Have a great summer!!!! Class G!!!!

Summer is here!!!!!!!  We have had a busy week finishing off all our work.  We have also had fun!  It was Miss Garland’s birthday so we had a birthday party on the last day.  It was great fun.  We had a disco ball in class and lots of dancing.  We also enjoyed the Golden Club event and everyone in Class G made it to the golden club.  HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!


Logan – I liked going on everything at the Golden Club.  The bouncy castle and bouncy slide was my favourite.


Gabriel – We had a party.  It was Miss Garland’s birthday.  I was a good dancer.


Jake – I have liked the water that is new in class.  I have liked going on the computer.

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Cameron – I went to the Golden Club event.  I liked going on the bouncy castle.  I also liked doing all my work this week.  I liked PE.  I was climbing, bouncing and running using legs and arms.

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Memories of P4/3

When we thought about this year in P4/3 we had so many great times that will become memories to cherish for ever and here are only some of them !

Our excursion

Going to the Forth Road Bridge visitor centre-Gemma,Lauren,Robert,Ben

We loved having lunch at The Rail Bridge with the class-Sophie,Connor

Meeting new people

I liked when Mrs Aitken  pretended to be an air stewardess at the beginning of P4/3-Jason

We liked meeting new friends when the class became P4/3-Mia,Oliver,Denholm,Alfie B.

We liked going into P4/3-Euan,Emma,Suvi

The Gingerbread Mannie

I liked performing the Gingerbread Mannie-Kiara

The Talent Show

We liked singing in the Talent Show-Erin,Ava

I played my guitar in the Talent show while Connor, Jason and Sophia sang-Sam

I liked singing with Connor and Jason while Sam played-Sophia

The Church service

I liked going to the end of term church service-Jess

The Golden Club event

I loved the Golden Club event-Liam

Our Class Assembly

I liked our Class Assembly all about France-Megan

You have been an amazing class and I wish you a super holiday and all the best for your new classes in August.




P7b’s Last Blog

This is our last day at Balbardie Primary.  We will miss everyone and each other.

Yesterday we had our Oscar ceremony where parents/carers were invited along to celebrate our primary years.  We each received a medal and a scroll. Some of us received trophies and other awards.  We watched a video of us growing up and sang the P7 song.  We had a great afternoon,  Thank you to all of the classes for our lovely video message.

Here are some of our favourite memories from primary school:

‘When I won the performing arts award at the Oscars.’- Ross

‘When me and Lisa got in the lift when I had my broken leg.’- Abby

‘At the sleepover when me and Emma were throwing and kicking M&M’s- ‘Sasha

‘When my welly fell off and went in the water at Lowport.’-Teigan

‘When Ross poked me in P1 over playdough.’- Travis

‘When I nearly dropped the shield on stage.’- Leon

‘When I tied my teacher to the chair with a scarf in P2. When I sliiped and fell in the gorge in Oban- Robbie

‘When I was pooed on by a seagull outside.’ Eva

‘At Oban when we played canoe tig.’- Becky

‘In Oban when Miss Elliot almost fell in the gorge.’- Erin

We are looking forward to high school!

Have a great summer break,



P5b – Our Memories

P5 was the best! I really enjoyed the Victorian School Day. Skye got the Dunce’s hat a lot! I loved going to Lowport. I had the best time ever with my friends. In PE I loved playing Castles. My team were the best!

Now we are going into P6. I hope it will be fun.

By Robyn


P5 has been fab!

Lowport was my highlight. At Beecraigs someone fell in the burn which made me laugh!

I enjoyed going to New Lanark and learning about The Victorians.

By Noah



We have lots of great memories from our time in P5b:

  • The fantastic trips to Lowport and New Lanark.
  • The special days such as the Victorian School Day and the Afternoon Tea Party.
  • The highly competitive Home Team Challenges.
  • The enthusiastic clean ups following Chocolate Geology lessons!
  • The amazing Class Talks where we saw your confidence grow.
  • The wonderful discussions we’ve had on so many fascinating subjects from ‘how life began on Earth’ to events happening in the world today.

