Category Archives: P1a

P1a are learning about ‘Seasons’

This week we were reminding ourselves of all the months of the year. Miss Wilson muddled them up on the whiteboard and we had to put them in the correct order. Then we discussed how many seasons we have in the year and put the months into the correct season. We found out that some months were overlapping two seasons!
Finally, we talked about what the seasons would look and feel like. We used some fantastic describing words.
Winter – snowy, cold, icy
Spring – rainy, wet, sunny
Summer – warm, sunny, cold in Scotland
Autumn – orange and brown, windy, yellow
Then we got a picture of 4 blank trees and we had to show the difference on the trees in each season. We know that in the summer the trees were very green and had flowers and grass at the bottom, and we know that in Winter the trees were very bare and had nothing on them! We created some fantastic pointillism seasonal trees and really enjoyed comparing how they looked.

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Learning symmetry in Primary 1a

This week we have been learning about symmetry in our class. We have learned that symmetry means something is the same on both sides of the mirror line.
All of the boys and girls were very excited to use the mirrors and to try and find symmetrical and non-symmetrical objects.
We have created symmetrical butterflies, symmetrical patterns and tried to create symmetrical eggs. We all really enjoyed learning about symmetry with our buddies also!

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Happy Easter from Primary 1a

This week we have been learning about The Easter Story.

Akasha – Easter was when Jesus died.
Kyle – The soldiers killed Jesus and he went up to heaven.
Orlaith – They used their spears and crucified him on the cross. He was dead for 3 days.
Lily – After 3 days he was risen from the dead and resurrected!

We made Easter Story booklets with Mrs Laidlaw which helped us understand the Easter Story better. We had to put it in the correct order.

Today we went to The High Church in Bathgate and the Service was about Easter. We learned the story about The Three Trees.

We hope you have a lovely Easter holiday break and stay safe 🙂

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Lots of learning in Primary 1a

We have learned lots of things this week and would like to share with you our highlights of the week!

Lois – Learning about cavemen
Teigan – Playing with my friend, Zoe
Lily – I liked learning about dinosaurs
Eden – I liked learning about the Stone Age
Akasha – I liked learning about cavemen. I also liked when I made my Spring flowers
Isla – I liked when we were writing about what we want to learn about the Stone Age
Elena – I liked when we drew pictures of what cavemen used to wear
Lexi – I liked learning about the Stone Age
Tiana – I liked learning Art. We made Spring flowers

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Becoming palaeontologists in Primary 1a

As part of a home learning task, all the Primary 1 teachers asked the pupils to create a dinosaur project. The boys and girls could create their project however they wanted. This could be shown in a display box, arts and crafts, an information board, or however you liked! Miss Wilson was so impressed that every single boy and girl brought in their project and every single one was fantastic. The children had to present their project to the rest of the class and had to answer questions, such as:
– How did you make your project?
– Who helped?
– What did you learn whilst creating your project?
– What would you change about your project next time to make it even better?

Here are some pictures of some of our projects:







Article 29: We have the right to showcase our talents and abilities

We love reading because…..

*It helps us to find answers to our questions

*helps me to learn words

*we have favourites

*it helps us with our own writing

*we can read stories in different languages

*we can do it with our friends

*we love going on adventures


This week we are starting to bring in our favourite stories from home to share with the class….we can’t wait 🙂

P1a class assembly

Today was our class assembly! We were very excited to tell everyone what we have been learning about dinosaurs.

There were some boys and girls dressed as dinosaurs and some boys and girls dressed as palaeontologists. Everyone looked great!

In our assembly:
– I liked when we said “That’s the endosaurus!” (Lexi)
– I liked dressing up as a palaeontologist. (Kyle)
– I liked singing the songs. (Eden)
– I liked Isla’s part. (Elena)
– I liked my part when I was a tricerotops and I liked singing the songs. (Akasha)
– I was a pterodactyl. (Orlaith)
– I liked when I said my part. (Isla)

Article 29: We have the right to showcase our talents and abilities

Units of measurement

This week in Primary 1a we have been learning about the different ways you can measure. Some of these are:
– height
– length
– weight
– capacity
We were given different units of measurement to explore the classroom and see if we could find things that length. For example, some of us were given 3 rubbers, some of us were given 5 counting bears and 6 sticks. We really enjoyed exploring the classroom to try and find things of a certain length using our unit of measure.

Here are some pictures of our learning:








Article 28: The right to an educatoin

How tall were the dinosaurs?

Last week we have been linking our learning in maths to our new skills of finding out information.  We wanted to know how tall the dinosaurs were, so we asked our P6 buddies to help.  We had to look at posters to find the dinosaurs height.  We then asked our buddies how to measure in metres.  This picture shows how tall a brachiosaurs and a stegosaurus were.

