Category Archives: Rights Respecting Schools

Happy Easter from Primary 1a

This week we have been learning about The Easter Story.

Akasha – Easter was when Jesus died.
Kyle – The soldiers killed Jesus and he went up to heaven.
Orlaith – They used their spears and crucified him on the cross. He was dead for 3 days.
Lily – After 3 days he was risen from the dead and resurrected!

We made Easter Story booklets with Mrs Laidlaw which helped us understand the Easter Story better. We had to put it in the correct order.

Today we went to The High Church in Bathgate and the Service was about Easter. We learned the story about The Three Trees.

We hope you have a lovely Easter holiday break and stay safe 🙂

Article 28: We have the right to an education

This week …

We are on the last week of term. It is busy because we have our excursion tomorrow to South Queensferry Visitor Centre.

We have the Church service on Thursday morning and we have the Golden Club event for many of the class on Thursday afternoon.What an excitng last week of term…

Our comments:-

Teighan,Megan,Robert,Alfie B., Sophia, Ben, Denholm, Kay – We can’t wait until we go to The visitor centre at South Queensferry tomorrow

Connor, Euan- We are looking forward to the trip tomorrow and having lunch in the Rail Bridge restaurant in South Queensferry

Jason-I can’t wait to see the bridges tomorrow

Kiara,Sam-  We’re excited for the church service this Thursday

Ava,Sophie, Alfie G.- We can’t wait to sing “As one” in the church on Thursday

Erin, Liam, Jess- We’re looking forward to the Golden Club event on Thursday afternoon

Mia, Lauren, Suvi, Emma-We’re looking forward to singing the Easter songs at the church on Thursday

Oliver- I ‘m looking forward to Parents Evening







Lots of learning in Primary 1a

We have learned lots of things this week and would like to share with you our highlights of the week!

Lois – Learning about cavemen
Teigan – Playing with my friend, Zoe
Lily – I liked learning about dinosaurs
Eden – I liked learning about the Stone Age
Akasha – I liked learning about cavemen. I also liked when I made my Spring flowers
Isla – I liked when we were writing about what we want to learn about the Stone Age
Elena – I liked when we drew pictures of what cavemen used to wear
Lexi – I liked learning about the Stone Age
Tiana – I liked learning Art. We made Spring flowers

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Becoming palaeontologists in Primary 1a

As part of a home learning task, all the Primary 1 teachers asked the pupils to create a dinosaur project. The boys and girls could create their project however they wanted. This could be shown in a display box, arts and crafts, an information board, or however you liked! Miss Wilson was so impressed that every single boy and girl brought in their project and every single one was fantastic. The children had to present their project to the rest of the class and had to answer questions, such as:
– How did you make your project?
– Who helped?
– What did you learn whilst creating your project?
– What would you change about your project next time to make it even better?

Here are some pictures of some of our projects:







Article 29: We have the right to showcase our talents and abilities

P1a class assembly

Today was our class assembly! We were very excited to tell everyone what we have been learning about dinosaurs.

There were some boys and girls dressed as dinosaurs and some boys and girls dressed as palaeontologists. Everyone looked great!

In our assembly:
– I liked when we said “That’s the endosaurus!” (Lexi)
– I liked dressing up as a palaeontologist. (Kyle)
– I liked singing the songs. (Eden)
– I liked Isla’s part. (Elena)
– I liked my part when I was a tricerotops and I liked singing the songs. (Akasha)
– I was a pterodactyl. (Orlaith)
– I liked when I said my part. (Isla)

Article 29: We have the right to showcase our talents and abilities

Units of measurement

This week in Primary 1a we have been learning about the different ways you can measure. Some of these are:
– height
– length
– weight
– capacity
We were given different units of measurement to explore the classroom and see if we could find things that length. For example, some of us were given 3 rubbers, some of us were given 5 counting bears and 6 sticks. We really enjoyed exploring the classroom to try and find things of a certain length using our unit of measure.

Here are some pictures of our learning:








Article 28: The right to an educatoin

What I love learning about in P4/3

Our comments about learning in P4/3

We love Science ….that is Magnetism at the moment-Ben,Connor, Sophia, Emma, Oliver, Teighan, Sophie, Jason

We love the Gathering on a Monday morning-Suvi,Liam

We love Drama-Mia, Alfie G. ,Robert, Erin, Megan, Lauren,Gemma

I love French-Ava

I love learning my times tables-Kiara

We love our new style of Golden Time-Jess, Alfie B.

