Category Archives: P1a

Happy Holidays!

It has a very busy week in Balbardie Primary School!

On Tuesday, we were very lucky to go to the pantomime – it was ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame”.
Our favourite parts were:
-“I liked it when they were fighting” Lily
-“I liked Esmerelda’s red dress” Teigan
-“I liked it when they were getting married” Kyle
-“I liked when they were fighting” Rowan
-“I liked the old people in the pantomime” Brandon

On Thursday it was the Golden Club! We were, again, very lucky to have a magician visit our school and do some fantastic magic tricks!
Our favourite parts were:
-“When the man made the spotty dog” Eva
-“I liked it when he got his thumb stuck in the balloon” Elena
-“I liked when the balloon popped” Tiana
-“I liked when the toy gun made a funny noise” Akasha
-“I liked when he took the milk and newspaper and poured it on the girl’s head” Isla

We are very excited for the holiday and will remember to keep safe and have lots of fun!
-Miss Wilson and Primary 1a

A Wriggly Nativity

This week P1 performed our wriggly nativity for the mums, dads, grannies and grandpas.
I enjoyed the singing – Alysheeya
I liked the singing and saying my line – Sarah
I liked giving my gift to baby Jesus – Harris
I enjoyed doi ng the actions – Jess
I liked doing the dance – Nina
I liked the Wriggly Nativity song – Liam
My favourite thing was seeing Mummy and Daddy and Ada – Esther
I enjoyed when we were singing – Isla
I liked seeing Sophie, Granny Barbara, Granny Maureen, Granddad Bob, Mummy and Daddy – Daniel
I liked the angel song – Maddison
I liked seeing my Mummy and Daddy – Marley
I liked the donkey plodding song – Keira
I liked the Wriggly Nativity song – Evie
I liked the mums and dads waving to us – Skye
I liked the Wriggly Nativity song – Noah
I liked being an angel – Elise
I liked being an angel – Leon
I liked the angel song – Alex
I liked saying my line – Grace
I liked the singing – Ryan
I liked saying my line – Dionne
I liked learning all the songs –Ava
I enjoyed it when all the class was on the stage – Emma

The P1 teachers and all the staff involved in the production were really proud of the children, their singing, speaking and their wonderful actions to the songs. We really hope you enjoyed the nativity as much as the children enjoyed performing in it.
This week Mr Welsh welcomed the first 12 members of P1c into the golden club, just in time for the Golden Club event next Thursday. Well done, Harris, Ryan, Daniel, Maddison, Evie, Grace, Dionne, Alex, Nina, Jess, Esther and Alysheeya! Mrs Laidlaw and I are very proud of you all and the excellent example you set as sensible, hardworking and responsible members of the class. We are sure a lot more of the class will join the Golden Club soon.

Article 29 – Education must develop individual’s talents and abilities to the full.

Spoiler Alert!

Today, Primary 1 had their dress rehearsal for “Wriggly Nativity”. We were very excited to try on our costumes for the first time and perform in front of a real audience! Our audience included our Primary 6 and 7 buddies, children from Bathgate West Nursery, Rainbow Nursery and Early Years Centre. Thank you all for coming and witnessing our performance – we had a great time!

Here are some pictures of our fantastic performance:





Article 29: We have the right to showcase our talents and abilities

Money madness!

We have been learning about money in Primary 1a this week.

Lily – We have been taking away money and adding up money.
Kyle – That means we are learning to take away, add and use money all at once!
Orlaith – We have been learning about playing “money bingo”
Elena – You are not allowed to cheat at “money bingo”
Luis – You have to get all the money on the boards
Isla – We were learning about how to make the same amount of money using different coins
Tiana – We were using more than one coin




We are looking forward to learning more about money next week. We cannot wait to do some shopping in the classroom!!

Article 28: The right to learn and be educated

Blethering away in P1c!

This week in P1c we have been learning our nativity songs for the end of term. But they are top secret so we won’t say anything more!
This week we have learnt ‘d’ and ‘g’. We made dogs and goats!
We have also been thinking about the things we have learnt since we started school and the things we are can do better now.
We also had our first Big Balbardie Blether of the year when all the children are mixed together to discuss something important in the life of our school. This term we talked about Golden Time and what we like to do. We also talked about other things that could happen. We look forward to hearing what all the other groups around the school thought!
Evie – knowing my letters
Isla – doing my work, especially the ‘f’ sound
Daniel – doing jigsaws
Elise – painting
Grace – blending my sounds to make words
Harris – everything!
Ava – letters and numbers
Jess – making new friends
Emma – learning my letters and numbers
Liam – painting
Ryan – knowing my numbers
Dionne – doing my sounds
Maddison – colouring in
Marley – playing on the ipad
Nina – blending my letters to make words
Skye – learning my words
Alex – colouring in
Noah – doing my numbers
Keira – knowing my numbers and letters
Esther – working in groups
Alysheeeya – doing my numbers
Sarah – being kind and friendly
This week’s dojo winner were: Dionne, Harris, Grave, Jess, Daniel and Alex

P1a’s 1st Big Balbardie Blether!

