Primary 4A

This was a very exciting week for us because we had a day in Primary 5!
Calvin – I enjoyed my day in primary 5 because we did fun stuff like maths and writing.
Ben – We got Mr Cunningham and we were learning about probabilities. We did examples together and then went off to do our own. My favourite thing was the spinners.
Kayleigh- At the end of the day Mr Cunningham put ‘Just Dance’ on but he didn’t show us his dancing skills!
Annabelle – We were writing acrostic poems about ourselves.
Aaron – We played this game where there was a person who had to guess what was wrong with us. We did famous people and jelly.
Leia – We had class Dojo and some of us already have points. You get your points for listening, working hard and believing in yourself.
Caitlin – We made our own Instgram selfie art and we could like other people’s.
Dadirayi – We designed our own dream classroom. I’m looking forward to learning new things next year.
Mya – I’m looking forward to new challenges.
Olivia – I’m looking forward to learning more about Mr Cunningham.
Reece – I’m looking forward to learning new maths
Kayleigh – I’m looking forward to seeing the classroom in August.

Pod Squad Blog

This week Ben, Karys and Demi-Leigh visited the Pod. Here are our blog posts for this week:

James: “This week my about RANGERS


1. David coper was a very famous😍❤️💛💚💜💙.

2. David coper died march 1999.

3.rangers yosto be a great football team🙂😰.

4. Rangers play in Glasgow.

5. Celtic and rangers are rivals.

Freya: “This week is going to be about Inside Out.


1😡 Anger is a very funny but scary at times .

2 Disgust she Is green.

3 😄 Joy I think she is amazing .

4 Fear he is a scary cat .

5 Sadness she is always blue .

Ben: “My blog is about Messi, the football player.


1. Messi is the best footballer ever.

2. Messi has the best football team.

3. It is called Barcelona.

4. He was born in Argentina.

5. His age is 28.

Karys: “This week my blog is about emojis.


1.Emojis are sometimes based on real feelings.

2.💩😈😂😅😚😤🙄😱😽😹<These are some of my fav emojis.

3.So much 💩💩💩💩💩💩 lol.

4.The 🐶🐹🐼🦁🐸🐮🐙🐷🐯🐨🐰🐱🐭🐻 emojis make me happy and calm.

5.# Under tale references ❤️💙💛💜💚💔 (It’s a game, if u don’t know what it is look it up!).

Demi-Leigh: “This week my blog is about Messi.


1.He plays in Spain.

2.He was born in Argentina.

3.Most people think he’s amazing at football.

4.He plays for Barcelona.

5.He has his own match attack.”

Karys and Demi-Leigh also worked with Miss Robertson to complete this jigsaw during their choose time!


What P3 thought of being P4 for the day

This week P3 became P4 for the day! This is what we thought of our new class and new teachers.

Charlotte: I knew Mrs Mackenzie and she was really funny.

Louie: I liked the teachers because they are kind.

Jack: The teachers were very kind and I liked them.

Elliot: I liked the jobs that we did on move on day.

Dani: I enjoyed doing the book, when we had to design our own garden.

Guy: I liked the maths lesson on maths that we did.

Hope: I liked the teachers.

Hayley: I liked playing the maths game Billy Bug.

Maisey: I can’t wait to set up the classroom in our own design.

Ben: I liked the playground we were playing in.

Jason: I liked colouring in.

Skye: I liked the teachers because they are very nice.

Jaime – Lee: I liked playing Billy the Bug on the smartboard.

Callum: I liked all the activities we did.

Jay: I liked the drawings because they were really, really fun.

Lucy: I liked doing the maths game.

Nathan: I liked playing in the front playground because it was fun.

Jacob: I liked the front playground because it was new to me.

This is what we will miss about P3

Louie: We will miss the teacher (we all agreed with that.)

Nathan: I like doing work with Mr Cunningham.

Dani: I’ll miss our old classroom.

Emma: I’ll miss having a big classroom.

Luke, Jacob and Maisey: I’ll miss the topics.

P5b Meet The Teacher!

Tomorrow is ‘Meet the Teacher’ day. We are very excited about meeting her, him or even them!

