Pod Squad blog

Hope you enjoy them…

Jamie’s Football Facts

My blog is about Pele the footballer.


1.He was born in 1940 23rd October.

2.He is now 75.

3.He was born in Brazil in Tres Coracoes 

4.He won three world cups in 1958.

5.He as three girls and three boys they are called Sandra Machado. 

I will only name one because it’s too many.

Paige’s Awesome Blog

This week my blogs about motorbikes


1. MTT Turbine superbike is one of the worlds most powerful bikes. It costs £100,000 which is

a lot of money.

2. This motorbike  is  1 of  the worlds fastest bikes. lt goes 193 mph. 

3. The inventor of ‘motorcycle’ was Edwart Butler in 1885.

4. 1946 Honda began to make push bikes with engines.

5. People who made motorbikes thought of an idea to use steel for the frame. 

Dyllan’s Mega Blog

My blog is about the shows.


1. The shows are another name for a funfair or a carnival.

2. They are in Bathgate for a few weeks.

3. I went to the shows with Greig on Saturday.

4. Some of the best shows ever are the Waltzers, the Trailblazer, the Booster and the Energy Storm.

5. I love the shows so much because they are so cool and fun.

Article 13 – Children have the right to find out things and share what they know



Play Scotland – information for Parents/Carers

‘Play Scotland is the National organisation for play in Scotland, working to promote the importance of play for all children and young people, and campaigns to create increased play opportunities in the community.’

Please see below a number of links for your perusal:

http://www.playscotland.org/wp-content/uploads/assets/What-Is-Leaflet.pdf – What is Play

http://www.playscotland.org/wp-content/uploads/assets/Info-Leafletweb-v2.pdf – Free to play

http://www.playscotland.org/wp-content/uploads/Mucky-Pups-Leaflet_web.pdf – Mucky pups

http://www.playscotland.org/wp-content/uploads/Nature-Play-Leaflet_web.pdf – Nature Play

http://www.playscotland.org/wp-content/uploads/Power-Of-Play-Leaflet_web.pdf – Power of play

http://www.playscotland.org/wp-content/uploads/Risky-Play-Leaflet_web.pdf – Risky play

How tall were the dinosaurs?

Last week we have been linking our learning in maths to our new skills of finding out information.  We wanted to know how tall the dinosaurs were, so we asked our P6 buddies to help.  We had to look at posters to find the dinosaurs height.  We then asked our buddies how to measure in metres.  This picture shows how tall a brachiosaurs and a stegosaurus were.

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Primary 2b

We’ve  been working really hard – here’s a snapshot of what we’ve been learning…


In our number work we have started learning about sharing and dividing.  We are working really hard to get better at this and, because of our work learning multiplication facts, are picking up this process very quickly.  We are now able to make links between using practical resources to solving more complex, written and mental problems.

In practical maths we have started to investigate time and know that there are lots of different ways we can measure this.  This week we learned about ordering days of the week and months of the year where we made big calendars for in the class.  Next week we are looking at special events that happen in each month (we are most excited about sharing which month our birthdays happen in).



This week in literacy we have been recognising tricky words, blending new phonic sounds and are continuing to progress with our reading.

The Gruffalos have been working on extending stories to create new texts while the Hungry Caterpillars have been learning about the difference between facts and opinions.  The Zogs are continuing to develop their questioning skills and the Elmers have been very successful when using guided response to read new reading books.  We started to play a new game this week called the Invisible Man which helps us to spell tricky words – it might even be becoming our new favourite!

Learning across the Curriculum

We have a brand new context for learning this term and have been learning all about Dungeons and Dragons.  Mrs Mansfield and Miss Brown have taught us the names for different parts of a castle and what the different rooms were used for many years ago.  We have been very busy creating pictures, crowns and collages this week (some of us were even brave enough to design and build some tools that would help us catch a dragon!)

We have learned so much already and are so excited to see what other information we are going to find out!

Thank you for all your help with our learning!!

A note from Mrs Mansfield:

This is just to remind parents that, due to the new way books are issued within the class, reading folders and book bags no longer need to be brought to school on a Thursday or Friday.  Homework bags will be sent home on Wednesdays as normal and won’t need to be brought back in until the following Monday.  Any problems or questions please let me know.)