Today we went to our first Big Balbardie Blether (BBB). We were in different groups according to our House Teams and most of us went to different classes and teachers. Whilst we were there we had to chat about Golden Time and Golden Club.

Our first question was “Why do we have Golden Time?”
-You get to bring in a toy (Lois)
-Because you have been good (Rheagan)

Some of the other things we thought about doing during Golden Time were:
-Having a party (Kyle)
-Going to a fun fair (Lily)
-A disco (Akasha)

We then talked about getting into the Golden Club and the different events there are for rewards for pupils who get into it. We thought of some new ideas for Golden Club Events. Some of these were:
-getting presents (Ehan)
-bring in your own toys (Brandon)
-make ice cream (Orlaith)
-make our own biscuits (Elena)

All of the results from the BBB will be collated and shared in class. We really enjoyed talking about Golden Time and The Golden Club and are all hoping to get into The Golden Club by Christmas time!

-Miss Wilson & Primary 1a

Our first week back…

This week we were lucky enough to have a visitor who taught us some Tae Kwon Do.

Sophie S liked punching the pillow (pads).

Luke and Max enjoyed kicking the circles (pads).

Grace M and Sara thought the stretching was a good idea.

Artjom thought we made lots of good suggestions about how we could be courteous.

Sophie M liked the punching.

Archie M and Fearne liked both the kicking and punching.

We all know that we are only allow to punch and kick during special lessons.

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In number work we have started looking at adding.

Hollie says adding is bringing two numbers together.

Keegan say you can put a circle round the picture to help you to remember to count everything when you are adding.

Artjom likes  ‘Add-em’ the monster.

Shape pumpkins and pointillism!

This week we have been learning more about the technique “pointillism”. We remember that pointillism is when you can use the point of your finger to paint with. This week we used this technique to make some spooky bats! Here are some pictures:


First, we had to get our apron on (Isla)
Next, we got a bat stencil (Kyle)
Then, we put one finger at a time into the paint so that we didn’t mix the colours (Lily)
Next, we had to use the pointillism technique to paint around the bat stencil (Orlaith)
Finally, we washed our hands and put our pictures on the drying rack (Teigan)

We also made some fantastic shape pumpkins with our buddies! Here are some pictures:



First, we were given a bit of orange paper and black paper (Scott)
Then, we drew a pumpkin shape on the orange paper and cut it out (Lois)
Next, we cut out shapes from the black paper and used glue to stick them on the pumpkin (Ehan)
Finally, we counted what shapes you had used and wrote it on the back of our pumpkins (Luis)

We have been learning during Assembly this week to be safe if we are going out Trick or Treating this weekend. Have a lovely weekend and a Happy Halloween!

Article 28: The right to an education

Happy holidays from P1c

This week we have been preparing for our Harvest Celebration and thinking about how lucky we are to have all the lovely food we enjoy. We really enjoyed going to church and celebrating with the whole school.

We are celebrating the end of the first term of primary 1 thinking about the things we really enjoy about school.

Ava – I like when we do lovely work and when the teacher puts it up on the wall

Harris – I like going to assembly

Grace – I like playing in the classroom

Evie – I like learning things!

Elise – I like playing with toys

Daniel – I like the number work

Marley – I like playing with cars

Nina – I like golden time

Sarah – I like to learn stuff to count to 10

Emma – I like playing in the classroom

Dionne – I like doing shapes with Mrs Laidlaw

Ryan – I like playing

Jess – I like it when we can bring our own toys into school

Liam – I like playing

Leon – I like doing doing number work

Alex – I like bringing toys in for golden time

Keira – I like playing doing the dinner register and sharing toys at golden time

Maddison – I like golden time

Esther – I like nearly everything, especially dress down day and half days and golden time

Alysheeya – I like having my toys at golden time

Isla – I like milk and story

And we all love P.E. with Mr Jeffries!

Dojo winner – Dionne.

Article 28 – the right to an education
Article 31 – the right to rest and play

Artists in Primary 1a

This week we learned about a new art technique. Instead of using paint brushes we used our fingers. We learned that this is called pointillism. We made beautiful pictures of flowers!



Today we went to the Church. We talked a lot about Harvest time. Harvest is when we celebrate all the farmers in the world who provide us with lots of foods. We talked about how it is good to share and how we have a lot, but some people have nothing. We donated lots of foods to Bathgate Food Bank and lots of families also donated some money towards the Food Bank also.