We love Assemblies on a Friday morning-Euan, Sam

Learning is fun and is done in all areas of the Curriculum in lots of different ways…

Please remember to return green form and payment for our trip to the visitor centre at South Queensferry as soon as you can.

Have a super holiday weekend 🙂

See you all back on Wednesday 17th February 

Congratulations to:-

Star writers- Kay, Mia, Gemma and Ben for super Pet leaflets

Pupil of the week-Sophie


How big were dinosaurs?

This week we were continuing to learn how big dinosaurs really were. We were so surprised last week when we learned how giant they were, so this week we learned about the size of parts of their bodies.

First, Miss Wilson showed us a life-sized t-rex’s footprint and we had to make predictions about how many of our own footprints would fit inside! Miss Wilson also showed us a footprint of a brachiosaurus and a stegosaurus’ plate. Some children guessed around 20 of our footprints would fit inside these, some children estimated that 155 of our footprints would fit inside!

Next, we drew around our footprints on a bit of paper and cut them out. Then we decorated them and stuck them on one of the life-sized prints.

We discovered that 25 of our footprints fitted into the t-rex’s giant footprint!

We discovered that 43 of our footprints fitted into the brachiosaurus’ giant footprint!

We discovered that 27 of our footprints fitted into the giant stegosaurus’ plate that would be on his back!

We really enjoyed this activity and learned even more about how big these dinosaurs really were.

We are looking forward to showing you what we have been learning at our class assembly on Friday 4th March. Our assembly will begin at 9:15am so try to get there earlier if you would like a seat 🙂

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Lots of new ways of learning in P4/3

Busy days in P4/3….We learned that there are magnets in cows …imagine that !

We also learned a shepherd called Magnes discovered magnetism about 4000 years ago in Ancient Greece.

Our writing this week was creating a leaflet about Caring for a pet…We all worked so hard to produce neat, colourful easy to read leaflets.

In Maths we have been consolidating our times tables(the Hexagons) , measuring accurately with a metre stick (the Rectangles) or a ruler( the Pentagons). We have also been working on our Mental Maths strategies.

Our comments:-

We liked the comic strips this week on Dennis the menace-Euan,Kay

We liked making the poster on Magnetism-Ben,Oliver,Sophia,Ava

We liked PE this week working with Mr Jeffries-Megan, Lauren,Erin

We liked the new style of Golden time-Jason,Alfie G., Jess

We enjoyed Mental Maths with Miss Davidson-Suvi, Liam

I liked the speedy Maths times table activity this week-Sam

I liked working with other P4s on Maths this week-Sophie

We liked doing the Gingerbread Mannie-Kiara, Alfie B, Connor, Robert

I liked doing my part of the Gingerbread Mannie in Scots-Teighan

I like being Mrs Moore in the Gingerbread Mannie-Mia

I was Star writer this week -Denholm


Denholm, Lauren and Sophie..Well done all



The Valentine’s Disco Wednesday 10th February

4.30pm-6pm P1-3

6.30-8pm P4-7










Measuring dinosaurs

This week we have been comparing measurements.

Did you know that a brachiosaurus weighed the same as 17 elephants! That is a lot!!

We even found out a stegosaurus was as big as a bus. Akasha, Jonah, Rheagan and Teigan have gotten on the school bus before and think that is big. They think around 100 children can fit on the bus so that would be a huge dinosaur!

A velociraptor was less than a metre tall – Jonah is very excited to play a velociraptor in our class assembly. He is less than a metre tall so will be about the same size.

A wingspan of a pterodactyl was around 11 metres long – we measured this in our classroom and it JUST fit in. We couldn’t believe how big their wings were and some of us got a little fright!

A brachiosaurus was around 18.5 metres long – we measured this in our school hallway and couldn’t fit everyone in! That made us really think about how big the dinosaurs were.



Did you know that the teeth of a tyrannosaurus rex were around 20 centimetres long?! That is almost the full size of a ruler and we thought they would be really sharp!

