Primary 2b

What we’ve been up to…


In our number work we have been practising adding 10 to a number and are finding this a little bit easier this week! We understand that the tens column changes when we add ten and have been playing lots of different games to help us learn this!

In practical maths we have been making bar graphs and are able to read information from these. We know how important it is for our graphs to have choices, a title and numbers at the side. We have also been learning about how to use tally marks to record information.


This week in literacy we have been reading for information. We have used fact books about World War 1 to write our new learning and have also been answering questions in our phonic detective stories.

We have practised tall letters in our handwriting this week.

Learning across the Curriculum

We are LOVING our new context for learning this term and are learning lots of new information about animals in world war one and the war itself! The war started in 1914 and ended in 1918. We learned that Sergeant Stubby won lots of medals for all his help in the war. He wagged his tail if the enemy was near to warn the soldiers that they were near. He also barked if there was someone hurt on the battlefield so the other soldiers knew to come and help. Sergeant Stubby also saved lots of soldier’s lives by barking when he smelled gas – this meant that the soldiers knew to put on their gas masks. Sergeant Stubby died in 1926.

Active Learning

We are super excited about trying new stations over the next few weeks in the class. We are going to have lots of different activities and games out to help us with our learning and can’t wait to get started.

Something for parents to note is that reading books will now be needed EVERY DAY for reading practice so please send these in with your child.

Thank you for all your help with our learning!!

Primary 2b.


This week, in writing, we wrote a World War 2 poem. Our learning intention was to write a rhyming poem. For our plan we had to record relevant words that rhyme. E.g : Soldiers dying , bullets flying, trenches filled with mud, soldiers covered in Blood. We learned more about features of a poem such as capital letters at the beginning of each line and commas at the end of each line except the last in the verse etc.

This week we also did some art work. We used chalk to create flames on black card then used another piece of card to make a silhouette of a building, plane or something else to do with the blitz. We also considered perspective and how close the objects are in relation to each other.

Pupil of the week- Abby
Class dojo winner- Josh
Article 28- Right to an Education


This week we have been learning more about World War 2. We have been learning about the main events during World War 2 and have been organising these in chronological order to create a timeline of the war. We are going to learn about some of these events in more detail by researching them in a small group. We are working with children from P7b to research a main event and we are going to create a powerpoint to present to the rest of the class. We need to share our knowledge with them and create an activity for them to do.

In writing we used our knowledge of the main events leading up to the outbreak of War to write a newspaper article. We had to include the main features of a newspaper report including headline, caption, orientation and reorientation (beginning and ending). In reading this week we were discussing the difference between fact and opinion and how they can be used to persuade the reader. We had to use opinions in our writing to persuade our audience to support their country and the decisions the Government made.

We had a memorial service on Wednesday led by the choir who did a fantastic job. We re-drafted our Remembrance poems to put on display to remind people to think about those who have died at war. Also, we have created battlefield pictures. We were learning how to use line and shade to create texture.

In buddy this time week we helped our buddies to decorate their tea light holders to sell at the Christmas Fayre.

Class Awards:

Pupil of the Week: Taylor

Class Dojo: Scott


Right to an Education: Article 28

P4b 9.11.15

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What a great week we have had in P4b!

We enjoyed doing maths: Rachael,Olivia,Cameron

Demi enjoyed poppy day

I enjoyed reading this week: Eva

We enjoyed recycling. We made a leaflet to encourage others to recycle: Grace,Isla,Arran,James,Breanna and Emma

We enjoyed children in need day: Lucy r,Aidan,Keira,Robbie

We enjoyed doing P.E.: Daniel, Kelsey and Millie

We enjoyed maths this week: Olivia, Rachael and Cameron

I enjoyed RME and French: Ava

We enjoyed dressing up/down for children in need!: Keira, Robbie, Lucy R, Lucy M and Aidan

I enjoyed going to my new nurture group during break and lunch times: Karys

This week’s blog was written by Demi, Millie, Grace and Rachael.




