Thank you to everyone who came to our Open Afternoon.  We hoped you enjoyed it as much as we did!  We loved reading your comments on our graffitti wall, and are really proud that you were all impressed with the work we did on the Rainforest.  We are leaving the Rainforest now and are jumping aboard Hogwarts Express which will take us to Professor Dumbledore’s School of Science. We are looking forward to concocting lots of potions, looking at chemical reactions and magnetic forces.

This week we also had our introduction to the P6 Show which will be The Rocky Monster Show.  Auditions will be held soon, so we will keep you updated!

It’s been a great first term in P6 and Mrs Haddifon is very proud of all the hard work and effort we have put in to our learning!

Have a super holiday everyone!!


End of term thoughts from P3/2

What have we enjoyed from term 1?

“I have enjoyed Art this term.” Niamh
“I enjoyed the church service.” Katie
“I enjoyed writing a story called The Most Magnificent Thing.” Murray
“I have enjoyed building cars from the K’nex.” Dylan
“I liked our Wallace and Gromit inventors theme.” Ranna
“I have enjoyed reading this term.” William
“I have enjoyed Maths this term. I like doing sums.” James
“I liked building a Kronkiwongi in the Lego challenge.” Zara and Miles.

This week we have been working on addition, including learning how to add 2 digit numbers vertically. The children in the Maths Marvels group did this very well. We also finished off our inventors topic with a Lego challenge. Our challenge was to design and build a Kronkiwongi. A kronkiwongi can be anything we imagine it to be and is built from Lego. Here are some of our models:

Kronkiwongi 008

Kronkiwongi 006

Kronkiwongi 003

Kronkiwongi 001

Kronkiwongi 003

Kronkiwongi 014

Kronkiwongi 012

Kronkiwongi 006

Mrs Gallagher is very sad to be saying goodbye to us all today but knows we will all continue to work hard for Mrs Clark for the rest of this school year.

Have a wonderful holiday everyone! 🙂


We thought our Open Afternoon went extremely well. We performed our Dance/Drama in front of our friends and family, and hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Almost all of us have delivered our class talk, and we taught Mrs Innes a few things about the Rainforest.  She was very impressed with our knowledge and understanding.

In Maths the Hexagons and Pentagons have been working on equivalent and simplifying fractions, and the Triangles have been learning about multiplication and division facts. Freya said “we found this tricky…”.

We rounded off a busy week at church for our Harvest Celebration, and the singing was awesome!

Freya and Gemma Mc

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Happy holidays from P1c

This week we have been preparing for our Harvest Celebration and thinking about how lucky we are to have all the lovely food we enjoy. We really enjoyed going to church and celebrating with the whole school.

We are celebrating the end of the first term of primary 1 thinking about the things we really enjoy about school.

Ava – I like when we do lovely work and when the teacher puts it up on the wall

Harris – I like going to assembly

Grace – I like playing in the classroom

Evie – I like learning things!

Elise – I like playing with toys

Daniel – I like the number work

Marley – I like playing with cars

Nina – I like golden time

Sarah – I like to learn stuff to count to 10

Emma – I like playing in the classroom

Dionne – I like doing shapes with Mrs Laidlaw

Ryan – I like playing

Jess – I like it when we can bring our own toys into school

Liam – I like playing

Leon – I like doing doing number work

Alex – I like bringing toys in for golden time

Keira – I like playing doing the dinner register and sharing toys at golden time

Maddison – I like golden time

Esther – I like nearly everything, especially dress down day and half days and golden time

Alysheeya – I like having my toys at golden time

Isla – I like milk and story

And we all love P.E. with Mr Jeffries!

Dojo winner – Dionne.

Article 28 – the right to an education
Article 31 – the right to rest and play

Artists in Primary 1a

This week we learned about a new art technique. Instead of using paint brushes we used our fingers. We learned that this is called pointillism. We made beautiful pictures of flowers!



