P4b w/b 13.6.16

Baillie: I enjoyed watching James and the Giant Peach. I also liked learning about to run hurdles in PE.

Olivia: I enjoyed practising the church songs. I also liked learning how to link multiplication and division.

Eva: I enjoyed learning our plays in drama with Mrs Innes.

Brodie: I enjoyed watching James and the Giant Peach. I also liked learning about athletics in PE.

Ava: I enjoyed James and the Giant Peach and silent reading.

Isla: I enjoyed writing poems, learning plays with Mrs Innes and writing a message for the P7s.

Rachael: I enjoyed acting out a play for reading.

Sophie: I enjoyed sharing our feelings in Cool in School.

Finn: I enjoyed watching James and the Giant Peach and learning about plays.

Emma: I enjoyed maths this week. We were learning how to double a number.

Demi: I enjoyed choir this week. We were learning a new song for our performance.

Lucy M: I enjoyed learning our plays in drama.

Liam: I enjoyed learning how to link multiplication and division.

Millie: I enjoyed learning about plays and learning how to add using the standard written method.

Freya: I enjoyed learning about plays in drama.

Keira: I enjoyed learning a new song in choir for our performance next week.

Lucy R: I enjoyed practising my spelling.

Breanna: I enjoyed doubling numbers in maths.

Aidan: I enjoyed watching James and the Giant peach and revising division facts.

Karys: I enjoyed learning about different emotions in Cool in School.

P4/3 have been busy

Our second last week in P4/3 has been busy and fun filled as usual.

We started writing poems to our sandwich….

I really liked poetry planning this week on the sandwich. Mine was Mia’s mysterious sandwich-Mia

My sandwich was called Denholm’s delicious sandwich.I enjoyed writing about it-Denholm

I also liked the poetry planning-Mine was Erin’s excellent sandwich-Erin

I liked writing about my sandwich. It was Jess’s gigantic sandwich-Jess


I liked the poetry planning this week.Mine was Alfie’s awesome sandwich-Alfie B.

We have worked with Mrs Innes on Drama and Rhyming in Literacy as well as Practical maths and RME.

We liked writing rhymes with Mrs Innes-Sophia,Oliver,Jason,Robert, Liam

We liked Drama this week-Sophie,

I liked watching the group perform at Drama-Euan

We liked the ribbon dance at drama-Ava,Suvi

Matilda has been our Story for the past few weeks. We have watched  the dvd and discussed the characters. Roald Dahl is a super author of Children’s Literature.

We liked finishing Matilda today-Kiara, Connor,Sam,Teighan, Gemma

I liked the end of Matilda-Lauren

We started a mini context for learning on Euro 2016..It has been exciting gwatching the games at home then sharing the scores the next day.We have also been finding out about all the teams we are supporting.There are 24 teams in it but we are supporting 13 of them !

I liked working on Euro 2016.I am working with Jason. My Team is France-Alfie G.



Have a fabulous weekend everyone !

Not many sleeps now 🙂





P1c at the Botanics!

On Wednesday, the Primary 1 children all visited the Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh. We were learning about SWAF – these are the 4 things that all living creatures need to survive.
S – Shelter
W – Water
A – Air
F – Food.
We thought about bears and what they need to survive. They need shelter like a cave or a tree. They need water from a river, stream or pond. They need air which comes from the green leaves of trees and lastly they need food. Bears eat honey in the trees, fish and berries and fruit.







We played some games where bears had to find all the things they needed and take them back to their homes.
We went for a special walk to find Edward the bear. We didnt find him at first but he had left us lots of clues about what bears need to survive.





On our special bear hunt through the woods we saw a badger sett.


Eventually we went back to our picnic and found Edward Bear and his friends! We enjoyed our teddy bear picnic and then went to play another game with Betsy, our special helper from the Botanics.

In this game we learnt about the bears finding shelter but there was a woodcutter (Betsy and then Marley!) who chopped down the trees and we learnt that all bears need shelter and that people need to look after the bears homes.










The last thing we did was make a bear island. We had to find all the things that bear would need to survive. We made shelters from twigs, found leaves for air and found nuts for food.










