – Finn and Millie.

I liked learning about grid references and how to describe the location of objects- Emma

In writing:

We enjoyed making a poster to advertise in the school. We were trying to persuade people to bring in donations for the food bank- Keira, Daniel, Robbie, Ava and Freya.

In P.E.:

We have been working as a team in outdoor P.E.- James

We have been learning about balance and object control in Indoor P.E.- Arran, Aidan and Kelsey.

In Art:

We have been using a special art technique this week. We used wax crayons and black paint to cover our paper. Then we used the end of a paint brush to create an Autumn design- Eva, Rachael,Demi, Isla, Karys and Grace.

In circle time:

I liked talking about different relationships and deciding what a good relationship was and a bad relationship was- Olivia.

In French:

We learned numbers 13-31 and played bingo- Lucy R and Breanna.

Article 28- the right to an education







We had a very busy week in P7a.

This week we have been writing the endings to our imaginative stories about our journey to the Rainforest. Next week we are going to use our self, peer and teacher assessments from each section to help us edit and re-draft our stories. -Rachael

In maths this week we have been learning how to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 and 1 000 000. We have made good progress with place value and are moving on to addition. – Erin

We have also been continuing to learn about 3D shapes. We have been consolidating our knowledge of faces, edges and vertices and have been drawing 3D shapes and their nets to help us visualize the shapes.

In art we have been learning about using perspective to create a 3D effect. We created pictures of 3D shapes using perspective. – Sam and Nadia.

We think they look great! What do you think?



Class Dojo: Sophie B

Table of the Week: Demons United

Drama Award: Rachel Quinn

Article 28:Right to an Education

Classes G, M and O review of the week

Classes O, G and M wrote the blog together this week. It was nice to listen to some people from other classes telling us about ther week. Below are some of the comments we made.

Caitlin – I have been learning about summaries in literacy. Out and About was to the park. Aiden was hanging upside down. I enjoy swimming with Dawn. I enjoy doing PE with Mr Jeffries.

Adam – I was spinning around that fast at the park I almost made a hole in the ground. It was fun.

Joe – We were all soaking wet at the park and I played with Adam on the bouncy thing with the seats. We changed into our PE clothes and stayed like this until taxi time.

Jayden – We were building a tower at Activity time. We learnt about “what happens next” with Miss Garland.

Aiden – We went to the park for Out and About. I was hanging upside down like a monkey. The grass and sky were the wrong way round.

Jamie – At the park for PE I tried everything. It was funny on the bouncy see-saw when Mrs O’Neill got stuck and I went shooting in the air.

Cody – We went to the park for PE. My favourite thing was pplaying tig because you had to climb and jump over things which made it interesting.

Cameron – I really enjoyed te park at PE because there was lots to do. I liked the spinny thing where you had to hang on and spin.

Dylan – I did the front crawl today at swimming. I liked it this week because we got the bus!

Yolie – In class O I have been playing with plastacine.

Callum – I enjoyed swimming today, it was really fun. I floated on my back for a very long time.

Liam – I have been swimming today, I got a little hole in my swim socks. I got a bus to swimming today I thought this was not good because it was a nice sunny day.

This week in class G it was Lewis’s birthday and we had a party for him. We played musical bumps, pass the parcel and musical statues.

Lewis – I opened my present. I never had a birthday cake but I had sweets, crisps and juice. I won a game and my prize was some bubbles.

Gabriel – We were having fun at Lewis’s Party. I got some bubbles when I got a prize. It was terrific and I really, really liked the prize I got. I liked joining in all of the games.   I liked musical bumps.

David – I sang Happy Birthday to Lewis.