From the Blog Post Box:

I hope my new teacher…

…likes me and cares for me and everyone else.   Katya

…is awesome.    Jordan

…is kind and explains things well.             Michelle

…is unique, friendly, fair and funny.        Gary

…understands my writing because it can be hard to read. I hope he/she is very funny.    Emma

…is kind, caring and fun like Mrs Mackenzie and Mrs McClafferty.            Robyn (Thank you Robyn.)

p3/2 This is what we think this week!

Murray- I enjoyed estimating
Spencer – I liked learning about area. I learned that measure can link to area.
Miles- l enjoyed measuring. I liked learning about non standard measure but I can see why we need standard measure.
Skye- I liked measuring in cm
Ranna-I enjoyed watching p5’s great assembly about Bathgate. They included lots of things we have been learning about.
Katie- I enjoyed topic because we made a park.
Max- I enjoyed making a poster for a new shop in Bathgate.
We think that a good poster should
Have the important information in bold – SHOP NAME, WHAT IT WILL SELL.
The poster should have a clear illustration.
The poster should use only a few colours

P4b 30.5.16

Eva: I enjoyed learning to make a tiling pattern in art.

Millie:I also enjoyed art.

Rachael: I enjoyed sports day this week!

Lucy R: I enjoyed our French food tasting session, especially trying the pan au chocolat!

Kelsey: I enjoyed spelling this week.

Lucy M: I enjoyed making a hand washing booklet.

Keira: I enjoyed sports day, especially doing the sack race.

Demi: I enjoyed redrafting our seaside poems.

Freya: I enjoyed the egg and spoon race at sports day.

Olivia: I enjoyed maths because we were dividing by 3 with remainders.

Grace: I enjoyed sports day because I won medal.

Ava: I enjoyed sports day, especially the long distance run.

Karys: I enjoyed dress down day, watching my mum run on sports day and art.

Emma: I enjoyed watching a movie at golden time.

Breanna: I enjoyed our French food tasting. I especially enjoyed tasting the French baguette.

Isla: I enjoyed making a hand washing booklet and maths.

Liam: I enjoyed indoor and outdoor PE.

Daniel: I enjoyed tasting a French baguette during our French food tasting.

Finn: I enjoyed our French food tasting.

Baillie: I enjoyed sports day, especially the running races.

Robbie: I enjoyed sports day.

Arran: I enjoyed sports day.

Brodie: I enjoyed sports day.


We have had a very busy week this week. On Monday we began filming our French videos where we retold the story of Cinderella in French. Firstly, we had to translate the story into English and then we split into groups to take a section of the story each. In our groups we split up the lines and practised our French pronunciation. We retold the story of Cinderella using puppets and we filmed our reenactments and have sent them to Bathgate Academy as part of our transition project.

On Tuesday we had great fun in the sun at Sports Day. We went down with our P1 buddies who were fantastic. Cameron and Rachael were the overall winners. Cameron also collected the house cup for Bruce as they were this years winners!

Next week most of us are off to Bathgate Academy for our transition week. We are all a bit nervous but we are looking forward to it. Wish us luck!


See you when we get back!


Our first school sports day!

On tuesday, the children took part in their first school sports day. These are their thoughts about the day…..

Noah – I enjoyed running!
Maddison – I liked the potato spoon race!
Marley – I enjoyed and I won the egg and spoon race.
Isla – I enjoyed running fast and I was good!
Harris – I enjoyed taking first and second in my races.
Jess – I liked running all the races and I was in second place
Ryan – I liked running!
Grace – I enjoyed the running race.
Evie – I liked the potato and spoon race.
Dionne – I liked almost beating someone.
Nina – I enjoyed the running race.
Daniel – I enjoyed watching the primary 7s
Emma – I enjoyed running.
Keira – I liked the egg and spoon race and the sack race and the running race.
Alex – I liked running!
Ava – I enjoyed the egg and spoon race and the lap.
Skye – I liked running.
Sarah – I enjoyed the egg and spoon race, the lap and the sack race.
Esther – I enjoyed all of the races, even though I didn’t win any of them.
Alysheeya – I enjoyed the egg and spoon race.
Liam – I enjoyed running.
(pictures to follow!)

In other news, our caterpillars are forming their chyrsallides and so need to be left in peace and quiet in order to ensure that they form correctly.

