Category Archives: P7

Our week in p7b

Our learning…

Emily: We learned this week about Propaganda. Propaganda was used in World War 2 to try and convince people to do something or think a certain way.

Kai: When we learned about Propaganda and learned that some of the posters were made by the Allies for the Allies and some were for the Axis. We made posters to show we understood how it worked.

Kieran: I enjoyed drama this week because we were practising our lines. We were focusing on act 2.

Isla: We’ve been practising our multiplication skills this week and we did an accuracy challenge. We do an accuracy challenge to help us learn the skill of double-checking our work for errors. I got fully accurate and felt happy.

Lauren U: We also learned about D-Day this week and for our writing this week we pretended we were soldiers who had survived D-Day and we wrote letters back home to a loved one called Rose.

Paul: D-Day was 6th June 1944 and it was when loads of soldiers were killed on the beaches of France because they were trying to push the Germans back to Germany. Thousands were killed but the mission was a success and it led to the end of the war.

Taylor: This week we started our new version of Big Maths Beat That which has 80 sums which are all times tables. It’s harder but is helping me learn my times tables.

Jack: In P.E. team 4 came first in the castles tournament and they scored 53 points.

Chloe: In p1 buddy time we helped our buddies learn how to play games and take turns.

Who has impressed?

Chloe: I’m impressed with the Wardens table for winning table of the week.

Kendal: I am proud of the p7 netball team because we came second in the tournament.

Emily: I’m impressed by Mr Berginis because he has a good German accent when we read the Boy In Striped Pyjamas novel.

Lauren U: Kieran has impressed me because he did well on his first go of our new Big Maths Beat That.

Paul: I’m impressed by Declan because he has nearly finished all of his WW2 project.

Kieran: I’m impressed by Lauren Ure because she is doing well at Big Maths Beat That.

Flyn: I’m impressed with Antonia for getting Pupil of the Week for being a great help to her p1 buddy.

Harry: I’m proud of Paul for scoring well in Big Maths Beat That.

Taylor: Lauren Kirk has impressed me because she beat the class highest score for Big Maths Beat That.

Mr Berginis: I was impressed with the D-Day letters we wrote this week and was very proud of how caring we all were towards our p1 buddies. 

Our week in p7b

Lauren C – I enjoyed redrafting our Remembrance poems this week because I am really proud of mine.

Kai – I enjoyed learning about the Blitz. I learned that bombs have lots of TNT in them.

Lauren U – On Tuesday (the 11th of November) we went to the Remembrance Service at the War Memorial and we got to put down crosses which had names of soldiers from Bathgate who died during World War 1.

Flyn – I enjoyed writing about what makes a super p7 because I think it was my best piece of writing in p7 and it was really fun.

Ellie – I enjoyed learning about the Blitz and found out that it blew up people’s house and it was very sad.

Chloe – I enjoyed seeing how much damage one bomb could do to a house during the Blitz.

Callum – The school football team played their first matches this week in a football tournament at Creamery Park. It was really fun to play in the team.

Antonia – I enjoyed P.E. this week because we did the bleep test and I scored 10.2 in it.

Jay – I enjoyed doing art with my p1 buddy and he was really good at painting so it was fun.

Who has impressed?

Flyn – Nathan has impressed me because he got pupil of the week and I’m really proud of him.

Adam – Declan has impressed me this week because his writing was really good and he put a lot of effort into it. Everybody did really well.

Harry – I’m proud of my table because we got our hat-trick of wins for table of the week.

Jay – I’m proud of everybody in the class because during P.E. we all got good scores in the bleep test.

Lauren C – Ellie has impressed me by how well she did in the bleep test in P.E.

Taylor – Olivia has impressed me because she tried so hard in her Big Maths Beat That.

Kendal – Isla, Chloe and Lauren U impressed me by doing their singing in front of the whole class at drama.

Antonia – Paul has impressed me because he has a huge part in Aladdin but has worked really hard to learn all of his lines.