The very first time we met, at Meet the Teacher Day, we guessed that the ‘b’ in P5b stood for ‘brilliant’ – looks like we were right!

Have a wonderful holiday and don’t forget to say hello when you see us next year!


All the best,

Mrs McClafferty and Mrs Mackenzie 🙂 🙂

Class O Golden Club Fun


Class O had fun at our Golden Club Event

Jayden – My favorite thing was going down the slide. I liked to bounce in the dark bouncy castle, there was music playing. I got a orange frozen juice it was tasty.

Liam – I liked going down the slide it was good fun. I had a fab ice lolly it was fabulous!! I liked to dance in the dark bouncy castle with Miss Robertson and Mrs O’Neill.

Cameron – It was awesome!! I had a great time in the bouncy castle it was fun to be there with my friends. I also had a rocket lolly it was delicious=D.

It’s nearly time to say goodbye !

On Friday it was the end of the last full week in P4/3….

Here are our comments:-

Golden Club event

Alfie,Euan,Oliver,Lauren,Emma- We enjoyed the Golden Club event. Our favourite was the disco dome

Kiara,Gemma- We really enjoyed the Terror slide at the Golden Club event

Jess- I really liked the Golden Club event

Drama with Mrs Innes

Mia,Sam,Connor, Erin, Sophia-We really liked performing “All Gone” at drama

Context for learning Euro 2016

Ben – I liked working on some Italy facts for our Euro 2016 Context for Learning

Liam-I liked working on England facts. Simon Cowell was a celebrity we found out he came from England

Denholm- I was sad that Republic of Ireland never made it through yesterday to the quarter finals

The Talent Show

Jason, Megan-We are looking forward to the show we are going to be doing

Sophie- I can’t wait till the Talent show , I am doing it with Mia

Suvi- I can’t wait till I am singing at the Talent show

Junior Choir Showcase

Ava- At the choir showcase I loved doing my solo

What a busy last full week in class…

Let’s enjoy our last few days together

diary date

Church service 9.30am Wednesday 29th June

Please remember to return report slip before Wednesday,thank you 🙂





Class M

Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Adam: We were making sandwiches. I had a cheese, ham and tuna on mine, it was nice. I eat it all up. I also had lettuce on it as well.

Yolie: I was building a maze in maths, it was a small maze. I liked making it. I made a cheese and tuna sandwich. I cut it into 4 squares and eat it with rocket.

Dylan: I had rocket, cheese, ham and tuna on my sandwich – it was good. I would make it again.

Joe: I had to make a maze and I put a Malteaser in the maze. I had to blow the Malteaser around the maze.

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Golden Girls and Boys!

Today was the Golden Club Event. In the hall, we had an inflatable slide, a bouncy castle, soak the prefects and a lolly stall. It was great fun to play with our friends and enjoy the disco!
Evie – I liked soak the housecaptains!
Alex – I enjoyed the terror slide.
Elise – I enjoyed the bouncy castle and the bouncy slide because it was awesome.
Sarah – I enjoyed EVERYTHING!
Liam – I liked the bouncy disco dome
Dionne – I liked soaking the buddies.
Maddison – I liked the bouncy castle and the slide. I liked going down the slide by myself.
Daniel – I enjoyed the ice lolly. I had orange.
Harris – I loved everything!
Emma – I liked the bouncy castle, the bouncy castle, throwing sponges and the ice cream!
Ava – I enjoyed everything especially the slide because Elise and I went down holding hands!
Jess – I enjoyed everything.
Grace – I enjoyed everything too!
Isla – I liked the bouncy castle and the slide best!
Ryan – I liked the ice lollies.
Alysheeya – I enjoyed the ice lolly. I got a strawberry.
Esther – I enjoyed my ice lolly and I enjoyed the disco dome because I did it with Mrs Hendry and I liked it!
Skye – I liked the disco house.
Marley – I liked going on the bouncy slide with Mrs Collings.
Keira – I liked the bouncy castle and I also liked the bouncy slide and I also liked the ice pop because it was orange.
Nina – I enjoyed everything.
Article 28 – the right to an education

Dojo Winners – Dionne, Evie and Ava
















P4b w/b 20.6.16

Isla: I enjoyed writing poems that use repetition. I liked writing about our time in P4.