Dinosaur Fun in P1a!

We have enjoyed learning more about dinosaurs this week! Here are some interesting facts we have learned so far:

– Dinosaurs that eat meat are called carnivores

– Dinosaurs that eat plants are called herbivores

– Dinosaurs that eat both plants and meat are called omnivores

– Some dinosaurs can fly and have wings as long as 11 metres!

– Some dinosaurs can swim

– A T-Rex has very sharp teeth to eat meat with!

– A Brachiosaurus has a long neck as it is a herbivore and it uses its long neck to reach the leaves at the top of tall trees

– Some dinosaurs have spikes on their backs and tails to use to protect themselves if another dinosaur attacks them

– Dinosaurs are now extinct (thankfully!). That means they have died out a no longer exist.


We hoped you have learned something new from our blog this week!

Have a nice weekend!



P4b A short week!

Rachael, Isla and Finn: We enjoyed doing big maths on Friday.

Grace: I liked preparing and giving my class talk on the World Wide Web.

Brodie: I liked preparing and giving my class talk on Alexander Fleming.

Keira and Ava: We enjoyed silent reading this week.

Millie, Lucy R, Eva, Emma, Freya and Breanna: We enjoyed doing Yoga this week.

Aidan: I enjoyed maths this week. I was learning about subtraction.

Cameron, Arran, Daniel and Robbie: I enjoyed everything this week!

Lucy M, Kelsey and Liam: We enjoyed P.E. this week. We were playing castles.

Sophie and Olivia: We enjoyed mental maths this week.

P7a and P7b

Last week P7a and P7b came into school to find out that their had been a robbery. All of the school money has been stolen from the safe. We went down to investigate the crime scene and collected the evidence. We found fingerprints, a hair and fabric sample, a hand written note, footprints and money scattered everywhere. The police questioned six suspects who work in the school. It is now our job to examine the evidence to work out who committed this crime.

The six suspects are:

Mr Welsh

Mrs Hay

Mrs McVay

Mrs Gray

Mrs White

Mr Jeffries

All the suspects could not provide an alibi and have a motive to steal the money. Over the next weeks we will carry out experiments before bringing in our last two suspects for questioning.

As we are learning to be forensic scientists we are also learning about the human body and how it works.

We will let you know about any updates on the case!




Class G’s busy week

Even though it has been a short week it has been a very busy week in class G. We have begun the first stages of our newspaper. We have interviewed p4/3 and watched their show and have also interviewed Mrs Hay and The Pod Squad. We will start writing our articles next week! Some of us were reporters and some were photographers. In health and Wellbeing we have been looking at safety in the kitchen and what to do if we need boiling water in our recipes. We made fruit jelly this week.


Jake – I typed up 10 questions for Mr Welsh. I was making a film of The Pod Squad.


Logan – I was making fruit jelly.


Jayden – I was typing The Pod Squad questions for our newspaper. I interviewed The Pod Squad and took notes.


Lewis – I went to see p4/3 doing their Gingerbread Mannie show. I was typing to ask them about their show. I went to p4/3 to ask questions.


Gabriel – I liked making Jelly with Lewis and Mrs McNeill. I liked watching space videos on you tube.


Pod Squad Blog

Hope you enjoy them…

Jay’s Dino Facts…Velociraptor


All facts from this section are accurate as of 2016.

1. Contrary to what jurassic park lead us to believe Velociraptor was smaller than a human and covered in feathers.
2. The Velociraptor is believed to be one of the smartest dinosaurs ever with there advanced planning and strategising skills and pack hunting capabilities.
3. The name Velociraptor means swift seizer.
4. Velociraptor lived in the late Cretaceous period about 73 million years ago.
5. The first known Velociraptor fossil was found in the Mongolian Gobi Desert in 1922.

Freya’s Blog Party

This week is going to be about Miley cyrus👠💋.

cyr (1)

1.she was born on November the23 in Franklan -Tennessee.

 2 Her real name is Destiny hope .

3 her dad’s name is billy ray

4 she grow up on a farm 

5 she started in Hana montana

Jamie’s Football Facts

cyr (2)

5 things about Naymar.

