Category Archives: Rights Respecting Schools

Spoiler Alert!

Today, Primary 1 had their dress rehearsal for “Wriggly Nativity”. We were very excited to try on our costumes for the first time and perform in front of a real audience! Our audience included our Primary 6 and 7 buddies, children from Bathgate West Nursery, Rainbow Nursery and Early Years Centre. Thank you all for coming and witnessing our performance – we had a great time!

Here are some pictures of our fantastic performance:





Article 29: We have the right to showcase our talents and abilities


PE was very good this week. We did the obstacle course-Erin, Kay,Teighan, Robert

We liked getting to step 5 …We can’t wait to get our letters from Mr Welsh- Suvi, Megan, Lauren

I liked every thing we did this week-Kiara

I liked getting on to step 3  today-Gemma

I was Pupil of the Week today-Mia

I liked being part of  the playtime / lunchtime club with Mrs Mallin- Sophia

We enjoyed helping Primary 3 with the Christmas Carols on Thursday-Sophie,Alfie G.

We enjoyed watched Primary 3/2s Assembly this morning.It was all about Under the Sea-Euan,Emma

We enjoyed watching the Wriggly Nativity yesterday during Drama. We were the quality audience-Sam,Liam,Connor,Denholm,Alfie B.

I enjoyed learning some french words for Christmas like une cheminee(fireplace) and Noel(Christmas)- Jason

I liked making my winter figure will look funny when my picture is stuck on it !- Jess

We liked being dressed down today – Ava,Ben, Oliver


What a busy week we have had….lots of exciting learning has taken place in Numeracy  – lots of Mental Maths training this week to help us speed up in our calculations. In Literacy this week we wrote a story about Justino. He was our main character in our story. He was a funny but helpful caring man. We described him with adjectives so we could imagine him clearly. In French we started learning some Christmas words eg Le Pere Noel and Noel ( Father Christmas and Christmas). We also started looking at weather in French aswell. …Il neige ( it’s snowing )and Il gele(it’s icy). We are all singing The Christmas Carols for the Church Service every day and know them very well now 🙂 We all like the dress down Fridays ! Home Learning due in Monday , thank you !

Dates to note:-

Christmas Lunch Wednesday 9th December 12.00..Wear a Christmas item if you don’t have a jumper 🙂

Christmas Disco P3 and P4  6.15-7.30pm …Tickets still available from the school office


We have the right to learn





Primary 4/3

Busy week…

We have written our letters to our penpals in New York. We look forward to our replies.

We are loving practising the Christmas Carols for the church service. We have worked exceptionally hard on our reindeer frames for the fayre. They cost £1 only !

Maths has been challenging this week …working on fractions and large numbers and patterns in numbers.

In Literacy we planned our letters then tried our very best to write it out neatly to send to New York. We were also developing our listening and talking skills with Miss Davidson.

French is becoming easier to order our lunch and sing a few songs. Next week we are going to look

at the weather in French-Le temps !

Ava,Robert, Oliver-We liked making the reindeer frames for the Christmas fayre

Sophie- I liked writing to my penpal Emily in New York

Mia, Sophia, Alfie G. -We are proud we are  now in the Golden Club

Erin, Sam- Our penpal is Jayden . We liked writing to him

Lauren- My penpal is Logan I liked writing a letter to him

Emma- I liked making the poster to advertise the Christmas fayre

Megan, Suvi- Our penpal is Jasmine. We liked writing to her.  We can’t wait to get a reply

Connor, Teighan- Michaele is our penpal .We liked writing to him

Jess- I was a quality audience for the P1 Nativity. It’s good

Denholm-My penpal is Zen. I liked writing to him. He looks good in his photo

Kiara, Gemma- Cosmic Yoga is fun

Jason – I can’t wait to learn more about the weather especially looking at New York’s weather

Liam- My penpal is Quinn. He wrote me a good letter first

Alfie B. -I am proud I am on step 4

Euan – My penpal is Mason. I liked writing my letter to him




Kiara- sentences

 Alfie- Words



School Fayre Tomorrow Saturday 28th November 10-12

Shared start Wednesday 2nd December 9.15am

Please remember your props for the Christmas story for Monday with Mrs Waddell








Our Assembly was on Friday 20th November we worked on it about France and the French are some photos of us !100_2825




IT’S NEARLY TIME100_2837 100_2839
















Thank you everyone for being a fabulous audience at our Assembly. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.100_2867 - Copy

From Mrs Aitken and P4/3


Money madness!