Gemma’s highlight of the week was our Choirs’ Remembrance Assembly.  She found it interesting to think about two thousand schools our size being the number of service personnel killed in the First World War.

Keira H’s highlight of the week was getting our audition scripts for ‘The Rocky Monster Show’.  The auditions are next Wednesday, and there is great excitement about who will get what part.

When Pamela Logan was in last Friday we continued to learn our ‘Time Warp’ dance and began working on the dance for ‘Evolution’.   Hard work, but fabulous!

In maths the pentagons and hexagons continued learning about quantities of fractions and are now learning more about time.  The triangles continued learning about the four and five times table and are learning about time.

In language work we were writing our acceptance letters to be part of the Hogwarts School of Science.   We are looking forward to beginning our science experiments.

Art work this week involved us creating our own owls to carry our letters back to Hogwarts.  Some of us prepared the house crests for our display wall. We have added our photographed faces to our witches drawings/paintings.

With Mr Jeffries we made human pyramids.  This meant we had to think carefully about team work, as well as balance.  We had to have ‘lifters, flyers and helpers’.


Keira Haggerty and Gemma Bolton


We are proud of our learning in p3/2.

The problem solving strategy we have been practicing is “try a simpler model”. This helped us. “I wonder if we could use what we know to try a more difficult model,” so we tried and it did.

We discovered that when we linked our understanding of place value and our knowledge of number bonds we could do really impressive sums like 42 + 39. The part we found tricky was to remember to include the exchange 10 in our answer. We discovered that when practiced adding numbers that had an exchange 10 this helped us get better at remembering to include the exchange 10. We also got faster too the more we practiced. Soon we were able to subtract larger numbers too.  IMG_0975


This is a page from Niamh’s jotter. Top Tip: Neat work is a great help. It stops us muddling up ones with tens.

A challenge group were able to add larger numbers like 375 + 146.

We are preparing to present some of our learning about biological science at assembly on 4th December.

Our class novel, The big bad blackout, has been very popular. We think it has humor and good word choice. We have identified  lots of technique the author has used. We are thinking about including some of the techniques in our own writing. We like how the author gives clues to what is going to happen. We like how the author makes us want to read more.

P4/3 are successful learners

We have worked hard this week on times tables in Maths. Our story writing was about characters. We used paintings by Degas as our stimulus. We have been practising our Assembly for next Friday. In practical Maths we have been working on Money with Mrs Waddell.  Our class novel is “Devon the naughtiest dog in the world” by Jon Katz. As it was Remembrance day on Wednesday we watched our Junior and Senior choir sing and share facts about the war. Well done to Ava, Alfie G. and Sophie who sang clearly and confidently in our Junior choir.

Here are our comments…

The Assembly this morning was very good-Erin,Sophie

We loved Yoga this morning instead of Outdoor PE-Ava, Emma, Megan, Sophia, Kiara, Kay

We loved watching the P7s drama-Zog was the one  we really liked-Mia, Lauren, Teighan, Euan, Sam

We liked story writing this week…we wrote about Edgar Degas’s painting about the horse-Connor, Liam

We  liked being dressed down for Children in Need- Suvi, Jess, Denholm, Alfie B., Oliver, Jason, Ben

I liked PE this week with Mr Jeffries- Alfie G.

I liked everything this week-Robert

Congratulations to Star writers this week !

Paragraphs-Alfie G

Sentences- Connor

Words- Jess

Reminder our Assembly is next Friday 20th November…at 9.15am… Please join us if you can.





Pupil of the week – Lennox

Mr Jeffries MVP – Jack


This week we have been building on what we already know about using speech marks. We were able to punctuate a passage that had the speech marks missing and we are going to apply what we know in our writing next week. We have also been playing a fun game that helps us to quickly recall whether a given word is an adjective, noun, verb or adverb.


