A Huge thank you to everyone who came along to our assembly, we have been getting great feedback and we are very proud of ourselves!  Our challenge for next week is to upload our photos and video for you all to see…….

We hope you enjoyed seeing our mythical clay creatures that we brought home this week, and that you haven’t had a spell cast on you with our wands!

We had a great time at our Christmas disco and loved our ‘class circle’ dance at the end. We have Breakfast with Santa, a pantomime and church next week – what a busy time!

Class O The Spirit of Chritmas

This week Class O have been focussing on others and the values of love, caring and sharing through our spirit or Christmas theme. We have looked at ways we can help each other people and think about others especially at Christmas.

Cameron: “At the Christmas lunch Class O experienced the spirit of Christmas as we all received a present form the secret santa. Everyone got something they liked. I enjoyed playing with my football game with Callum and Joe.”


Callum: “The Christmas lunch in Class O was delicious. Some of us had turkey, some had steak pie and some had macaroni cheese. We had fun pulling crackers, chatting about Christmas and telling jokes.”





Yolie:”I helped to make a Christmas tree with handprints. I had to put my hands in the green paint and then onto the paper. It as cold but fun. I used lots of materials to make decorations for it.”

Cody:” It was very messy making the handprint tree but was grest fun.”

Liam:”We made a Christmas scene with Christmas trees made out of green handprints. I liked doing this. Miss Waddell help us. She was covered in messy green paint.”


ARB reflect on their week!

Yolie: On yesterday I ate Christmas lunch. I had steak pie and Christmas pudding and chocolate Freddo. It was good. I liked the chocolate Freddo the best. It had popping candy in it! Yum!

Callum: I enjoyed having lunch in our own classes because I had a packed lunch. I had a drink, ham sandwiches, crisps and chocolate in my packed lunch. My favourite part was being in my class and having lunch with my best friends. It was really amazing!

Liam: I ate all my Christmas lunch yesterday. I enjoyed reading ‘Where’s Wally?’ I was good at finding Wally. Me and Miss Robertson had a race to see who could find Wally first. We were both fast!

Dylan: I enjoyed swimming. I liked the big floats and also we got tipped over by Miss Robertson. I am looking forward to Christmas.

Farewell Friends from P5b

This term we have been developing our imaginative writing skills and writing fantastic stories – Alien Adventures in Scotland. We have focused on our use of interesting vocabulary, worked hard to vary our sentence openers and have learned how to use direct speech effectively.

This week 9 of our wonderful adventures were converted into animations using the Animate It app. We worked in our animation crews to recreate the stories using words, pictures and props.

We look forward to Monday’s Cinema Experience when we will all sit down to enjoy our hard work. Bet there won’t be a dry eye in the classroom as we watch our aliens soar off to their home planets!

Congratulations to Murray for being November’s MVP and well done to Lauryn who was our Pupil of the Week.

Article 29

Education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities.

p3/2 Assembly & Christmas Thanks


We loved our assembly. A big thank you to our audience! We were nervous but when we looked up and saw our family and friends we were so pleased. Our photographer wasn’t so good. If you have any photos could email them to the school(email address is in the newsletter). We would love to see what we looked like altogether in our under the sea costumes.

A big thank you all the people who have sent in the new and nearly new toys for the West Lothian Toy Appeal. If you have any  new or nearly new toys you could donate that would be great!


Christmas is coming to Class M

On Monday it was a special day. Monday was St. Andrews Day. Says Dylan.

We watched a clip on the smartboard about St Andrew, then thought about what it means to be Scottish.

St. Andrew was a fisherman says Joe.

Adan said “We ate haggis because it is Scottish. St. Andrew was Scottish.”

Cary and Aiden did not like the haggis so the just ate oatcakes instead.
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In Class M this week for our writing we learned about: Advent.

Below the children tell us 1 fact about advent:

Dylan: “Advent has 4 Sundays before Christmas!”

Joe: “People get advent caledars and have to find a number of the day to open. Sometimes there is chocolate inside. I have a candycane advent calendar.”

Cary: “Advent is the time leading up to Christmas. We count down the days in December”.

Everyone is looking forward to the next few weeks leading up to Christmas. We are excited to take part in lots of fun events such as the panto, disco and Christmas Lunch.