Today we went to the Church. We talked a lot about Harvest time. Harvest is when we celebrate all the farmers in the world who provide us with lots of foods. We talked about how it is good to share and how we have a lot, but some people have nothing. We donated lots of foods to Bathgate Food Bank and lots of families also donated some money towards the Food Bank also.

Have a very good October week and be safe! Miss Wilson is looking forward to hearing all about what you did in the week once we are back at school on Tuesday 27th October 🙂

-Miss Wilson and Primary 1a


What a great week in P5a!

In maths we have been working with subtraction and addition inverse. We were all quite surprised that you can make an adding sum from a takeaway sum. Some of us find adding easier than taking away so that’s a new strategy we can use to help in our numeracy and maths work. Here’s an example –

19-3=16 is the same as 16+3=19 …easy peasy!

Our writing this week has been to stretch sentences on our own without the help of Mrs Drummond. We are definitely finding that using sentence stretchers helps a lot and we are all very confident when using this approach.


We built our trebuchets this week! We built a jenga wall to test our trebuchet’s once they were finished. Here are some pictures-








We had a good discussion about how the trebuchets could have been improved as some of them didn’t quite fire far enough to hit the Jenga wall.

Have a great holiday week !!!!!



Hello from P7b

On Monday our parents and carers were invited along to our school for our Rainforest open afternoon. During this we had a fruit tasting stall where we got to try different fruit from the Amazon. We tried mango, papaya, pineapple, coconut and guava juice. We also got to taste dark chocolate and a hot chocolate drink made from this. Most of us did not enjoy the dark chocol

In addition, we had the opportunity to show off our fabulous work and play the rainforest games we created in our vertical learning groups. Our parents/carers gave us very positive feedback and enjoyed seeing all of our hard work.

This week to conclude our context for learning, we exolored the Awa tribe from the Amazon. We learned about their diet, how their homes are made and their threats etc. We watched videos and used the netbooks to complete a factfile on the Awa. After that, we completed a venn diagram to compare and contrast their lives to ours.

We have had a good first term and are looking forward to the October break!

Miss Bollen and P7b

Article 28- Right to an Education

ARB’s last week of term!

Class G have had a fantastic last week of term. We all went swimming and had a fun session. We got out the floats and all played together and had fun. Mr Welsh covered our drama class and it was great. We looked at different toys and were pretending to be robots, Jack in the Box and puppets. We also had a tea party! Mr Welsh brought Haribo cakes and juice for our tea party. It was very nice of them.   Here are class G’s comments:

Lewis – I enjoyed swimming in the pool because we were swimming on top of the floats.

David – I have been swimming with Miss Muirhead. We also had a tea party in drama. I had Haribo cake and juice.

Gabriel – Mr Welsh took our drama class. We acted as toys and played with a Jack in the Box, puppets and a robot. It was good fun.

Jake – We went swimming. I liked the floats at swimming. I was pretending my float was a boat. I was also working with Mrs McNeill. She is awesome.

Jayden – I enjoyed swimming. We were on floats. We were all swimming in the small pool. We were also learning about George’s Marvellous Medicine. Grandma was being mean to George.

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Class O and M have also had a good week. Miss McDonald and baby Gracie came to visit us this week. It was nice to see them and Gracie was lovely! Everyone was very happy to meet her. Miss Robertson: “In class M this week for math mission we have been playing ‘shut the box’ this is a game where you have to roll the dice and shut down the number with the total on it. I didn’t play on day 1. On day 2 I played against Cary. I WON!!! I bet Cary 5-1. He was a good competitive player. Well Done Cary, I had great fun!”

Here are some of the things pupils for Class O and M said:


Caitlin – Today at PE we played castles. It was fun when you knock other people’s castle down.

Aiden – I enjoyed castles in PE because we won twice. It was amazing.

Cameron – At maths it was quiet easy. Yesterday I was doing dividing and then today we did more with numbers 4 and 3. I finished lots of work.

