Measuring dinosaurs

This week we have been comparing measurements.

Did you know that a brachiosaurus weighed the same as 17 elephants! That is a lot!!

We even found out a stegosaurus was as big as a bus. Akasha, Jonah, Rheagan and Teigan have gotten on the school bus before and think that is big. They think around 100 children can fit on the bus so that would be a huge dinosaur!

A velociraptor was less than a metre tall – Jonah is very excited to play a velociraptor in our class assembly. He is less than a metre tall so will be about the same size.

A wingspan of a pterodactyl was around 11 metres long – we measured this in our classroom and it JUST fit in. We couldn’t believe how big their wings were and some of us got a little fright!

A brachiosaurus was around 18.5 metres long – we measured this in our school hallway and couldn’t fit everyone in! That made us really think about how big the dinosaurs were.



Did you know that the teeth of a tyrannosaurus rex were around 20 centimetres long?! That is almost the full size of a ruler and we thought they would be really sharp!

We enjoyed learning a lot about the size of dinosaurs and were very shocked to see how big they actually were. We wouldn’t want to meet a dinosaur nowadays!

Our class assembly will be held in the P.E. hall on Friday 4th March and will be ready to start at 9:20am – please get there earlier if you would like a seat. We look forward to sharing some of our learning about dinosaurs with you 🙂

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Primary 4a

This week in primary 4a we have been learning lots!
Kayleigh – We have been learning about lots of inventors such as John Logie Baird. He was a inventor from Scotland and helped to invent the TV.

Grace – We have been playing the drums and kashishi to help us remember the names of inventors. We tapped out the rhythm to Sir James Dyson, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell.
Robyn – We have been learning to work with other people and have weekly talking partner. Talking partners are good because they can help you with work and with ideas.

Aaron – This week we have been learning to use ICT. We learned how to use tools on Microsoft Word such as Bold, Italics, and Underline, clipart and changing the font and size . We wrote some our stories in and added a picture.

Dadirayi – In maths my maths group we have been learning to half and quarter shapes and numbers
Reece – In my maths group we have been learning to identify big and small numbers.
Robyn – My maths group have been learning the four times tables.
Freddie – My maths group have been learning to take away sums from three digit numbers.
Grace – In Circle Time we have question to answer from the SHANARRI Wheel which is all of the things to keep us safe such as Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Responsible, Respect, Included.


A reminder that there is no Junior Choir on Tuesday 9th February as some of primary 6 are being recorded singing their show songs.

There will be no Senior Choir next Friday because of the holiday weekend.

This term, there will also be a number of changes due to the Primary 6 Show that will impact on both choirs. Children will get letters and I’ll post the information on the blog.


This week’s blog has been composed by Gemma Bolton.
In maths we are continuing to focus on angles. We have been using protractors to measure angles.
In language work we have been learning about synonyms e.g. sleepy and tired, quick and swift, trouble and bother. Two words that mean the same thing!
In science we used wires and batteries to make a light bulb light up or to make a motor work. We have been learning about circuits. It was great fun.
In PE we had WLC coaches for basketball. We learned how to dribble the basketball and then shoot to the net. This was great fun too.
This week’s Rocky Monster Show rehearsals – we have now run through the full show. We concentrated on scenes 6, 7 and 8 this week. It’s looking good! We now have to get the whole show polished up. Lots of hard work by all of us.
In RME we are working in trios or quartets to learn more about a parable, miracle or an historical Biblical story. Our learning outcome will be that each group presents theirs to the class – that way we will learn more about lots of Bible stories.

Louise’s highlight was Tuesday’s drama because we performed scene 7 and it is looking good.
Finally Gemma’s highlight was Thursday’s after school rehearsal – simply because it was great fun!

Pizza Making in Class O


“We made pizza to help us learn how to write a recipe and follow instructions.” (Yolie)
“I didn’t like the smell or feel or some ingredients. I tried really hard to make the pizza.” (Cody)


“I shared my piazza with my dad. it tasted alrite. The bread as a base was not particularly nice.” (Jamie)


“I learnt that you can use lots of different things to make pizza from your fridge. It was nice.” (Cameron)


Why don’t you try making some. Here’s what you need to do:
1. Spread some passata or tomato puree onto crusty bread or slightly toated bread.
2. Sprinkle on some grated cheese.
3. Place on your topping on – we used ham, pepperoni and chicken.
4. Sprinkle on more cheese.
5. Bake or grill for 5-10 minutes until the cheese has melted.
6. Enjoy eating! 🙂

Post a comment and let us know what toppings you tried and how your pizza tasted!