Lauren U – Kyra has impressed me because she got her best ever score in Big Maths Beat That.

Ellie – Kyra has also impressed me this week because I think she did very well in her maths.

Mr Berginis – I was proud of how well-behaved and respectful the class were at the War Memorial Service on Tuesday. 

Our week in p7b

Our learning

Emily: I enjoyed learning about Dunkirk this week and it was really interesting. I thought it was a success because they rescued a lot more soldiers off the beach than they thought they would.

William: I liked talking and learning about Remembrance Day. We also learned that VE Day (Victory in Europe Day) was in 1945 after Germany surrendered.

Isla: I enjoyed writing our Remembrance poems because I thought I wouldn’t be able to do very many verses but I did and I felt proud.

Kai: I enjoyed writing my poem about Remembrance because I liked using the rhyming words and also because I liked writing about the soldiers.

Lauren U: This week we started our Maths Wall of Fame. We’ve been using different numeracy games on the iPad and DS and we have to try and beat each other’s best scores. I like doing it because it’s fun!

Lauren C – I enjoyed learning more about Dunkirk because I know that some of my family were involved. Unfortunately they were killed in the battle.

Finlay: I enjoyed starting off doing Literature Circles and seeing who was in my group. My book is really good so far and is all about football and it’s called Kick-Off. Nobody believes that the main character can get into the team and do what he thinks he can.

Jay: I enjoyed doing Literature Circles because I got a new book called Lord Loss and it has lots of gore and is a bit disgusting it’s still really good!

Who has impressed?

Chloe: My whole table (the Home Guard) has impressed me because we won table of the week for the second week in a row.

William: Callum has impressed me because he hasn’t swung on his chair again this week!

Adam: Declan has impressed me because in maths he did really well and he had good accuracy.

Kendal: I’m proud of Ellie this week because she got a new high score for Big Maths Beat That and she improved her score on the Wall of fame.

Lauren K: I was proud of Paul this week because he worked as hard as he could this week and concentrated well this week.

Emily: I’m proud of Isla because in music she played a new piece and she done excellently.

Isla: Emily has impressed me because she was brave in music and kept going on her own.

Ellie: Olivia has impressed me because her poem about remembering the fallen soldiers was amazing.

Lauren U: My table impressed me by trying their very best to win table of the week even though we ended up second.

Declan: Adam has impressed me because in his maths he only got two wrong which means he had good accuracy.

Finlay: Nathan has impressed me because he bought his Big Maths best score. Well done to everybody else who beat their best.

Lauren C: Antonia has impressed me because her name appears so many times on the Wall of Fame!

Antonia: Lauren C impressed me with how well she did in music and she kept going on the correct bit even when I got it wrong.

Taylor: Lauren K has impressed me because she got the top score for Twinoo and got onto the Wall of Fame.

Mr Berginis: I was extremely proud of the Remembrance poems the class wrote this week and I can’t wait to get them on display so the rest of the school can see how fantastic they are!

Our week in p7b

Flyn – I enjoyed learning about World War 1 because there were a lot of interesting facts which I didn’t already know. I’ve also been researching some things at home.

Kai – I enjoyed learning about World War 1 as well because I knew things about WW2 but not WW1.

Lauren U – I enjoyed writing our spooky stories that we did this week. I found it really fun because I enjoy writing stories.

Chloe – I enjoyed my spooky story because I found it quite challenging to find a way of making it spooky.

Paul – I enjoyed the Halloween team challenges we did for Halloween, some were quite hard.

Lauren C – I enjoyed to the spooky story called The Man With The Yellow Face because it painted a really good picture in my head.

Kieran – I enjoyed assembly today because it was funny seeing Mr Jeffries dressed as Mr Welsh and Mr Welsh dressed as Mr Jeffries.

Lauren K – I enjoyed starting our own personal projects about WW2 because I get to choose what I want to learn about.

