
Hi folks,

Just to let you all know that I now have access to The Blog, and I will use this to update you on what we are doing in the choirs this block.

The Senior Choir will be involved in singing the songs for the primary 7 Panto.  This will take place on Friday 29th January for Primary 7A and Friday 4th February for Primary 7 B.  The performances will be from 12.45 – 2.00p.m., and it is hoped that choir members will be able to attend both.  A letter will follow.

The Junior Choir is concentrating on Scots’ songs for the first part of this block.


Mrs I

Primary 6A

Happy New Year from Primary 6A.

Scott – In maths we have been practising mental maths skills.  I found this pretty easy!

Lexis – We were issued our poems for the Burns’ poetry competitions.  I am learning ‘The Puddock’, and some others are learning ‘The Sair Finger’.

Ellie – We practised our singing for ‘The Rocky Monster Show’, and also who is has their speaking role on which evening.  We were reminded that all of us are involved in both shows.



Happy New Year from P5b

We started off our third term in P5 by reflecting on the old year and thinking about all the fun things we’ll do in 2016. We also selected our Scottish poems for the Burns Competition on the 18th January. We came across a lot of braw Scots words. Do you know what these words mean?




From the Blog Post Box

This term my target is …

…to master the 4 and 9 times table.               Darja

…to get into the Golden Club.                 Jamie

…to get my Home Learning in on time.           Harry

…to wear my glasses more than I do.              Murray

…to focus more on my work.                  Katie

…to get better at my underlining!          Noah


Article 28

You have the right to a good quality education.

P4b 14.12.15

Finn: I enjoyed learning how to count up amounts of money this week in our Christmas shop!

Keira: I enjoyed doing our presentation on 16th century jobs to the class

Grace: I enjoyed the Golden club event – it was fun!

Lucy R and Rachael: We enjoyed watching the Hunch Back of Notredame pantomime

Demi: I enjoyed doing our presentation about 16th century food to the class

Freya: I liked making Christmas cards for other classes and teachers

Millie: I like P.E. this week, we played parachute games

Brodie and Karys: We liked watching a movie this week

Robbie: I like watching the Bathgate West Nursery Nativity

Aidan: I enjoyed learning more about 3D shapes this week

Ava: I enjoyed doing our presentation about 16th century hobbies to the class

Olivia: I enjoyed gathering this week. We watched a video called Rudolph’s birthday

Daniel: I enjoyed playing money bingo in maths                                                                                  IMG_1449 IMG_1450 IMG_1451 IMG_1452 IMG_1453 IMG_1459 IMG_1462 IMG_1463 IMG_1466 IMG_1468 IMG_1470 IMG_1472 IMG_1473 IMG_1681 IMG_1683 IMG_1685 IMG_1687 IMG_1689 IMG_1690 IMG_1691



Merry Christmas from Class G!

Class G have had a very merry last week. We have been finishing off our jobs, been to Judo, went to the pantomime and much more. This week we had a Secret Santa in our class. We went to the shops and bought a gift for one of our friends and it was very hard to keep a secret but we all managed. As a special reward for working so hard we went to the ice cream shop. It was delicious.


Logan – I liked going out for ice cream. I had chocolate ice cream.

Jayden – I have been Kelly’s for vanilla ice cream. I went to the magician at the Golden Club event. It was good.

David – I went to Kelly’s and had mint choc chip ice cream and strawberry sauce in a tub.


Gabriel – The Golden Club event was really good. Me and Jayden were sitting in front of Cody and Caitlin. This event was good.


Jake – I liked buying my gift for Secret Santa. I liked getting ice cream. I got Rainbow Surprise.




P1c share their best moments of the term!

