May the Force be with You from Class O

This week Class O enjoyed investigating gravity and force. They enjoyed making rockets and hovercrafts to support them in their learning.

Callum:WOW! The rocket moved so fast! I couldn’t believe how fast it went.

Cody:It was quite tricky trying to get the balloon on the hovercraft to make it move but when it did it was so fun.

Cameron:Science was great fun. I made a rocket and a hovercraft from a balloon. I liked seeing what happened to them when the balloon had lots of air and a little bit of air in it.

Liam:I made a rocket from a balloon. It was fun.

Class G have fun planting!

We have had a very busy week in Class G. We have been looking after the plants which we all worked together to plant. We have been watching them grow. Some have grown a lot faster than others. We have been working on descriptive writing this week and we have been creating our own monsters. It has been great fun. Next week we will be looking at descriptive words, using our monster to write a story and some art work. Here is what Class G wanted to say this week:


David – I planted tomatoes. I had to water the tomatoes.


Gabriel – I was in charge of planting the carrots. I enjoyed watching a Monster Inc. clip and making my own monster.


Cameron – I planted the sunflowers. I have enjoyed doing maths. We have been using numbers to 20.


Logan – I planted sunflowers. We put them in the mud. I gave them water.


Jayden – I was planting cress. You have to put the cress seeds under the soil and give it water when it dries.


It’s festival time!

This week we all experienced a summer festival in the Sensory Room with Mrs Henderson. We listened to different types of music and chilled out on deck chairs. We also learned how to make our own smoothies. We hope you like our pictures:

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Dylan – I made a raspberry smoothie. It was in a cup with a curly straw. I haven’t been to a real festival before.

Joe – Me and David were at a pretend festival with Mrs Henderson and we were drinking smoothies. The smoothies were made with banana, milk and ice cream they tasted good. We also played with the bubbles it was fun.

Adam – I liked playing in telly tubby land. I got rocks and me and Dylan took it over. We built a den. It was cool.

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Primary 4a

We loved Primary 7b’s assembly and it got us thinking about our favourite memories of Balbardie so far…..

Ben – I remember in primary 1 we made paper kites and went outside with them.
Annabelle – In primary 2 we were learning about castles and we made castles. Our classroom looked like a castle when you walked in.
Demi Leigh – In primary 2 I dropped a sharpener in the bin, I went in to the bin to get it and my head went right in!!
Kayleigh – I remember in primary 1 we made lanterns. We took them outside. We made them out of paper and tissue paper.
Logan – In primary 1 me and Ellis made up as friends.
Cameron – I think I was P2, we made some parachutes for our teddies and we went to the stairs and then we let them go!
Isla – In primary 2 my class went to Stirling Castle
Leia – I think it was in p3 Annabelle and I made friends
Aaron – When I was in p1 I was getting a sharpener and tripped over and I almost fell in.
Reece – In primary 1 we were out in the playground. Me and my brother were playing hide and seek. My friends came over and played with me.
Kaitlin – I remember meeting my friend Gemma in primary 1.
Calvin – When I came in to primary 3 I was a little bit nervous about making friends and now I am in p4 and have made lots of friends and I have lots of fun. At playtime and lunchtime I have great fun!
Olivia – In p4, I remember meeting Kaitlin
Grace – I remember meeting Kaitlin in p1

Primary 2b Blog


In writing this week we started a 3 part story about a Disgusting Sandwich!  We had to use our imagination to figure out what was on our sandwich and then what happened to make it so disgusting!  Some of our ideas were very yucky but they are going to make fabulous stories! We are continuing to work on Visualising in our reading detective groups and can apply this to our writing!



We have been challenging ourselves with our adding and subtracting this week as we have been learning how to add double digit to double digit numbers!  We found this a bit tricky at the start but are definitely getting better at it now (we even had lots of people in our red teaching group this week – well done everyone!)    We have started to self assess which colour of teaching group we are in and are getting better at identifying how to support and challenge our own learning!