Who has impressed?

Flyn – Jay impressed me because he got the MVP award for P.E. and I was very proud of him.

Lauren U – Lauren C impressed me by winning the drama pupil of the month.

Callum – Lauren U impressed me by getting pupil of the week for always trying her best and being proud of her work.

Harry – Mr Berginis has impressed me by the way he taught us about all the things from WW1 and made them really clear.

Antonia – Olivia has impressed me this week because she got her best ever score on Big Maths Beat That.

Lauren C – Callum has impressed me by breaking his habit of swinging on his chair.

Kieran – I’m impressed with Mrs Innes because she has always been there for me when I need her and I just want to say thank you.

Emily – I’m impressed with Mrs Innes and Mrs Haddifon because their costumes are very cool and they’ve put a lot of effort in to them.

Mr Berginis – I was really impressed this week with all the different spooky ideas that the class came up with for their scary stories and I enjoyed reading them.

Term 1 in p7b

Callum – China has been a great topic this term because we have been learning a bit of Mandarin, for example how to say the numbers and family members.

Jack – My highlight of this term was getting into the school football team.

Adam – My highlight is the art work that we have done because it has been fun. My favourite has been the Heaven and Hell artwork we did this week.

Lauren C – I have enjoyed working with my buddy Kailyn this term as she is a pleasure to work with and she listens really well.

Chloe – I have enjoyed going to church with my p1 buddy because she was really good at singing the songs.

Lauren U – I have enjoyed the team challenges that we have done. My favourite was the one where we had to build a tower one metre high using limited resources.

Kai – My highlight is the art we did, especially the sketching lesson on cars. I also enjoyed using the chopsticks because I can now eat my dinner with them!

Emily – I have enjoyed team challenge and my favourite challenge was the chopstick challenge because it was fun and interesting to learn how to use chopsticks.

Taylor – I’ve enjoyed the Manga art because it was fun using your imagination to create a Manga character.

Kyra – My favourite thing about this term has been doing maths this term. I liked it because it is fun.

Olivia – I enjoyed learning about Confucius because he had good sayings which are helpful for life.

Isla – My favourite thing this term has been the Big Start challenges in the mornings. We’ve done things like jigsaws, riddles and puzzles.

 Mr Berginis – My highlight of this term has been getting to know all of the pupils in the class and it has been a pleasure to teach them.

Confucius say: “This is our week in p7b!”

This week we have been learning about the famous Chinese philosopher, Confucius.

Paul: “Confucius lived thousands of years ago and is famous because he invented Confucianism and a lot of people follow it to help them have a better life.”

Kai: “He taught children to respect of their parents and their older brothers and sisters.”

Jack: “He was one of the most intelligent people in China and a group of people wrote down every thing he said in books called analects.”

Chloe: “If people had a problem or falling out they would go to Confucius and he would help them sort it out.”

We have looked at some of his most famous sayings and we picked out our favourites:

Ellie: “I liked the saying don’t use a cannonball to kill a mosquito because I found it helpful not to use up all my energy on small things.”

Paul: “I liked forget injuries, never forget kindnesses because it tells us that we should think about who cares for us and all the things they do for us.”

Antonia: “Confucius say fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue. I like this because it is true that it’s what’s on the inside that counts more than the outside.”

Lauren U: “I liked the real fault is to have faults and not amend them because everybody makes mistakes and we should learn from them.”

Lauren C: “I liked be not ashamed of mistakes and thus make them crimes because it means if you do something just try and learn from it instead of giving yourself a hard time.”

Declan: “My favourite was success depends upon previous preparations because it tells us we need to plan properly for things to do them well.”

Who has impressed?

Jay: “I have been impressed with Jack because he got 64 in his Big Maths. Well done to everybody else who beat their best score!”

Lauren C: “Flyn and Harry have impressed me with the way they have taken on the roles of Wishy and Washy with enthusiasm.”