P7b Learning Log

Last Saturday was the school’s Christmas Fayre. We are very pleased that we managed to sell all of our advent calendars, bracelets and key-rings. Here are some of our thoughts on the day:

‘It was fun and a lot bigger than last year. I bought sweets, a snow cone and a DVD.’ – Leon

‘It was very busy.’- Robbie

‘The snow cones were good.’- Sasha

This week during story writing we started to write a children’s story book for our P1 buddies. Our stories had to include a character which was described in detail. We used adjectives and adverbs to describe our main character. To up level our writing, we also tried to show how our characters were feeling without stating it. E.g. instead of the boy was happy we said things like the boy had a huge smile on his face. We will redraft our work next week to make our books and include colourful illustrations.

Today we watched the P1 Nativity dress rehearsal. The show was really good and we are proud of our buddies and all of their hard work. Good luck for the real shows next Tuesday and Wednesday!

Pupil of the week- Robbie
Class Dojo winner- Leon
RRS- Article 28- Right to an Education

Spoiler Alert!

Today, Primary 1 had their dress rehearsal for “Wriggly Nativity”. We were very excited to try on our costumes for the first time and perform in front of a real audience! Our audience included our Primary 6 and 7 buddies, children from Bathgate West Nursery, Rainbow Nursery and Early Years Centre. Thank you all for coming and witnessing our performance – we had a great time!

Here are some pictures of our fantastic performance:





Article 29: We have the right to showcase our talents and abilities

P4b 30.11.15

We enjoyed making a power point about Mary Queen of Scots

-Lucy r, Robbie, Ava

Aidan enjoyed learning about Judaism

Breanna enjoyed P.e

Sophie enjoyed learning about road safety

Olivia enjoyed learning about 3D shapes

We enjoyed our Christmas Activity booklet

-Lucy m,Karys

We enjoyed maths

-Finn,Demi,Cameron n,Brodie,Rachael

Freya enjoyed learning French

we enjoyed writing an imaginative story

-Eva,Isla,Emma, Grace

This blog was written by Robbie and Lucym



The Christmas season is here!

Our Christmas celebrations started with the school Christmas fayre. Our stall was selling tea light holders which we had painted and decorated with gems. We sold nearly all of them!

I enjoyed the toy stall – Dionne
I liked the tombola – Maddison
I liked meeting Santa – Alysheeya
I had a hair extension done -Jess
Santa got me a little puppy – Keira
Santa gave me a My Little Pony rainbow dash- Emma
Santa gave me a present too. It was a puppy and some sweets – Isla
I won loom bands and a stocking at the tombola – Harris

This week has been very busy. We have been practising for the nativity and had our dress rehearsal this morning. We performed in front of the buddies and some of our friends from the nurseries.
It was fun – Grace
It was just like we were in a show – Nina
We were singing and it was fun – Alysheeya
I was nervous on the stage – Jess

Dojo winner – Dionne

Article 29 – Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.


This week we have shown Mrs D that we can remember what we have been learning! We had a big strip of paper on our desks and we were given time to record some of the skills we have picked up along the way in P5 so far. Here are some pictures …..

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We will continue over the next two terms to develop our ability to demonstrate the skills we have learned and record them in this way.

Have a great weekend!


PE was very good this week. We did the obstacle course-Erin, Kay,Teighan, Robert

We liked getting to step 5 …We can’t wait to get our letters from Mr Welsh- Suvi, Megan, Lauren

I liked every thing we did this week-Kiara

I liked getting on to step 3  today-Gemma

I was Pupil of the Week today-Mia

I liked being part of  the playtime / lunchtime club with Mrs Mallin- Sophia

We enjoyed helping Primary 3 with the Christmas Carols on Thursday-Sophie,Alfie G.

We enjoyed watched Primary 3/2s Assembly this morning.It was all about Under the Sea-Euan,Emma

We enjoyed watching the Wriggly Nativity yesterday during Drama. We were the quality audience-Sam,Liam,Connor,Denholm,Alfie B.