These are our favourite parts of the day –
Ava – I liked everything because it was like a journey in the woods.
Nina – I enjoyed playing the game with the bears.
Sarah – I liked following Betsy and learning about bears.
Emma – I liked playing the bear games.
Jess – I enjoyed playing the game where the bears had to find their SWAF things!
Isla – I like Betsy teaching us!
Keira – I liked going around the trees finding the clues to Edward bear. I liked being a tree and a bear.
Evie – I liked going on the hunt for Edward bear.
Daniel – I liked being part of a team.
Marley –
Dionne – I enjoyed following Betsy around the gardens and learning about SWAF.
Grace – It was frun to go on a trip with my class.
Ryan – I liked playing the games
Esther – I liked EVERYTHING!

We really hope that the children enjoyed their trip and learnt a lot about SWAF!

Article 28 – the right to an education.


This week for our Learning across the Curriculum topic, we made wonderful Kenyan sunsets using charcoal. We had fun smudging the pieces together!  We also started making our collages of African animals and masks. Next week we will look at camouflage and how the different safari animals hide in the wild.

We had lots of fun with Mrs Mansfield and we learned the song Belly Mamma, played boomwhackers and learned about polyrhythms.

Achievements this week

Maisie and Tamsyn got golf certificates

Charlie got Playground Pupil of the week

Lucas and his brother Dylan got good behaviour charts

Lucas won a football trophy

Samuel moved up a swimming level

Kaycee won trophies for Judo

Pupil of the week Brooke

Nature detectives

This week we were so excited to set our butterflies free. If you looked at our blog last week, you would see that they had all emerged from their cocoons. We took our butterflies into the garden and set them free. We named them Bob, Scooby Doo, Storm Trooper, Peter Pan and Darth Vader! It was lovely to see them all fly away and we even got to touch Darth Vader as he was so well behaved.



On Wednesday it was our class trip to the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh. We were very excited to take our teddy bears with us so that they could join in on a Teddy Bear Picnic.

When we arrived we discussed SWAF. SWAF stands for:

SWAF is what animals need to survive in nature.


We went on an Edward Bear hunt next to look for clues as to where he was! There were some paw print clues hidden around the garden and we had to find them to try and find Edward Bear.







When we finally got back to the meeting room, Edward was waiting on us with our lunches.



After lunch we played a couple more games and had to create our own SWAF island!










We had a wonderful time at the Royal Botanic Gardens and have made sure to put a picture of us eating our lunch with our teddy bears inside our pink Learners Journey Jotters.



*Learners Journey Jotters will go home today and please return these to school by next Friday 24.6.16 with the “highlights of the session” sheet completed

Article 28: We have the right to an education

It’s movie time!

Class M went to the cinema this week to watch The Angry Birds movie as part of our Out and About programme.

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Adam – I liked the cinema because we were watching the Angry Birds movie. I liked it when the pigs came to bird island, they acted like they wanted to be friends with the birds but they actually wanted to steal their eggs. The pigs set up a party for the birds as a distraction so the pigs could steal the eggs and destroy the birds houses.

Joe – I went to the cinema it was good fun. I sat beside Caitlin and walked down with Mrs Mallin. The funny part of the film was mighty eagle doing the toilet in the water I laughed. I picked haribos for my snack they tasted good, the eggs were my favourite because they were fried. I also had water to drink.


Dylan – I enjoyed doing the sock bubbles. I used bottles, socks and washing up liquid. I put the sock on the bottle and put it into the washing up liquid, I then blew into the sock and it made long bubbles on the ground.

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Literacy – this week we were filling in the ‘Holes’, as we finished our class novel study – Holes by Louis Sacher.  We have been doing lots of evaluative and  analytical work related to the novel and we were delighted to unravel the plot and find out what happened to our favourite characters at the end.  We enjoyed it so much that we have asked to read the follow up in the last week of term!

Zoe – it was very good, lots of cliffhangers and twists!

Aidan – could be quite confusing but really good at the same time.

Iona – the plot was really exciting and I liked how it all worked out and joined together.

Jamie – I really enjoyed learning about the characters and felt that you could really connect with them.

Chris – I enjoyed the book because it made me think!