We enjoyed learning a lot about the size of dinosaurs and were very shocked to see how big they actually were. We wouldn’t want to meet a dinosaur nowadays!

Our class assembly will be held in the P.E. hall on Friday 4th March and will be ready to start at 9:20am – please get there earlier if you would like a seat. We look forward to sharing some of our learning about dinosaurs with you 🙂

Article 28: We have the right to an education

We learn in many ways in P4/3

We learn through planning and designing. We learn through class , group and individual work. We learn through researching on the netbooks and discussion work. We learn through making mistakes and trying again….

Here are our comments:-

Story writing was fun this week…. we planned ours about a micro pig-Ben, Mia

We liked writing our story of our unusual pet-Emma,Megan, Kay, Kiara

We liked PE this week-Erin, Gemma

The Bridge challenge was great. Our team was called The Builders-Connor

We liked the Gingerbread Mannie at Drama-Euan, Robert, Denholm, Alfie B.

I enjoyed watching Jason doing the Gingerbread mannie dance at Drama-Sophia

I liked being the rapper for the Gingerbread Mannie- Alfie G.

I liked the bridge building challenge.Our team was The  Bridges-Sam

We liked the bridge building challenge.Our team was The Three Bridges-Teighan,Lauren

We also liked the bridge challenge.Our team was The BSA -Ava,Jess

I received the drama award for Primary 3s-Suvi

I enjoyed Cosmic Yoga this week-Jason

Congratulations to

Suvi for receiving the P3 drama award

Euan, Megan and Sophia for being our Star Writers

Have a super weekend everyone 🙂

Remember to buy your Valentine’s Disco tickets from the school office £1 only !





Prehistoric dinosaurs

We learned this week what the word “prehistoric” means. It means it was a long time ago (Lexi).
Miss Wilson showed us some pictures of what outside would look like when the dinosaurs were about. We noticed that in the scenes:
– there was a sun (Elena)
– there was a beautiful sky (Isla)
– trees (Eden)
– grass (Kyle)
– sunshine (Teigan)
– sand (Eva)
– there were bushes (Orlaith)
We compared how our world is nowadays compared to prehistoric times. Nowadays, we have schools and buildings and cars, whereas these were not about a long time ago.

Our mission was to create a prehistoric scene for dinosaurs. We were given one dinosaur stimulus to create our scene for. If we had a brachiosaurus, we made sure to add trees into the scene because that is what they eat.

First, we were put into groups and discussed what we had to add into our prehistoric scene.
Next, we were given the dinosaur stimulus to create the scene for.
Then, we had to draw a scene with colouring pencils and include all of the things we discussed.
Finally, we got to stamp on the dinosaur sponge shapes into the correct place in the picture. For example, the pterodactyl would go in the sky!

We really enjoyed creating our prehistoric scenes and are all looking forward to learning even more about dinosaurs.

Article 28: We have the right to an education















Becoming artists in P1a

This week in Primary 1a we were very excited to learn about a new art technique – mosaic pictures!
We put lots of bits of tiny paper on our pictures (Teigan)
If we were not finished, we put them to dry on the drying rack and will get to finish them at Golden Time! (Akasha)
It was almost like printing with your finger, but we used little bits of paper instead (Kyle)
It looked like a smashed picture and like we were fixing it up again (Rheagan)

We really enjoy learning different art techniques to make pictures – Miss Wilson thought they looked beautiful.

Article 28: The right to an education

p4b wb 11.1.16

Liam: I enjoyed doing Scottish art this week. We drew Scottish landscapes with crayons

Daniel and Rachael: I enjoyed the snow this week! I also liked dancing in P.E.

Keira, Emma and Freya: We enjoyed reciting our Scottish poems this week for the poetry competition

Finn and Demi: We liked doing Scottish dancing this week

Brodie: I enjoyed learning how to add 3 digit numbers vertically in maths

Aidan: I enjoyed P.E. this week

Robbie and Grace: We enjoyed Scottish art this week

Sophie: I like learning about remainders in maths this week

Karys and Isla: We enjoyed playing domino express at Golden Time

Ava: I enjoyed learning about fractions in maths

Lucy R, Lucy M and Eva: I enjoyed doing Scottish art

James: I enjoyed Scottish dancing

Olivia: I enjoyed spending time with Daniel Dillon on Thursday






A week of Scots

We have been busy learning our Scots poems by JK Annand or Margaret Hamilton.