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Welcome to October in P4/3

We have been working hard all week…

We liked story writing this week. It was about Autumn. We had to plan then write. For Home Learning we had to bring in evidence that summer is leaving us !- Erin, Suvi, Sophia

I loved getting the Drama Star from Mrs Innes today at the Assembly-Mia

I liked walking to the Regal theatre yesterday.We even took pictures of the McClagen fountain beside the Clydesdale Bank-Robert

I enjoyed taking the pictures on our walk around Bathgate-Emma

We liked PE this week. We were racing- Connor, Lauren

We enjoyed having the tasting session for French foods-Sophie, Ava, Kiara

We liked Drama this week-Teighan, Megan

We enjoyed Dress down day-Gemma, Jess

We liked hearing about Food Banks-Liam, Denholm

We enjoyed Maths this week- Oliver, Alfie B.

I enjoyed the visitor from the Food bank and I brought in coffee, teabags and long life milk as a donation- Euan

I enjoyed being Secret Student- Jason

I liked writing the letter with other children about the Food bank- Alfie G.

I liked looking at the buildings all around Bathgate when we were out walking-Sam

article 28- the right to learn

Remember it is Shared start on Wednesday morning…please come in and enjoy it with us….

Have a super weekend

Mrs Aitken






Our trip to the library

This week, Primary 1a were very lucky to get to visit the library in Bathgate. We were very excited to walk down and we even made a checklist of things to look for “down in our town”. Some of the things that we saw were:
-A stop sign (Tiana)
-Fire engine (Scott)
-We saw a cyclist at the very end (Isla)
-We saw a lollipop man and his lollipop stick (Orlaith)
-We saw a flat (Akasha)
-I saw police officers (Kyle)
-Books (Ehan)
-Dogs (Rowan)

When we got to the library we were very happy to meet Book Bug! We found out that Book Bug lives in the library and he loves to read.

Once we met Book Bug, we sang the “hello song”. It went like this:
“Hello book bug, hello book bug, hello book, we’re glad that you could come!” Lots of the boys and girls loved singing the songs.

We then got to meet Cheeky Monkey! We sang hello to him and we got to bounce along to the song with him, brush his hair, and tickle his tummy!

Next, some of us got to put on the finger puppet monkeys and we had to try and hide them from Crocodile!! It was very funny when the crocodile tried to snatch the monkeys off our fingers.

When the monkeys were tired we lay them down underneath the parachute and sang the “wake up” song. Lots of us enjoyed jumping up and down with the parachute to wake them up!

We were then very tired so we lay down on the floor and the librarian blew lots of bubbles on us to relax us.

Our favourite things about our library visit were:
Eden -Hiding the monkeys under the parachute
Orlaith -Writing our names on the leaves
Tiana -Hiding the monkeys under the parachute
Isla -When we put the monkeys on our fingers
Akasha -Playing with the monkeys
Jonah -I liked it when we had the parachute out
Kyle -I liked the parachute
Brandon -Putting the monkeys on my finger
Eva -When the crocodile tried to eat the monkeys
Teigan -When the monkeys got caught by the crocodile
Luis -I liked the parachute
Lois -I liked putting the monkeys under the parachute
Freya -The parachute
Scott -Singing the “hello song”
Lily -When the crocodile was trying to catch all the monkeys on our fingers
Ehan -Book Bug
Rosie -Playing with the parachute
Lexi -All of it!
Rheagan -When we were walking down
Rowan -I liked when we were lying down on the floor
Lucas -Putting the monkeys under the parachute

library tree


*Reminder that Shared Start is on Tuesday 6th October so parents and families are welcome to join us in the morning for our Big Start activities until 9:25am*

P7b Learning Log

On Monday some P6’s & P7’s stayed behind after school to trial for the school football team, which is run by Mr Cunningham. There were only 21 spaces and 42 went along for the trial! At first we discussed the position on the field we would want and then we went outside to play. There were two teams playing at the same time. Before going home, Mr Cunningham revealed the names of the people who had made the team. We are really proud of our efforts and are looking forward to our first game on the 12th of October against St Mary’s.