1. His full name is Naymar da silva santos júnior.

2. His birthday 5 of February 1992 age 24.

3. Place of birth Mogi das cruzes in Brazil.

4. He is left foot in football.

5. He plays for Fc Barcelona.

Paige’s Awesome Blog

my  blog.    is. about  kit  cars.   

kit (1)

1.Kit cars  are cars that. the  buyer   has to  build themself

2.They are older cars from the past

3. They take some time to put together.

4. It can take hundreds or thousands of hours.

5. People use too ls  and a plan to the car  properly. 

Greig’s Amazing Info


1St. The wwe world heavyweight champion belt has had 8 alternate names since it was introduction in 1963.

2nd. Since the beginning of the WWE there has been 120 WWE world heavyweight champions.

3rd. The rock,triple h and randy orton are all tied with 8 WWE championship wins.

4th. The most attended wrestle mania to date was wrestle mania III in pontiac Michigan on march 19th 1987 the attendance was a reported 93,173 people.

5th.diamond Dallas appeared at  wrestle mania VI.

HOPE you enjoyed this weeks facts see you next week

Dyllan’s Mega Blog

My blog is about Justin Bieber.

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1. He likes The Notebook.

2. His favourite food is sandwich.

3. His middle name is Drew.

4. He was born on the 1st of March 1994

5. His zodiac sighn is pisces


Article 13 – Children have the right to find out things and share what they know


P2A’s week

We started our Castles topic this week with Miss Owens and we labelled the parts of a castle correctly. We look forward to learning more exciting facts about Castles in the weeks to come.

The Cylinders and Pyramids were introduced to the 4 times table this week and we are getting faster at our times table challenges.  Our time challenge is now set at 8 seconds.

With Miss Owens we have been learning more about Symmetry and making shapes symmetrical.

In P.E we have been practising our games including 4 corner dodgeball and tunnel tig and using our team building skills better.  We also learned how to run safely and quickly.

We continue to practise our P2 show ‘Tagpole Rag’ and we are busy learning our speaking parts for our show after the Easter holidays.

In our writing this week we created a wanted poster for our own dragons who might be helping us with our Castles topic.

Achievements this week

Kaycee moved up to a new swimming level

Erin has starting swimming and gymnastics lessons

Charlie won a baseball game

Luke has now graduated into the bigger swimming pool

Samuel build a huge house in Minecraft


Both choirs are learning the hymns for the Church Service. The Junior Choir is continuing to sing songs from Disney and about ourselves. The children of the Junior Choir will sing at the end of term service. ‘As One’, is the song we will song.
The Junior Choir is on as normal next Tuesday 23rd February and 1st and 8th March, but will not be on on Tuesday 15th March as it’s the primary 6 show. It would be fabulous if some of the Junior Choir members could attend the show and see what they will have the opportunity of performing when they are in primary 6. Tickets cost £4 and the show begins at 7.00p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday 15th and 16th March in Bathgate Academy.

The Senior Choir will be on next Friday 26th February but will not be on on Fridays 4th and 11th March, due to the primary 6 pupils rehearsing their show at Bathgate Academy. It would be fabulous if some of the primary 7 choir members came to watch the primary six pupils in their show. A group of primary 7 choir members are helping out backstage too!
More information about ‘We Will Rock You’ for interested senior choir members will be issued soon.


Iona, Meg and Gemma B (me) completed our music medal recording. We all play clarinet. I was nervous and excited about doing this today. I’m also relieved that it is done!

In RME different groups presented their interpretation of a miracle, parable or Bible story. This has made our learning much more interesting. All groups dramatised their storyline, but we used different media to help tell the story e.g. Madeleine, Roan and Louisa made a story table using different colours of cloth, artificial flowers and puppet birds to tell the parable of The Sower. Freya, Lexis and Sarah told the story of Noah. They used a song, narration and a powerpoint with the use of transitions! Connor, Kiera B and Louise retold the parable of The Good Samaritan using Scotland and England football supporters to bring this up to date. Cameron M, Zoe D and Casey performed the miracle of changing water into wine. They used food colouring to help their drama!
The two groups who presented last week (Keira H, Declan and Annie; Ella, Olivia and Jane) refined their presentations and we talked about how important it is to practise and take advice from others to enhance performance.
My group – Scott, Ramsay and Annie retold the story of Ruth. We acted this out.
The Rocky Monster Show has seen the Wednesday cast performing the whole show…. it’s looking good! Please remember to buy your tickets. All of us are need for both performances.
The Hexagons have been working on division facts and fractions. In literacy and language we have been identifying the purpose of text – Miss Elliot taught us about entertaining, persuasive and informational texts.
Ben and Sarah watched their younger sisters performing ‘The Gingerbreid Mannie’ – a musical using the Scots language. Ava was singing one of the songs as part of a trio, and Ben said it was awesome and amazing! Emma was a baudron (cat) and she chased after the Gingerbreid Mannie. Sarah thought it was cool and awesome!

