Category Archives: P4

P4b 8.2.16

P4b’s comments about their learning this week-

I liked art this week, we made Valentine’s day cards- Karys

I enjoyed playtime with my friends in p4b- Cameron

I like writing this week. We were writing about an invention we could not live without- Kelsey

We enjoyed having some Free play this week- Emma and Lucy R

We liked P.E. this week- Breanna, Finn, Olivia, Rachael, Liam and Daniel

I loved maths this week. We were practising the 2,3,4,5, and 10 times tables- Eva

I liked Nycos this week- Grace

We loved yoga- it was a Harry Potter theme this week!- Keira, Sophie, Demi and Ava

We enjoyed putting toppings onto pancakes today!-Brodie, Robbie and Lucy M

We have also been continuing our learning about symmetry. We have been looking for symmetry around the classroom and the school- we took pictures of symmetrical objects we could find!

Pupil of the week- Demi

Special person- Daniel 

Enjoy the long weekend!

Remember to bring in your old CDs


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What I love learning about in P4/3

Our comments about learning in P4/3

We love Science ….that is Magnetism at the moment-Ben,Connor, Sophia, Emma, Oliver, Teighan, Sophie, Jason

We love the Gathering on a Monday morning-Suvi,Liam

We love Drama-Mia, Alfie G. ,Robert, Erin, Megan, Lauren,Gemma

I love French-Ava

I love learning my times tables-Kiara

We love our new style of Golden Time-Jess, Alfie B.

We love Assemblies on a Friday morning-Euan, Sam

Learning is fun and is done in all areas of the Curriculum in lots of different ways…

Please remember to return green form and payment for our trip to the visitor centre at South Queensferry as soon as you can.

Have a super holiday weekend 🙂

See you all back on Wednesday 17th February 

Congratulations to:-

Star writers- Kay, Mia, Gemma and Ben for super Pet leaflets

Pupil of the week-Sophie


P4b 5.2.16

Rachael and Eva: We enjoyed reading this week. We were looking for nouns in our reading books.

Millie, Emma, Kelsey, Lucy R, Breanna, Liam and Baillie: We enjoyed P.E this week, it was fun!!

Arran, James, Isla, Aidan, Keira, Ava, Grace and Sophie: We loved doing star wars yoga this week. We learned lots of new yoga poses and how to say ‘Namaste’.

Finn: I liked French this week. I learned how to put French days of the week in order.

Karys, Robbie, Rachael and Lucy M: We enjoyed learning more about symmetry and making Mandala designs in art.

Demi: I enjoyed maths this week. We were learning to sequence numbers to 10000.

Lots of new ways of learning in P4/3

Busy days in P4/3….We learned that there are magnets in cows …imagine that !

We also learned a shepherd called Magnes discovered magnetism about 4000 years ago in Ancient Greece.

Our writing this week was creating a leaflet about Caring for a pet…We all worked so hard to produce neat, colourful easy to read leaflets.

In Maths we have been consolidating our times tables(the Hexagons) , measuring accurately with a metre stick (the Rectangles) or a ruler( the Pentagons). We have also been working on our Mental Maths strategies.

Our comments:-

We liked the comic strips this week on Dennis the menace-Euan,Kay

We liked making the poster on Magnetism-Ben,Oliver,Sophia,Ava

We liked PE this week working with Mr Jeffries-Megan, Lauren,Erin

We liked the new style of Golden time-Jason,Alfie G., Jess

We enjoyed Mental Maths with Miss Davidson-Suvi, Liam

I liked the speedy Maths times table activity this week-Sam

I liked working with other P4s on Maths this week-Sophie

We liked doing the Gingerbread Mannie-Kiara, Alfie B, Connor, Robert

I liked doing my part of the Gingerbread Mannie in Scots-Teighan

I like being Mrs Moore in the Gingerbread Mannie-Mia

I was Star writer this week -Denholm


Denholm, Lauren and Sophie..Well done all



The Valentine’s Disco Wednesday 10th February

4.30pm-6pm P1-3

6.30-8pm P4-7










Primary 4a

This week in primary 4a we have been learning lots!
Kayleigh – We have been learning about lots of inventors such as John Logie Baird. He was a inventor from Scotland and helped to invent the TV.

Grace – We have been playing the drums and kashishi to help us remember the names of inventors. We tapped out the rhythm to Sir James Dyson, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell.
Robyn – We have been learning to work with other people and have weekly talking partner. Talking partners are good because they can help you with work and with ideas.