We worked hard on our lines and actions. We were excited for the class final on Thursday. Mrs Aitken found it very difficult to choose three finalists.

Well done everyone. You have made me very proud of all your efforts !

Our story writing this week was in the style of Matthew Fitt’s story “Jordan’s new jaiket”…Come in and read them on our walls ! Some are even on the door of the class.

We started looking at a dvd about Scotland in the past and we saw lots of times when it was covered in ice ….

In art we used different medium to create landscapes of Scotland…we used lots of greens, blue and white with a touch of red….the paintings look really effective.

Our comments this week :-

We liked the landscapes of Scotland in Art-Ben, Connor, Gemma, Sam, Denholm

We liked the poem Mince and Tatties-Jess,Mia, Liam, Megan

We liked our poem The Twa Leggit Mice-Teighan, Oliver

We liked writing the story this week My new jaiket-Ava,Kay

I liked being one of the four finalists in the class for Mince and Tatties-Sophia

We liked  learning the poem Lament for a lost dinner ticket-Jason, Euan

We liked being chosen as  finalists for the poetry competition on Monday-Sophie, Suvi

We liked reciting Mince and Tatties even though we weren’t chosen for the final-Emma, Alfie G.

We like Drama -it is about the gingerbread man but in Scots-Kiara, Erin


Our three finalists are Denholm, Suvi and Sophie-GOOD LUCK FROM US ALL


You have the right to choose your own friends and join or set up groups, as long as it isn’t harmful to others.

Have a super weekend P4/3

See you Monday 🙂





Dinosaur Eggs


We were so surprised to come into the classroom yesterday morning to find a nest of dinosaur eggs on the table!

Akasha – They began to hatch and we played with the dinosaurs. We each got a turn to gently try and get the dinosaur eggs to hatch.

Kyle – We were trying to get the dinosaurs out.

Brandon – The baby dinosaurs tails hatched out of the eggs.

Luis – We read the story “Harry and his dinosaurs go to school”

Tiana – Harry took his dinosaurs to school and he put them in a bucket outside the classroom.

Akasha – Harry took his dinosaurs out of the bucket and they said “RAHHHHH!!”

Orlaith – If we weren’t hatching the eggs, we got to colour in a picture of the and write what they were called.




Article 28: We have the right to an education

Welcome back P4/3 !

This has been a short week back to school after our Christmas holidays…we have been busy getting back into work mode !

Primary 3 were all very lucky to take part in a NYCOS workshop – leaflets were handed out on the day.

All children now have their Scots poem to learn by Thursday 14th January when 3 finalists from the class will be chosen to take part in school final on Monday 18th January-good luck everyone !

The class started The gingerbread man in Scots this week with Mrs Innes in Expressive Arts…sounds so much fun !

Here are our comments….

We liked coming back to school and seeing  our friends and beginning fun work again-Mia,Alfie G. Sophie,Sophia, Teighan

We liked the NYCOS Workshop where we played fun games and sang songs – Alfie B., Robert, Denholm, Euan

We liked Cosmic Yoga it was set in Australia this week-Jess,Megan, Gemma, Sam, Oliver, Emma, Connor

I liked the indoor club with Mrs Mallin-Ben

I’ m looking forward to hearing from my pen pal in New York-Erin

We liked everything since we came back to school-Kiara, Lauren

We liked learning our Scottish poems-Suvi, Jason

When P3 went to the NYCOS Workshop I liked having Mrs Hay-Ava

diary dates

Scots Poetry competition final Monday 18th January

Curricular evening Monday 18th January 6pm onwards

Residential meeting for P4s Thursday 28th January 6pm



You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged to go  to schol to the highest level you can.

Have a lovely weekend everyone !





The Gruffalo in Scots!

We have been learning some Scottish words this week in school. First, we read the story of “The Gruffalo”. Then, we read it another day in Scots. We really enjoyed hearing all the Scottish words.