Pupil of the week – Sarah for super group work in the hub and in class. IMG_0177

Article 31- the right to showcase our talents


We have been busy finishing off our adventure storybooks this week in Writing, and are about to move on to writing our debate arguements for the European Referendum.  After researching both sides we are about to make up our own minds, justify our opinion and debate!  Looks like it will be lively!

We had a great time at Sports Day and a huge well done to us all but especially Viggo, Iona and James who all got medals.

Next week we are moving on to P7 for a day – we can’t believe how quick p6 has gone!  it only seemed like last week we were learning about the Rainforest!


Have a great Gala Day and weekend – dont forget we are off on Monday!

Class O get Sporty!

Wow! What a great day Sports day was!
The sun was shining and everynone tried very hard in their races.
We hope you enjoy viewing a few of our pictures from our races and medal ceremony.

Yolie: I enjoyed running with the P5 girls at the park.

Cameron: I was kind and helped otheres with their races.

Liam: I liked the morph suit race. I won!

Callum: I loved going to sports day with Miss Robertson. I tried hard in all the races.

Cody: The sack race was hard. I tried my best. I’m going to pratise for next year!

P1a’s busy week in school!

We have been learning so much this week that we wanted to share all of the exciting things we have been learning and doing.

Sports Day was on Tuesday and all the boys and girls walked to Balbardie Park and took part in lots of races.
Tiana – I liked doing the sack race
Eden – My favourite part was doing the sack race as well. I also liked when I came 3rd
Teigan – My favourite part was at the end when everyone did the running race
Lily – I liked when me, Isla and Lois won some of the races
Scott – I came 4th in the potato and spoon race
Isla – I liked when I got 1st place 3 times and got 2 medals!





Here is an update on how our caterpillars are coming along:
Akasha – They are in their cocoons
Ehan – I am excited for when they turn into butterflies
Lily – I am excited for when they are going to turn into butterflies and when we are going to let them go
Eden – I am excited to see them fly all about
Eva – I am excited to see the butterfly patterns


This week we went on a minibeast hunt!
Elena – On our first minibeast hunt we didn’t find that much, but when we went again we saw a red spider
Ehan – We got into groups – Group 1, 2, 3 and 4
Lily – We had lots of fun trying to find the minibeasts in the garden and I had lots of fun in my group



Pupil of the week: Rosie Chalmers for using positional language accurately and confidently in Maths.


Playground Pupil of the week: Orlaith Stirling for being helpful to all her friends and tidying the playground.


Article 28: We have the right to an education


Wow!! What a fortnight!

P5a are flying high after a fantastic two weeks. We had our celebrating success event in school and the awards were as follows-

Head teacher award – Sophie

Effort and Improvement – Jack

School values – Caitlin

High Standard of Work – Jennie

We also had our class assembly last week it was based on how we develop a sense of identity and community as we go. Mrs Drummond would like to apologise for the lack of photographs as she forgot the camera!

Sports day was amazing!

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Lennox – my favourite race was the sack race

Alanna – I’m happy that people tried their best

Some people in the class won medals –

Mararthon – (joint 1st place) Lucie and Sophie, 3rd Caitlin

Boys tattie and spoon race – 1st place Harvey

Girls tattie and spoon race – 1st Kate, 2nd Abbie, 3rd Rhia

Girls sack race – 1st place Sophie, 2nd Megan, 3rd Caitlin

Boys sack race – 2nd Harvey

Girls sprint – 1st Lucie T, 2nd Sophie, 3rd Caitlin

Girls P5 overall winner – Sophie!

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Guinness World Record

We are very proud to say that we have successfully taken part in a world record attempt this week! We are all world record holders and had an amazing time at the Livingston football stadium on Thursday. We would like to thank all the parents/friends and family who came along. It was really nice of our teaching student Miss brown to come along and support us as well!!

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Personal Note

I was overwhelmed at the effort and success of the class yesterday and once again would like to thank everyone who came along to support us. Your children are amazing and are rightly very proud of themselves!!

Have a great gala weekend and remember …..suncream!!!






An exciting week in P4/3

This week has been very exciting. The Gathering was all about The Procession and the history. We talked about the castle and Robert the Bruce and ofcourse John Newlands. We have had fantastic weather this week and had a super day for our Sports. We tried our hardest at all the races and applauded all paticipants.

