It has a very busy week in Balbardie Primary School!
On Tuesday, we were very lucky to go to the pantomime – it was ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame”.
Our favourite parts were:
-“I liked it when they were fighting” Lily
-“I liked Esmerelda’s red dress” Teigan
-“I liked it when they were getting married” Kyle
-“I liked when they were fighting” Rowan
-“I liked the old people in the pantomime” Brandon
On Thursday it was the Golden Club! We were, again, very lucky to have a magician visit our school and do some fantastic magic tricks!
Our favourite parts were:
-“When the man made the spotty dog” Eva
-“I liked it when he got his thumb stuck in the balloon” Elena
-“I liked when the balloon popped” Tiana
-“I liked when the toy gun made a funny noise” Akasha
-“I liked when he took the milk and newspaper and poured it on the girl’s head” Isla
We are very excited for the holiday and will remember to keep safe and have lots of fun!
-Miss Wilson and Primary 1a