Category Archives: P3

This week in P3b…

We have been learning our 2, 4 and 8 times table. We noticed that if you doubled the answers from the 2 times table you get the answers to the 4 times table and if you double the 4 times table answers you get the 8!

We have been practising our Scots poems!

As it is our assembly we have had to be able to use our presenting skills to present poems and a quiz. There are lots of other things in our assembly and if you would like to come it is on:

Friday 18 January 2013 at 9.40

We have been learning to write a biography. We know now it is not a story but we have to write information about a person. We had to remember to write in sentences using capital letters and full stops.

In art we drew a picture of Sir James Young Simpson and we needed to use our eyes to observe carefully then to try to draw him.

We look forward to seeing you at our assembly tomorrow!

Big Balbardie Blether

P3lm enjoyed another Big Balbardie Blether today! We liked chatting to different children from throughout the school and going to another classroom for a while.
We discussed reading, for example, our favourite books and what kind of reading activities we do in class. The teacher read his/her favourite story and we had a good chat about that which was fun.
I think after today a few of us have caught the reading bug!