Ellie: “Antonia impressed me by being selected as captain of the school football team.”

Paul: “I’m impressed with my p1 buddy Jay because he was doing well with his storybook and trying to read it himself.”

Lauren U: “Kyra has impressed me by getting onto step 3 this week.”

Adam: “Declan has impressed me in the chopstick challenge because he never gave up even though he found it tough.”

Harry: “Jay has impressed because he was fantastic at using the chopsticks during the chopstick challenge.”

Declan: Adam impressed me this week as he has been a great friend by being helpful.”

Emily: “I impressed myself because even though I couldn’t use them before I tried hard and got better at chopsticks.”

Antonia: “Finlay impressed me this week because he has been really kind to me.”

Mr Berginis: “I was very impressed with how well the class understood the sayings of Confucius and they were able to pick out the ones which they thought could help them in their lives. My favourite is forget injuries because it is important to forgive people so that they can forgive themselves as well.”

Ni hao from p7b!

Our week:

Declan: “We have been learning how to talk Mandarin this week. For example how to say hello and good bye. Ni hao is for hello and zai jian for goodbye.”

Kendal: “This week we’ve been learning how to draw Manga. Manga is a Chinese art form which has characters with big shiny eyes, small mouths, small noses and big heads. Check out our display at the top of the stairs.”

Jack: “We’ve been learning about how to use place value and adding skills to solve problems with calculating bills and costs of car deals.”

Lauren U: “We made hens with our p1 buddies this week. We painted our buddy’s hand red and pressed it down on paper then we added all the feathers and tail.”

Paul: “We did our third week of Big Maths Beat That and I beat my best score. Antonia set a new class record of 62.”

Flyn: “We did P.E. with Mr Jeffries and played Castles. Antonia and Kieran got a new record of knocking both castles down in six seconds.”

Kai: “For team challenge we had to make a picture with coloured shapes with our whole team. The person who saw the solution had to remember it and give clear instructions and the placers had to listen carefully about where to put the shapes.”

Ellie: “In writing we were writing an imaginative story called What A Day! We focused on emotions and we had to write about an amazing day we had had the day before.”

Chloe: “In grammar we learned when to use apostrophes and when not to. We use them to show that something belongs to someone and to shorten words like don’t. We never use them to say more than one of something like dogs or pencils.”

Who has impressed?

Kieran: “Mr Welsh has impressed me this week beacuse he helped me with my work by helping explain it. I’ve also been impressed by myself because I’m controlling my behaviour a bit better.”

Kendal: “Lauren K has impressed by being a good role model because she has been setting a good example for younger pupils.”

Kai: “Lauren C and Adam have impressed me because they managed to learn their Mandarin phrases without using their jotter.”

Chloe: “My p1 buddy Niamh has impressed by getting a certifictate at assembly.”

Ellie: “Antonia has impressed me by beating the class score on Big Maths.”

Lauren U: “My buddy from last year, Gemma, impressed me by getting pupil of the week.”

Jay: “Kendal has impressed me by bringing in tasty cupcakes for the whole class!”

Callum: “Declan has really impressed me because he has been a good friend this week.”

Flyn: “Kieran has impressed me because he has been working hard on his classwork.”

Emily: “I’ve impressed myself because I got my maths fully accurate.”

Taylor: “Emily has impressed me because her Manga art character met all the success criteria.”

Adam: “Harry has impressed me by being a great friend this week and he is improving his classwork.”

William: “Paul has impressed me by behaving well and getting pupil of the week.”

Mr Berginis: “I’m proud of how superb the class have been with their p1 buddies again this week. They have been caring and helpful. Keep it up.”

P7b and P1h are buddies!

One of the things p7b have enjoyed most about p7 so far is being able to help our p1 buddies from Miss Holwill’s class. We’ve been helping them out at lunchtimes to get used to the school system and we’ve been spending Buddy Time helping them with their learning. Last week we helped them design peg people which looked like themselves and this week we helped them with some painting as they made bears for their Goldilocks and the Three Bears display. Check out some pictures below… 



Our learning

Declan – “We’ve been learning about road safety this week and creating posters to persuade drivers, passengers and pedestrians to stay safe.”