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Dinosaur Fun in P1a!

We have enjoyed learning more about dinosaurs this week! Here are some interesting facts we have learned so far:

– Dinosaurs that eat meat are called carnivores

– Dinosaurs that eat plants are called herbivores

– Dinosaurs that eat both plants and meat are called omnivores

– Some dinosaurs can fly and have wings as long as 11 metres!

– Some dinosaurs can swim

– A T-Rex has very sharp teeth to eat meat with!

– A Brachiosaurus has a long neck as it is a herbivore and it uses its long neck to reach the leaves at the top of tall trees

– Some dinosaurs have spikes on their backs and tails to use to protect themselves if another dinosaur attacks them

– Dinosaurs are now extinct (thankfully!). That means they have died out a no longer exist.


We hoped you have learned something new from our blog this week!

Have a nice weekend!



How big were dinosaurs?

This week we were continuing to learn how big dinosaurs really were. We were so surprised last week when we learned how giant they were, so this week we learned about the size of parts of their bodies.

First, Miss Wilson showed us a life-sized t-rex’s footprint and we had to make predictions about how many of our own footprints would fit inside! Miss Wilson also showed us a footprint of a brachiosaurus and a stegosaurus’ plate. Some children guessed around 20 of our footprints would fit inside these, some children estimated that 155 of our footprints would fit inside!

Next, we drew around our footprints on a bit of paper and cut them out. Then we decorated them and stuck them on one of the life-sized prints.

We discovered that 25 of our footprints fitted into the t-rex’s giant footprint!

We discovered that 43 of our footprints fitted into the brachiosaurus’ giant footprint!

We discovered that 27 of our footprints fitted into the giant stegosaurus’ plate that would be on his back!

We really enjoyed this activity and learned even more about how big these dinosaurs really were.

We are looking forward to showing you what we have been learning at our class assembly on Friday 4th March. Our assembly will begin at 9:15am so try to get there earlier if you would like a seat 🙂

Article 28: We have the right to an education

What did dinosaurs eat?

When we were planning for our learning context of Dinosaurs, we wanted to know what they ate.  This afternoon we pretended to be palaeontologists and studied dinosaurs’ teeth.  We concentrated on the differences between herbivores and carnivores.  We made models of the two different teeth, flat molars and pointy canines, as those were the teeth we saw in fossilised skulls.  We used flour to pretend it was another dinosaur and dropped our model teeth into it.  We then carefully measured how deep they went.  We learned that the pointy teeth went in deeper and so carnivores, dinosaurs that ate meat, had lots of pointy teeth.


Some herbivores had comb like teeth, like the diplodocus.  They would strip the leaves and swallow them without chewing.  To help them digest their food they may have swallowed stones to help them break up and digest their food, as some birds do today.  We tried this using lettuce.  When we shook the cup with the lettuce and stones the lettuce did get mushier.


Measuring dinosaurs

This week we have been comparing measurements.

Did you know that a brachiosaurus weighed the same as 17 elephants! That is a lot!!

We even found out a stegosaurus was as big as a bus. Akasha, Jonah, Rheagan and Teigan have gotten on the school bus before and think that is big. They think around 100 children can fit on the bus so that would be a huge dinosaur!

A velociraptor was less than a metre tall – Jonah is very excited to play a velociraptor in our class assembly. He is less than a metre tall so will be about the same size.

A wingspan of a pterodactyl was around 11 metres long – we measured this in our classroom and it JUST fit in. We couldn’t believe how big their wings were and some of us got a little fright!

A brachiosaurus was around 18.5 metres long – we measured this in our school hallway and couldn’t fit everyone in! That made us really think about how big the dinosaurs were.



Did you know that the teeth of a tyrannosaurus rex were around 20 centimetres long?! That is almost the full size of a ruler and we thought they would be really sharp!

We enjoyed learning a lot about the size of dinosaurs and were very shocked to see how big they actually were. We wouldn’t want to meet a dinosaur nowadays!

Our class assembly will be held in the P.E. hall on Friday 4th March and will be ready to start at 9:20am – please get there earlier if you would like a seat. We look forward to sharing some of our learning about dinosaurs with you 🙂

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Staying safe around electricity

We have been learning about how to stay safe around electricity, both indoors and outdoors.  Here are our top tips;

*don’t go into substations (if you kick your ball in phone the electrical company and they will get it for you)

*always keep cables tidy so you don’t trip

*don’t touch any broken plugs

*don’t put anything in sockets

*don’t put knives in toasters (if your toast gets stuck unplug it and turn it upside down)

*water and electricity do not mix

*don’t use too many extension cables in one socket

Prehistoric dinosaurs

We learned this week what the word “prehistoric” means. It means it was a long time ago (Lexi).
Miss Wilson showed us some pictures of what outside would look like when the dinosaurs were about. We noticed that in the scenes:
– there was a sun (Elena)
– there was a beautiful sky (Isla)
– trees (Eden)
– grass (Kyle)
– sunshine (Teigan)
– sand (Eva)
– there were bushes (Orlaith)
We compared how our world is nowadays compared to prehistoric times. Nowadays, we have schools and buildings and cars, whereas these were not about a long time ago.