This week we looked at 3D shape once more. We had different stations related to 3D shapes set up in the class which we rotated around in our groups. We were revising the number of faces, edges and vertices on different 3D shapes. At one of the stations we discussed why we think certain products are made in a particular shape. E.g. dice are a cube shape so that it lands on one side to read the number. At another station we played 3D games online on the netbooks to reinfore our learning intention. We also had an activity where we had to match the shape to its net. Next week we will explore 2D shapes.

Have a nice weekend,


Article 15- Right to make friends and join groups
Article 28 -Right to an Education


Hello Everyone!  Well our open afternoon is getting closer (12/10) with invitations to you all going out on Monday. We are looking forward to showcasing all our work especially or simile poems which we worked on this week.

Millie – I thought it was fun.

Aidan – I learned about similes and I can tell you one – feel free to ask me!

We all think they are as cool as a cucumber……..

In outdoor p.e. we were learning about communication.  We had an obstacle course that we had to do blindfolded then get herded into a pen!  Of course our partner wasn’t blindfolded and they had to guide us by only talking.

Jack – it was fun but I was terrible at it!

Aaron – It’s really hard to know where you are going and when your partner is talking you don’t know where you are going.

Liam – It was quite confusing because you could hear other people giving instructions as well.


P5B are all friends……

A huge well done to everyone in P5B for a wonderful assembly.  They all worked really hard to learn their words and the words for the songs!! They were all fabulous!

We are all friends in P5B!

I enjoyed the assembly because everyone liked it. Aiden

I really the enjoyed the assembly because everyone worked hard and sang well. I enoyed Achieving, Believing and Celebrating. Jack

I really enjoyed learning the words for my assembly and for everyone taking part! Kamron

I enjoyed the assembly because I thought I was going to be really nervous but when I said my words I wasn’t.  Harry

I enjoyed the assembly because everyone got to see their families and we showed all the other teachers that we are No. 1! Stacey

I enjoyed practising the assembly and learning all the songs.  Fiona

I enjoyed singing the songs at the assembly.  Callum

I enjoyed the assembly, the songs and my part.  Mark

I enjoyed the assembly, learning the songs.  Dasha

I liked learning the songs for the assembly.  Lauryn

I enjoyed doing the team building and discussing what we needed for the trebuchet and I enjoyed counting the number of right angles on the tables – 118!! Murray

I liked maths when we went around the class finding right angles.  Gary

I enjoyed playing with the big ball at break. Noah

Article 29

Your education should help you develop your talents and abilities.  It should also help you live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.




P5a Blog      2/10/15

This week has been a busy one!

The focus of our writing this week was learning how to use interesting time connectives. We used what we have been learning about the death of William Wallace as the context for writing a recount. Here are some time connectives we used in or writing-

Cole – next

Ciaran – meanwhile

Rowan – then

Liam – last

Noah – suddenly

Sam – finally

Lucy – first

Alanna – immediately

In maths this week we have been learning about angles. We know that …..

Tom – an acute angle is smaller than ninety degrees

Caitlin – an obtuse angle is bigger than ninety degrees

Sophie – a right angle is ninety degrees

Lennox – a reflex angle is bigger than a straight angle which is 180 degrees

We have also been discussing the links between numeracy skills and maths. It helps us to see why we do all the work we do with the four operations and why it is important that we know our number bonds and addition/subtraction and multiplication/division inverses.

In P.E. with Mr Jeffries we have been learning about object control, travelling and balance.

Lucie T – Mr Jeffries made it fun and we did races to help us learn about travelling at different speeds and in different ways.

Have a great weekend!!!!!

P6a Weekly Update

This week in P6a we have been writing diary entries about life in the rainforest.

In P.E this week we learned about the three basic skills, travelling, balance and object control. In outdoor P.E we were learning how to dribble a hockey ball.

With Mrs Innes in drama we have been preparing a showcase for p4/3. We are performing the president’s bodyguard, a dance drama piece and a dance piece.