We had good fun learning about multiplying by 10,100 and 1000. We also had a brief introduction to the decimal point and we will be learning much more about through the context of money later on in the year. We finished our work with angles and directions by going out into the playground with a compass and exploring how to use it.


We have been exploring the landscape of Scotland this week. We know about the weather in different parts of our country and the features of the landscape in different parts of Scotland. We have been learning to use the key on a map to identify the different features.


We have been learning about Christmas traditions. We understand that both religious and non-religious people celebrate Christmas. We learned about Advent and know how Advent is celebrated religiously and non-religiously, the latter being with fun advent calendars that are full of chocolate!

Have a great weekend!

primary 4a

This week we have been busy learning!

Demi Leigh – We have been learning how to recycle

Calvin – We have been learning that plastic, paper goes in to the blue bin. In the brown bin you put in twigs, tree branches, grass, leaves and weeds.

Reece – We have learned that whatever you can’t recycle should go in to your black bin.

Aaron – In your food bin you should be putting all of your food you throw away even raw meat.

Leia – We have been learning the process of recycling glass and paper.

Evie – We were learning how to take notes after reading information

Kayleigh – We used our notes and what we knew to make posters to remind others

James – We are learning to get quicker at our maths by doing BIG MATHS BEAT THAT. Dadirayi, Mya, Lotte, Evie, Calvin, Aidan, Charlie, Ellis, Logan, Olivia, Caitlin, Demi Leigh, Grace, Leia, Kayleigh, Kaitlin, Robyn, Reece, Ben and Freddie all improved their scores from last week – well done!


We looked to Star Wars to help us with our Maths this week. We used different strategies to solve problems and all the correct answers revealed Princess Leia and Chewbacca. We found fractions and percentages of quantities, and even answered our mental maths question in less than three seconds.  We are going to need these skills next week as we are going shopping in Diagon Alley with Harry, Hermione and Ron!

Harry Potter set us a task in writing this week to write an imaginary story set in Hogwarts which featured a mythical creature created by us.  After we had done this we were then told we have to design our creature in 3 d from our descriptions in our Writing, and then we are going to sculpt them out of clay in Art! We can’t wait to continue this next week.  Talking of Harry – at Hogwarts School of Science this week we learned about heating and cooling materials.  We are sure Professor Snape will be very impressed!

Have a great week everyone!


Class M’s Island Adventure

Class M have been working with Mrs Innes in Expressive Arts. She asked us to design an island and present our design to the class. Here are some facts about our islands.

Aiden – My island has some defences. The rocks are made out of titanium. The grass is where you find the monsters. I had to stand up and tell everyone about my island.

Joe – My island has got different houses, fields, rivers and mountains. I drew a key outside it. It means you have to write outside it. It labels the things.

Dylan – The island has 2 houses and a military base with nuclear bunker. Around the island is water and fish in the water. There is an area where you can fish.

Caitlin – On my map there is a Disney Princess castle. There is a river with some lily pads, a tree house and a swimming pool with water slide. It has lots of different coloured houses.

Adam – My island has 8 main houses and defences and a flying transformer. It can camoflauge into anything, drive on the land, fly in the air and drive on water. It can also go invisible. I enjoyed showing it to the class.


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Eid Feast in Class O


















Class O have been busy researching Islam this week. We really enjoyed learning about Ramadam and Eid. We prepared lots of foods to have an Eid feast in class. We researched the meaning of Islam and their beliefs. We learned about Henna and practised some designs.

Yolie: I like trying out henna designs on my hand. I enjoyed the chicken curry and rice. The pakora was nice too.

Liam: I tried some of the food but i didn’t like it. People who believe in Islam are called Muslims.

Callum: I enjoyed the food. It was amaxing and interesting to see how other people celebrate giving thanks to Allah.

Cameron: It was fun having a feast with my friends. The food was good. My favourite was the pitta bread. This is a great topic.