Numeracy – We revisited Symmetry this week and making shapes the same on each side.  We even used each other to make shapes with our bodies!

LAC – We worked on our debate speeches for the EU Referendum.  We looked at how to structure a debate and the rules then wrote our own. It taught us a lot about the arguements for and against and how to use persuasive language to change people’s minds.

Out and About to the Bathgate Cinema with Class O

On Wednesday Class O enjoyed going Out and About to Bathgate cinema. We were practsing our skills. We now all feel confdent enough to go to the cinema with our family or friends. If you ave not visited the Bathgate Cinema yet you should…it’s AMAZING!

Cody: The film was very funny. My favourite character was Chuck (the banana shaped bird).

Callum: Wow! The film was great! It was so funny. I laughed lots!

Cameron: I had lots of fun. I enjoyed the movie. There was lots of funny bits. Mighty Eagle was the funniest.

Liam: I liked watching Angry Birds. I had a snack too.

Yolie: We wne t to the cinema. We saw Angry Birds. I was excited.

Primary 2b Blog

This has been an excellent week in Primary 2b!  We are so excited to share our learning with you through our blog!


The best bits of this week have been:

  • creating a P2b scrapbook to be passed to Mrs Ghafoor for when we are in P3.   We had to write about ourselves and think this will help Mrs Ghafoor get to know us better!
  • using the book ‘The Magic Faraway Tree’ to help us visualise what the story would look like!  We then created our own lands that we would like to visit the top of the Faraway Tree!  Mrs Mansfield really enjoyed this as it is one of her favourite books!



We really enjoyed these bits of maths this week:

  • learning the way to tell the difference between our left and our right hand.  We liked singing songs to help us remember this and are getting better at being able to give directions using left and right
  • directing people using quarter turns and half turns – it was funny trying to direct people to different places in the classroom


Learning Across the Curriculum

Wow!  What a week we have had for learning across the curriculum.  These are the highlights:

  • having a look at animal print and using these details to create a beautiful animal print picture
  • talking about the ways that mummy animals look after baby animals and the food that babies eat
  • Mrs Hay came in to show us a picture of her when she was a little girl growing up in South Africa.  She was playing with a lion cub, it was really cute!
  • learning about Fairtrade.  We think it is very important that farmers are paid well for their work.


Achievements this week

  • Jackie, Jay and Aaron got to Step 5
  • Orla was pupil of the week
  • Olivia got a trophy from her dancing
  • Charlotte and Brooke are working hard for their dance show next week
  • Annie received a medal from her swimming lessons


We hope you all have a lovely week!  We can’t believe next week is the last whole week of P2!

Choir News

The Junior Choir will showcase its work on Tuesday from 3.45 – 4.15p.m. The children should bring a snack and water. We will meet in the Pod for this. You will be able to come in to the hall at 3.30p.m.
There will be NO CHOIR on Tuesday 28th June.

The Senior Choir will showcase its work on Friday 24th June from 12.30 – 1.45p.m. (approx). There will be an after school rehearsal on Thursday 23rd June, and it would be fantastic if all members could attend. We will have our dress rehearsal on Tuesday 21st from 1.20 – 3.00p.m. The pupils have been amazing, I’m sure you will all enjoy the performance!

Pr 6A

We have trialed one of our Potted Sports Courses – Scott’s group has learned a number of lessons about what they had planned. Both the hurdles and golf will be too difficult for the assigned class – Primary 2B.
We have been learning about the EU Referendum, and have been debating whether or not we should remain or leave the EU. Some of us found it very interesting and some of us not!
We had to design a poster and slogan – this was also related to the EU. We also wrote news reports – Geo’s group interviewed David Cameron, and he transformed himself into David Cameron for this!
In maths we revisited symmetry – we worked on lines of symmetry – horizontal, vertical and diagonal. This was more challenging.
Next Tuesday some of us have our interviews for the House Captain Team – we are feeling excited, but nervous too!
Next Friday it’s the Golden Club event, and all of us will attend this. Our slot is at 11.45 – 12.10p.m.
Those of us involved in the Senior Choir Showcase will perform scenes from We Will Rock You! next Friday afternoon at 12.30p.m.