With our P1 buddies we were teaching them to count forwards and backwards to 20. We drew numbers on the playground with chalk and played games with these numbers to help them learn.

We have started to prepare for our Open Afternoon on Monday 12th October at 2:30pm. Your  invite should be with you soon!

The best bit about my week was at drama when we were preparing for our show for P4/3 children. – Clara

The best bit of my week was when we did PE with Mr Jeffries as I loved playing the statue game. – Casey

By Clara and Casey


Out and About to the park

This week was a short week. It had 3 days. Its nice to have Miss Muirhead back

Caitlin: I enjoyed this week because we went to the park and I played on the metal slide.

Adam: I kind of liked the park. I didn’t like it because it started raining. It was fun when I went on the monkey bars.

Aiden: I loved the park because I was hanging upside down.

Dylan: I liked P.E this week because we played tunnel tig.

Joe: I liked the park but I didn’t like the shute because it was scary.

Cary: I am enjoying listening to our class novel “the Demon Dentist!”.

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P4b 21.9.15

We have managed to be busy in our short week in P4b!

I enjoyed P.E this week- Kai

We enjoyed our number work and practising our times tables – Aidan, Eva, Finn, Freya, Olivia, Emma, Baillie, Grace and Breanna.

We enjoyed learning how to divide- Keira, Lucy, Kelsey, Rachael, Ava, Lucy M and Millie.

We are beginning our new context for learning- Harvest- next week. To finish off our learning about the weather we had a technology challenge! We  designed a waterproof shelter for Incey Wincey spider! We worked in pairs to decide what material and shape we would use for the shelter. We then evaluated our models at the end by thinking about what we might do differently another time.

We loved the challenge- Isla and Karys.

I enjoyed working with my partner for the challenge- Sophie.

Here are our models!

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Article 13: We have the right to share what we think with others.

Primary 4a

This week were learning to experiment with water and materials and shapes. We were learning to work with a partner.
Our task was to make a Incey Wincey a shelter. We had to think about waterproof materials and shapes that the water would run off of. First of all we had to plan what we might do and then had to decide between us which design we were going to do. Then we had to build it. Sometimes things didn’t go to plan….
Kayleigh – Me and Freddie put the roof on ours and the pillars collapsed. So we got more glue and placed it on carefully.
Ellis – When me and Reece were trying to make the pillars for the roof the pillars bent and roof fell in. So then we took out the pillars and made sure they were the same size.
Robyn – When me and Charlie were trying to put the pillars on they kept falling down so we had to use more glue.
Caitlin – Me and Olivia made the roof too small so we had to make it bigger.
We then tested our designs. You will be pleased to know that Incey was built lots of shelters to keep him dry.

Please note – No spiders were hurt during our experiments!

This week in P5b…..

I enjoyed the chemcial reaction in Science.  Paige

I enjoyed using Litmus paper to test if liquids were acid or alkaline! Tobin

I enjoyed practising for our class assembly.  Jamie

I enjoyed using Litmus paper in Science.

I enjoyed learning the assembly songs with Mrs Drummond.

I enjoyed the Macmillan coffee morning.  Harry

I enjoyed everything at school this week.  Cameron R

I enjoyed doing maths on the iPad.  Callum

I enjoyed making the big erruption in science.  Stacey

I enjoyed the Macmillan coffee morning.  Steven

I enjoyed the Macmillan cofffee morning and seeing all my friends.  Robyn

I enjoyed the coffee morning.  Mark



Short week!

We have been developing our self-assessment skills this week. We used our writing piece about the battle of Stirling Bridge for this. We will do more practice on this skill over the coming weeks/months as it’s very important that we are able to identify where we have been successful and where we could do more to enhance our work.

Continuing with the work we are doing to develop our learning mindset and thinking skills Mrs D posed the question, “Was Einstein born smart?” After much discussion we agreed that we don’t think he was. From this we are beginning to understand that the way we think of ourselves as learners can help us to learn better and reach our potential. Mrs D also set us a practical challenge to solve. We had to work with a partner to tie a shoe lace using only our left hand. This was very tricky at times. Here are some pictures and comments…..