A great week!

What a busy week we’ve had as we all settled back into our normal routines.

This week we’ve been learning about possessives…….tricky! We are all confident using the apostrophe to show when something belongs to someone but it’s a little trickier when we are looking at collective nouns however this time next week we’ll be more confident with this as well.

We have used Queen Victoria as a focus for writing a biography. We have all impressed Mrs D very much with the standard of work we have produced as we are more aware of transferring skills into different contexts. We wrote in chronological order and used the notes we had taken about Queen Victoria’s life to make sure we had included only factual information. This also allowed us to discuss the difference between fact and opinion and we will be learning more about this as the term goes on.

In maths we have been revising what we already know about telling the time. We have discussed the different skills that we already have that will help us to build on what we already know. The majority of the class said they did not feel confident in this are however by the end of our first lesson those same people said they already felt better about developing their skills in this area. We have been revising – o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past. We know that the minutes in an hour can be counted in individual minutes or in 5, 10, 15, 20 etc. Mrs D is very impressed with the work we have been doing using the four operations especially decomposition and addition with carrying.

I would just like to say I am delighted to be back. Have a great weekend folks!


Pod Squad

This is the first week of our individual blogs. Hope you enjoy them…

Freya’s Pirate Party

Normally my blog will be about Pirates but this week is going to be about me 💋

I love LAMAS
I have Bieber fever
I have 6 step brothers and 2 step sisters
I love dancing to hip hop
I have 1467 followers on Twitter


Jamie’s Football Facts

My blog is about football. This week it’s about Messi next week it’s about Ronaldo.
1. His first name is Lionel.
2. He is from Argentina.
3.he plays for FC Barcelona.
4. He has a secret tattoo on has arm.
5.His best friend is Neymar.

Paige’s Awesome Blog

My blog is about cars. My first is the sierra.
1. It is a large family car.
2.It was built by Ford.
3.They made it between 1982 and 1994.

Greig’s Amazing Info

Greig’s 5 BMX facts that will blow your mind …
First up. Did you know that a bmx is won of the best way of getting to work in england because the can go up to 110mph.  A mongoose is a type of bmx it is also the lightest bmx in the world.
On any bike if you do a wheelie it makes you go faster or if you lean forwards.
Bob Haro and RL Osborn formed the bmx action trick team. And did there first demo at a national race meeting in Chandler on a halfpipe in February 1980.
Bike racing began in the early 1980s

Dyllan’s Car Mayhem

My blog this week is about the hot rod.
A hot rod is cool. I love them. I travelled to London in a hot rod it was fun but very noisy.



We had an extremely busy week!

On Monday 25th of January we had a Burns Supper. Some members of the class performed a traditional Scottish dance, some of us dressed up in kilts and we ate haggis, neeps and tatties. We invited special guests along who were entertained by some members of the choir and speakers. Lucy also danced the haggis into the room which was addressed by Eva and Josh.

On Thursday we went to Bathgate Academy for a ceilidh. There were other primary 7 students from other schools. We tried our best at the new dances but some of us found them quite tricky.

On Friday P7a performed our pantomime ‘Cinders’. The whole class received a Star of the Month award from Mrs Innes for our performance. Sam also won an award for an excellent performance as Buttons. Some of us had to dress up in silly costumes especially the three Ugly Sisters. We all thought Craig looked wonderful as a sister! We were involved in the performance, the music and the make up. Thank you to everyone who came to see our performance. DVD’s are on sale now.




Staying safe around electricity

We have been learning about how to stay safe around electricity, both indoors and outdoors.  Here are our top tips;

*don’t go into substations (if you kick your ball in phone the electrical company and they will get it for you)

*always keep cables tidy so you don’t trip

*don’t touch any broken plugs

*don’t put anything in sockets

*don’t put knives in toasters (if your toast gets stuck unplug it and turn it upside down)

*water and electricity do not mix

*don’t use too many extension cables in one socket

P4b WB 25.1.16

Daniel, Eva, Emma and Grace: We liked P.E this week, we were learning the Gay Gordan’s and played castles.

