Category Archives: P1a

The Rainbow Fish

We have been reading some lovely stories in Primary 1 about being a good friend and the qualities that you need. This week we were reading the story of “The Rainbow Fish”.

First, we read the story and met a reading character called Charlie Choose. Charlie Choose asks you to think about the things that you like about the story and the things that you didn’t like in the story.

Next, we had to put the story in the right after Steven Story asked us what happened in the beginning, the middle and the end. We all did fantastic at this task!

We also made beautiful pictures of The Rainbow Fish in Art when we used different materials to glue onto it.

Finally, in our writing this week we talked about our favourite part of the story. Here are some of our favourite parts of the story:
Ehan – When he gave his scales to the other fish
Teigan – When he was a really good friend to others
Lily – I liked it when he was talking to the octopus and the starfish
Kyle – I liked it also when he spoke to the octopus

Star Writers this week:

Pupil of the week: Ehan for trying his best to add tricky words into his writing.

*Article 29: We have the right to showcase our talents and abilities*
*Article 28: We have the right to an education*

P1A’s favourite thing to do in school:

This week we wrote in our Learners Journey jotters about our favourite thing in school so far. Some people would like to share what they wrote:

Kyle – Playing with Scott
Teigan – Playing with Lily
Eva – Playing in the house corner
Orlaith – I like playing in school and with Niamh and Ruby
Jonah – I like playing with my friends
Lois – Playing with Dionne
Scott – Going into the library
Lily – I like playing with Teigan before we go home
Luis – Playing with Denolm and Brandon

We are all working really hard to be good friends in class. We have started adding leaves onto our friendship tree whenever we see someone in our class being good friends.

Have a lovely weekend!
-Primary 1A and Miss Wilson

Our first days at school!

We have already been very busy in school.  Here are some of our thoughts so far…

Sam loves the dolls house.

Charlotte likes the sand tray.

Jude likes playing with the cars on the play mat.

Eilidh loves her new Frozen pencil and writing cards.

Archie M likes going outside with his buddy.

Archie G loves building pyramids in the sand.

Keegan has been busy practicing his drawings.

Rhianna has had fun colouring in.

Luke favourite thing in school is playing in the sand pit.

Sophie M can’t decide if she likes the sand or the cars the best.

Grace M likes drawing, doll houses and the sand.

Grace Q likes playing with her friends and buddy.

Artjom likes going outside.

Max likes the lego.

Sophie S liked the number and phonics work we have started.

Hollie loves her buddy.

Emily loves the story corner and the dolls house.

Fearne likes playing with her buddy.

Sara likes going outside.

Lilyrose likes playing with the lego.

Miss Holwill is so proud of all of her boys and girls…they are going to be great Balbardie pupils.

Welcome to Primary 1!

Welcome to all the children who have started in Primary 1 this week! We have had such a fun time in school and Miss Wilson is so happy with how well everybody has settled in.

Here are some of our favourite parts of the week:
Rowan – Playing with my friend, Eva
Kyle – My favourite part was playing with Brandon
Eden – Playing in the sand
Eva – Playing outside
Lexi – Playing with my buddy, Joe
Teigan – My favourite part was playing with the play-doh
Lily – I like playing with my buddy, Sophie
Jonah – I like my buddy
Orlaith – I like playing with Rosie and my buddy
Tiana – My favourite part was playing with my buddy, Lucy

We have all had a really good week and are looking forward to learning more next week. Have a lovely weekend!
-Miss Wilson & Primary 1A

Fabulous Garden Designers in P1L!

P1 were set a home learning task, to create and design their own garden. They did a tremendous job! They were all unique, with lots of effort and hard work put in to them.

A huge thanks to the adults who helped out.

Below are a few photos of the children with their masterpieces.  Well done boys and girls!

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Primary 1w making their own gardens!

As part of a home learning task, our class had to make their own garden. The children brought in their gardens today and had to give a class talk and describe WHAT they used, HOW they made their garden and WHO helped them. The gardens were beautiful and it was clear that a lot of effort has been put in. Thank you to everyone who helped and was involved.