This term has been very busy and P1c have all worked really hard. These are some of the things that they have enjoyed the most……..
Jess – I enjoyed going to the church this morning. I liked the songs.
Nina – I enjoy playing with my buddy. I liked playing snakes and ladders.
Daniel – I like going to the church. I liked the songs that we knew.
Evie – I enjoyed the Wriggly Nativity.
Dionne – I enjoyed going to the church with my buddy.
Alysheeya – I enjoyed the golden club event. I liked getting to Step 5.
Ryan – I liked singing in the Wriggly Nativity.
Noah – I liked going upstairs to sing the music.
Esther – I liked doing the Wriggly Nativity.
Maddison – I enjoyed doing the Wriggly Nativity.
Emma – I liked doing the Wriggly Nativity Songs (Emma asks for these all the time and enjoys singing them and doing the actions)
Grace – I enjoyed the Wriggly nativity. I liked wriggling!
Alex – I liked doing the Wriggly Nativity. I liked being an angel!
Isla – I liked wriggling in the nativity.
Harris – I liked the church service when we were singing.
Ava – I liked being a camel in the wriggly nativity!
Skye – I like playing on the iPad.
Leon – I enjoyed playing snakes and ladders with my buddy.
Marley – I like playing on the iPad. I liked the church, singing the songs.
Keira – I liked singing the songs in the church.
Article 28 – The Right to an Education.
Pupils of the week – all of P1c for their fantastic nativity performances!
Dojo winners- Dionne
Mrs Laidlaw and Mrs Collings would like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year. We look forward to welcoming the children back on the 6th January 2016!

Happy Holidays!

It has a very busy week in Balbardie Primary School!

On Tuesday, we were very lucky to go to the pantomime – it was ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame”.
Our favourite parts were:
-“I liked it when they were fighting” Lily
-“I liked Esmerelda’s red dress” Teigan
-“I liked it when they were getting married” Kyle
-“I liked when they were fighting” Rowan
-“I liked the old people in the pantomime” Brandon

On Thursday it was the Golden Club! We were, again, very lucky to have a magician visit our school and do some fantastic magic tricks!
Our favourite parts were:
-“When the man made the spotty dog” Eva
-“I liked it when he got his thumb stuck in the balloon” Elena
-“I liked when the balloon popped” Tiana
-“I liked when the toy gun made a funny noise” Akasha
-“I liked when he took the milk and newspaper and poured it on the girl’s head” Isla

We are very excited for the holiday and will remember to keep safe and have lots of fun!
-Miss Wilson and Primary 1a


What a busy last week we have had in school….

We watched the Pantomime on Tuesday and some of us were very lucky to go to the Golden Club event on Thursday.  Our junior choir sang to parents after school on Tuesday… We were extremely  proud to have our choir broadcast on Radio Forth on Thursday morning…Well done everyone.

Here our last comments for 2015…

I ‘m looking forward to going to Denmark-Mia

We liked the magician at the Golden Club event-Suvi,Lauren

We liked the start of “Horton hears a who” movie-Erin,Megan,Emma

We’re looking forward to Christmas-Connor,Robert, Sophia, Teighan,Ben

I’m looking forward to going to my cousins for a sleepover-Sam

I’m looking forward to  the Christmas holidays and learning how to speak some Kenyan words-Jason

We’re looking forward to Santa coming to our houses-Alfie G., Denholm,Jess,Alfie B.

I liked being the last Advent calendar opener today- Sophie

I have a sleepover today, I can’t wait-Ava

I liked being the primary 3 class winner of our Challenge-Euan

I’m looking forward to the Christmas dinner-Kiara

I’m really looking forward to what I’m getting for Christmas-Gemma

I liked getting the voucher for being the primary 4 Challenge winner-Oliver


Hope you all enjoyed the Christmas biscuits we made on Wednesday.

Well done to Oliver our P4 Challenge winner and Euan our P3 Challenge winner.

Have a fabulous holiday everyone with family and friends.