Olivia and Sophie:  We liked doing the Military two step this week in class.

Brodie: I enjoyed doing paired reading this week.

Lucy R, Karys, Ava, Isla and Keira: We enjoyed seeing Miss Elliot this week, she was teaching us how to do art like Picasso.

Arran, Finn, Lucy and Rachael: We liked NYCOS this week it was fun!

Aidan: I enjoyed our choose time on Thursday- I got to play on the ipad, it was fun!

Liam: I enjoyed learning Morse code and sign language this week.

James: I liked circle time this week, we were talking about our emotions.




We learn in many ways in P4/3

We learn through planning and designing. We learn through class , group and individual work. We learn through researching on the netbooks and discussion work. We learn through making mistakes and trying again….

Here are our comments:-

Story writing was fun this week…. we planned ours about a micro pig-Ben, Mia

We liked writing our story of our unusual pet-Emma,Megan, Kay, Kiara

We liked PE this week-Erin, Gemma

The Bridge challenge was great. Our team was called The Builders-Connor

We liked the Gingerbread Mannie at Drama-Euan, Robert, Denholm, Alfie B.

I enjoyed watching Jason doing the Gingerbread mannie dance at Drama-Sophia

I liked being the rapper for the Gingerbread Mannie- Alfie G.

I liked the bridge building challenge.Our team was The  Bridges-Sam

We liked the bridge building challenge.Our team was The Three Bridges-Teighan,Lauren

We also liked the bridge challenge.Our team was The BSA -Ava,Jess

I received the drama award for Primary 3s-Suvi

I enjoyed Cosmic Yoga this week-Jason

Congratulations to

Suvi for receiving the P3 drama award

Euan, Megan and Sophia for being our Star Writers

Have a super weekend everyone 🙂

Remember to buy your Valentine’s Disco tickets from the school office £1 only !





Dinosaurs, dinosaurs everywhere!

This week has been really busy. We made dinosaurs with Mrs Mackenzie on Wednesday morning. We learnt about the shapes of dinosaurs; some had long necks, some had spikes or plates along their backs and some had long tails. Some of them are herbivores and some are carnivores. If a dinosaur is a herbivore it means that it eats plants. Carnivores eat meat. Some dinosaurs lived in water, whilst most lived on the land. We learnt a lot of dinosaur names.
We also learnt a lot of Scottish words and drew pictures of them.
These are some of our favourite Scottish words
Nina – a ken
Evie – bahookie
Noah – dinnae ken
Jess – maw
Harris – whit
Grace – snawman
On Wednesday a lot of the children visited the childsmile team who painted our teeth with a special varnish to make our teeth nice and strong.
With Mrs Laidlaw we wrote about where we would take Harry’s Bucketful of Dinosaurs…….


Noah – I would take them to Legoland.
Sarah – I would take them to Princess land
Evie – I would take them to Daniel’s house.
Jess – I would take them to the soft play.
Liam – I would take them on holiday.
Nina – I would take them to butterfly land.
Marley – I would take them to Cbeebies land.
Isla – I would take them to the soft play.
Dojo winners – Nina, Evie and Dionne.

Pupil of the Week – Nina for her excellent addition strategies.

Article 28 – the right to an education

p2A’s week

We have been continuing with adding our money and we are getting really good at giving change back.

This week we have been busy writing the story of the Magic Snowman.  We have been busy looking at stories with a beginning, middle and end and we have tried to include this in our own writing.  We found this a bit tricky.

We designed our own clan shields as part of our Scotland topic and we are looking forward to finding out more about Merida’s adventures in Brave.

Achievements this week

Lucas has moved up to level 3 in swimming

Cameron is on level 4 in swimming

Charlie has won a football trophy for his football skills

Sophie has moved into level 1 in swimming

Callum has been a super tidyer at home

Blaire has been making breakfast at home for her sister

Shelbi is on level 1 in gymnastics

Lily has achieved level 3 in her swimming

Well done to Tamsyn, Maisie and Donna for reciting their poem and a big well done to Donna who was the P2A winner


Prehistoric dinosaurs

We learned this week what the word “prehistoric” means. It means it was a long time ago (Lexi).
Miss Wilson showed us some pictures of what outside would look like when the dinosaurs were about. We noticed that in the scenes:
– there was a sun (Elena)
– there was a beautiful sky (Isla)
– trees (Eden)
– grass (Kyle)
– sunshine (Teigan)
– sand (Eva)
– there were bushes (Orlaith)
We compared how our world is nowadays compared to prehistoric times. Nowadays, we have schools and buildings and cars, whereas these were not about a long time ago.