We have been learning about money in Primary 1a this week.

Lily – We have been taking away money and adding up money.
Kyle – That means we are learning to take away, add and use money all at once!
Orlaith – We have been learning about playing “money bingo”
Elena – You are not allowed to cheat at “money bingo”
Luis – You have to get all the money on the boards
Isla – We were learning about how to make the same amount of money using different coins
Tiana – We were using more than one coin




We are looking forward to learning more about money next week. We cannot wait to do some shopping in the classroom!!

Article 28: The right to learn and be educated

Lots of different ways of Learning in P4/3

We have had an exciting week ! Let’s tell you all about it …

I liked the Bonfire story …I was Star Writer this week for the Sentences. I read my story to Mrs Hay-Connor

I liked the Bonfire story Kai the Ninja was my character who came to the bonfire with me-Alfie B.

I’ve enjoyed my story this week. My character was Agnes from Despicable Me.She  came to the bonfire with me -Sophie

I liked my story writing this week. I read to Primary 6. My character was Alice In Wonderland-Megan

We liked the Big Balbardie Blether today.It was about Golden Time and the Golden Club events-Ben,Euan,Sophia,Oliver,Jason,Lauren, Gemma

I liked working on the netbooks making the circuits complete with Kiara-Ava

I liked story writing this week. I had Jay from Lego Ninjago as my character-Denholm

We liked watching the Primary 7 plays at Drama-Emma,Suvi

I was Star Writer this week for my bonfire story. I read it to Mrs Hay-Jess

I liked using Knex for our Science this week. I was working with Jess-Kiara

I was working on the netbooks. I had to build circuits and not overload plugs. I was working with Sophie-Sam

I liked sharing my project on the local area .It was the Regal theatre that I had made-Robert

We liked everything this week-Alfie G. Mia, Teighan, Erin

I liked Mrs Waddell coming into our class on Monday- Kay


Assembly  discussion underway …letter home next week.

Have a super weekend

From Mrs Aitken 🙂


Dress down day Friday 13th November for Children In Need

Home Learning due in Monday

Reading days are Monday/Wednesday Book covers and Titles

                                Tuesday/Thursday Chapters

                                                  Thursday Pages









News from Primary 3

We have been very busy this week in Primary 3.Here are our comments :

Maisey,Katie-We have been learning about Pyramids in Egypt

Emily,Jaime-Lee, Emma-The Egyptians buried the mummies in a tomb

Dani,Ben,Rose-We’ve been learning about Tutankhamen

Jason,Summer-In PE we have been playing the Bubble game

Guy,Callum,Nathan,Hope-This week we were practising our Assembly song

Charlotte,Louie,Lucy,Hayley- We’ve been doing French with Mrs Aitken-bonjour and

ca va !

Aryan- We’ve been learning 2d and 3d shapes in maths

Jacob-Sphinx guard Pharoah’s pyramids

Isaac-I know shapes can have 5 corners

ARTICLE 28- I have the right to an education

Have a super weekend !

Mr Cunningham









Primary 3’s news

Primary 3 have had a great first week of school. We were all glad to be back in school and it was exciting to hear about all the fancy places that some of us had been.

We have been learning lots of exciting new things like WOW words which we practiced by writing our very own spooky stories!!! They made Mr Cunningham very frightened reading them. Some of the classes stories were so good that they even went to show Mrs Aitken, well done Katie, Lucy, Charlotte and Hope.

In maths we started learning all about shapes by playing shape bingo and shape pairs. Unfortunately the weather was not nice on our outdoor PE day this week so P3 had a Just Dance musical statues game in the classroom instead some of the moves were fantastic.