Here are some pictures of our beautiful gardens in Primary 1w:














Here are some children’s favourite parts of other children’s gardens:
Eva – I really liked the see-saw in my garden
Lucas – I liked Max’s garden because I liked the lavendar plant
Lewis – I liked putting soldiers in my garden
Kaycee – I liked the dumper truck in Max’s garden
Donna – I liked Tamsyn’s pots because they look very nice
Anna – I liked the seashells in Tamsyn’s garden
Tamsyn – I liked my cat that was in the water
Maisie – I liked my dog when he jumped in the paddling pool
Farrah – I liked the dogs in Maisie’s garden
Katie – I liked Tamsyn’s because it sounded like “In the night garden”

P1L Trip to Botanic Gardens

On Wednesday, Primary One went to the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh. Lots of fun was had by everyone and lots of interesting information was given.

Here are some of the things we enjoyed about the trip:

“We liked seeing the baby ducks, they were cute” (Jamie, Alistair and Brandon).

“We learned about SWAF – Shelter, Water, Air and Food” (Charlotte).

“I liked the monkey puzzle tree, it felt soft and spiky. The monkeys can’t climb up it so they have to wait for the fruit to fall off it” (Cameron).

“I liked playing all the games; ‘teddy bear tig’ was fun” (Ammie-Leigh).

“We saw a really big tree with massive leaves” (Zara).

“We liked being on the bus” (Lucas and Liam).

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Primary 1 Class Trip to the Botanic Gardens

This week Primary 1 went on their trip to The Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh. We explored the gardens and learned many new things about nature! We learned a secret code – SWAF. This stands for:
Animals (and people) need all of these things to survive.

The first thing that we did on our trip was have a nice snack and learn about SWAF.


Next we played a game where some children were little brown bears and everyone else wore a coloured band. The coloured bands represented the colours of SWAF. The little brown bears had to get all 4 colours in their “den” to win!



We then saw lots of lovely ducks and lily pads!


We were so excited to find a hidden message in one of the trees. Our group leader Tricia read it out to us. It said that there were bears in the garden and they had left clues as to where we could find them. Here are some pictures of us finding the clues…





When we had finished our bear hunt we found that we were back at the start and there were bears eating our lunches!!



We enjoyed our “Teddy Bears Picnic” and the weather was beautiful for sitting outside.

Finally, we were given a SWAF pack to make our own SWAF islands in a group. We had to make sure that our island included:
Here are some pictures of our islands…





We had a fantastic time on our trip and here are our favourite parts:
Farrah – When we were eating our lunch with the teddies
Jodie – I liked when we were watching the ducks swim
Tamsyn – I liked it when the teddy bears were eating our lunches
Hannah – I liked it when Aaron said the teddy bears ate his lunch and he was angry
Archie – When we were on the bus
Donna – When we were making our SWAF islands
Max – The bus was really fun
Alfie – I loved looking out the window on the bus
Anna – I liked playing the little brown bear chasing game
Lewis – I liked playing “rock, paper, scissors” on the bus
Holly – Playing with Lewis on the bus
Lily – When we were singing songs on the bus
Erin – Playing the little brown bear game
Eva – I liked singing the songs on the bus
Lucas – I liked finding the teddy bears
Shaun – Seeing the teddy bears eating Aaron’s lunch!
Maisie – My favourite part on the trip was going on the bear hunt
Arran – I liked going home on the bus
Dylan – I liked playing with my friends at lunch time
Katie – I liked the picnic because my teddy was sunbathing
Kaycee – I liked it when we were on the bus
Aaron – I loved the entire day!

Article 28: The right to an education


This week Primary 1 had their class trip to the Botanics.  Here we explored the gardgens to learn about what animals need to survive in the wild – S.W.A.F. (shelter, water, air & food).  We hunted for clues and played lots of games to learn about each part.  At the end of the day we built an island to show everything we had learned.

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Our ‘bears’ finding everything they need to survive.  They could only have one of each so they did not use up all of the forest’s resources.

Below our finished islands.

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This is what we thought:

Ellis – I liked making the food for the animals.

Ellie Rose – I liked making the animal food too. We had a fire in ours. It was a project.

Orla – I learned about SWAF. It keeps you alive. My favourite bit was the squirrels.