Good sportsmanship everyone !


Here are our comments-

Mia- I was really proud of myself when I won a medal and 3 stickers at the Sports Day.

Denholm- I was really proud of myself getting a medal for the P3 Marathon.

Jason- I enjoyed the Sports day but didn’t win anything. However at After School Club  we had the chance to make a medal. I made myself one with string, card and pencils.

Suvi- I liked our Sports Day at Balbardie Park.

Erin- I like dress down day today. I am wearing a jumpsuit

Alfie B. – I like dress down day. I am wearing my ” I love zombies” t-shirt.

Sophia, Robert, Alfie G., Megan, Emma, Oliver, Teighan, Lauren, Jess,Kay,Connor,Ben- We can’t wait until the Procession tomorrow.

Sam- I liked getting the overall winner for  the P4s on the Sports Day.

Sophie- I can’t wait to hold the banner tomorrow at the Procession. I am Wendy.

Gemma- I am excited as my birthday is this Sunday.

Euan- I am looking forward to being on our school float. It is Peter Pan this year. I am a pirate.

Ava- I can’t wait until tomorrow. I am having a big party after the Procession.

Kiara- I am looking forward to going to my gran ‘s house for a party tomorrow after the Procession.


Have a fantastic day tomorrow. Hope to see you all around Bathgate 🙂

Remember we are on holiday on Monday so, have a great holiday and see you when you return to school on Tuesday 7th June ….







Pr 6A

What an exciting week we’ve had!

On Monday we had a farewell party for our student, Mrs Dunlop.

Sports’ Day was held on Tuesday 31st May. The weather was glorious, and we had fun.
Connor was 1st in the sprint race and second in the sack race.
Olivia was 2nd in the sprint, 3rd in the long race and 3rd in the sack race.
Jessie was 5th in the sack race.
Zoe won the potato and spoon race!

In maths, we completed our learning about equations – it was sometimes tricky!

We have also completed our space story – this story had to use alliteration, similes and personification.

This morning it was our class assembly. This was our celebration assembly, which allowed us to celebrate all that we have achieved in primary 6. It was great fun! We hope our audience enjoyed it as much as we did.


This week at Balbardie we have had our sports day. These are our highlights of the day.

Isaac: I liked the big running race when we went round in a circle because it was really fun.

Skye: The potato and spoon race was my favourite because it was so fun.

Guy: I enjoyed the sprint because I came 4th.

Ben: I enjoyed it because it doesn’t matter if you win or not, it can always be fun.

Jacob: I enjoyed because it was the first time I thought that it wasn’t about getting a medal.

Rose: I liked sports day because I liked doing the lap of the track.

Charlotte: My favourite race was the lap because it was challenging for me.

Callum: I liked doing the long distance because I almost won.

Jason: I liked doing the egg and spoon race.

Nathan: I liked sprinting race because it was so fun.


We had some thoughts about sports we could do next year.

Emily: I really want the three legged race.

Hope and Skye: I would have a skipping race.

Isaac: I want a race with 3 laps of the track.

Guy: I want a hopping race.

Dani: I would like do a side skipping race.

Jaime- Lee: I would have the sack race again.

Hayley: I would like to try a wheelbarrow race.



Sports day

We had a fantastic first Sports Day at Balbardie. Here are some of our reflections:
It was fun
Lots of people helped us
I liked the mum and dads race
I liked the house team race
We tried our best
I liked the sack race
I liked the potato and spoon race
I liked cheering for my friends
I liked it when people got their medals
I liked the running race
Everyone clapped
Family and friends came and watched
We all got stickers
I loved it all


Well done to Luke for winning the lap race and Archie for being the overall P1 winner.


With our stickers for taking part 🙂

Monsters in the Pod!

To celebrate the 200th anniversary of Frankenstein we have been learning about famous monsters. We learned that all monsters have at least one of the three following criteria:

The way it looks  

The way it behaves  

How big it is


We created our own monsters and made background stories for them.

Freya: “My monster is called  Ffranckyla 


1. It came from duck inside’s .

2.It was created by pollution by kids.

3.It is a monster because it is ugly 😳 is a mixture between Dracula and Frankenstein.

5. It behaves nicely. “

James: “My monster is called  Mr Overkill.