To finish off the week we had special Golden Time. We looked at the different sense and our fine motor skills, we tried really hard not to get green and purple spaghetti all over the room.

Highlights of the week !

Highlights of the week:
Connor – I have loved storywriting as we had to write a spooky Hallowe’en story
Suvi – I really liked doing Tae Kwon Do. It was fun to learn how to do the kicks and punches
Mia – I loved climbing on the climbing frame in PE and Queenie Quennie was a fun game to play. I also did the splits on the mats and a cartwheel off the horse!
Sophia – I had fun this week at Tae Kwon Do. I enjoyed doing the round house kick!
Sam – My favourite part of the week was Tae Kwon Do too. I enjoyed running up and punching the punch bag
Kiara – I liked creating the Hallowe’en poster. I drew lots of pumpkins and wrote the heading ‘Trick or Treat’
Gemma – I liked doing PE this week because we got to choose our lesson as we collected the 5 fireballs! I choose the climbing frame!
Emma – My highlight of the week was Tae Kwon Do as it was really fun and I have never done it before
Megan – I learned new things at Tae Kwon Do this week, it was fun!
Lauren – I enjoyed PE this week we got to play lots of games
Euan – I enjoyed absolutely everything this week!

P4b 16.10. 15

What a great week we have had in p4b!

Eva: I thought P.E was amazing this week!

Lucy R: P.E was so fun!

James: I enjoyed learning about food chains and the movie afternoon was amazing!

Rachael: I enjoyed the church service, learning about food chains and watching a movie this week.

Emma: I liked learning about food chains this week.

Arran: I liked lots of things this week! I liked learning about food chains because it was fun. I also enjoined dividing by 5 and watching a movie.

Millie: I enjoyed learning what animals eat in a food chain.

Robbie: I enjoyed learning how to divide by 5, what food chains are and I liked watching the movie.

Sophie: I thought dividing by 5 was lots of fun.

Keira: I liked learning about food chains because I like animals. I also learned what animals are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Demi: I enjoyed learning about different kinds of food chains and habitats.

Lucy M: I enjoyed practising my 3 and 4 time tables.

Finn: Learning how to divide by 5 was really fun.

Freya: I liked dividing by 5 because it was fun.

Grace, Kelsey and Daniel: We loved watching a movie because it is the best movie ever.

Enjoy the October holidays! 🙂

Article 28: we have the right to an education.

Article 31: we have the right to play and rest.


Holidays are here :)

We have had a very busy first term and we are now looking forward to the October holidays…

We are looking forward to playing with friends-Sophie, Sam, Alfie G.

We can’t wait to play with friends-Oliver, Euan, Robert, Alfie B.

I m looking forward to going to Lego Land-Sophia

I m going to England. I m looking forward to that-Megan

I can’t wait to go to Egypt- Connor

We’re looking forward to having a break !- Jason, Emma

I ‘m looking forward to going horse riding and dancing- Kiara

I ‘m looking forward to going to my friend’s house -Ava

I ‘m looking forward to going to my daddy’s tonight- Teighan

I ‘m looking forward to my gymnastics-Suvi

I’m looking forward to going to my nanna’s house in England-Lauren

I ‘m looking forward to seeing my little sister all day :)- Gemma

I ‘m looking forward to my birthday-Jess

I ‘m looking forward to going away in the caravan-Denholm

Have a fantastic holiday everyone !

See you back in school on Tuesday 27th October 2015


Wednesday 28th Taster session of Tae Kwan Do 10am



Visitors in P4/3

As our context for learning draws to a close we ‘d like to share our visitors with you…

Mr Welsh came in from the Bathgate Heritage group and showed us slides of old Bathgate and Caitlin Jamieson came in and told us of being Princess Marjory in this year’s Procession… She showed us her cape and two tiaras.