Have a good weekend!

Our Favourite Mistake

This week we have been remembering that mistakes are a good thing because they help us grow our mind. We have decided to celebrate our favourite mistakes this week.

Elliot: I liked making mistakes in reading because I learn from them.

Maisey: the calendar because it was hard to figure out at the very last part of the textbook.

Guy: learning the calendar was difficult to start with but I kept going and it got better and better.

Jaime – Lee: I liked the mistake when we were writing the date because it was hard and helped me learn.

Skye: I got stuck in spelling because I kept forgetting the t in whistle! I’ll keep trying.

Hope: I liked spelling this week because at first I couldn’t spell press because I thought it was one s and now I know it is has two.

Lucy: I liked spelling because I kept on making mistakes on the I-pad but I kept on trying.

Hayley: I got stuck in maths because I didn’t know the days but now I do and I never gave up.




Class G become artists!!!!!

We have had a busy week in Class G. In writing we have been creating worlds for our stories. It was great fun! We had great ideas and used our imagination. We have been learning about Van Gogh and have been talking about the sunflower painting. We produced our own sunflower paintings and they are fantastic. Here is what Class G has to say:

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Gabriel – I have liked lots of things. I liked getting stickers for my chart. I can’t wait to take my flowers home.


David – I went swimming. I jumped in the water. I swam under water.


Cameron – I liked PE. We did the train game. I also liked climbing in PE.


Logan – I liked everything in this school. I liked the train and jumping at PE.


Jake – I made a painting. It was a beautiful painting. I would like to go to an art museum and put my painting there.


What a busy,exciting week in P4/3

This was an exciting week for P4/3…They met their new teachers on Wednesday.Here are their comments:-

I liked Moving on day to Primary 5-Erin

We liked being a Primary 5 this week-Oliver,Emma

I liked being in Mrs Haddifon’s class because she was the teacher I was wanting in Primary 5-Alfie G.

I liked going upstairs to my Primary 5 class-Ava

We liked Moving on day to Primary 4-Suvi,Connor,Lauren,Gemma,Denholm,Sophia

I liked being in the different playground for Primary 4-Euan

We liked seeing who our Primary 4 teacher will be-Jess,Jason

We liked meeting our new teacher Mrs Drummond and who were sitting at our table-Mia,Robert

I liked doing the higher ,lower Maths game in my P4 class with Mrs Drummond-Megan

I liked doing the activity book with Mrs Drummond in  my new class-Teighan

I really liked going into Primary 5 this week-Sophie

We are looking forward to moving into Primary 4-Liam,Kiara

I really liked moving into Primary 4 and meeting my new teacher-Alfie B.

Have a fantastic weekend.

Remember Home Learning due on Tuesday rather than Monday(due to holiday Monday).






p4b 6.6.16


This week P4b really enjoyed meeting their new P5 teacher. They liked learning about the Olympics and spending time in their new P5 classroom. P4b also enjoyed creating rhyming poems about summer time, learning how to read and balance scales during practical maths and learning about the correct response in an emergency situation.

Our butterflies are here!

This week was very exciting for our class as we got to see our butterflies emerge from their cocoons. We had 5 cocoons at the start of the week and by Wednesday we had one butterfly already!



When we came into school on Friday morning we had 3 more butterflies! Only 1 butterfly was still in its cocoon. We could see its patterns and Miss Wilson said that the butterfly would be out very soon. We kept an eye on it all morning.

Only 10 minutes later, it emerged! We finally have 5 butterflies.

In the final picture you can see some red liquid on the lid. You might be wondering what this is. We thought it might be blood, but we researched it further and found out this was meconium! Lots of this means that your butterfly is healthy and is a normal part of the process. It is just leftover waste material stored in the butterfly’s abdomen.

We are very excited to set them free on Monday in the garden and can’t wait to see if they will land on our hands and heads!

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Choir News

Junior Choir – Parents and friends are invited to our showcase on Tuesday 21st June at 3.45p.m. We will perform the songs that we have learned this term. The senior helpers are also going to sing a song! This will last about thirsty minutes.