Learning Across the Curriculum

We have had an amazing week this week in our learning across the curriculum learning as we finished our Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch context and moved onto the context of ‘Going on Safari’.  To start our topic we had the chance to do some drumming with Mrs Mansfield and Ms Drummond!  We explored rhythm games with Mrs Mansfield where we had to listen for red rhythms (they were the rhythms we weren’t allowed to clap back!)  Ms Drummond came in to teach us about African instruments.  We got to play our names on the drums and got the chance to learn about poly-rhythms.

In French this week we were learning how to say the names of some fruits!   We played a hide-and-seek game with the fruit and had to tell Mrs Mansfield which fruit had went to hide!  We are excited to learn more French vocabulary next week!


We are looking forward to next week!!!!



Primary 2b


This week we have enjoyed Shared Start with our parents/carers-Thank you for visiting us and helping us to make boats for our Lighthouse Keepers Lunch topic.

In maths work we have been busy learning fractions and finding a fraction of a number.

In topic work we have been learning about circuits and we had fun connecting the batteries and switch together to make the bulb work.

In writing this week we have learning how to make stories more exciting by including adjectives in our work.

We read a super book at storytime today and we practised how to say hello in 43 languages.

Achievements this week

Kai won a new football trophy

Maisie won a golf medal

Charlie won a new Karate belt

Pupil of the week-Tamsyn

Eat well!

Again, it’s been a busy week in P1c.

In French we have been learning about the weather. We are learning to say what the weather is like outside – Que temps fait-il? Aujourd’hui il fait beau. We also had to include rain, sunshine and clouds as we’ve had typical Scottish weather!

In health and wellbeing we have been learning about the importance of a healthy diet. We have learnt about different food groups and why they are important. We sorted food into these groups and know that there are some foods we should only have occasionally. We sorted all these foods into groups. Mrs Hendry and Mrs Collings were really impressed that we knew so many of the foods!


In outdoor P.E. we were learning about throwing and catching with lots of different types of ball. Some of us are really good at catching!

In Maths we painted butterflies which are symmetrical and we learnt about symmetrical patterns and shapes.


During our buddy time we painted shells and fish for the float for John Newlands Day. They look amazing!

In writing we made flowers with adjectives on them thinking about ourselves. We also made handprint flowers for our display.

In assembly our buddies told us about their time at Balbardie and what they would remember. It was fun to think about what they had done in their 7 years here. We will miss our buddies when they go to high school.

Jess won a special certificate for being Primary 1 Pupil of the week for the playground for showing positive behaviour and kindness to others.

Emma was pupil of the week for her perseverance in maths and always trying her best when things get tricky!

Article 28 – the right to an education

Our Week in P4/3

Our thoughts in P4/3 this week:

Teighan, Jess, Robert – We liked the Primary 7 assembly.

Sophie, Erin, Lauren – We enjoyed doing testing this week.

Alfie and Liam, Oliver, Euan – We loved maths this week, we were learning about adding.

Mia, Connor, Ben, Kay, Sophia – We liked PE, we were playing basketball games.

Ava, Emma, Suvi – We liked the P7 song at their assembly called ‘5 years’.

Megan – I liked Maths when we were doing more than, less than and equal to.

Sam – I enjoyed doing the banana task.

Jason – I liked the game we made about healthy food.

Hope you have a good weekend!

P1a Healthy Eating

This week we have been learning a lot about healthy eating and the foods you should eat a lot of, foods you should eat sometimes, and foods you should eat a little of.

We had Shared Start on Wednesday where parents and grandparents were invited to come along. We had a bunch of “Very Hungry Caterpillar” games and everybody really enjoyed the colouring in pictures the most!