We liked trying on Caitlin’s cape- Jason, Alfie B., Robert, Connor, Kay

We liked looking at Caitlin’s photo album-Ava, Suvi

I liked holding the back of the cape for the others- I was pretending to be a Page boy-Liam

We liked copying the picture of Highland Mary and Robert Burns- Kiara, Emma

We liked having Mr Welsh in our class and seeing the old pictures of Bathgate- Sophia, Sophie, Erin, Lauren

I enjoyed looking at the pictures of Old Bathgate- Gemma

We liked Mr Welsh being a visitor in our classroom- Denholm, Jess, Alfie G., Euan

I liked trying on Caitlin’s tiara-Teighan

We enjoyed Caitlin coming in and sharing all about being Princess Marjory- Oliver, Megan

I liked learning about Bathgate from Mr Welsh-Sam

diary dates

Wednesday 14th October-Parents consulations 4-6.30pm Appointments are all out.

Thursday 15th October- as above

Friday 16th October- 9.30am.. Please join us for our Harvest service at the High Church

October Holidays begin today !

Article 28 I have the right to an education



P4b wb 5.1015

We enjoyed French this week. We were learning the months of the year!

-Millie, Eva, Breanna, Olivia, Sophie and Arran.

We enjoyed team games in outdoor P.E. this week. We were learning to create our own games in our teams.

-James, Aidan, Daniel, Baillie and Freya.

We enjoyed our learning in maths this week.  We were learning about dividing, multiplication,  estimation, and co-ordinates. We were also practising our times tables for the times table challenge!

-Keira, Robbie, Grace, Isla, Cameron, Rachael and Emma.

I liked learning about the landscape of a farm. We looked on google map at farms in our local area and talked about what the different buildings were for.


We really enjoyed P4a’s assembly about Friendship. P4b tried very hard to be good friends during golden time this week!

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Article 31: we have the right to play and rest.

P4B- W/B 28.9.15

This week, we began our new context for learning:

We enjoyed learning about how plants grow through a process called photosynthesis – Sophie, Lucy M and Liam.

We also learned about the different parts of a plant and what each part does- Baillie.

In maths:

We enjoyed doing our times table challenge – Finn and Millie.

I liked learning about grid references and how to describe the location of objects- Emma

In writing:

We enjoyed making a poster to advertise in the school. We were trying to persuade people to bring in donations for the food bank- Keira, Daniel, Robbie, Ava and Freya.

In P.E.:

We have been working as a team in outdoor P.E.- James

We have been learning about balance and object control in Indoor P.E.- Arran, Aidan and Kelsey.

In Art:

We have been using a special art technique this week. We used wax crayons and black paint to cover our paper. Then we used the end of a paint brush to create an Autumn design- Eva, Rachael,Demi, Isla, Karys and Grace.

In circle time:

I liked talking about different relationships and deciding what a good relationship was and a bad relationship was- Olivia.

In French:

We learned numbers 13-31 and played bingo- Lucy R and Breanna.

Article 28- the right to an education






P4b 21.9.15

We have managed to be busy in our short week in P4b!

I enjoyed P.E this week- Kai

We enjoyed our number work and practising our times tables – Aidan, Eva, Finn, Freya, Olivia, Emma, Baillie, Grace and Breanna.

We enjoyed learning how to divide- Keira, Lucy, Kelsey, Rachael, Ava, Lucy M and Millie.

We are beginning our new context for learning- Harvest- next week. To finish off our learning about the weather we had a technology challenge! We  designed a waterproof shelter for Incey Wincey spider! We worked in pairs to decide what material and shape we would use for the shelter. We then evaluated our models at the end by thinking about what we might do differently another time.

We loved the challenge- Isla and Karys.

I enjoyed working with my partner for the challenge- Sophie.

Here are our models!

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Article 13: We have the right to share what we think with others.

P4/3 ‘s short week…

What a busy short week…

We ve had PE with Mr Jeffries. Mrs Innes gave out Golden tickets to Ben, Mia, Sophie and Emma. Well done !

Our Learning Across the curriculum is the local area. Our plans were to go to the Regal this week. It is a listed building in Bathgate. However it was so rainy and windy we had to stay in our classroom. Hopefully next week will be better weather.

Here are our comments….