Our mission was to create a prehistoric scene for dinosaurs. We were given one dinosaur stimulus to create our scene for. If we had a brachiosaurus, we made sure to add trees into the scene because that is what they eat.

First, we were put into groups and discussed what we had to add into our prehistoric scene.
Next, we were given the dinosaur stimulus to create the scene for.
Then, we had to draw a scene with colouring pencils and include all of the things we discussed.
Finally, we got to stamp on the dinosaur sponge shapes into the correct place in the picture. For example, the pterodactyl would go in the sky!

We really enjoyed creating our prehistoric scenes and are all looking forward to learning even more about dinosaurs.

Article 28: We have the right to an education
















Welcome to Hollywood – or at least Balbardiewood!  We have been using all sorts of skills this week in our movie-making. We learned all about character biographies and then wrote them for our characters – as well as writing a  biography about Robert Burns. We are now starting to look at storyboarding and can’t wait to draw these.

We have been maths crazy again this week and our Throwback Thursday revised addition strategies and skills.  We also used compasses to draw angles and were right on point with this…..(sorry another terrible joke from the boys!).

Congratulations to Ryan, Jack and Iona for their Burns Poetry – big well done to Iona who was our overall class winner! Callum Nicol won the Drama Award for this month – well done!

Hopefully the weather wont blow the school away and we will be back next week for some  more fabulous learning!



The junior choir has begun singing Disney songs. The senior choir members who help out enjoyed this as much as the ‘wee’ choir did!

The Senior Choir is helping out with the primary 7 pantos this Friday and next. Choir members taking part will be in school until 1.30p.m.
There will be no Senior Choir on Friday 12th February, Friday 4th and 11th March. (The first because of the holiday weekend and the second and third because of the primary six rehearsals at the Academy.)

Pr 6A

Jane – In maths we have been learning about angles – in particular we are learning about the degrees used in making angles. The mathematical terms we used were: acute, right angle, obtuse, straight line and reflex.
We have been designing invitations for our primary 6 show. This involved understanding what detail is needed in giving the correct information on an invitation.
Louisa – I’ve been counting in threes and fours this week, it was a bit tricky, but I got there!
Keira H – I learned that a quadrilateral is a four-shape. This week it was the rehearsal for my first scene in ‘The Rocky Monster Show’. I thoroughly enjoyed this!
During Golden Time this morning we witnessed the most peculiar dancing by some of the boys in our class. The choreographers for the primary 2 show were showing their ‘Swim Little Tadpole’ and Scott, Geo and Connor decided to do some freestyle dancing! It was hilarious. Go boys…
Another busy week for us!

Birthday Celebrations in Class O


This week has been a very exciting week for Class O becasue it was Cody and Liam’s birthdays.
We enjoyed developing our turn taking skills and our good sportmanship when playing party games and enjoying some party food.

Cody: I loved my party. Musical chairs was the best game becasue I won. We even had the popcorn I like to eat.

Cameron: The party was fun. We played games and had some party food. We listened to Mario muisc.

Liam: I won muiscal statues. My present was a sand art Shrek. I made it then laminated it to take home.

Yolie: I enjoyed the party food. I liked playing musical chairs and dancing to the music. It was good fun!

All sorts of news

Adam, Yolie, Liam and Dylan share some highlights from their week.

Adam: “Today I really liked swimming. I really liked swimming because I am getting better at swimming but I couldn’t hum under water because I have a bit of a cold. I was a bit bad a playtime but the rest of the day was quite good. I have learned from playtime to not be bad because then I do not get what I want at times like choose.

Dylan: “I liked building a transformer today at swimming. I couldn’t go in the pool because I have the cold. Today for lunch I had chicken curry. It was good.”

Liam: “We were blowing bubbles at the rainbow room. It was my birthday and I had fun.”

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Yolie: “I like playing with the bubbles. I was blowing the bubbles then they went ‘POP’. I have been learning about money. I played a game on the laptop.”

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