Jack – “We had fun going to lunch with our p1 buddies this week because we were able to help them out.”

Emily – “We had our first full circle this week. We played circle time games like Killer 12, Super Splat, Killer 12 Revenge and Silent Ball.”

Kai – “We’ve learned how to sketch properly in art this week. We learned to do light strokes and how to shade in the same direction.”

William – “We’ve had a very fun week because sketching was awesome even though it was quite hard.”

Paul – “We’ve been practising our grammar this week. We learned the difference between there, their and they’re.”

Isla – “We use there when we are talking about a place.”

Lauren U – “We use their when we are talking about something belonging to someone.”

Kieran – “We use they’re as short for they are.”

Jay – “We’ve been having lots of fun in PE because we’ve been trying to earn games of fireball with Mr Jeffries.”

Who has impressed?

Paul – “The Lamborghinis table have impressed me by winning table of the week two weeks in a row.”

Antonia – “Olivia has impressed me because her sketch was amazing and she shaded it really well.”

Flyn – “Jack has impresed me because he has been a really good friend to me this week.”

Emily – “Isla has impressed me because she did really well in music. She made no mistakes.”

Kieran – “I’m impressed with my dad because he took me an my mum to a lovely Indian restaurant.”

Kendal – “Antonia and Paul have impressed me because they were voted in as our class JRSO reps.

Harry – “Chloe impressed me because she got 35 in her Big Maths Beat That this week.”

Adam – “Kieran has impressed me because he is getting really close to getting on step 3.”

Mr Berginis – “I am so impressed with how fantastic the whole class has been as buddies to p1h. They have been very supportive and caring.”



Our week:

Lauren C – Our first week in p7b has been really fun because of Mr B’s bad jokes!

Adam – On the first day Mr B taught us an important life skill…how to open a door! (just in case we forgot over the summer!)

Callum – We’ve learned how to play table toppers this week, it’s awesome!

Kendal – We visited the Autism base and learned how the pupils don’t like loud noises.

Jay – The first week has been difficult as we’ve had to put up with Mr B’s terrible jokes!

Emily – We designed month posters to put up on the wall to form our p7b journey through the year.

Lauren K – We went out to the playground and surveyed the different traffic on Torphichen Street. We looked at different colours and type of vehicle.

Declan – We’ve learned how to play the game Outburst. It helps us develop team skills like supporting each other and taking turns.

Paul – I’m looking forward to p7 because Mr B makes games to help us learn, they’re majestic.

Finlay – I’m looking forward to doing more games to help us learn this year.

Flyn – I’m looking forward to learning about the rainforest this year because it’s all about animals and I’m interested in animals.

Lauren U – I’m looking forward to going to Belgium because one of my ancestors is on the memorial wall at Tyne Cot cemetery.

Who has impressed?

Chloe – Ava Campbell has impressed because she has moved onto her new class and has settled well.

Kieran – I’m proud of myself for I’ve behaved well this week.

Lauren K – I was impressed by the new p1s because they settled in really well into the big school and none of them have cried.

Adam – I’ve been impressed by Nathan because he’s been really mature and sensible this week.

Taylor – Antonia has impressed me because she has acted maturely in a p7 manner this week.

Antonia – I’m impressed with how hard Taylor has worked this week.

Mr Berginis – I’m proud of the whole class for how hard they have worked this week and they have made a brilliant start to p7. Keep it up!

Our week in p7b

Rabeea – this week we had our first academy visit and my favourite part was science because we had to make a container to pour water into using only paper and paperclips then cook an egg inside it. Our first was a disaster but the second worked well.

Sophie M – this week I enjoyed football elective becuase I improved my shooting skills and managed to score ten goals in one game!