Scott – teamwork was important

Lennox – we needed to give each other clear instructions

Ciaran – it was a fun way to learn about working in a team

Eva – you had to be able to listen carefully and work together


Have a great weekend!


This week we continued our vertical learning groups. We worked in different classes to complete various rainforest related tasks.

In Mrs Stutt’s class we learned about deforestation. This is when people cut down trees and make the rainforest smaller. This ruins the rainforest animal’s habitat which can lead to extinction. We had a debate about the pros and cons of cutting trees. An example pro is that we can make paper, pencils and furniture etc. Example cons are animal extinction and there’s less oxygen in the world. We learned that 4, 000 trees are cut down in the rainforest every hour! We can plant new plants/trees, recylce and turn off lights etc when not in use to help the environment and save animals and their habitats.

In Miss Elliot’s class we chalked animals from the rainforest. We used a black crayon to draw the outline the coloured them using vibrant colours- they look really impressive.

In Miss Haddifon’s class we made terraniums. This is a plant in a bottle. We were reminded that a plant needs heat and light to survive. Moisture is created at the side of the bottle from the heat and light which waters the plant. This helps to demonstrate the water cycle.

In Miss Bollen’s class we made an aboriginal art piece using the pointallism technique. Our art piece had to include a rainforest animal and aboriginal symbols to tell a story. We had great fun.

Have a great weekend,


Article 28- Right to an Education

3D shapea


A huge thank you to Tracey from Tesco who came in this week for our rainforest fruit tasting session.  Lots of us tried new fruits and found out where they came from.

Millie – I had never tasted any of them except the pineapple, and I loved the mango and blueberries.

Jamie – It was delicious!

Aaron – My favourite was the pineapple, it was really sweet.

Viggo – It was really nice – my favourite was the Papaya.

We were looking at credit and debit cards in maths.  We found out how much interest we could be charged and the Galaxy’s had to work out interest rates!

We also started a new class novel and made fact files about the rainforest, then to finish the week off we went to the McMillan Coffee Morning this morning. We all had a cake and juice.  Some of us met up with our parents too.  It was a great event for a great cause, and a big thank you from us to all the ladies who helped!

All this and we only had two and a half days in school!  Phew, we need a relaxing weekend.  Enjoy!


P4/3 ‘s short week…

What a busy short week…

We ve had PE with Mr Jeffries. Mrs Innes gave out Golden tickets to Ben, Mia, Sophie and Emma. Well done !

Our Learning Across the curriculum is the local area. Our plans were to go to the Regal this week. It is a listed building in Bathgate. However it was so rainy and windy we had to stay in our classroom. Hopefully next week will be better weather.

Here are our comments….

I liked Maths this week. I was adding hundreds, tens and units-Oliver

We like place value in Maths working on numbers to 10 000-Erin,Sam

We liked doing Art. It was about Bathgate in the rain-Sophie, Ava, Emma and Sophia

I liked Drama with Sophia this week we were making an old map-Alfie G.

I was finishing off my map in drama working alongside Erin.I liked doing that-Suvi

I was using tens and units for addition-Teighan

I liked making tens and units addition to 100 in my jotter rather than on the worksheet-Jason and Liam

I enjoyed designing a welly as part of our story writing display-Denholm and Ben

I liked adding 100s, tens and units-Megan and Euan

We liked using the netbooks for Learning across the curriculum. We played compass games-Connor and Mia

I liked Maths this week. We are working on numbers to 1000- Gemma

We  liked the workbook on compass directions-Kiara and Jess

I liked Drama. I liked doing the map with Ava and Sophie- Lauren

Secret students this week were -Denholm and Sam

Article 28-the right to learn

Have a super weekend everyone

Mrs Aitken











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