Have a very good October week and be safe! Miss Wilson is looking forward to hearing all about what you did in the week once we are back at school on Tuesday 27th October 🙂

-Miss Wilson and Primary 1a

Why it’s important to know our sounds and numbers

This week all the Primary 1 classes got together and had some very special visitors! We were very lucky to have 4 very kind parents come into our class and talk about their jobs.

-Lorna sells houses and told us how important it was for her to learn her letters and numbers at school so that she can write brochures for houses as well as value the houses. She even showed us a house worth £525,999! We tried, but we can’t count to that number just yet. We really liked the pictures of all the different types of houses (e.g. igloo, tree house, flat, etc.) and we were so happy to get a house colouring in picture at the end! Lorna has said that she will take the brightest and most beautiful pictures and put them on her window at work. Bring in your pictures to your teacher when you are done. Thank you again!

-Campbell told us about his job as a stroke nurse consultant. We were very interested to hear about what he does in his job every day and how he went to University to get his qualifications. We learned a lot about how to tell if someone is having a stroke.
F = Face – Can the person smile? Does their face look lop-sided?
A = Arms – Can they stretch their arms to reach the sky? Can they lift their arms?
S = Speech – Can they tell you their name? Does their voice sound funny?
T = Time – If someone is showing any of the symptoms above, it’s time to call 999 for emergency
Thank you again, Campbell for visiting our class and teaching us a very important lesson!

-Bryan told us about his job as an electrical engineer. He told us that he left school at 16 and joined the army. A lot of boys and girls were excited to hear about him driving the tanks! Instead of going to University, Bryan learned how to be an engineer whilst in the army. We are glad that Bryan does his job so that we all have electricity in our houses! Luke in P1b thought that Bryan’s job sounded very dangerous! Thank you again, Bryan.

-Mr Moffat told us about his job as an IT consultant. He told us about how his dad was an IT consultant also and he was brought up with IT and has been doing his job for a very long time. His favourite part of his job is problem solving – he likes to fix people’s problems! We are looking forward to learning more about problem solving in class too. Mr Moffat mentioned that the thing he least likes about his job is when people are very angry at their computers! We all thought it was very cool that he can build his own computers. Thanks again, Mr Moffat.

All the children had some fantastic questions to ask all of our visitors and were very intrigued to learn more about jobs in our community! Again, a huge thanks to the mums and dads who took the time to come in and speak to our classes 🙂

Have a lovely weekend and we hope to see you at the Church Service next Friday at 9:30am.

-All of Primary 1

Primary 1c Down in the Town

On Thursday we visited the partnership centre in Bathgate. We met a lady called Rosanne in the library. She sang some songs and played with the parachute. She blew some bubbles for us to watch floating.





Rosanne gave us a small tour of the partnership centre. She showed us all the different places where people work in the centre. She showed us the playgroup and the special room where people get married. It was beautiful.
Whilst we were walking to and from the centre we saw lots of different things. We saw:
traffic lights – Skye
trees – Harris
leaves on the ground – Grace
lots of different shops – Noah
a zebra crossing – Maddison
a police car – Esther
flowers – Evie
the police station – Alex
cars and buses -Sarah
the nursery and the bus stop – Ava
a post box – Dionne

Class dojo winner was Dionne

Article 28 – the right to an education

Our trip to the library

This week, Primary 1a were very lucky to get to visit the library in Bathgate. We were very excited to walk down and we even made a checklist of things to look for “down in our town”. Some of the things that we saw were:
-A stop sign (Tiana)
-Fire engine (Scott)
-We saw a cyclist at the very end (Isla)
-We saw a lollipop man and his lollipop stick (Orlaith)
-We saw a flat (Akasha)
-I saw police officers (Kyle)
-Books (Ehan)
-Dogs (Rowan)

When we got to the library we were very happy to meet Book Bug! We found out that Book Bug lives in the library and he loves to read.

Once we met Book Bug, we sang the “hello song”. It went like this:
“Hello book bug, hello book bug, hello book, we’re glad that you could come!” Lots of the boys and girls loved singing the songs.

We then got to meet Cheeky Monkey! We sang hello to him and we got to bounce along to the song with him, brush his hair, and tickle his tummy!

Next, some of us got to put on the finger puppet monkeys and we had to try and hide them from Crocodile!! It was very funny when the crocodile tried to snatch the monkeys off our fingers.

When the monkeys were tired we lay them down underneath the parachute and sang the “wake up” song. Lots of us enjoyed jumping up and down with the parachute to wake them up!

We were then very tired so we lay down on the floor and the librarian blew lots of bubbles on us to relax us.