1. My monster has two heads.

2.My monster kills people.

3.He has no bran.

4. He has six legs.

5. My monster comes from spas.”

Paige: “My monster is called  Storm


1.You wouldn’t want to meet it at night.

 2.It is made from dead body parts.

 3.It comes from Africa.

 4.It has seven arms. 

 5.It has four legs.”

Derri: “My monster is called Jefimy.


1. He is creepy and 8 foot tall.

2. He was born in a cemetery.

3. He is very stinky and he is  made of old people’s body parts.

4. He was born in the cemetery in Polmont.

5. He now lives in Bathgate cemetery. “

Greig: “My monster is called Dr.Rain


1. Dr.Rain is 8 ft tall.

2. Dr.Rain has half a brain.

3. Dr.Rain is made out of old body parts and poo and chemicals.

4. Dr.Rain was made at the Atlantic Ocean.

5. Dr.Rain is poisonous and he smells.”

Primary 2b Blog

We have been having a great week this week in Primary 2b and have enjoyed challenging our learning.



In our reading detectives we continued to practise our visualising, this time through the context of the beach.  We were able to apply this skill in our writing to write imaginatively about being at the beach.  We focused on what we could hear, smell and see.

In writing we started to make Safari animal fact files.  We understand what a fact is and were able to use a layout to add information about our chosen animal.  We were able to choose from a mountain gorilla, a chimpanzee, an African lion, an African elephant or a black rhino – we enjoyed learning about where they live and what they like to eat!



In maths we have been revising our learning about money.   We have practised our adding to find totals and this week have started to look at finding change when we buy something in a shop.  Our favourite activity was the shopkeeper game where we got to play the role of a customer or a shopkeeper to find total amounts and give change.


Learning Across the Curriculum

We have been learning lots of information about Africa.  So far we have looked at the types of houses that exist in some African countries and were shown pictures that Mrs Mansfield’s cousin took while she was working there.  We learned that the houses are very different!  There were no windows and that made the houses very dark – we thought that would be quite frightening!  Also, that the houses are made using mud to hold it together – we didn’t think that would be a good idea in Scotland as our houses would fall apart in the rain!  We also realised that we had some things in common with some of the children in Africa.  We looked at stories from 4 African children and they spoke about liking football, helping their mums to cook and that some of them enjoyed maths at school.

We also started learning about some African animals…we look forward to learning more next week!


This week we also loved being able to go to the park for Sports Day.  We had a great time in the sun and were so pleased we could support our friends in their races too.


Achievements this week

  • Sandra won 2 medals at sports day
  • Olivia won a medal at sports day
  • Hannah was pupil of the week
  • Olivia, Jamie, Liam, Alfie B, Rory, Sandra, Brandon and Holly received stickers at sports day
  • Alfie L moved up a level in swimming
  • Brandon won a medal at his football training
  • Hannah got up to level 12 in her swimming lessons
  • Olivia moved up to level 5 in swimming
  • Annie moved up to level 4 in swimming
  • Ruby was first place in her horse-riding race.


We hope that everyone has a great holiday weekend!

(Please note that there is no homework this week to allow everyone to enjoy the holiday – new homework will be issued on Wednesday!)

Health and Fitness Focus in P5b

This week we completed our latest Home Team Challenge where we had to design a ‘healthy’ town. We had to consider sports and fitness activities we would like to offer as well as think about the type of shops and restaurants we would include in our town. We also developed healthy ways of travelling between the various areas such as cycle tracks, scooter trails etc.

It was a tight competition, but in the end both Healthy High and Sportsville were honoured with the ‘Healthy Town’ award.




We all enjoyed a sunny afternoon at this year’s Sports Day which was captured on camera by our photographer – thanks Jamie!



From the Blog Post Box:


Well done to….


Lewis for doing well in swimming.       Cameron

Skye for cracking her time in Maths.               Fiona

Ailsa for studying hard for her exams.                       Emma

Archie for winning a medal.      Callum

Murray for coming in 1st in the lap race.       Archie

Tobin for coming 3rd in the lap race and overall winner in P5.    Murray

Jake for getting a haircut.           Gary

Casey for her lovely Home Learning.  Katya


Pupil of the Week: Colin

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