Cody: It bwas fun learning about Islam. I tried rice for the first time. I am happy that I tried a new food even although I didn’t like it.

Class G


Last week we were learning all about Bonfire Night in the sensory room. We made the room dark and made a bonfire using lights. We also listened to firework noises and we pretended we were cooking marshmallows and drinking hot chocolate. We also made firework art. In context for learning we have been learning about metals and non-metals. We had fun carrying out experiments with magnets.

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Gabriel – November was the first month of winter. We were learning about Bonfire Night. We made a pretend bonfire during circle with Mrs Henderson.


Logan – I was painting with Mrs McNeill. We were making new colours by mixing them.


Jake – Swimming was awesome. I was in the big pool training. I was learning to swim.


Lewis – I used magnets. I was trying to see if objects were metal or non-metal.


Jayden – I had fun at swimming. I was kicking my legs and I can swim very well.


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On Tuesday we went a trip to Bathgate Academy to start our transition process. We went to start to get to know the school a bit better and begin to learn our way around. When we arrived we asked questions to find out information. As a result, we were told what we can do if we get bullied, what sports activities are available, why the corridors operate a one way system and how many periods are in a day. Afterwards we got a run around the playground and chatted to some 1st year students! Next we split into groups to complete a treasure hunt activity. We were given areas of the school to go to and questions to answer. For example, we had to go to the school hall to find out the school motto. We had a 6th year guide to show us where to go. The first group back that answered the most amount of questions won a pen as a prize.

Today we took part in a Big Balbardie Blether to discuss our thoughts on Golden Time and the Golden Club. For Golden Time, we discussed the possibility of signing up to selected activities in different classes. For instance, there could be board games in one class and arts and crafts in another. Some of us like the idea of mixing with other children and having more options while others would prefer to stay in our own class. The results will be collated and feedback to us soon.

Have a good weekend,

Class dojo winner- Ray

Article 28- Right to an Education


This week we have started learning about World War 2. We are all very interested in the war and all the events that took place during this time. We discussed what we already know about the war and what we would like to find out. We would like to learn more about the weapons used, the Nazi party and their actions, the role of women during the war and how Scotland was affected by World War 2. This week we have learned about some of the key events and key people during the war. Also, next week is Remembrance Day so we have been learning about why we remember the people who lost their lives on this day and why we wear a poppy.

In writing this week we have been learning how to write a poem using a chosen rhyming scheme. We wrote poems for Remembrance Day. First of all, we planned the poems by thinking of key themes we could include and rhyming words we may use. We all wrote fantastic poems which we are going to put up on display for people to read next week.

In maths we have been learning about reflective symmetry. We had to draw different shapes reflected on one mirror line. We found it quite tricky at first, but we now have a good understanding of mirror line symmetry.

In French we have been revising vocabulary and phrases we have previously learned. We can now say our names, ages and how we are feeling. We have also been learning some instructions which we can use in the class.

Article 28: Right to an Education


Class Awards:

Class Dojo: Lewis

Table of the Week: Kinkajou Ninjas and The Simpsons


We welcomed Mrs McVay to our class on Monday!

In art we drew Hogwarts at night time.  We are using chalks and pencils. We also designed and completed our house shields for our display.

In PE we learned about three techniques in gymnastics – balance, flight and rotation.  We really enjoyed this.

In Drama we finished reading the script for our primary six musical and we will be auditioning on Wednesday 18th November.

In maths we are continuing to learn about equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions.

We looked at our previous spelling, and looked for our tricky words, and we were recapping what we already knew about punctuation.

In writing Mrs Davidson taught us more about story planning, using timelines.  We enjoyed this and Sarah found this to be the easiest plan she had ever done.

Yesterday we learned about the story of Hannukah.  This Jewish Festival is celebrated each year, and this year it begins on the 7th of December.  It celebrates when the Maccabees’ defeated the Syrian army, and when they went into the Temple they found only a small jug of oil which would last only one night.  However, a miracle happened it actually lasted eight days and nights.  The Maccabees’ believed that this showed that God was with them.