Aaron – This week we have been learning to use ICT. We learned how to use tools on Microsoft Word such as Bold, Italics, and Underline, clipart and changing the font and size . We wrote some our stories in and added a picture.

Dadirayi – In maths my maths group we have been learning to half and quarter shapes and numbers
Reece – In my maths group we have been learning to identify big and small numbers.
Robyn – My maths group have been learning the four times tables.
Freddie – My maths group have been learning to take away sums from three digit numbers.
Grace – In Circle Time we have question to answer from the SHANARRI Wheel which is all of the things to keep us safe such as Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Responsible, Respect, Included.

P4b WB 25.1.16

Daniel, Eva, Emma and Grace: We liked P.E this week, we were learning the Gay Gordan’s and played castles.

Olivia and Sophie:  We liked doing the Military two step this week in class.

Brodie: I enjoyed doing paired reading this week.

Lucy R, Karys, Ava, Isla and Keira: We enjoyed seeing Miss Elliot this week, she was teaching us how to do art like Picasso.

Arran, Finn, Lucy and Rachael: We liked NYCOS this week it was fun!

Aidan: I enjoyed our choose time on Thursday- I got to play on the ipad, it was fun!

Liam: I enjoyed learning Morse code and sign language this week.

James: I liked circle time this week, we were talking about our emotions.




We learn in many ways in P4/3

We learn through planning and designing. We learn through class , group and individual work. We learn through researching on the netbooks and discussion work. We learn through making mistakes and trying again….

Here are our comments:-

Story writing was fun this week…. we planned ours about a micro pig-Ben, Mia

We liked writing our story of our unusual pet-Emma,Megan, Kay, Kiara

We liked PE this week-Erin, Gemma

The Bridge challenge was great. Our team was called The Builders-Connor

We liked the Gingerbread Mannie at Drama-Euan, Robert, Denholm, Alfie B.

I enjoyed watching Jason doing the Gingerbread mannie dance at Drama-Sophia

I liked being the rapper for the Gingerbread Mannie- Alfie G.

I liked the bridge building challenge.Our team was The  Bridges-Sam

We liked the bridge building challenge.Our team was The Three Bridges-Teighan,Lauren

We also liked the bridge challenge.Our team was The BSA -Ava,Jess

I received the drama award for Primary 3s-Suvi

I enjoyed Cosmic Yoga this week-Jason

Congratulations to

Suvi for receiving the P3 drama award

Euan, Megan and Sophia for being our Star Writers

Have a super weekend everyone 🙂

Remember to buy your Valentine’s Disco tickets from the school office £1 only !





P4b wb 18.1.16

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Brodie, Ava, Aidan, Robbie, Kelsey, Baillie, Sophie and Freya: We enjoyed breaking and making electrical circuits this week. We were learning how to draw electrical circuits and investigated what materials conduct electricity.

Daniel, Arran, Cameron and Karys: We enjoyed having a leaving party for Kai’s last day.

Emma and Finn: We enjoyed reading our class novel- the BFG.

Demi, Keira and James:  We enjoyed reading- we were looking for new and exciting words in our reading books!

Rachael, Isla, Grace and Lucy M: We enjoyed drama this week. We were learning to use role play and freeze frames.

Eva and Olivia: We enjoyed doing Scottish dancing this week. We were learning the Dashing white sergeant.





p4b wb 11.1.16

Liam: I enjoyed doing Scottish art this week. We drew Scottish landscapes with crayons

Daniel and Rachael: I enjoyed the snow this week! I also liked dancing in P.E.

Keira, Emma and Freya: We enjoyed reciting our Scottish poems this week for the poetry competition

Finn and Demi: We liked doing Scottish dancing this week

Brodie: I enjoyed learning how to add 3 digit numbers vertically in maths

Aidan: I enjoyed P.E. this week

Robbie and Grace: We enjoyed Scottish art this week

Sophie: I like learning about remainders in maths this week

Karys and Isla: We enjoyed playing domino express at Golden Time

Ava: I enjoyed learning about fractions in maths

Lucy R, Lucy M and Eva: I enjoyed doing Scottish art

James: I enjoyed Scottish dancing

Olivia: I enjoyed spending time with Daniel Dillon on Thursday







This week we have been busy learning!