Take care and see you all in January 2016

From Mrs Aitken 🙂







P7b Highlights

We have had a great term 2 in P7. We particularly enjoyed our context for learning World War two. Here are some of our highlights:

‘Learning about rationing’- Ava
‘Writing an evacuee letter’- Robbie
‘Watching videos and learning about the blitz.’- Teigan
‘Vertical groupings with P7a to make presentations about the war.’ Aaron
Making story books for our buddies.’ – Dave
‘Creating online profiles on didbook.’- Travis
‘Multiplication and division.’- Robbie
‘Playing dodgeball in P.E.’- Shaun
‘Practising for the P7 show.’- Teigan

Have a great holiday,
Miss Bollen and P7b

Pupil of the week- Leon
RRS- Article 28- Right to an Education

Class O Reflections and Wishes

This week Calss O delivered all the food that we had colected for the local foodbank. We were very pleased with what we had colleced. Thank you to everyone for there donations!


Jamie: “I really liked having Aiden visit class O for my birthday party. We played games and had some snacks.”


Callum: “Wow we have being busy doing lots of fun things and learning about very exciting things, it’s hard to choose! I think making things with technology and baking was my favourite.”

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Cody: I enjoyed doing lots of different things at PE, especially going to the park.”

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Liam: “I liked it when mum and dad came to Class O. We had a drink and a cake. It was yummy.”

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Cameron: ” This term I enjoyed learning oabout different beliefs. I liked tasting cuury. We went to the park for Out and About which was fun.”

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Yolie: “I enjoyed going Out and About this term with Class O. We went to the park. Mr Jefferies came too.”

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Class O would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year when it comes.
We hope everyone is on Santa’s good list. 🙂


p4a Festive Fun!

We have been having lots of Christmas Fun

Isla – We have enjoyed our Christmas booklet. In our booklet we have colouring in, word searches and puzzles.

Grace – I have enjoyed making Christmas cards for the other classes.

Demi Leigh – I enjoyed going to the Christmas disco because we played fun games and I liked dancing.

Ben – I like the Christmas carols that we will be singing at Church.

Freddie – I enjoyed handing out Christmas cards to my friends.

Reece – I enjoyed the Christmas lunch.

Olivia – I am looking forward to watching our Panto today.

Evan – I am looking forward to going to church on Friday

Dadirayi – I am looking forward to performing today

Calvin – I am looking forward to the Panto too.


This week we all have been very excited as have had a new pupil join in our class. We have enjoyed getting to know Derri this week and we hope she has enjoyed her first week in P7a.

We have been learning about the Blitz and the effect this had on people’s lives. Everyone was issued with a gas mask and some people had an Anderson shelter in their garden where they could go to be protected from falling pieces of glass and rubble. Many children were evacuated from London during the Blitz and went to live in the countryside. Many children did not know who they were going to live with and often had to work on farms before and after school. We imagined we had been evacuated and sent away from our families. We wrote a letter to our parents telling them about our journey to the countryside, the family we had to live with and life at our new homes.

In maths this week we have been learning how to plot co-ordinates on a graph with four co-ordinates. We found this quite difficult at first but will keep pracitising. The pentagons, hexagons and octagons have been developing their knowledge of multiplication. The pentagons can multiply up to four digit numbers using mental strategies and a standard written method. The Hexagons and Octagons have been learning to multiply a 2 digit number. We will keep developing out mental multiplication strategies.

Article 28: Right to an Education


Class Dojo: Joe and Scott

Pupil of the Week: Ava Brown




As part of our Learning Across The Curriculum we started to experiment with ‘strange’ chemicals to make new potions! This activity gave us lots of ideas to help us plan and write our own magical potions.

Some of our instrument players were involved in the school assembly. They were performing Jingle Bells, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and Greek Wedding.

We have also been looking at the Nativity story where we made storyboards that identified the key points.

We designed our own mythical creatures and created 3D models of them using clay. They will dry over the weekend and we can paint them next week.

In P.E. we have been doing Gymnastics and have focused on different skills each week.