Rebecca – I enjoyed sports day because I improved my running skills and didn’t come last in the races! 🙂

Dean – My favourite thing this week was the school football game this week but unfortunately we lost.

Sophie L – This week I enjoyed our day at the academy because when we were doing drama we were introducing ourselves and we were learning how to make up example issues to act out.

Christopher S – I enjoyed the high school visit because in science we made a ball which was supposed to bounce and at one point in drama we all had to say our names and rhyme something with it and some people did  some really funny things!

Alexander – I improved my maths this week by geting better at measuring. I got better at estimating how long something was before measuring it.

Christopher A – I enjoyed Musical Theatre this week because we were getting feedback on our performances and it has helped us to improve due to the appraisal.

Freya – In internet safety this week I improved my awareness of cyberbullying and how to keep safe on social media sites.

Who has impressed?

Rabeea – Sophie M impressed me by scoring ten goals at football!

Tom – Declan S impressed me by scoring two goals in the match versus Windyknowe and helping us make a comeback.

Rebecca – Sophie M impressed me because she came first in the sprint race at sports day. Also, Isla has impressed me by coming second with me in the three-legged race.

Jane – Hannah has impressed me by doing so well in the three legged race (she was my partner)

Callum – Dean has impressed me because he was a great three-legged partner and we finished third.

Eve – Amber impressed me by coming first in the 2 lap race at the sports day.

Nicky – Sophie M  impressed me as well by winning the sprint.

Freya – Mrs Waddell has impressed me with how long she has worked at Balbardie!

Christopher A – I’m also impressed with Mrs Waddell because she has seen us grow up from p1 to p7 and it’s going to be really sad to see her go.

Tom – Mr Berginis impressed me with how well he has done with the football team this year.

Dean – the school football team impressed me because even when we were getting beaten we still kept trying and showed perseverance.

Christopher S – I’m impressed with the school swimming team for winning the Procession swimming competition. We won the relay cup and the shield trophy.

Mr Berginis – I have been really impressed with everybody who represented the school this week at the Potted Sports, football match and Procession Swimming. They gave their all and done the school proud.


Our week in p7b

Our learning

 Rabeea – This week I improved my leadership skills in drama because we were setting out the stage for our plays and I took charge and got the props and costumes organised and stage setting.

 Abbie – This week I’ve learned how to write a report. We wrote a report about smoking and the arguments for and against it becoming illegal.

 Fraser – I found our tobacco workshop interesting. I learned more things such as that there are between 4000 and 5000 chemicals in one cigarette!

 Luke – In handball this week I learned the rules of the game and how to pass properly and about the three second rule.

 Sophie L – In my athletics elective we did a running schedule to improve my speed and I was getting faster by the minute!

 Louise – This week we learned about the dangers of smoking and how it affects your health. We learned that if you stop smoking you can start to become healthier after just two months.

 Dean – In internet safety we learned that if something pops up on our laptop or computer screens we don’t click on it because it could be a virus or phishing.

 Tom – I’ve learned how to multiply and divide decimals this week. If you were dividing by ten all the numbers jump one column to the right. If you’re multiplying by 10 they all jump one column to the left.

 Alexander – This week we learned about mood and atmosphere. Some of the moods that authors create are scary, exciting, creepy, sad, happy and anticipation.

 Who has impressed?

 Sam – Alistair impressed me by getting onto step 6 this week. All of the other people who got step 6 impressed me too.

 Tom – Fraser impressed me by being able to beat me at Ten Up at badminton this week.

 Taylor – Eve impressed me this week in Musical Theatre when we were singing My Immortal and she sung very well.

 Louise – My table (les heros) impressed me by winning for the second week in a row. We showed teamwork, concentration and worked hard.

 Zenaib – Lauren Cameron in p6a impressed me with her beautiful singing in Musical Elective.