Here are some healthy eating tips:
Brandon – Pasta is a food you can eat sometimes and it can make you big and strong
Akasha – My healthy eating tip is that you should eat strawberries because they are my favourite
Kyle – Eat soup every day
Freya – Eat vegetables so you can grow very strong
Elena – Look after your body so you can grow very big
Teigan – My healthy eating tip is to eat apples
Scott – Exercising so you can get big and strong
Rosie – You can drink milk so you can be nice and strong
Isla – Eat lots of green stuff because my dad says it’s healthy to eat lots of green stuff

Article 28: We have the right to an education


Junior Choir – Sorry it was cancelled on Tuesday – unwell teacher! Normal routine next week.

Senior Choir – We will now meet on both Thursdays and Fridays for rehearsals. Thursday will be from 3.25p.m. – 4.30p.m. and Friday will be from 12.15 – 2.30p.m.
I realise that not all will be able to attend – but if they can, fab! A letter will be issued with the dates – essentially all Thursdays, except the procession week, until our performance on 24th June.

Pr 6A

Ramsay – We have almost completed our space posters – looking good!
Louisa – We visited the National Museum of Scotland on Tuesday and we made telescopes. We had fun on our visit.
Ella – in maths, we have continued to learn more about co-ordinates.
Freya – We have made star finders. Isla explained this to Mrs Innes!
Scott – in RME we wrote a diary entry in the character of muslims – we had to think about some of the challenges they might face.
We are continuing to work on our class assembly.


English: we have investigated characterisation in our writing. To do this we wrote a biography of Fantastic Mr Fox. We also worked on our spelling and reading skills this week.

Emily: Bubble writing (in spelling) because it was very fun.

Nathan: I liked doing spelling on the i-pad. It is fun.

Aryan: I liked building words with the Lego because it was really fun.

Maisey: I enjoyed writing a story about Mr Fox because it made me happy.

Louie: The biography on Mr Fox was good because it was about Mr Fox.

Lucy: I liked doing bubble writing because it was fun.

Skye: I liked writing about Mr Fox it was fun.

Isaac: I liked writing about Mr Fox it made me feel like I was turning into Mr Fox.

Emma: I liked my new book.

Hope: I liked reading my book. I liked the type of book it was.


Maths: In maths we have started learning a new concept of fractions. To help us we used lego to start with. P3 are finding this challenging but by reflecting on our previous learning in multiplication and division it is helping us climb out of the dip.

Jaime – Lee: Fractions was good because it was challenging.

Guy: I liked using fractions because I was using the textbook and it was helping me learn and it was really fun.

Lucy: I liked doing fractions.

Elliot: I like learning new stuff in maths because I like maths.

Jay: I liked doing fractions it is really, really, really challenging.

Skye: I liked doing maths because when you get stuck you keep trying.

Callum: Fractions help me do division.


LAC: We have taken part in lots of other activities in class this week including painting fish and shells for the gala float and outdoor PE.

Louie, Lucy, Callum: I liked doing outdoor PE zig zagging the cones and running long distances. I liked running and throwing (Lucy). I liked throwing the javelin I can throw it the furthest (Rose).

Maisey: I liked painting the fish and shells for the float.

Balberry Jam

At our shared start this week we premiered our TV advert and sold the last of our jam. Mr Cunningham also let us have a free taste on pancakes.

Katie: shared start was good because my advert poster was on the table.

Isaac: I liked shared because I got eat pancakes.

Louie: I liked shared start because I got to buy my jam and got a pancake.

Guy: I liked shared start because the jam was really yummy on the pancake.


Altogether we made £70 giving us a total of £50. We are going to donate this to the school for playground toys.

P5b Read Their Way To The Future!

This week we have a visitor in our class. His name is Alistair and he’s a pupil at Linlithgow Academy. Alistair is visiting Balbardie for his Work Experience as he is considering a career in teaching. This made us think about the type of work we might like to do in the future. Stacey thinks she might be a vet, Greig would like to be a mechanic, Katya is interested in being a Youtuber while Katie would love to be a hairdresser. We all look forward to visiting the wonderful café that Michelle and Darja plan to open!