Cody – Yesterday we had the WII and I donated some new games to be played on the WII.

Joe – I was in Aiden’s team for PE and we played castles and Aiden and I won 2 times.

Cary – I played football today at playtime.

Callum “This week Cody and Cameron brought in new Wii games. We played 2 of them. Me and Cody played 2 of the new games. It was really fun. I hope that we will all have a great time with the new games.”

Dylan “This week I was playing football in the playground with Aiden, Caitlin, Joe and Cary. It was fun.”

Liam “Baby Gracie and her Mummy Miss McDonald came to visit us on Thursday. Baby Gracie had a hat. She was in a car seat. Gracie is small and sleepy.”

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Visitors in P4/3

As our context for learning draws to a close we ‘d like to share our visitors with you…

Mr Welsh came in from the Bathgate Heritage group and showed us slides of old Bathgate and Caitlin Jamieson came in and told us of being Princess Marjory in this year’s Procession… She showed us her cape and two tiaras.

We liked trying on Caitlin’s cape- Jason, Alfie B., Robert, Connor, Kay

We liked looking at Caitlin’s photo album-Ava, Suvi

I liked holding the back of the cape for the others- I was pretending to be a Page boy-Liam

We liked copying the picture of Highland Mary and Robert Burns- Kiara, Emma

We liked having Mr Welsh in our class and seeing the old pictures of Bathgate- Sophia, Sophie, Erin, Lauren

I enjoyed looking at the pictures of Old Bathgate- Gemma

We liked Mr Welsh being a visitor in our classroom- Denholm, Jess, Alfie G., Euan

I liked trying on Caitlin’s tiara-Teighan

We enjoyed Caitlin coming in and sharing all about being Princess Marjory- Oliver, Megan

I liked learning about Bathgate from Mr Welsh-Sam

diary dates

Wednesday 14th October-Parents consulations 4-6.30pm Appointments are all out.

Thursday 15th October- as above

Friday 16th October- 9.30am.. Please join us for our Harvest service at the High Church

October Holidays begin today !

Article 28 I have the right to an education




This week we have been learning about 2D shape. We have been learning about different types of triangles and quadrilaterals. There are three different types of triangle. There is an equilateral triangle, an isosceles triangle and a scalene triangle. In an equilateral triangle all the angles and sides are equal. An isosceles triangle has two sides and two angle the same size and a scalene triangle has no sides and no angles the same size.

In writing this week we have been editing out Rainforest stories. We self-assessed our own stories and tried to make them even better. We then re-drafted them by typing them using the netbooks. We look forward to sharing these with parents at the open afternoon.

We had our final vertical learning challenge this week. We were given the challenge of designing and creating a game for the open afternoon. The game had to have a Rainforest theme and most of our games test people’s knowledge of the Rainforest. We look forward to playing these at the open afternoon too!

Remember our open afternoon is on Monday. You are welcome to pop in anytime between 2.30pm and 3.15pm. We look forward to seeing you there.


Article 28: Right to an Education



Table of the Week: Banter Bunch

Pupil of the Week: Abigale

Class Dojo: Sam

Drama: Rachel

Why it’s important to know our sounds and numbers

This week all the Primary 1 classes got together and had some very special visitors! We were very lucky to have 4 very kind parents come into our class and talk about their jobs.

-Lorna sells houses and told us how important it was for her to learn her letters and numbers at school so that she can write brochures for houses as well as value the houses. She even showed us a house worth £525,999! We tried, but we can’t count to that number just yet. We really liked the pictures of all the different types of houses (e.g. igloo, tree house, flat, etc.) and we were so happy to get a house colouring in picture at the end! Lorna has said that she will take the brightest and most beautiful pictures and put them on her window at work. Bring in your pictures to your teacher when you are done. Thank you again!