Leia – We learnt to draw in the style of Rennie Charles Mackintosh
Kayleigh – He designed roses and furniture
Annabelle – In maths, my group learned how to do upstairs, downstairs. I found it medium!
Dadirayi – In my maths group we were learning to dividing with remainders. I found that quite tricky!
Aaron – In my maths group we have been learning to order 4 digit numbers.
James – My maths group have learning our timestable. We learning the two and ten times table. I enjoyed it!
Demi Leigh – This week it has been very icy and I liked going outside at playtime and lunchtime to pretend I was ice skating.
Grace – Mr Welsh slipped on the ice!
Mya – We were learning about Scots. We enjoyed listening to poems and had to learn one for the Scots Competition. My favourite one was Mince and Tatties.
Kaitlin – In PE with Mr Jeffries we have started to learn some Scottish dances.

P4b 14.12.15

Finn: I enjoyed learning how to count up amounts of money this week in our Christmas shop!

Keira: I enjoyed doing our presentation on 16th century jobs to the class

Grace: I enjoyed the Golden club event – it was fun!

Lucy R and Rachael: We enjoyed watching the Hunch Back of Notredame pantomime

Demi: I enjoyed doing our presentation about 16th century food to the class

Freya: I liked making Christmas cards for other classes and teachers

Millie: I like P.E. this week, we played parachute games

Brodie and Karys: We liked watching a movie this week

Robbie: I like watching the Bathgate West Nursery Nativity

Aidan: I enjoyed learning more about 3D shapes this week

Ava: I enjoyed doing our presentation about 16th century hobbies to the class

Olivia: I enjoyed gathering this week. We watched a video called Rudolph’s birthday

Daniel: I enjoyed playing money bingo in maths                                                                                  IMG_1449 IMG_1450 IMG_1451 IMG_1452 IMG_1453 IMG_1459 IMG_1462 IMG_1463 IMG_1466 IMG_1468 IMG_1470 IMG_1472 IMG_1473 IMG_1681 IMG_1683 IMG_1685 IMG_1687 IMG_1689 IMG_1690 IMG_1691



P4b 7.12.15

This week was very busy in P4b:

we enjoyed watching and the polar express and writing about it -Lucy R, Brodie , Grace ,Karys

we enjoyed dancing with our friends at the Christmas  disco -Oliva, Finn, Ava,Lucy M, Isla, Robbie,Freya

we enjoyed learning about balance in p.e.-  Sophie Baillie

I enjoyed play time with my friends in P4b- Cameron

P4b enjoyed our yummy Christmas lunch on Wednesday. We also enjoyed Judo this week- it was lots of fun! We have been working in groups and learning to work as a team to create power points. We were given a subject within our Mary Queen of Scots project to research and make a power point on. Next week we are going to present them to the class.


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P4b 30.11.15

We enjoyed making a power point about Mary Queen of Scots

-Lucy r, Robbie, Ava

Aidan enjoyed learning about Judaism

Breanna enjoyed P.e

Sophie enjoyed learning about road safety

Olivia enjoyed learning about 3D shapes

We enjoyed our Christmas Activity booklet

-Lucy m,Karys

We enjoyed maths

-Finn,Demi,Cameron n,Brodie,Rachael

Freya enjoyed learning French

we enjoyed writing an imaginative story

-Eva,Isla,Emma, Grace

This blog was written by Robbie and Lucym



P4b wb 23.11.15

This week in P4b:

Brodie enjoyed  writing

Arran enjoyed gathering

Karys,Ava,Keria,Lucy R,Sophie,Eva Robbie and Freya enjoyed making the Christmas Fayre craft

Rachael and Liam Liked learning more about Mary Queen of Scots’ life

Demi, Cameron and Isla enjoyed learning in maths

Grace enjoyed making a Mary Queen of Scots crown

Lucy M enjoyed learning a Scottish song in music

Olivia enjoyed outdoor P.E

Kelsey, Breanna and Emma enjoyed P.E with Mr Jeffries


This blog post was written by Demi and Olivia



P4b wb 16.11.15

Olivia, Millie and Keira: We enjoyed maths this week.

Demi, Brodie, Robbie and Isla: We enjoyed learning about Mary Queen of Scots this week!

Freya and Rachael: We enjoyed French and RME this week.

Daniel: I like finishing my story about recycling this week.

Eva and Breanna: We liked reading and spelling this week.

Lucy R, Kelsey, James and Aidan: We enjoyed P.E. this week.