Today we had our Big Balbardie Blether, and we were talking about Golden Time and the Golden Club.  Our questionnaires are being returned to the Pupil Voice Group and they will let us know the outcome of this morning’s discussions.

We have made poppies for next week’s Remembrance Assembly.  Each one will be part of a poppy wreath.


Sarah and Annie

Blethering away in P1c!

This week in P1c we have been learning our nativity songs for the end of term. But they are top secret so we won’t say anything more!
This week we have learnt ‘d’ and ‘g’. We made dogs and goats!
We have also been thinking about the things we have learnt since we started school and the things we are can do better now.
We also had our first Big Balbardie Blether of the year when all the children are mixed together to discuss something important in the life of our school. This term we talked about Golden Time and what we like to do. We also talked about other things that could happen. We look forward to hearing what all the other groups around the school thought!
Evie – knowing my letters
Isla – doing my work, especially the ‘f’ sound
Daniel – doing jigsaws
Elise – painting
Grace – blending my sounds to make words
Harris – everything!
Ava – letters and numbers
Jess – making new friends
Emma – learning my letters and numbers
Liam – painting
Ryan – knowing my numbers
Dionne – doing my sounds
Maddison – colouring in
Marley – playing on the ipad
Nina – blending my letters to make words
Skye – learning my words
Alex – colouring in
Noah – doing my numbers
Keira – knowing my numbers and letters
Esther – working in groups
Alysheeeya – doing my numbers
Sarah – being kind and friendly
This week’s dojo winner were: Dionne, Harris, Grave, Jess, Daniel and Alex

p4b 2.11.15

We have enjoyed learning lots in P4b this week!

Daniel: I liked P.E this week!

Eva, Lucy R, Breanna, Cameron, James, Aidan, Keira, Olivia and Finn: We liked discussing Golden time at the Big Balbardie Blether.

Brodie and Ava: We enjoying working in groups this week. We researched recycling and made posters to show what we had learned.

Demi and Kelsey: We enjoyed maths this week.

Sophie, Rachael, Isla, Robbie and Grace: We loved doing art this week. We were making firework pictures with paint, brushes and string.



Lots of different ways of Learning in P4/3

We have had an exciting week ! Let’s tell you all about it …

I liked the Bonfire story …I was Star Writer this week for the Sentences. I read my story to Mrs Hay-Connor

I liked the Bonfire story Kai the Ninja was my character who came to the bonfire with me-Alfie B.

I’ve enjoyed my story this week. My character was Agnes from Despicable Me.She  came to the bonfire with me -Sophie

I liked my story writing this week. I read to Primary 6. My character was Alice In Wonderland-Megan

We liked the Big Balbardie Blether today.It was about Golden Time and the Golden Club events-Ben,Euan,Sophia,Oliver,Jason,Lauren, Gemma

I liked working on the netbooks making the circuits complete with Kiara-Ava

I liked story writing this week. I had Jay from Lego Ninjago as my character-Denholm

We liked watching the Primary 7 plays at Drama-Emma,Suvi

I was Star Writer this week for my bonfire story. I read it to Mrs Hay-Jess

I liked using Knex for our Science this week. I was working with Jess-Kiara

I was working on the netbooks. I had to build circuits and not overload plugs. I was working with Sophie-Sam

I liked sharing my project on the local area .It was the Regal theatre that I had made-Robert

We liked everything this week-Alfie G. Mia, Teighan, Erin

I liked Mrs Waddell coming into our class on Monday- Kay


Assembly  discussion underway …letter home next week.

Have a super weekend

From Mrs Aitken 🙂


Dress down day Friday 13th November for Children In Need

Home Learning due in Monday

Reading days are Monday/Wednesday Book covers and Titles

                                Tuesday/Thursday Chapters

                                                  Thursday Pages









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