I liked Maths this week. I was adding hundreds, tens and units-Oliver

We like place value in Maths working on numbers to 10 000-Erin,Sam

We liked doing Art. It was about Bathgate in the rain-Sophie, Ava, Emma and Sophia

I liked Drama with Sophia this week we were making an old map-Alfie G.

I was finishing off my map in drama working alongside Erin.I liked doing that-Suvi

I was using tens and units for addition-Teighan

I liked making tens and units addition to 100 in my jotter rather than on the worksheet-Jason and Liam

I enjoyed designing a welly as part of our story writing display-Denholm and Ben

I liked adding 100s, tens and units-Megan and Euan

We liked using the netbooks for Learning across the curriculum. We played compass games-Connor and Mia

I liked Maths this week. We are working on numbers to 1000- Gemma

We  liked the workbook on compass directions-Kiara and Jess

I liked Drama. I liked doing the map with Ava and Sophie- Lauren

Secret students this week were -Denholm and Sam

Article 28-the right to learn

Have a super weekend everyone

Mrs Aitken











P4b 14.9.15

P4b have enjoyed learning more about the weather this week:

Throughout the week, we have been collecting and recording information about what weather we can see and hear. We have been using a rain gauge, thermometer and anemometer to record rain fall, temperature and wind speed. We have also been discussing how the weather  can change throughout the day and how this affects us.

We liked learning about how a rain gauge works and enjoyed putting our class one outside to collect rain- Keira, Sophie, Freya, Breanna and Kelsey.

We loved art this week- we were learning to shade and sketch on drawings of still life weather objects- Lucy R, Rachael, Aidan, Robbie, Eva, and Karys.

In our maths groups we have been learning different skills:

We were learning the 5 times table-Finn.

We were dividing by 10- Lucy M, Ava, Emma, and Demi.

We have also been researching internet safety on the netbooks. We were learning what SAFE thinking means and made posters to tell others how to be safe.


Special person- Isla Bee


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We have the right to access information- Article 17

P4/3 are learning across the curriculum

Our Learning across the curriculum is Our Local Area which is Bathgate. Bathgate is a town in West Lothian. It has a population of over 21 000.

We had a really fun time going out on the streets of Bathgate using our directions-Kiara,Robert

I liked being special student- Teighan

I liked doing map making at Drama with Kiara-Megan

I enjoyed map making with Erin at Drama. We put fields and houses everywhere. It was a very old map of Bathgate-Suvi

I like the ibooks with Erin. We were playing the map game- Mia

I liked being secret student -Ben

I was doing mapping with Ava at Drama. That was good-Lauren

We liked everything this week-Alfie G., Gemma

I liked story writing about my wellies in Bathgate-Oliver

I liked working with Robert on maps this week-Emma

I was working with Denholm at Drama .We were drawing a map of Bathgate and colouring it in-Euan

SRA is fun- Sophie,Ava

Story writing was fun. We were writing about where we go in our wellies- Erin,Denholm

I liked PE .It was fun this week-Connor

I liked Home Learning this week-Alfie B.

I liked working with Jess on map making-Liam

We listened to the story called Where my wellies take me and this week our story writing was all about places in Bathgate.I loved this -Sophia

The new book”How many jelly beans” has a huge picture at the end …there are  one million jelly beans on it- I like this book-Jess

Enjoy the holiday weekend everyone. See you back here safe on Wednesday.

Mrs Aitken






In maths, we have been learning to…

We have been learning a lot in Maths this week.

We have been learning to:
– Order numbers using party hats (Kyle)
– Order numbers to 20 by cutting and sticking them in the right order (Isla)


– 2D shape bingo (Brandon)


– Use beads to make patterns (Lily)


– Use the maxi cubes to make patterns (Scott)
– Stamp numbers in the right order (Elena)



– Make patterns with the colours of the counting bears (Lucas)
– Use the peg boards to make patterns as well (Akasha)


We are looking forward to learning more about 3D shapes next week in school!

*Remember that we are not in school on Monday and Tuesday AND next Friday is the MacMillan Coffee Morning*

Article 28: The right to an education