-Campbell told us about his job as a stroke nurse consultant. We were very interested to hear about what he does in his job every day and how he went to University to get his qualifications. We learned a lot about how to tell if someone is having a stroke.
F = Face – Can the person smile? Does their face look lop-sided?
A = Arms – Can they stretch their arms to reach the sky? Can they lift their arms?
S = Speech – Can they tell you their name? Does their voice sound funny?
T = Time – If someone is showing any of the symptoms above, it’s time to call 999 for emergency
Thank you again, Campbell for visiting our class and teaching us a very important lesson!

-Bryan told us about his job as an electrical engineer. He told us that he left school at 16 and joined the army. A lot of boys and girls were excited to hear about him driving the tanks! Instead of going to University, Bryan learned how to be an engineer whilst in the army. We are glad that Bryan does his job so that we all have electricity in our houses! Luke in P1b thought that Bryan’s job sounded very dangerous! Thank you again, Bryan.

-Mr Moffat told us about his job as an IT consultant. He told us about how his dad was an IT consultant also and he was brought up with IT and has been doing his job for a very long time. His favourite part of his job is problem solving – he likes to fix people’s problems! We are looking forward to learning more about problem solving in class too. Mr Moffat mentioned that the thing he least likes about his job is when people are very angry at their computers! We all thought it was very cool that he can build his own computers. Thanks again, Mr Moffat.

All the children had some fantastic questions to ask all of our visitors and were very intrigued to learn more about jobs in our community! Again, a huge thanks to the mums and dads who took the time to come in and speak to our classes 🙂

Have a lovely weekend and we hope to see you at the Church Service next Friday at 9:30am.

-All of Primary 1

P4b wb 5.1015

We enjoyed French this week. We were learning the months of the year!

-Millie, Eva, Breanna, Olivia, Sophie and Arran.

We enjoyed team games in outdoor P.E. this week. We were learning to create our own games in our teams.

-James, Aidan, Daniel, Baillie and Freya.

We enjoyed our learning in maths this week.  We were learning about dividing, multiplication,  estimation, and co-ordinates. We were also practising our times tables for the times table challenge!

-Keira, Robbie, Grace, Isla, Cameron, Rachael and Emma.

I liked learning about the landscape of a farm. We looked on google map at farms in our local area and talked about what the different buildings were for.


We really enjoyed P4a’s assembly about Friendship. P4b tried very hard to be good friends during golden time this week!

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Article 31: we have the right to play and rest.

This Week in P7b…

In our Vertical Learning Groups we were making lots of different board games about the rainforest for our open afternoon. The games we made include; snakes & ladders, Pictureka, guess the animal and pin the tail on the jaguar. We have had lots of fun during our vertical learning and have been planning our open afternoon. We hope our families are looking forward to it as much as we are.

In writing for the past few weeks we have been writing the beginning, middle and end of our rainforest adventure stories. We have learned about the different qualities of a good piece of writing. In the beginning of our stories we included our senses to try and hook the readers. In the middle we included a problem and in the end we gave a solution to the problem and some of us also included a cliff hanger or a twist.

We have had another great week in primary 7 and hope you’ve had a great week too!

Article 28- Right to an Education

Blog written by Cat.A and Emma.B


It’s been an exciting week for us this week. We all became journalists and reported on a story for our Newspaper. Stories ranged from Man U v’s Aresenal to our new school mascot, and came complete with photographs.

Viggo – I liked the Newspaper article, because you could write about whatever you wanted.

Aaron’s favourite part of the week was learning about Le Tour Eiffel in French.

Millie – I enjoyed making the board game in vertical learning and using lots of new skills.

William – I loved getting my letter telling me I am able to learn an instrument. I enjoyed learning to say the different places in French.

Iona – I learned how to work out percentages on the calculator – but only after Mrs haddifon made us work it out mentally!

We are looking forward to seeing you all at our open afternoon on Monday where we will be showcasing all our rainforest learning.

Have a good weekend!


Another busy week!