Gemma B

Short week!

Maths has been really tricky this week as we have been learning about the 24hr clock. We say that ‘am’ is after midnight and that ‘pm’ is past morning and it’s really helped us with the 24hr clock!

Lennox – the 24hr clock is different to the clock we normally use because it just shows numbers to twelve.

Jennie – you have to add twelve hours on to the pm time to make it 24hrs.

Yasmin – 8 o’clock in the morning is O800 hrs.

We have also been practicing our mental maths skills. We are getting much quicker adding nine to a number and we are all much faster when adding ten to any number.

Our writing this week has been about writing instructions. We made a Victorian theatre and we had to follow verbal instructions then write our instructions down after we made the theatre. We also used the theatres as a focus for writing a play working in pairs. We will finish our playwriting next week and let you know how it went.

Here are some pictures of our theatres-

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Have a great weekend folks!!

Class O are Detectives at the Bennie Museum

This week Class O were detectives at the Bennie Museum. We enjoyed looking at and investigating all the different inventions and finding out more about the Victorian era for our topics. We even enjoyed trying out some old toys. It was great fun!

Yolie: The Bennie Museum in Bathgate was fun. I liked playing with the hop scotch and sitting at the old desk and drawing on the chalk board.

Cameron: I enjoyed looking for inventions. There was lots to look at. The best bit was playing with all the toys with my friends.

Callum: Wow! The museum was amazing. There was so much to see and do. I thought it was going to be boring becasue it was small and it wasn’t. I had a great time!

Liam: I liked playing with the toys. I tried the old rusty trike. It was a bit small but fun to ride on. I played a dog game too.

Cody: I really enjoyed going to the museum and playing with all the toys.

The Museum is free and anyone can visit. Why don’t you ask someone a thome to take you along. It’s fun. Let us know about your visit if you go. 🙂

Class M and O visit the Bennie Museum

On Thursday we went Out and About to the Bennie Museum to find out more about our Victorians topic. The museum was very in interesting and we got to touch and look at lots of things.

Aiden – I liked the pinball game. You had to pull a metal bit and the ball went up. I scored 150!

Adam – I liked the pinball too. You pulled the launcher and the ball shot. When I shot the ball it kept bouncing out the 150.

Caitlin – We had to do a dectective sheet where we had to guess what everything was from years ago. We found a belower. We played with old toys.

Joe – I was riding a Chopper. It’s a kind of bike. It had 3 wheels on it.

Cary – I didn’t like the museum because I would have liked to look at more weapons, but it was mostly Victorian stuff.

Dylan – I saw a piano. I was in the toy museum. It was a small one. I played the piano.

We would recommend a visit to this museum. It’s local and it’s free!

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This week we have been busy after the long weekend.

LAC – we looked at easy things we can do to keep our bodies safe and healthy. We played a board game called Dirty Bertie. In the game we had to collect more soap cards than germ cards before we could get to school. If we didn’t manage it we had to go see Dr. Cunningham for some medicine and try again.

Maths – We have continued to look at times tables and try different strategies to help us learn them. This week we have also started to look at money.

Literacy – This week we have continued to revise our spelling looking at new blends and practicing our P3 tricky words. We really enjoyed doing this with play-doh and by painting. We tried a new activity to help us with spelling this week too. We had to be detectives and find our spelling words in the chapter books in our library corner. Next week we are going to finish writing our instructions on how to make a sandwich and then start writing our own recipe for our own marvellous medicine.

Our Thoughts

Skye – I liked sorting out the coins.

Luke – [talking about money] this was hard but that was okay because it will get easier the more we learn.

Emily – I have improved a lot in p3 that is what makes us all unique and special.

Fun in P4/3

Learning should be fun, and is, in P4/3 !