Lucy M: I liked watching P4/3’s assembly on France.

Grace and Arran: We liked writing in our review jotters and reviewing our next steps.

Ava: I liked our shared Golden time this week with P4a and P4/3.




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P4b 9.11.15

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What a great week we have had in P4b!

We enjoyed doing maths: Rachael,Olivia,Cameron

Demi enjoyed poppy day

I enjoyed reading this week: Eva

We enjoyed recycling. We made a leaflet to encourage others to recycle: Grace,Isla,Arran,James,Breanna and Emma

We enjoyed children in need day: Lucy r,Aidan,Keira,Robbie

We enjoyed doing P.E.: Daniel, Kelsey and Millie

We enjoyed maths this week: Olivia, Rachael and Cameron

I enjoyed RME and French: Ava

We enjoyed dressing up/down for children in need!: Keira, Robbie, Lucy R, Lucy M and Aidan

I enjoyed going to my new nurture group during break and lunch times: Karys

This week’s blog was written by Demi, Millie, Grace and Rachael.



p4b 2.11.15

We have enjoyed learning lots in P4b this week!

Daniel: I liked P.E this week!

Eva, Lucy R, Breanna, Cameron, James, Aidan, Keira, Olivia and Finn: We liked discussing Golden time at the Big Balbardie Blether.

Brodie and Ava: We enjoying working in groups this week. We researched recycling and made posters to show what we had learned.

Demi and Kelsey: We enjoyed maths this week.

Sophie, Rachael, Isla, Robbie and Grace: We loved doing art this week. We were making firework pictures with paint, brushes and string.



P4b wb 26.10.15

We have enjoyed being back at school this week, learning and experiencing lots of new and exciting things!

In maths this week:

I enjoyed learning how to subtract- Olivia

I enjoyed learning the 3 times tables- Cameron

I enjoyed learning about greater than and less than symbols- Isla

I enjoyed practising the 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables- Millie

In our contexts for learning we have enjoyed taking part in several activities for Halloween and Autumn:

We liked creating Halloween and Autumn pictures- Lucy R, Brodie, Emma, Aidan, Breanna, Robbie, Grace, Keira, Lucy M

We liked creating masks this week- Rachael and Karys

We liked making a Halloween craft during Golden time- Demi and Finn.

I enjoyed P.E with Mr Jeffries- Daniel

We also really enjoyed assembly this week- we got to listen to many talented musicians in the school! 100_1913






P4b 16.10. 15

What a great week we have had in p4b!

Eva: I thought P.E was amazing this week!

Lucy R: P.E was so fun!

James: I enjoyed learning about food chains and the movie afternoon was amazing!

Rachael: I enjoyed the church service, learning about food chains and watching a movie this week.

Emma: I liked learning about food chains this week.

Arran: I liked lots of things this week! I liked learning about food chains because it was fun. I also enjoined dividing by 5 and watching a movie.

Millie: I enjoyed learning what animals eat in a food chain.

Robbie: I enjoyed learning how to divide by 5, what food chains are and I liked watching the movie.

Sophie: I thought dividing by 5 was lots of fun.

Keira: I liked learning about food chains because I like animals. I also learned what animals are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Demi: I enjoyed learning about different kinds of food chains and habitats.

Lucy M: I enjoyed practising my 3 and 4 time tables.

Finn: Learning how to divide by 5 was really fun.

Freya: I liked dividing by 5 because it was fun.

Grace, Kelsey and Daniel: We loved watching a movie because it is the best movie ever.

Enjoy the October holidays! 🙂

Article 28: we have the right to an education.

Article 31: we have the right to play and rest.


P4b wb 5.1015

We enjoyed French this week. We were learning the months of the year!

-Millie, Eva, Breanna, Olivia, Sophie and Arran.

We enjoyed team games in outdoor P.E. this week. We were learning to create our own games in our teams.

-James, Aidan, Daniel, Baillie and Freya.

We enjoyed our learning in maths this week.  We were learning about dividing, multiplication,  estimation, and co-ordinates. We were also practising our times tables for the times table challenge!

-Keira, Robbie, Grace, Isla, Cameron, Rachael and Emma.

I liked learning about the landscape of a farm. We looked on google map at farms in our local area and talked about what the different buildings were for.


We really enjoyed P4a’s assembly about Friendship. P4b tried very hard to be good friends during golden time this week!

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Article 31: we have the right to play and rest.