I enjoyed learning some french words for Christmas like une cheminee(fireplace) and Noel(Christmas)- Jason

I liked making my winter figure ..it will look funny when my picture is stuck on it !- Jess

We liked being dressed down today – Ava,Ben, Oliver


What a busy week we have had….lots of exciting learning has taken place in Numeracy  – lots of Mental Maths training this week to help us speed up in our calculations. In Literacy this week we wrote a story about Justino. He was our main character in our story. He was a funny but helpful caring man. We described him with adjectives so we could imagine him clearly. In French we started learning some Christmas words eg Le Pere Noel and Noel ( Father Christmas and Christmas). We also started looking at weather in French aswell. …Il neige ( it’s snowing )and Il gele(it’s icy). We are all singing The Christmas Carols for the Church Service every day and know them very well now 🙂 We all like the dress down Fridays ! Home Learning due in Monday , thank you !

Dates to note:-

Christmas Lunch Wednesday 9th December 12.00..Wear a Christmas item if you don’t have a jumper 🙂

Christmas Disco P3 and P4  6.15-7.30pm …Tickets still available from the school office


We have the right to learn






We have a classroom full of mythical creatures that are looking great after being painted. We have had a great time watching our creatures ‘come alive’ and are so proud of ourselves for creating them from our writing.

In maths this week we have been learning about division and although it looked pretty hard, when you know how to do it, it is easy!

We are looking forward to performing our assembly for you next week and are busy practising it.

-This week I liked doing my diary entry – Zoe

-I liked doing the work on description – Lucy

-I liked my harry Potter diary – Valerija

Looking forward to seeing you next week at our assembly!

Only two weeks until the holidays -HO HO HO!



Class O

We have been learning about Scotland and St Andrew this week. We enjoyed trying some Scottish foods.

Liam: “I liked the cheese and oatcakes. They were delicious. I learned that the Scottlish flag is blue and white and is called a St Andrew’s cross after St Andrew.”

Yolie: “I tried haggis and I liked it. I also tasted cheese, oatcake and shortbread. The shortbread was my favourite. I learned that St Andrew is important in Scotland’s history.”


Callum, Cody and Cameron have been busy developing their teamwork skills. They have been sharing ideas and listening to each others ideas, trying them out and then choosing the best one.

Callum: “I was using the wooden railway to try and built a super long bridge. Every time we had it nearly there it fell through the tables. We are working on a way to keep it there without it falling. It was fun but very tricky.”


Class O have been learning about money and how to add values, budget and calculate change. Next week we will be doing a Secret Santa. We used our money skills to help us shop for presents for the Secret Santa.


Cody: “I enjoyed being indepentent in shopping for some of my firends. I was able to calculate the total cost, including a 5p bag, and choose things my firends would like.”

Cameron: “We went Out and About to the precinct. I had to buy three presents, some cellotape and wrapping paper. I was able to work out how much I had to pay the shop assistant all by myself. I was also the Road Safety Offier for the trip and was able to make sure everyone was safe on the walk.”

The Class G Cafe!

It has been a very busy week in Class G. As it is the Christmas lunch next week we decided we needed items for our Christmas table. We had to plan out shopping list and were all in charge of buying an item and looking after our own money. We went to the shops to buy everything. We have also been learning how to make our own snack in Health and Wellbeing. We have been learning how to make toasties. These were very tasty. Here is what we have to see about our week.


Gabriel – Me and Jake made some toasties. I tried my toastie but I didn’t like it. I put ham, chicken and peppers in my toastie. I then got to make plain toast and I liked this.


David – I went to the shop. I crossed the road using the green man. In the shop I bought Santa Claus Napkins for our Christmas table.


Logan – I was making toasties. I put cheese on my toastie and I put some chicken on it. I liked it. I like cheese. We had to make it ourself and put it in the toaster. I then ate it with a drink of juice. I sat with everyone.


Jake – The shops were really good. I was in charge of buying the Christmas treat. I chose chocolate coins for everyone. Yum Yum! I chose the coins because there was enough for everyone.


Jayden – I found the Christmas table cloth at Poundland. We paid for our Christmas items. We gave our money to the man at the counter. He put the money in the till.