Our mission was to create a prehistoric scene for dinosaurs. We were given one dinosaur stimulus to create our scene for. If we had a brachiosaurus, we made sure to add trees into the scene because that is what they eat.

First, we were put into groups and discussed what we had to add into our prehistoric scene.
Next, we were given the dinosaur stimulus to create the scene for.
Then, we had to draw a scene with colouring pencils and include all of the things we discussed.
Finally, we got to stamp on the dinosaur sponge shapes into the correct place in the picture. For example, the pterodactyl would go in the sky!

We really enjoyed creating our prehistoric scenes and are all looking forward to learning even more about dinosaurs.

Article 28: We have the right to an education
















We are busy planning and learning about dinosaurs.  Did you know that a dinosaur is only a dinosaur if…

  1. It must have lived during the Mesozoic Era
  2. It must be a reptile, although not all reptiles are dinosaurs. Lizards are reptiles, but they are not dinosaurs.
  3. Its legs must be located below its body, as opposed to sticking out from the sides like the legs of a crocodile
  4. It must have lived on land. There were lots of other reptiles that lived at the same time (plesiosaurs have flippers and lived in water and in the air like the pterosaurs).

We have also been thinking about what it might be like if dinosaurs lived today.  Hollie thinks they would kill us all but Keegan thinks they would be pets and we would walk them on leads.


Becoming artists in P1a

This week in Primary 1a we were very excited to learn about a new art technique – mosaic pictures!
We put lots of bits of tiny paper on our pictures (Teigan)
If we were not finished, we put them to dry on the drying rack and will get to finish them at Golden Time! (Akasha)
It was almost like printing with your finger, but we used little bits of paper instead (Kyle)
It looked like a smashed picture and like we were fixing it up again (Rheagan)

We really enjoy learning different art techniques to make pictures – Miss Wilson thought they looked beautiful.

Article 28: The right to an education

News from 1B

We have had a busy start back to school…we are already learning  about lots of new things.

One of the activities we are enjoying lots is learning Scots.  We love the story of The Gruffalo and at the moment we are reading it in Scots, we are trying really hard but sometimes we forget and say our favourite lines in English not Scots.  Our favourite words are tod, hoolet and hoose.  We also learned a poem in Scots and recited it to the class.  Miss Holwill was very impressed as some of us were a wee bit feart but she couldn’t tell.


We are learning how to make sure we get the right amount of change in maths.  Our P6 buddies have been helping us and making it lots of fun.


We are also learning all about electricity. We carried out experiments to learn about static electricity and have even been make simple circuits.  Next we are going to learn how to stay safe around electricity both indoors and outdoors.


Dinosaur Eggs


We were so surprised to come into the classroom yesterday morning to find a nest of dinosaur eggs on the table!

Akasha – They began to hatch and we played with the dinosaurs. We each got a turn to gently try and get the dinosaur eggs to hatch.

Kyle – We were trying to get the dinosaurs out.

Brandon – The baby dinosaurs tails hatched out of the eggs.

Luis – We read the story “Harry and his dinosaurs go to school”

Tiana – Harry took his dinosaurs to school and he put them in a bucket outside the classroom.

Akasha – Harry took his dinosaurs out of the bucket and they said “RAHHHHH!!”

Orlaith – If we weren’t hatching the eggs, we got to colour in a picture of the and write what they were called.




Article 28: We have the right to an education

The Gruffalo in Scots!

We have been learning some Scottish words this week in school. First, we read the story of “The Gruffalo”. Then, we read it another day in Scots. We really enjoyed hearing all the Scottish words.

In groups, we were given one Scottish word from story “The Gruffalo in Scots” and we had to discuss what we thought the meaning of the word was. Then, we were given Scottish words and had to find the word that said what it meant.
Akasha – I was given the word ‘mirk’. It meant ‘dark’
Eden – My word was ‘cheerio’ and that meant ‘goodbye’
Lucas – ‘hoolet’ means ‘owl’
Orlaith – My word was ‘neb’ and that means ‘nose’
Kyle – ‘jags’ meant ‘spikes’ on the Gruffalo’s back
Isla – My word was ‘dumfoonert’ and that meant terrified or confused
Tiana – My word was ‘dippet’ and that means silly

We are looking forward to learning more Scottish words and more about Scotland’s heritage.

Article 28: You have the right to an education