Whatever the future holds for us we know that being confident readers will help us on our journey. We have been encouraging our classmates to read as much as they can by conducting Rave Reviews on books we have enjoyed. We then put these books into a Book Share so that they can be enjoyed by everyone. So far it’s proving very successful!




From the Blog Post Box:

A book that I recently enjoyed is…

…Captain Underpants because it is so humorous and quite short.              Archie

…Diary of a Wimpy Kid because it is so funny and I like the author.        Kamron

…Dork Diaries – Party Time by Rachel Renee Russell because it has interesting pictures and is written like a diary.         Michelle

…The Last Wolf because it is full of action.         Jamie

…What’s for Dinner, Mr Gum? because it is funny and you get right into it.        Casey


Pupil of the Week: Jamie

P4b – 16.5.16

Our comments about last week:

Baillie: I enjoyed singing the chocolate song

Grace: I enjoyed playing the candle stick in our assembly!

Isla: I enjoyed preparing for our assembly

Ava: I enjoyed performing our assembly

Robbie: I enjoy performing our assembly too

Rachael: I enjoyed practising for our assembly

Finn: I enjoying singing the chocolate song

Liam: I enjoyed performing our celebrating success song

Daniel: I enjoyed learning about where bananas come from

James: I enjoyed performing ‘Food groups are rockin’ tonight’

Brodie: I enjoyed performing ‘Food groups are rockin’ tonight’ too

Eva: I enjoyed saying my part in the assembly and singing our songs

Olivia: I enjoyed every part of our assembly

Demi: I enjoyed singing ‘Be our guest’

Emma: I enjoyed celebrating success

Kelsey: I enjoyed singing at celebrating success

Keira: I enjoyed singing  ‘Be our guest’

Freya: I enjoyed our entrance to our assembly

Aidan: I enjoyed being a guest at the beginning of our assembly

Lucy M: I enjoyed dressing up in a French costume

Breanna: I enjoyed singing ‘Be our guest’

Lucy R: I enjoyed singing ‘The chocolate song’

Arran: I enjoyed singing ‘The chocolate song’

Cameron: I enjoyed learning about the journey of a banana

Well done to our certificate winners: Ava, Emma, Liam, Millie, Olivia and Cameron


What an exciting week!

This week we have been very busy practicing for our celebrating success assembly. We hope you enjoyed thinking about sunny days!
We had a very special visitor on Thursday. We met some beautiful owls. As we are being nature detectives this term, it was an ideal opportunity to find out about some birds of prey. This is what we learnt.
Nina – There are different types of owls. Some owls come out at night and some come out during the day and some even come out at dawn and dusk.
Jess – We learned about the food chain of a hawk. It eats snakes, the snake eats frogs and the frog eats grasshoppers.
Grace – Some of the owls were big and some were smaller. We met Edward the European eagle, which is the biggest type of owl in the world!
Evie – The owls were all different colours.
Harris – One was a snowy owl which lives in snowy countries.
Sarah – We met Stealy who is a barn out. She comes from South Africa. She had sandy, dotty coloured feathers on her back which means that she is camouflaged from above, but she has a white tummy so that she can’t be seen from below and she looks like a cloud.
We lay down in the corridor and watched the barn owl fly over us. It was very exciting!

Thank you so much to Archie’s family for bringing them in.

We also welcomed the nursery children for Stay and Learn. We enjoyed having them visit and showing them our classroom.
Celebrating Success – Jess – School values, Grace – High Standard of Work, Maddison – effort and Improvement and Evie – Head Teachers award.
Pupil of the Week – Dionne for working hard on her tricky words
Article 28 – The right to an education