Our favourite things about our library visit were:
Eden -Hiding the monkeys under the parachute
Orlaith -Writing our names on the leaves
Tiana -Hiding the monkeys under the parachute
Isla -When we put the monkeys on our fingers
Akasha -Playing with the monkeys
Jonah -I liked it when we had the parachute out
Kyle -I liked the parachute
Brandon -Putting the monkeys on my finger
Eva -When the crocodile tried to eat the monkeys
Teigan -When the monkeys got caught by the crocodile
Luis -I liked the parachute
Lois -I liked putting the monkeys under the parachute
Freya -The parachute
Scott -Singing the “hello song”
Lily -When the crocodile was trying to catch all the monkeys on our fingers
Ehan -Book Bug
Rosie -Playing with the parachute
Lexi -All of it!
Rheagan -When we were walking down
Rowan -I liked when we were lying down on the floor
Lucas -Putting the monkeys under the parachute

library tree


*Reminder that Shared Start is on Tuesday 6th October so parents and families are welcome to join us in the morning for our Big Start activities until 9:25am*

Primary 1 is an exciting place…

Here are some of the things we are excited about…

Charlotte – I enjoyed playing maths games in the playground with my buddy

Sam – I liked playing maths games

Emily – I liked learning about circle patterns

Rhianna – I liked making new friends.

Hollie – I had so much fun making new friends and I was excited about learning how to write a story all by myself.

Grace Q – I was excited about learning tricky letters.

Lilyrose – I enjoyed drawing a picture of myself.

Sara- I liked doing numbers.

Grace M- I was excited about learning colour patterns.

Sophie M – I was excited about drawing a picture of me in art.

Eilidh – I enjoyed learning to write the letters m, i, a, t and s. I know excited has a ‘t’ in it.

Fearne – I was excited about painting.

Luke – I was excited about learning tricky number work. I had to count everything in the classroom.

Jude- I was excited to do jumping with Mr Jeffries.

Sophie S –I was excited when we learned to play tunnel tig at the gym with Mr Jeffries.

Archie G – I was excited when we got to play tunnel tig with Mr Jeffries.

Archie M – I liked playing tunnel tig too.

Max – I liked learning numbers.

Artjom- I liked playing with my friends.

Keegan- I liked learning to draw a picture of myself.

In maths, we have been learning to…

We have been learning a lot in Maths this week.

We have been learning to:
– Order numbers using party hats (Kyle)
– Order numbers to 20 by cutting and sticking them in the right order (Isla)


– 2D shape bingo (Brandon)


– Use beads to make patterns (Lily)


– Use the maxi cubes to make patterns (Scott)
– Stamp numbers in the right order (Elena)



– Make patterns with the colours of the counting bears (Lucas)
– Use the peg boards to make patterns as well (Akasha)


We are looking forward to learning more about 3D shapes next week in school!

*Remember that we are not in school on Monday and Tuesday AND next Friday is the MacMillan Coffee Morning*

Article 28: The right to an education

Caring about each other in Primary 1A

This week in Primary 1A we have been learning more about caring about each other and helping at home.

First, we read the story “Room on the Broom”. We felt that the main message was to help each other and keep each other safe. We started our “Friendship floorbook” where we talked about what makes a good friend and the things that we can do to be good friends to one another. Here are some pictures of us starting our new floorbook and drawing some pictures of how we are good friends.




Then, we worked in groups to discuss how we can help at home. We learned that to work well together we have to:
– Not scribble on our work (Rowan)
– Be nice to each other (Eva)
– Take turns when taking part (Orlaith)
– Help each other (Kyle)
– Listen to everyone’s ideas (Elena)

Here are some ways that we help and care at home:
– Taking my neighbour’s dogs for a walk (Eva)
– Sharing toys with my brother and tidy up my room (Brandon)
– Help my brother if he falls down and hurts himself (Scott)
– Helping my mum get down the stairs (Ehan)
– I help mummy tidy up her room (Luis)




Our next steps will be to continue learning more about what makes a good friend by reading “The Elves and the Shoemaker”. We will also be learning more about how different religions around the world care for one another.

Pupil of the week: Lily Wilson for working hard to sequence the story of “Room on the Broom”

Star Writers:

Article 15: We have the right to choose our friends and join or set up groups.
Article 14: We have the right to practise our beliefs and religion.

Our news from P1B

Bonjour! (we have been practicing how to say hello in french)

We can’t believe that we have been so busy.  We have started to learn our sounds and reading tricky words.  We have been listening to the sounds in words as this will help us with our writing.

We have had a fun time with our buddies making Rainbow Fish.  We read the story and thought that the Rainbow Fish was a good friend because she shared in the end, so the fish we made only had one shiny scale.  We have also read Elmer, we are all different too.  Miss Holwill set us a very tricky challenge….we had to make an Elmer with a pattern.  Miss Holwill was very impressed with what we have done so far.

We had to get our thinking caps on when we started a floor book all about road safety.  Some of the things we would like to learn about were;

How people with a disability can cross the road safely?

How we can be safe in different weather?


We are looking forward to next week so have a good weekend!