We have had a really busy week and enjoyed our Christmas lunch and disco!

Primary 6A

Hello from P7b

This week for our context for learning, we have been learning about the blitz and evacuees. The blitz is when Germany bombed all the main cites in Britain. It was called the blitz because ‘blitz’ means light in German and the bombs caused a lot of light.

In writing we pretended we were evacuees and had just got sent away to a new family. We had to make up a countryside address to write a letter to family about what we have been doing and about our new house and school etc. We all wrote really good stories.

This week a lot of us have made it in the golden club which is really exciting because the event is next Thursday!

Wrote by Cat A
Class dojo winner- Leon
Article 28- Right to an education

Class M get “Christmassy”

The Christmas festivities have began in Class M. The children tell us about their favourite parts of the week.


This week Iv been to the Christmas disco. It was at night time. I played some party games and danced. Miss Robertson thinks I am a great dancer!- Dylan.IMG_0893

Ive been to the Christmas disco on Wednesday and I was talking to my friend Jayden, Logan and Cameron. It was very hot because we were dancing so much! I was doing the worm dancemove. Also I played party games. I was in Mrs Aitkens group. I liked the Mars Bar game because I rolled a 6 on the dice and got to have a turn. We also played pass the parcel and I won! 🙂

I enjoyed the Christmas lunch. I had turkey. I pulled my Christmas cracker with Caitlin.  – Cary




A Wriggly Nativity

This week P1 performed our wriggly nativity for the mums, dads, grannies and grandpas.
I enjoyed the singing – Alysheeya
I liked the singing and saying my line – Sarah
I liked giving my gift to baby Jesus – Harris
I enjoyed doi ng the actions – Jess
I liked doing the dance – Nina
I liked the Wriggly Nativity song – Liam
My favourite thing was seeing Mummy and Daddy and Ada – Esther
I enjoyed when we were singing – Isla
I liked seeing Sophie, Granny Barbara, Granny Maureen, Granddad Bob, Mummy and Daddy – Daniel
I liked the angel song – Maddison
I liked seeing my Mummy and Daddy – Marley
I liked the donkey plodding song – Keira
I liked the Wriggly Nativity song – Evie
I liked the mums and dads waving to us – Skye
I liked the Wriggly Nativity song – Noah
I liked being an angel – Elise
I liked being an angel – Leon
I liked the angel song – Alex
I liked saying my line – Grace
I liked the singing – Ryan
I liked saying my line – Dionne
I liked learning all the songs –Ava
I enjoyed it when all the class was on the stage – Emma

The P1 teachers and all the staff involved in the production were really proud of the children, their singing, speaking and their wonderful actions to the songs. We really hope you enjoyed the nativity as much as the children enjoyed performing in it.
This week Mr Welsh welcomed the first 12 members of P1c into the golden club, just in time for the Golden Club event next Thursday. Well done, Harris, Ryan, Daniel, Maddison, Evie, Grace, Dionne, Alex, Nina, Jess, Esther and Alysheeya! Mrs Laidlaw and I are very proud of you all and the excellent example you set as sensible, hardworking and responsible members of the class. We are sure a lot more of the class will join the Golden Club soon.

Article 29 – Education must develop individual’s talents and abilities to the full.

P4b 7.12.15

This week was very busy in P4b:

we enjoyed watching and the polar express and writing about it -Lucy R, Brodie , Grace ,Karys

we enjoyed dancing with our friends at the Christmas  disco -Oliva, Finn, Ava,Lucy M, Isla, Robbie,Freya

we enjoyed learning about balance in p.e.-  Sophie Baillie

I enjoyed play time with my friends in P4b- Cameron

P4b enjoyed our yummy Christmas lunch on Wednesday. We also enjoyed Judo this week- it was lots of fun! We have been working in groups and learning to work as a team to create power points. We were given a subject within our Mary Queen of Scots project to research and make a power point on. Next week we are going to present them to the class.