Senior Choir – Parents and friends are invited to our showcase on Friday 24th June at 12.30. Sasha says – ‘This will be epic!’
This will last about one and a half hours – a phenomenal rock experience!

Junior Choir next year will be on a Tuesday after school and the Senior Choir will be on a Thursday after school, as Mrs Innes is only teaching on a Tuesday and Thursday next session.

Moving on!

We are nearly Primary 2!
On Wednesday we visited our new classrooms and met our Primary 2 teachers.
Nina – It was great because I met new friends!
Harris – I liked learning new stuff.
Emma – I liked meeting my new teacher, Miss McDougall.
Jess – I liked making masks for our new classroom. We made a Fantastic Mr Fox mask.
Keira – I liked Mrs Clark teaching us about friends.
Maddison – I liked seeing new friends.
Dionne – I liked it when I learnt new things.
Alex – I liked playing in the sandpit with Freya and Ava.
Ava – I enjoyed meeting new friends and I enjoyed gym with Mr Jeffries.
Elise – I enjoyed playing in the sandpit and doing my work.
Esther – I enjoyed playing in the dolls’ house and meeting Mrs Clark.
Isla – I liked my teacher, Miss McDougall, because she is so lovely and she teaches us everything and when she asked us to do things we did them.
Liam – I liked the sand.
Marley – I liked playing in the tent and making a gruffalo.
Sarah – I enjoyed playing in the house with all the cooking stuff.
Ryan – I enjoyed playing with the sand.
Grace – I like Mrs Clark teaching us about making new friends.
Daniel – I enjoyed playing with the bricks.
Evie – I enjoyed playing with the playdough.
Alysheeya – I enjoyed playing with the dolls’ house in my new classroom.
We are all very excited about our new classes and all the new things we will learn in Primary 2.
We are really looking forward our trip to the Botanic Gardens on Wednesday too.

Caterpillar news – they are in their cocoons!
Article 28 – The right to an education

Playground Pupil of the week – Nina for being kind and helpful to her friends in the playground.

Pr 6A

On Wednesday we ‘moved on’ to primary 7 for the day. Miss Elliot will be our teacher next year. We completed the Skittles challenge. This involved us sitting in a circle and choosing two random Skittles. We then had to answer the questions on the board that related to that colour. Ramsay chose a purple and orange skittle – the questions were about my friends and favourite school subject. The others were red, yellow and green. The question for red was our favourite TV programme or film. The yellow question was favourite food or drink. The green question was our favourite singer or band. After you answered your question you were allowed to eat the skittle!
We did lots of interesting work with Miss Elliot, and we are looking forward to next session!
On Thursday we began working on leadership and team-working skills related to a Potted Sports activity. Firstly we spoke about what Potted Sports are, and then we had to compete in sports devised by Mrs Innes. Our task is to teach and lead a session with one of Mrs Innes’ drama classes.
We began working on this today. We are working in groups to complete this task. We have prepared our potted sports course – and have had to think about the different skills of throwing, catching, shooting and running. We have been allocated our classes and have sorted them into teams. We have begun to create name labels for our team members and prepare score cards. Next week we will trial our course and then lead the session with our assigned classes during week beginning 23rd June.
As almost all of the primary seven pupils are spending this week at Bathgate Academy, we are having a Karaoke Cafe in the drama hall for Golden Time. We will also have craft and i-pad time during this, so that there is a wider range of activities available.

Another week in the life of primary 6A!
Have a good weekend everyone!

Busy Bees in Class O

We have enjoyed using a variety of games, books and activities to help us with our Literacy and Numeracy this week.
We have been learning about multiplication, division, adjectives and conjunctions.

Yolie: Sum Jenga was fun. Each Jenga piece had a sum on it and I had to work out the answer.

Cameron: Jamie and I played sum towers. Everytime we pulled a brick out we could use it to try and build the tallest tower if you got the answer correct. Jamie won, I was second and Mrs O’Neill lost.

Liam: I played sum Jenga with Yolie. The sums made it fun.

Callum: I enjoyed searching for adjectives and conjunctions online and in comics.

Cody: I ejoyed using the ipad to make movies with adjectives and connectives.

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