We have been doing lots of work on asking and answering questions. We are learning to use a variety of different types of questions in class to develop higher order thinking. We are using blooms questions to help with this. We have also been looking at comprehension to aid our understanding of the texts we read. We have been using the SRA resource to help us with this. We are becoming very independent in using this resource. We understand the importance of listening to questions and identifying what is actually being asked. This is a skill that we need to develop as we use it in every area of our learning.


In writing this week we have been developing our ability to stretch sentences. We all had great fun and were very successful with this. We took a basic sentence and stretched it by adding adjectives, adverbs, who, why, where, when and what.

Lennox – I learned how to use a verb and an adverb in my sentences

Ciaran – using the sentence stretchers makes building sentences easy

Ty – it was fun using the sentence stretchers


LATC has been great fun this week as we have all designed a Trebuchet and included instructions for building it. We had to label our design parts with the resources we would need to construct the trebuchet. Next week we will use the designs in a Home Team challenge ……watch this space!


Last week we learned about different angles and we were able to link that with this week’s learning about triangles –

Scott – there are three different types of triangle; equilateral, scalene and isosceles

Sophie – the three sides of an equilateral triangle are all the same length

Ciaran – the inside angles are all the same in an equilateral triangle

Tom – the scalene triangle has one right angle


In music this week we were learning to represent a piece of music as a drawing. We used Vivaldi’s Four Seasons as a context for learning. We listened to one of the seasons and had to identify (through discussion) what the season was then we drew a picture to represent the season which was spring.

Have a great weekend………this time next week !!!!!!!!

This week in P5B I have learned….

We have learned a lot this week in P5B……

I learned how to show shading on an apple.  Paige

This week I enjoyed music with Mrs Drummond.  I learned that music can make a picture in your head.  Fiona

This week I enjoyed doing my science and learning how water evaporates.  Jamie

I learned how to shade an apple.  Katya

I learned all about evaporation in science. Michelle

I enjoyed maths on Monday when we did chimney sums.  Archie

I enjoyed building the trebuchet with Mrs Mackenzie.  Tobin

In maths I learned about different types of angles; obtuse, acute and right angles. Gary

I enjoyed going into Mrs Drummond’s class and learned how to think about what a song is about and draw it.  Aiden

I learned the names of lots of new angles.  Cameron


Have a great weekend.



What a busy week we’ve had!

In maths, the Hexagons have almost completed work on place value. We will complete a final assessment of this next week!

In reading, we have been looking at characters, their qualities and finding textual evidence to support what we have written… not an easy task!

As part of our LAC, we have written poems about the Rain Forest that contain similes. We are really pleased with our finished results. They are mounted on our classroom display for our open afternoon, on Monday, and parents’ evenings. Also as part of LAC, we have finalised our dance/drama performance of, ‘The Rain Forest’. On Monday, at our open afternoon, we would like to perform this for our parents/friends. This will take place at 2.35p.m in the drama hall. We are also performing for our target audience, primary 4/3, on Tuesday afternoon.

We have begun looking towards what we would like to share in our Profile Jotters for the month of October.

Another busy week in primary 6A…. and another busy week ahead! We are going to find out more about our primary 6 musical on Friday, and we will know about the auditions schedule for the beginning of next term!

Classes M, O and G Reflection on their Week


Callum “This week it was my birthday. I was really happy when I was at school, Cameron and Cody got me a present. Cameron’s present was a Minecraft paper craft. Cody’s present was a comic. I turned 12. The school got me a Pac man toy. When I got home I got a WiiU. It was a super birthday.”

Dylan “Today I was playing with Liam. We had so much fun together. We played monsters with each other by using our jackets. I think Liam is a really good friend because he cheers me up.  ”

Yolie “Yolie liked Callum’s party in Class O. Yolie enjoyed the party food. ”

Liam “I loved Callum’s birthday The school got Callum a Pac man toy, I liked it. I said ‘I love your presents’ when it was Callum’s birthday. ”

Logan “ I enjoyed Mr Welsh being in my class. I danced with Mr Welsh.”