We love learning through  Maths, Literacy, Expressive Arts, Science, Health and Well Being, RME and Modern Languages….

Here are our comments:-

We really liked the Gingerbread Mannie show that we performed -Suvi, Mia, Gemma, Robert, Lauren

I liked performing in front of my little sister-Oliver

I liked performing in front of my brother-Sophie

We really liked our parts in The Gingerbread Mannie -Teighan, Sam, Liam

I like how Golden Time has changed-Alfie B.

I am excited about what I’m doing in Golden Time this week-Kiara

Dodge ball in PE is good-Erin, Emma

I liked being Star Writer for my leaflet on Scotland-Sophia

We liked being Star Writer for our leaflets-Ben, Kay

I like our new class novel” Five have plenty of fun”-Connor

I liked Maths …I was working on the least and greatest numbers-Megan

I liked the Maths I did with Miss Davidson this morning-Jason

I liked getting my new Maths booklet-Ava

I liked doing the leaflet on Reading-Euan, Alfie G.


Well done Star writers this week:-

Megan, Liam, Lauren, Gemma, Sophia and Oliver for great leaflets on Reading and books !


Have a super weekend everyone !


Please pay trip as soon as you can and remember to fill in the green form

Home Learning -Environments in a box due Monday 29th February

We’re all Going on a Victorian Holiday, P5b

LAC-This week we learned about where the Victorian children went on holiday. We found out that a lot of the Victorians went to the seaside by train and there were so many people at the beach you could barely move!

Literacy-We used the information we learned about the Victorian holidays to write a postcard. We pretended that we were a Victorian child writing to someone about a holiday at the seaside. Part of our success criteria was to include adjectives to describe the holiday. We also used our knowledge to draw a picture on our postcard to show what the seaside would have looked like in the Victorian era.

Maths-This week in maths the whole class learned about decimal numbers. We played an interactive game on the smartboard which helped up practice how to order decimal numbers for the smallest value to the largest value. We also learned about the value of the numbers before the decimal point and the value of the numbers after the decimal point. Some of us made a poster to show our understanding of place value and decimals.

Hope you all enjoy the holiday!

By P5b and Miss McClements

From the Blog Post Box:

Something fun I did this week was….

…..my class talk.         Cameron

……P.E when I played Hockey.     Luca

…….going back to knitting club.     Fiona

…….drama because we used ‘shancompancom’.   Robin

…….learning about decimals.       Noah


Pupil of the Week-Katie

P4b 8.2.16

P4b’s comments about their learning this week-

I liked art this week, we made Valentine’s day cards- Karys

I enjoyed playtime with my friends in p4b- Cameron

I like writing this week. We were writing about an invention we could not live without- Kelsey

We enjoyed having some Free play this week- Emma and Lucy R

We liked P.E. this week- Breanna, Finn, Olivia, Rachael, Liam and Daniel

I loved maths this week. We were practising the 2,3,4,5, and 10 times tables- Eva

I liked Nycos this week- Grace

We loved yoga- it was a Harry Potter theme this week!- Keira, Sophie, Demi and Ava

We enjoyed putting toppings onto pancakes today!-Brodie, Robbie and Lucy M

We have also been continuing our learning about symmetry. We have been looking for symmetry around the classroom and the school- we took pictures of symmetrical objects we could find!

Pupil of the week- Demi

Special person- Daniel 

Enjoy the long weekend!

Remember to bring in your old CDs


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Last Friday, our class (P7b) performed a panto based on the traditional story of Cinderella. However, our story line had an unexpected twist…

Here are some of our thoughts and on the panto:

‘My character was Bella-an ugly stepsister. She ended up getting married to the prince because the fairy godmother put a spell on Cinderella’s slipper and it fit Bella perfectly. I enjoyed dressing up and wearing make-up.’- Ross

‘I was the prince and I just wanted a pretty girl with loads of money. I thought it was quite funny that I ended up marrying Ross who played Bella!’ – Josh

‘I was Cinderella. I really liked over exaggerating all the lines. I liked signing the duet with Ray.’ – Emma B

We hope you enjoyed the show!

Have a lovely, long weekend

Pupil of the week- Lewis

Article 28- Right to an Education
Article 29- Right to develop talents and abilities



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