Lucy R: I liked practising our spelling words.

Grace: I enjoyed playing castles in P.E.

Sophie: I enjoyed outdoor P.E this week.

Rachael: I enjoyed making posters about Cool in School.

Olivia: I enjoyed learning about fractions in maths.

Emma: I enjoyed learning about body language in Cool in School.

Eva: I enjoyed learning about fractions in maths.

Freya: I enjoyed indoor and outdoor P.E.

Keira: I enjoyed playing castles in indoor P.E.

Lucy: I enjoyed indoor P.E.

Robbie: I enjoyed making our Cool in School posters.

Demi: I enjoyed writing a summary of our time in P4.

James: I liked writing a book review about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Breanna: I enjoyed writing an A-Z of the year.

Liam: I enjoyed indoor P.E.

Millie: I enjoyed indoor P.E.

Karys: I enjoyed learning how to divide with remainders in maths.

Kelsey: I enjoyed practising our spelling words.

Brodie: I enjoyed making Cool in School posters.

Finn: I enjoyed playing castles in P.E.

Arran: I enjoyed playing castles in P.E.

Daniel:I enjoyed reading with the Foxes group this week.

Aidan: I enjoyed playing castles in P.E.


Primary 2b Blog

Hi everyone!


We have had an amazing last full week at school, especially because we got to take part in the Golden Club event (even Mrs Mansfield and Mrs Hay had a shot on the bouncy castle!)  We really liked soaking the house captains with sponges and some of us even got a wee bit from wet from being splashed!

In literacy we have been reading new books in class and have been writing about what we would like to do over summer!  We can’t believe how fast this year has gone but hope the summer holidays are nice, long and sunny!

In maths we have been learning about odd and even numbers.  We played games to help us learn the pattern of odd and even and managed to complete some really tricky problem solving at the number table this week!

We finished our learning about ‘Going on Safari’ and ‘Eid Celebrations’ this week and have really enjoyed all that we have learned.  We had a look at which foods were Fairtrade and are now able to identify the Fairtrade symbol.  The best station this week has been construction because we have got to develop our Thinking Skills.  We were set the challenge to build something that was useful in an African village and our ideas have been very creative!!

We want to say a big good luck to Sandra who is moving back to Poland! We will really miss her in Primary 3 but hope she keeps in touch!


Achievements this week

  • Jay was Pupil of the Week
  • Annie got moved to the competition class in her gymnastics club
  • Charlotte and Brooke did really well in the first night of their dance show
  • Lewis got another certificate from his swimming
  • Liam was Playground Pupil of the Week
  • Alfie L won a trophy because he was the fastest runner
  • Jackie won a medal from his go-karting club

We hope you all have a lovely week!


Primary 2b

Nearly the end….

We can not believe that we are nearly Primary 2 boys and girls.  We have had a great time in Primary 1b, learning lots and having fun with other friends, buddies and teachers.

We have sooooooo many memories but here are some of our highlights….

  • Luke – making new friends and learning about dividing
  • Archie G – playtimes and learning about dinosaurs
  • Archie M- playing and learning about adding and subtraction
  • Eilidh – meeting my new teachers and learning about insects
  • Grace M – I like watching videos to learn new information and the activities
  • Sara – I can read now!
  • Kayden – I like lunch!
  • Sophie S – I like number work especially subtraction
  • Charlotte – I liked learning about the stone age people
  • Emily – I liked number work. I can do lots of new things.  I have lots of new friends.
  • Jude – I like the Golden Club event…I am a step 5 boy!
  • Max – I like coming to school
  • Rhianna – I like lunch
  • Grace Q – I like church
  • Lilyrose – I liked learning about dinosaurs
  • Sophie M – I liked number work
  • Artjom – I loved sports day
  • Keegan – I liked number work
  • Hollie – I liked share with other people
  • Fearne – I liked number work


Here are some of our funny moments….