Lewis “Swimming was fun. I always go under the water because the goggles protect me.”

Jake “I created a new medicine. It was called Rainbow 3000 and had rainbow powers.”

Gabriel “My medicine was called powerful medicine. It makes people explode.”

Adam “I enjoyed the Wii. I played with Aiden and Joe. We were playing Super Mario.”

Aiden “I really enjoyed PE. Line tig was fun. Adam was ‘he’ first.”

Cameron “It was Callum’s birthday this week and I gave him a present. The Wii was fun. We played Mario Kart.”

Joe “ I was playing dodgeball in PE. We played object and line tig and the bubble game. I like playing travel races.”

Caitlin “I really enjoyed swimming this week because it was fun. I have been learning how to put things in alphabetical order in class.”

Cody “I enjoyed Monday because it was DS day. Animation was fun. We had a party in Class O for Callum’s birthday.Jamie, Callum and I made a video using Callum’s birthday present from the class.”

Jamie “I really enjoyed Callum’s party. We played games and has some treats. I am looking forward to PE because we are playing tig and we have not played tig in ages.”

David “I liked completing my sticker chart. I will get to choose out of the spotty box.”

Jayden “I went swimming. I enjoyed swimming because it is lots of fun. I used my legs to kick in the water.”

Where do Teachers keep their pets?

We have been learning about rhyme and reading rhyming stories and poems. This week we listened to a poem called ‘Where do Teachers keep their pets?’ by Paul Cookson. We then worked in pairs to create our own lines for the poem. Here is the poem we created together:

Mr Hants keeps his ants
hidden in his underpants.

Mrs Clark keeps her shark
hidden in the water park.

Mr Flake has a snake
it lives at the bottom of a lake.

Mrs Rocks has an ox
who lives in a giant box.

Mrs Grouse has a mouse
that she kept in a doll’s house.

Mrs Log had a dog
and she kept it in a bog.

Dr Flat had a cat
and it lived under his hat.

Mrs Hee had some bees
who lived in a tree.

Mr Dox has a fox
and he kept it in a box.

Mrs Bat had a rat
who lives in her top hat.

Mr Hog had a dog
he kept it on a log.

Mrs Mish had a fish
she keeps it in a big dish.

Mr Rog had a dog
inside a giant log.

Dr Knox had an ox
he hid it in a box.

Mr Hee had a bee,
it lived in his Christmas tree.

Dr Nishy had a fishy,
who lived in a little dishy.

Mr Nake has a snake,
who lived in his tadpole lake.

Mrs Ham had a lamb,
who lived in strawberry jam.

Mr Float had a goat,
it lived on a sailing boat.

Miss Bake had a snake,
who lived on the garden rake.

Mr Low had a crow,
who lived on a giant bow.

Mr Fox had an ox,
it lived inside his socks.

Mr Rarrots keeps parrots,
In a bag of carrots.

Mrs Gallagher thinks we did a super job! 🙂

Article 28 Right to an Education.
Article 29 Your education should help you to develop your talents and abilities.

P3/2 learning update

This week we have continued our focus on rhyming words, reading the story ‘The Rhyming Rabbit’ by Julia Donaldson. We enjoyed listening to the poems made up by the rabbit and trying to guess what words the rabbit might have used in his poems. The story links in to our next focus on rhyming poems.

We have been working on our addition skills and have been using our counting on skills to add within 100.

For our technology theme we have been learning collaborative group working skills. This week’s challenge was to build a bridge from paper that could hold a toy car. 2 groups managed this successfully and Amy and Campbell also worked very well showing good problem solving and team work skills.

We are looking forward to sharing our learning with parents and carers at Shared Start on Wednesday 7th October.

Well done to Zara who was our class dojo champion for the second time and to Skye who was awarded pupil of the week for her knowledge of addition doubles. We also have lots of pupils on step 2 and 3 now, keep up the great behaviour everyone 🙂

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