P3/2 using writing and maths skills

Ranna – “I am making a thank you card for my mum.”
Amy – “I am making a welcome home card for my auntie.”
Katie – “I made a poster for a best friends club. (everyone can join)”
One of our homelearning tasks is to spot when we are using Maths in everyday tasks.
At the biscuit decorating Golden Time activity Alex said, “If Ross got 2 more mallows and I got 1 more, all four children at the activity would have 9 mallows each.”
Ross said, “If we were to have 10 mallows each, then I would need 3 more, Alex 2 more, and Catriona and Skye would both need 1 more.”
How many mallows were on the plate before the children began the activity?
Shared BIG start on Tuesday 17.5.16

Owls at Balbardie

Yesterday we were very lucky to have Archie’s Granda and Uncle visit us in school today with their owls.  We learnt lots about them all and got to stroke them.  Some of the facts we learned were:

*owls can turn their heads 270 degrees

*if they have black owls they hunt at night

*if they have orange/pale eyes they hunt in the twilight

*they eat mice

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One of our favourites was Skippy who came from Australia as he kissed our fingers.  But the best bit was when Archie’s Barn Owl, Stealy, flew over us.


It was a great afternoon and very exciting.  A huge thank you.

Primary 2b Blog

This week we have had an amazing time with lots of opportunities to take our learning outside in the sunshine!


  • As part of our ‘Reading Detective Challenge’ this week we have been extending our visualising skills.  We heard a story about a wee boy called Noah who went up into his Grandfather’s loft where he was shocked to find lots of musical surprises!   We used our visualising skills to write a short passage from the point of view of Noah.  We can’t wait to visualise other stories and write what we think.  We understand that everyone’s visualisations might be different and can respect other people’s opinions.



  • We have been revising addition and subtraction in class and went outside to create sums with the number logs.  We were thinking of lots of different ways to make an answer using adding and subtracting.  We were surprised by just how many ways you can use numbers!
  • Some of us have been learning about solving tricky addition problems using partitioning and were happy we could use our skip counting to help us solve them!


Learning Across the Curriculum

  • We have been science experts this week as we continued our learning about Electricity through the context of Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch.  We have been learning about how fossil fuels are formed, how these are then burned to create electricity and also started learning about electrical circuits.  We got the chance to build our own circuits and understand that there need to be connections for a circuit to work properly.  We had a great time challenging ourselves to get a light-bulb to light up and then adding a switch to our circuit.  We have also been looking at renewable energy and loved the experiment to find out which side of the school would be best to have solar panels on.  We used thermometers to find out which side of the school had the strongest exposure to the sun and made sure our tests were fair.


We also had celebrating success this week – well done to all of the certificate winners:


Headteacher’s Award – Rory

Effort and Improvement – Alfie L

High Standard of Work – Sandra

Representing School Values – Ruby



Primary 2b

Celebrating Success P1a

This week was our Celebrating Success assembly. We were very excited to perform our song “I’m a miracle”. We have practised a very long time to perform in front of the audience and Miss Wilson thinks the boys and girls did fantastic. We also thought the other classes performed very good!

Eden got a certificate for “Always trying her best in everything she does”

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Lily got her certificate from Mr Welsh for “Outstanding work”

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Rowan got her certificate for “Always being aware of others feelings and needs”

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Isla got her certificate for “Always trying her best and always putting effort into everything she does”

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Well done, everyone!

Our pupil of the week was Rheagan Thomson for demonstrating how to be a good friend!


Class O

This weel Yolie and Liam enjoyed reading Jack and the Beanstalk. They used their senses and science to investigate beans, growing, feelings and emotions.

Yolie: I liked spinning in he unberella to pretend i was climbing the beanstalk. I felt a bit dizzy!

Liam: The pipecleaners were good to make a beanstalk with. It was fun twisting and squeezing them.

Jamie, Callum, Cody and Cameron enjoyed working as a team to make sure the monkeys did not topple.

Jamie: I was good at putting monkeys on evenly so the tree did not collapse.

Cameron: I found this quite tricky becase my hand was shaky.

Cody: Callum gave me good tips, but it was still tricky.

Callum: I have played this before so I had ideas and shared them well with Cody, Cameron and Jamie to help us not to topple the tree.

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