What we have been learning this week:

  • Drama – We have been auditioning for the P7 panto. We will find out out parts next week. Cinders will be performed in January.
  • Writing – We have been learning how to write a good ending to a story. We read a story about a young child who lived in London during the war. We had to write an interesting ending to the story. A good ending must link back to the opening, describe the thoughts and feelings of the character and solve all the problems. Also, to make it interesting we had to either end with a cliffhanger, a twist or a sequel.
  • Modern Languages – In French this week we have been learning the days of the week and months of the year. We can now tell Miss Elliot the date in French. We have also been learning different the names for different colours. As we have been learning about WW2, we wanted to learn some German. Miss Elliot has taught us how to count to 10 and say our name.
  • Reading – We are continuing to read the Boy in Striped Pyjamas. This week we have been focussing on describing the characters in the story based on what we have read so far and discussing how the author creates different atmospheres in the story.
  • Maths – This week the pentagons have been continuing to mental multiplication strategies including adjusting numbers. The Hexagons and Octagons have worked hard the last two weeks to subtract three and four digit numbers mentally. The Decahedrons have worked hard on adding 3 digit numbers.



Class Dojo: Carter and Jamie

Pupil of the Week: Sophie W


Article 28: Right to an Education

We are wriggling towards our nativity!

As the Nativity approaches we have been working really hard this week on our songs and learning how to get on and off the stage properly. It’s very tricky remembering everything but we are trying very hard in P1c.

We are working hard learning about money and the coins that we need to use to pay for things. Our work on adding numbers together is helping with this too.

We are enjoying the first preparations for Christmas, making Christmas cards, our festive tea lights and our language task writing invitations to the nativity.

We area looking forward to seeing as many friends and family at the Christmas fayre on Saturday.

Dojo winners – Nina and Alex

Article 28 – the right to an education

Two weeks in P7b

Week beg. 16.11.15
This week we made products for the Christmas fayre. The boys made santa and snowmen beaded keyrings and the girls made Christmas themed charm bracelets. Everyone also designed advent calendars to sell at our stall.

At Buddy time, we helped our buddies design posters to advertise the Christmas Fayre. It was important to include information such as the date, location and eye catching pictures. Reminder- School Christmas Fayre will take place next Saturday the 28th of November.

This week, as part of our context for learning, we started a class novel called The Boy in Striped Pyjamas. We read chapter one together then worked with a partner to write a summary of what we read and find the meaning of tricky words. We also discussed the character in the story so far. We are looking forward to reading chapter two next week.
Pupil of the week- Ross McPhee
Class dojo winner- Josh Cunningham
Article 28- Right to an Education

Week beg. 23.11.15
Last week in P.E we earned our five fireballs for achieving our targets. This week we got a free game of choice. We chose dodgeball and enjoyed this game.

‘I made some good catches to put people out.’ – Leon

On Thursday Mr Welsh came into our class to explain didbook. This is an online educational profile which is used at Bathgate Academy. This is a good way to let the teacher’s know information about us in advance. In class we updated our personal profiles. Over the next few months we will also add to the enrichment diary and skills section. We are very excited about this and have been logging on at home!

This week we learned about rotational symmetry. This is how many times a shape can fit into itself. For example, a square has the order of rotational symmetry of 4. We completed a table to show this information for a range of 2D shapes.

Have a nice weekend. We hope you can come along to our Christmas Fayre tomorrow.

Pupil of the week- Abby
Class dojo winners- Eva & Josh
Article 28- Right to an Education

P4b wb 23.11.15

This week in P4b:

Brodie enjoyed  writing

Arran enjoyed gathering

Karys,Ava,Keria,Lucy R,Sophie,Eva Robbie and Freya enjoyed making the Christmas Fayre craft

Rachael and Liam Liked learning more about Mary Queen of Scots’ life

Demi, Cameron and Isla enjoyed learning in maths

Grace enjoyed making a Mary Queen of Scots crown

Lucy M enjoyed learning a Scottish song in music

Olivia enjoyed outdoor P.E

Kelsey, Breanna and Emma enjoyed P.E with Mr Jeffries


This blog post was written by Demi and Olivia




Primary 6A

Throughout the week we had to design and create a parachute that would ensure an egg would survive a 2 metre drop. We were carrying out this investigation because we have been learning about friction. Unfortunately our parachutes weren’t very reliable and no egg survived!! We did however, have a cracking time!!! We also wrote newspaper articles about Harry Potter coming to Hogwarts and we stained them with tea to make them look like old scrolls. We designed our own front covers for the story Harry Potter and the Philosophers stone. The class had fun looking at the designs of the front cover for the book in other countries around the world.

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