 Jane – Rachel in p6 really impressed me because she stepped in for Rebecca’s part at singing Mamma, I’m a Big Girl Now at Musical Theatre.

 Mr Berginis – The class impressed me with how hard they worked in maths this week. They have impressed me with their knowledge of decimals and how they relate to percentages and fractions.

Balbardie Premier League – Final Table

Our fantasy football season has now finished with the following winners:

Top pupil – Tom White

Top teacher – Mr Berginis

Top family member – Paul White (Tom’s brother)

Overall winner – Mr Berginis

Well done to everyone who took part and if you are outside of the top ten and want to see where you finished then check out the wall display next to the p5,6,7 exit door.

Our week in p7b

What have we been learning about?

Rebecca – I enjoyed drama this week because we got given our parts and I got the one I wanted which was Marian Doll.

Callum – I enjoyed drama this week because I got given the main part of Tam in Tam O’Shanter’s Big Night Oot and I feel awesome about it!

Taylor – I also enjoyed drama this week. I’m doing Rab C Hood and I won the part of Brittany Broon. I feel excited about getting the part I wanted.

Alexander – I really enjoyed doing French this week because I learned what the French word for spider was. It is une araignee!

Sophie L – I enjoyed sports elective this week. In athletics we got to use the real javelins and I felt a bit scared when it passed my face when I was throwing it!

Zenaib – I enjoyed French this week because we learned new words and we leared what animals were in French and also colours. For example, horse is un cheval.

Emma – I enjoyed doing swimming this week at sports elective because I got moved up a level and I managed five lengths.

Fraser – I enjoyed French this week and I found out how to say cat in French which is un chat.

Christopher S – I enjoyed our football game against Boghall because we showed lots of teamwork and won 8-0. I was unlucky because my shot hit the post.

Sam – I enjoyed doing health this week. We finished off our board games which was called One Way Trip To Uranus and it was all about the digestive system.

Rabeea – I enjoyed the maths Glow meet with Bathgate Academy as it was about fractions which we had already covered which made us the fraction masters!

Dean – I enjoyed sports elective this week, we were learning how to dive properly and as a result I feel supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

Louise – I enjoyed doing SRA this week, I moved up to Rose and I’m getting better at finding out the meaning of different words.

Tom – In Internet Safety this week we were learning about the dangers of Phishing which is people trying to trick you and get your money or details using websites, phone calls, letters, text messages or emails.

Freya – In maths we’ve been learning about percentages. We’ve been learning that fractions and percentages can be equal and we’ve been learning how to work out a percentage of a number with and without a calculator.

Who has impressed?

Tom – Christopher S impressed me by playing really well in the football match and was unlucky not to score.

Rabeea – Christopher S impressed by getting into the Golden Club!

Christopher A – My table (les heros) impressed me because for the first time in a while we won table of the week. We managed to win by showing teamwork and using our friendship to help each concentrate.

Fraser – I’m impressed with Tom for making great saves at the football match and keeping a clean sheet.

Louise – I’m impressed with those who auditioned for and successfully got their parts in drama.

Eve – I’m impressed by Taylor because when we were doing the auditions she done them in front of the class and she had a great Scottish accent.

Callum – I’m impressed with Taylor for doing her chair dance in Musical Theatre and it was really funny.

Mr Berginis –I’m 100% impressed with how hard everybody worked to understand percentages this week!

P7b’s thoughts on Belgium

Fraser – I really liked Belgium and my favourite part was when we went to Plopsaland because the best ride was the Anubis which was really fast.

Rabeea – My favourite part of Belgium was sharing a room with Sophie and Zenaib because it was fun trying to wake them up in the morning by tickling them!

Hannah – I really enjoyed Belgium because it was fun and it was great sharing a room with Isla and Louise. My funniest part was when Louise was pretending to be Bob Marley.

Luke – I really enjoyed Belgium because it was great fun and I was sharing with Sam, Fraser and Alistair and one day in our room Fraser and Sam got squashed between the beds.