  • The magician had lots of stories
  • Playing at school…don’t worry Mrs Hay you always give stickers 🙂
  • Our dancing
  • Danger Mouse
  • Being silly at playtime
  • Dinosaur that pooed a planet (it’s a book, it took 30minutes to read as we laughed so much)


We also had agreat time today….espically the teachers 🙂

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Primary 1 Golden Club Event

Today was the Golden Club! We have been looking forward to this for a very long time and it was so much fun. We were given 4 tickets and we were allowed to do 4 things at the event. These were:
– throwing wet sponges at the House Captains
– a bouncy castle with disco lights inside
– a bouncy slide called the “Terror Slide”
– we got a delicious ice lolly
We also got to dance at the disco when we were between the different games!

Here are some of our favourite parts:
Elena – “soaking the House Captains”
Ehan – “having my ice lolly”
Lexi – “I liked going on the bouncy castle”
Brandon – “the bouncy slide”
Lily – “I liked when we got to soak Miss Holwill and the House Captains”
Isla – “disco trampoline”
Akasha – “I liked the ‘Terror Slide'”
Rosie – “I liked when I found lots of tickets on the ground”
Eva – “I liked the slide because I touched the roof”








Article 31: You have the right to play and rest

Choir News

The Junior Choir completed this term’s work with our Showcase on Tuesday. Many thanks to all those who supported this. DVD orders need to be with Mrs Innes by Tuesday 28th in order to have the DVD before school finishes on Wednesday. There will be no Junior Choir on Tuesday 28th June.

The Senior Choir will showcase their work this afternoon. I’m sure that everyone will be impressed with the standard of the cast’s performances.

Pr 6A

We have been completing our Potted Sports courses for younger classes. Primary 2B had theirs on Wednesday – it went really well! The group that had responsibility for Primary 3/2 completed the task with Primary 3 instead – this was due to staff cover arrangements. This also went really well.
Yesterday, Mrs Innes forgot that the PE hall was being used as a Polling Station and sent us to collect our equipment… ‘OH NO!’ we hear you say…. Did we go for the equipment, or did we realise through our work on the Referendum that we should not go in, as the Polling Station was not part of our school yesterday?
Five out of eight pupils knew NOT to go in… well done to them, they had obviously learned a lot about the EU Referendum. However, three did go in. What happened next?…
Mrs Innes visibly paled and then quickly turned red. We had visions of being handcuffed, taken to the cells or worse! At lunch time Mrs Innes and the threesome again visited the Polling Station to apologise. Apologies accepted, we got on with the day. Yahoo!
One group completed the Potted Sports course outside yesterday afternoon. It was with primary 4/3 and went very well indeed.
Yesterday afternoon we were given the news about the House Captain Team. In our class, Scott Aitchison will be next year’s Head Boy; Louise Kirk will be House Captain of Strachan and Clara McCallum will be House Captain of Hardy – congratulations to them!
Congratulations also to Polina Derugina as Head Girl, Aaron McNicol as House Captain of McPherson and Rebecca Notman as House Captain of Bruce – Well done to all of them too!
Those of us involved in the Senior Choir Showcase are looking forward to performing this afternoon. We have worked extremely hard on our singing, dancing and acting.

Class O

Class O enjoyed practising their measuring skills this week. We investigated the different ways to measure and how and where we might use these skills. We made cakes by weighing the ingredients in grams and mouse by measuring in milileters.
We are looking forward to transferring these skills and making things during our holidays.

The Battle of Evolution – P5b

This week we entered our newly discovered species into The Battle of Evolution. It was a mighty struggle for survival which ended in extinction for many. The environmental factors we had to face were harsh:

Ice Ages wiped out thin, hairless creatures.

Global Warming was a nightmare for our furry, bulky species.

Dangerous Predators were a real threat for those with short legs (although stripes and spots came in handy for camouflage!)

Tall Plants growing in the area provided a great food supply – but only for those that could reach them.

Pity help you if your species were dwindling when the Meteor struck – there really was no escape from that!

In the end, only the fittest survived:

Robyn’s Pandiraf Tobin’s Elabutterfoot and Skye’s Elebatnormouser
Robyn’s Pandiraf
Tobin’s Elabutterfoot and
Skye’s Elebatnormouser

Their species were diverse enough to survive and thrive in their ever-changing environment.