Sandra – I liked seeing the three teddies.

Blaire – I liked seeing the grey squirrels.  They were eating nuts.

Kai – I learned how to stay still if I want to see wild animals.

Samuel – I saw hedgehogs under the trees.

Evan – I liked walking through the gardens. I saw a red spider mite on a tree.

Jay – I liked seeing the squirrels climbing up and down the trees.

Jamie – I saw purple flowers and they were beautiful.

Rory – I saw squirrels playing games.

Alexander – I saw blue, red, white and orange flowers that smelled really nice.  I saw roses too.

Alfie – I saw a bee collecting pollen from the flowers. It takes it to its’ home and makes it into honey.

Ross – I learned how to make islands out of food for animals and wood and leaves. I used a stick to make a flag.

Niamh – We played a game pretending to be a bear. We wore a coloured band and all the colours were the SWAF. It was fun.

Murray – I saw squirrels going up and down trees. They were in a big garden.

Brooke – I made a little village out of sticks and string and flowers.

Bryce – I liked having a picnic lunch. There were lots of trees and squirrels there.


P1L Transition Day

On Wednesday P1 spent the day in their new P2 classroom. Below are some comments about what they enjoyed.


“I enjoyed making a picture” (Cameron).

“I liked making a robot, giving him a name and hearing a story about a robot” (Keilija).

“I made a rainbow fish” (Liam).

“I enjoyed drawing fish with my fingers and paint. Also making my own tiara” (Brooke).

“I enjoyed writing” (Charlotte from the nursery).

“I enjoyed making a rainbow fish” (Brandon).

“I liked meeting Miss McDougall” (Mia, Brooke and Shelbi).

“I liked lunchtime and playtime, writing and rainbow fish” (Charlotte).

“I liked seeing Miss Boyle and playing with the toys” (Jackie).

Down in the garden

Today was our class assembly.  We were sharing all of our learning about plants and minibeasts.  We really enjoyed being the stars.  We had worked hard to learn our lines and the songs.  We enjoy singing the songs aith the actions.  We all liked our costumes.  But maybe best of all was seeing our family and friends and having juice with them.

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A big thank you to Josh, Ray and Lisa for helping us!

Move on day!

We were all very excited on Wednesday to go to our new classes and meet our new teachers! Here are some of the things we learned and some of the things we are looking forward to in Primary 2…

Jodie – I am looking forward to learning Tricky Words in Primary 2 and the new home learning we will be getting!
Farrah – I am looking forward to making lots of stuff
Katie – I am looking forward to learning about the sea and the Amazon!
Hannah – I liked it when Mr Jeffries said “Welcome to the PE hall, Primary 2”
Shaun – I am looking forward to meeting my new friends
Lewis – I liked learning about “The Rainbow Fish”
Eva – I liked learning more about caterpillars in Mrs Gallagher’s class
Anna – I liked learning more about Elmer the elephant
Max – I liked home time!
Maisie – I liked making models with the pipe cleaners in Miss McDougall’s class
Tamsyn – I liked doing pointillism in Primary 2
Kaycee – I liked learning about The Rainbow Fish and more about mermaids when we were learning about pointillism.

We all had a fabulous time in our new classes and are really looking forward to going into Primary 2 after the summer! Miss Wilson is really going to miss all the children in our class!!!!

Article 28: The right to an education

Sharing Equally in P1L

This week one of the things we were learning to do in Maths was to divide.  The children were fabulous at sharing out pretend sweets and compare bears or counters equally.  Below are a few photos from one of our activities.




Enjoy the long weekend.

P1w Assembly – Friendship

Today we had our class assembly! We decided to talk about what it takes to be a good friend. We made a friendship recipe and asked everyone in P1w what to put inside.


We then told the story of The Orange Crayon. In the story, none of the other crayons like each other! Then they draw a picture altogether and they turn into really good friends. The crayons looked fantastic!


Next we told everyone about our Friendship Tree. We have blogged previously about our friendship tree and it is nice to see it growing every day with more and more friends being added.

We are great friends in P1w to each other and everyone else! We hope we taught you more about being a good friend.