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Class G become inventors!

Class G have been very busy this week becoming inventors. We have been watching Wallace and Gromits World of Inventions and we decided to become inventors. We had lots of ideas. We made a transporter, a flying machine, an invisibility scooter and more. Class G have been doing lots of other things too. Here is what we have been doing:

Lewis – Liweniatis the naughty elf e-mail Miss Garland. He emailed photos of him eating food, trying to catch my goldfish, stealing a playstation and putting toilet roll all over the Christmas Tree.


Jake – In the sensory room I made a Deloreon that travels into the past. I built that. It was my invention. I am going to go back to the year 1960.


Gabriel – I liked looking at pictures of the naughty elf. I went to the Christmas disco with p2/3. I played with Ross and Rory. We played 2 Christmas games.


Logan – I went to a party at the school. It was good. I was dancing and running.


David – I liked the Christmas lunch. I liked the Haribo. I liked the table decorations. I liked pulling the cracker.


Jayden – I liked swimming because we got to go on the floats. We were sailing on the floats. I had lots of fun.

Here are some photos of Class G making their inventions:

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Making marshmallow snowmen in P1a

P1a have enjoyed making snowmen pictures in art today. They have been using different materials in art to make their pictures really spectacular.

Rowan liked the picture because it is wintery. Ehan liked it because it is a snowy picture105_4137




Elana thinks that the pictures look like there is real snowflakjes falling down.
Eden – I liked doing all the picture but in particular I enjoyed sticking the marshmallows on.
Akasha thinks that Tiana made a lovely snowman picture.
Isla – I liked doing the gluing and the marshmallows.
Kyle liked drawing the face.
Lily liked putting the glitter on.
Oralith enjoyed making the picture snowy with the glitter.
Ehan liked putting the snowflakes on.

Article 28 – we have the right to an education


What exciting times in school this week which ended with a superb Christmas Assembly by P6b and musical interlude by the strings group.

We started with Christmas lunch wearing our Christmas jumpers….some were of trees and even one was like a reindeer….

We know our Christmas carols extremely well for the church service on Friday. We love singing Come with us and also Angels.

We watched The forgotten Toys as a hook for our story writing this week. It is a really good film if you haven’t already watched it. We would recommend it to everyone !

At the P6b Assembly this morning we loved the song Rudolf the red nosed reindeer-Ava, Lauren, Robert, Liam

I loved the Assembly and the strings group-Sophia

We loved wearing our Christmas jumpers this week-Oliver, Emma, Jess, Gemma, Teighan

We liked Christmas lunch this week. We had turkey, ice cream and a freddo-Euan,  Connor, Megan

We liked singing in the choir and it being posted on Youtube-Alfie G., Sophie

I liked watching Alfie, Luca,Ben and Aaron singing as a group at Drama-Mia

I liked making Christmas cards for Mrs Spence, Jayden ( my penpal) and Mrs Cameron-Erin

I liked making my winter figure for the display outside the classroom- Jason

I liked watching the strings group at the P6B Assembly today-Sam

I liked winning the float design for P3 at the Assembly today-Suvi

I liked hearing the songs for “The gingerbread man” in Scots at Drama -Kiara

We liked the Christmas disco-Alfie B., Denholm

Congratulations to:-

Suvi for winning the float design for P3 

Jason for taking part in the pantomimes Peter Pan and Mother Goose in The Regal theatre, Bathgate

Star writers

Mia, Kiara and Robert -Sentences

Erin- Paragraphs



You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged  to go to school to the highest level you can.


Diary dates

Monday- Home learning due in, Breakfast with Santa 8am

Tuesday- The Hunch back of Notre Dame pantomime for Primary 1-6

Thursday- Golden Club event

Friday- Christmas service at The High Church 9.30am

              -School closes at 12.10pm….Holidays until January 2016

Have a fantastic last week 🙂








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