It has been a fun and fascinating way to discover how species have evolved over time and really makes us appreciate all the amazing creatures we share Planet Earth with. What a Wonderful World!

Cinema Time!!!!!

Class G have had a fantastic final week together and are very sad to leave each other but excited to be moving onto our new class.  We have enjoyed out and about this week!  We had an ARB group out and about to the cinema.  When Class G was asked to comment on the blog all pupils wanted to talk about was this trip.  We went to see Angry Birds and it was fantastic.  Pupils in class G found this a very funny film! We also made our own angry birds art work in class.  This was a very successful out and about experience.







Pod Squad Blog

This week we focused on animals for our blog posts.


This week my blog is about dolphins


1. A group of dolphins is called a school of dolphins.

2. A new born dolphin is called a  calf.

3. Dolphins feed on fish that are in the sea.

4. Dolphins can survive for 25 to 50 years.

5. Dolphins can be from 1.7 to 3.9 metres in length.


This week is going to be about tigers 


1 Female tigers are 1 foot less in length than a male.

2 Male tigers weigh 100 lbs less than females.

3 Tiger’s babies are called cubs .

4.Tigers have stripes to camouflage.

5. A type of tiger is a liger . 😮 😎


This  weeks blog is about  Sharks.


1.Tiger  Sharks, Blue Sharks, Great White and Leopard Sharks sometimes attack people. 

2.Most sharks live in warm water. 

3.Sharks  eat mostly fish but some  eat turtles  and seals.

4.Sharks can live for up to 35years.

5. Baby sharks are called pups and only go in deep water  when they get bigger.


We are back from our week at Bathgate Academy. We had a fantastic time. We enjoyed all our new subjects especially science and we made lots of new friends. We are now a lot more confident about going to high school after the Summer. Josh and Abigale are visiting their high schools this week and Mairi has really enjoyed her visits to her new school. We can’t believe we are all going to be leaving Balbardie soon!

We have had a very busy week. We have been learning how to deal with emergency situations. We found out about the symptoms of heart attacks and strokes and what we can do to help get the person help as quick as possible. We used dummies to practise giving chest compressions to the tune of Staying Alive to help people who may have had a heart attack. On Monday we are going to visit the Risk Factory so hopefully we will be able to cope under the pressure of simulated “real-life” situations.

On Thursday we were set a design challenge. We had to design clothes for a certain celebrity. During this task we had to work as a team to design a logo for our brand, create an outfit using different materials using the correct measurements and create a description of the outfit in English and French. The outfits we created were fantastic and we gave an excellent catwalk performance.


P7b update

Last week most of us had our transition week at Bathgate Academy.  Here are some of our highlights from the week:

‘In science we used bunsen burners to boil an egg and complete other experiments.’- Ross and Emma

‘The sports event.  There were hurdles, long jumps, sprints, races and tug of war.  I got two third place medals.’ – Travis

‘In Modern Languages we had to guess whether logos came from France, Germany or Spain.’ – Catherine

‘In humanities we played catchphrase.’- Robbie

We all had great fun and are looking forward to attending high school in August!

In writing this week we wrote our own fractured fairy tale.  This is a well-known fairy tale with a twist.  For example, it could be a fairy tale written from another character’s viewpoint or with a different ending etc.  Miss Bollen was impressed with our ideas.  We wrote these stories into out transition jotters to show our high school teachers.

In class we also revised renewable and non-renewable sources and how to conserve energy.  We learned that energy conservation is when you use less energy.  For example, turning off a light when you leave a room.  We discussed a range of different ways to conserve energy and the effects this has on the environment.

In health and wellbeing we learned about first aid and how to respond in  emergency situations.  We discussed actions to take in different emergency scenarios and then used dummies to practise giving CPR.  We enjoyed this practical activity and now feel more confident in our own abilities to deal with an emergency.   We look forward to further developing our knowledge of this at our excursion to the risk factory on Monday.

Article 28- Right to an Education

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