Have a lovely weekend and please be safe if you are walking with the procession tomorrow 🙂

Article 29:Your education should help you to use and develop on your talents and abilities.

Fabulous Fractions!

This week in Primary 1w we have been learning about fractions. We have already been learning about division and sharing and we understood that there was a link between division and fractions. When learning about dividing and sharing, we discussed pizza slices and sharing these with a friend. We know that if there are 2 people and 8 slices of pizza then we get 4 slices each. We also now know that this would be HALF of a pizza.

We completed a listening task and chatted about a whole pizza (1), half a pizza (1/2) and a quarter of a pizza (1/4). Here are some pictures of us completing our work:







Article 28: The right to an education

Chocolate Lollipops!

We have been busy linking lots of learning together in P1h this week.  In Health and Wellbeing we have be learning about the Eatwell Plate.  It sorts food into different groups and shows us how much of each we should eat to be health.  We have also been learning about plants – different parts of the plants, pollination and the lifecycle.  We have a herb garden in class.  On Monday Niamh’s mum came into to school and we made chocolate lollipops.  Chocolate is in the ‘treat’ section of the Eatwell plate so this means we should only eat a little of it to be healthy.  Niamh’s mum poured a little chocolate onto our plate and then we could add the different flavours to it.  We could choose from…..

*dried strawberries

*dried bananas

*bee pollen








Ellie-Rose ‘I liked watching the chocolate going hard’

Jay, Ross & Alfie  ‘I liked making the lollies’

Evan ‘I added the dried strawberries and bananas’

Sandra, Blaire, Orla, Olivia & Brooke ‘I loved the mint’

Ellis ‘The chocolate tasted a little funny to me because it wasn’t very sweet’

Niamh & Noami ‘I liked eating it’





A huge big thank you to Niamh’s mum from all of us!

Loads of Learning in P1L!

Firstly a huge well done to Callum for winning the Park Smart competition.  We are all super proud of him.


Here are some of our comments about this week’s learning:

“We learned how to play tunnel tig with Mr Jeffries” (Callum, Charlie, Owen and Liam).

“We learned how to say names of colours in French” (Keilija).

“I can write instructions – How to make a cheese sandwich” (Rory).

“We were learning about role-play with Mrs Innes” (Zara).

“I love learning with Mr Jeffries – jogging” (Brandon).

“I learned how to tell the time” (Shelbi).

“I know how to count up to 30” (Annie).


Shared Start 26.5.15

This week we were very lucky to have some mums and dads come into our class for Shared Start to see what we have been learning about.

We have been learning about healthy and unhealthy foods and one of the tasks was to sort out foods into the right category. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a great story to understand more about healthy and unhealthy foods! We watched a video of the story which we all really enjoyed 🙂


We have also been learning to put the days of the week into the right order and this really helped us when sequencing the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.


-Sports Day will be held at Balbardie Park Tuesday 2nd June and will start for Primary 1 at 10:45am
-P1w assembly will be held in the new gym hall Friday 5th June beginning at 9:20am

Article 28: The right to an education

How do we share our learning?


We have been being busy like Cassie Communicator this week in P1h.  We have been learning about the life cycles of frog, butterfly and plants.   To learn the stages for each of the life cycles we watched a video.  We then in small groups decided on how we would display the main steps in the life cycle.  We all used our printing skills, that we have been practicing in art, and had to write the labels.

One group was sligthly different, in Health and Well being we are thinking about healthy eating.  We read the story of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’.  This group started our display by showing what the caterpillar.

We would love to show our  families the displays at our Shared Start on 26.05.15.


What makes a good friend?

We are preparing for our class assembly which will be on Friday 5th June. We are learning more about what makes a good friend. We made a FRIENDSHIP TREE and we use it to help us understand how to be the greatest friends!


When we see someone being a good friend we write their name on a leaf and write why we think they have been a good friend. Then we stick it onto the tree.


We think that our tree looks like a winter tree just now because it started off with no leaves and now it is slowly gaining some more.

We hope that our tree will look full like a summer tree very soon because we are trying to be better friends. Hopefully lots of names will be added very soon 🙂


Article 15: We have the right to choose our friends and be safe.