Eve – My favourite part was World War Day because it was interesting looking at all the graves and it was exciting to go to all the different museums and cemeteries.

Sophie L – My favourite part was the water park. I really enjoyed it and I thought the chutes were really good and the whole thing was excellent.

Louise – On World War Day, the atmosphere was really still and I found it breathtaking how all these people had to die for our freedom.

Sophie M – I really liked the waffles, especially the nutella on them!

Alexander – I enjoyed the Brugge trip and seeing all the old buildings like the church tower on the canal boat and the swans and ducks.

Rebecca – I really enjoyed the clogmaking demonstration because it was cool how he made the different patterns on the clogs and it took him 200 hours to do the patterns on one particular clog!


What a wonderful day we’ve had! The sun was shining and the thrills were plentiful at Plopsaland!

We’ve tackled the speed, loops and corkscrews of the Anubis, been soaked on the Log Flume and Super Splash. We’ve braved the Wombats partner coaster, the Shuttle speed coaster and the Dragon coaster. We’ve explored the new Wickie the Viking land and some of us were brave enough to go on the new Tidal Wave spinner. We also soaked each other on the Battle Boats and thanks to the sun we took no time at all to dry!

Some have slurped on sloppy slush puppies, some chewed on sticky candy floss, some munched on crunchy popcorn and others licked wicked Mr Whippy ice cream!

We’ve arrived safely in Dover and are now preparing to tuck into our Maccy Ds before journeying up the road to meet you all in the morning…bright and early 😉


Just back from an emotional and interesting day discovering Flanders Fields. The Ypres area we visited was the scene of some of the heaviest fighting of WWI and over 500,000 soldiers lost their lives in this 8 mile area.

Our first stop was Tyne Cot Cemetery where we paid our respects to the 12,000 Allied soldiers buried there. Next we visited the artefacts and exhibits at Passchendaele Memorial Museum and made our way through the underground tunnel system. We then sat in the sun and enjoyed our packed lunches before taking some time at the Balbardie tree to plant our crosses, hold a minute’s silence and read our letters of thanks to the fallen soldiers.

In the afternoon we visited the German Langemark cemetery and compared it to the Allied Tyne Cot cemetery. We then visited the Bayernwald trenches at which point the heavens opened and the rain began to pour which only helped to create a realistic setting. Next we had frites for dinner and munched them along with our rolls and juice in the town square in Ypres.

Our final stop this evening was Ypres where we watched the nightly last post ceremony at the Menin Gate which holds the names of 55,000 soldiers who died but were never found during WWI. Natalie and Fraser took part in the ceremony and did a fantastic job of representing the school as they laid our wreath.

Time for bed now and Plopsaland in the morning before beginning our journey home.


Good morning!
Last night we enjoyed our last night at the beach and our final chance to try the waffles and frites. Once again the waffle stand was most popular which is no surprise given our delicious dinner yesterday was beef stew and frites! It was yummy and was wolfed down in great measures with lots of people having seconds!
We’ve just tucked tucked into a superb cooked breakfast of sausage, bacon, scrambled eggs, beans and rolls. Now we’re heading off for our World War day and we’ll be back late tonight so it’ll be a later blog tonight.
Enjoy your day!


Hello from an overcast and warm Blankenberge. 🙂
Last night we enjoyed a dinner of soup, roast turkey, potatoes, carrots and pannacotta for dessert. We then journeyed to the beach for more fun and devoured loads of waffles, ice cream, candy floss or frites.
Today we have travelled into Holland where we met the clogmaker Boyd who gave us a demonstration of traditional clog-making and also modern machinery. We visited his gift shop and he kindly engraved little clogs for us to bring home.
After lunch we visited Sun Park De Haan and had a ball on the different flumes, wave pool, jacuzzis and river rapids. It was a fantastic afternoon.
Now we’ve got room inspections followed by dinner and then beach. Love to everyone back home.