In groups, we were given one Scottish word from story “The Gruffalo in Scots” and we had to discuss what we thought the meaning of the word was. Then, we were given Scottish words and had to find the word that said what it meant.
Akasha – I was given the word ‘mirk’. It meant ‘dark’
Eden – My word was ‘cheerio’ and that meant ‘goodbye’
Lucas – ‘hoolet’ means ‘owl’
Orlaith – My word was ‘neb’ and that means ‘nose’
Kyle – ‘jags’ meant ‘spikes’ on the Gruffalo’s back
Isla – My word was ‘dumfoonert’ and that meant terrified or confused
Tiana – My word was ‘dippet’ and that means silly

We are looking forward to learning more Scottish words and more about Scotland’s heritage.

Article 28: You have the right to an education


What a busy last week we have had in school….

We watched the Pantomime on Tuesday and some of us were very lucky to go to the Golden Club event on Thursday.  Our junior choir sang to parents after school on Tuesday… We were extremely  proud to have our choir broadcast on Radio Forth on Thursday morning…Well done everyone.

Here our last comments for 2015…

I ‘m looking forward to going to Denmark-Mia

We liked the magician at the Golden Club event-Suvi,Lauren

We liked the start of “Horton hears a who” movie-Erin,Megan,Emma

We’re looking forward to Christmas-Connor,Robert, Sophia, Teighan,Ben

I’m looking forward to going to my cousins for a sleepover-Sam

I’m looking forward to  the Christmas holidays and learning how to speak some Kenyan words-Jason

We’re looking forward to Santa coming to our houses-Alfie G., Denholm,Jess,Alfie B.

I liked being the last Advent calendar opener today- Sophie

I have a sleepover today, I can’t wait-Ava

I liked being the primary 3 class winner of our Challenge-Euan

I’m looking forward to the Christmas dinner-Kiara

I’m really looking forward to what I’m getting for Christmas-Gemma

I liked getting the voucher for being the primary 4 Challenge winner-Oliver


Hope you all enjoyed the Christmas biscuits we made on Wednesday.

Well done to Oliver our P4 Challenge winner and Euan our P3 Challenge winner.

Have a fabulous holiday everyone with family and friends.

Take care and see you all in January 2016

From Mrs Aitken 🙂








What exciting times in school this week which ended with a superb Christmas Assembly by P6b and musical interlude by the strings group.

We started with Christmas lunch wearing our Christmas jumpers….some were of trees and even one was like a reindeer….

We know our Christmas carols extremely well for the church service on Friday. We love singing Come with us and also Angels.

We watched The forgotten Toys as a hook for our story writing this week. It is a really good film if you haven’t already watched it. We would recommend it to everyone !

At the P6b Assembly this morning we loved the song Rudolf the red nosed reindeer-Ava, Lauren, Robert, Liam

I loved the Assembly and the strings group-Sophia

We loved wearing our Christmas jumpers this week-Oliver, Emma, Jess, Gemma, Teighan

We liked Christmas lunch this week. We had turkey, ice cream and a freddo-Euan,  Connor, Megan

We liked singing in the choir and it being posted on Youtube-Alfie G., Sophie

I liked watching Alfie, Luca,Ben and Aaron singing as a group at Drama-Mia

I liked making Christmas cards for Mrs Spence, Jayden ( my penpal) and Mrs Cameron-Erin

I liked making my winter figure for the display outside the classroom- Jason

I liked watching the strings group at the P6B Assembly today-Sam

I liked winning the float design for P3 at the Assembly today-Suvi

I liked hearing the songs for “The gingerbread man” in Scots at Drama -Kiara

We liked the Christmas disco-Alfie B., Denholm

Congratulations to:-

Suvi for winning the float design for P3 

Jason for taking part in the pantomimes Peter Pan and Mother Goose in The Regal theatre, Bathgate

Star writers

Mia, Kiara and Robert -Sentences

Erin- Paragraphs



You have the right to a good quality education. You should be encouraged  to go to school to the highest level you can.


Diary dates

Monday- Home learning due in, Breakfast with Santa 8am

Tuesday- The Hunch back of Notre Dame pantomime for Primary 1-6

Thursday- Golden Club event

Friday- Christmas service at The High Church 9.30am

              -School closes at 12.10pm….Holidays until January 2016

Have a fantastic last week 🙂