Category Archives: P1a

P1a and Elmer!

We have had a really busy and fun week in P1a.  We took advantage of the lovely weather and went outside with Mrs Laidlaw for number work and used chalk to write the numbers 1-10 in the playground.

We read some stories about Elmer the Elephant and wrote about what makes us special.

This week we have learned….

The sound c.  Aileigh and Justin

The sound t.  Amber

The sound s.  Emily

The tricky word ‘me’.  Shannon

The sound m. Ada and James

The sound a.  Jude and Holly

The tricky word ‘we’.  Amber

The sound p.  Jack and River

In writing we wrote about, what makes me special. Carley

I enjoyed running around outside with my buddy.  Oliver

I enjoy Golden Time.  Ada

I enjoyed playing with my buddy outside. Mac

I enjoyed playing with my buddy. Holly

I enjoyed playing with Meadow.  Olivia


Pupil of the week: Aileigh for working hard to write the sound t and write her numbers.


Enjoy the long weekend.


Busy week in P1A

We have had a very busy week in P1A.  We have been learning the sounds ‘m’ and ‘c’ and tricky words ‘I’ and ‘the’.  In numeracy we have been counting to 10, ordering numbers to 10 and writing numbers to 10.  We have been learning about friendship and read the story Room on a Broom.  We wrote stories about who we would have on our broomsticks!

Pupil of the week: Jude for always doing the right thing, working hard and always having a smile on his face.

Playground certificate: Ellis for being a kind friend in the playground.

Here are some pictures of us working hard!

Oliver and Ellis ordering numbers to 10.
Oliver and Ellis ordering numbers to 10.
Mia and Olivia ordering numbers to 10.
Mac is very pleased with his number formation.
Mac is very pleased with his number formation.
Olivia and Ed worked hard to order numbers to 10.
Olivia and Ed worked hard to order numbers to 10.
Jude, Ada and Aileigh worked well together ordering numbers to 10!
Jude, Ada and Aileigh worked well together ordering numbers to 10!
Amber is very proud of her work!
Amber is very proud of her work!
Concentrating hard!
Concentrating hard!
Practising writing the letter 'c'.
Practising writing the letter ‘c’.
Busy making a 'c' cow!
Busy making a ‘c’ cow!

Our week in P1b

We have had a very busy week in Primary 1b. Here are some of the things we have gotten up to!…

Hamish: “We have been learning about shapes and numbers as well as learning the sounds m and c”
Lily: “We have been learning Writing”
Taylor: “We have been writing about Room on the Broom”
Gracie: “In Room on the Broom the dragon tries to eat the witch!”
Jacob: “We have been learning numbers”
Caitlin: “And we have been going to stations in class to take turns. I like the tricky words”
Evie: “I like colouring”
Matthias: “I like learning stuff on the tablets”
Noah: “I like when we draw”
Kaiden: “Learning letters”
Kyle “Learning numbers”
Emma: “We have been learning on the tablets and playing different number games”
Maksim: “I like to play the tablets and I like to draw”
Reiss: “I like to play with the play-doh and the iPads”
Lewis: “I like playing with the puppets and with my friend, Max”
Zara: “I like to play with the Room on the Broom colouring pictures”

Article 28: We have the right to education

Primary 2/1 Blog – WB 29.8.16

We have had another great week in P2/1 and are settling well into being in our new class.



Our sounds this week have been m and c.  We have been using floam to make the letters and have also made a cow, a caterpillar, a m sound book and a monster.  Our tricky words this week are I and the, we are working hard to remember these!



We have been practising our counting in maths and have been working on writing numbers with our buddies.  We need a bit of practice at this but our writing is definitely becoming neater!


Learning Across the Curriculum

We have been learning about the different powers that superheroes have and have been thinking about how special we are!  Here are the things that we think are our superhero powers:


Brandon – I can climb up a tree

Rocco – I am brave because I can touch spider webs

Regan – I am good at getting my breakfast all by myself

Romeo – I can touch spider webs!

Rio – I can climb mountains

Max – I can climb very high mountains!

Liam – I help mummy and daddy

Teigan –  I am good at playing with my brother

Leila – I am a football star

Jonah – I am good at making water balloons

Marley – I am good at playing with my car toys and my dinosaurs and going swimming.

Ellie – I am a great dancer

Breghannon – I am good at reading stories

Cameron – I can climb up a tree

Rory – I can climb up and touch cobwebs

Millie – I can count to 20

Keegan – I can go fast on my bike

Leah – I try hard at my swimming lessons

Poppy – I am kind to my cousins

Emily – I can swim



A note from Mrs Mansfield –

Please note that the Meet the teacher event will take place on Wednesday at 6pm, please pop along if you are free 🙂



Our first week in Primary 1B!

This week was very exciting in Balbardie PS because all the new Primary 1 boys and girls started school. It was a very happy and fun day for everyone. We would like to share our favourite parts of our first week in Primary 1.
Our favourite parts of the week are:
Maksim – “I came to school to write”
Hamish – “I like Golden Time and everyone gets to bring something in except from tablets”
Matthias – “I liked playing with my buddy and I liked playing with the toys”
Kyle – “I like playing with the play-doh”
Caitlin – “I like to draw”
Noah – “I like it when it’s Golden Time”
Jacob – “I liked when our buddies came”
Max – “I like to play with my friends”
Kaiden – “I like when it’s going to be Golden Club”
Evie – “I like Golden Time”
Scott – “I love to play with my friends”
Lily – “I like to play with the play-doh”
Rose – “I like playing with my toy at Golden Time”
Gracie – “I love play time”
Taylor “I love school!”
Emma – “I like playing with play-doh”
Josh “Playing with the puppets”
Ava – “I like the classroom”
Reiss – “I like my teacher, Miss Wilson!”
Zara – “I like when Ava and I play with the dragon”
Marcus – “I like playing with the play-doh and I like to play with my friends”
Natasha – “Playing with play-doh”

We are all very excited for our next week at school!

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Our first week in P2/1

Hello everybody,


We have had a great first week in P2/1 and have been learning lots of fun things.  Here are our favourite bits:

Poppy – ” My best bit was making Superhero Potions to start our writing lesson”

Liam – “I liked learning about superheroes”

Rory – “I really liked seeing the gym hall”

Max – “My best bit was getting a letter that had superhero challenges in it!”

Teigan – “I liked the gym”

Cameron – “I liked meeting Mr Jeffries”

Rocco – “I liked playing with the floam and making my numbers with it”

Regan – “I liked everything!”

Leah – “My best bit was playing at the number table”

Ellie – “I liked making my name with the letters”

Breaghannon – “I liked the messy area where I painted a rainbow”

Brandon – “I loved the songs at the assembly”

Leila – “I liked going to gym”

Romeo – “I liked everything at school”

Jonah – “The best day of the week is a Friday because I like Golden Time”

Keegan – “Everything was great!”

Rio – “I liked fishing out letters with the fishing rods”

Marley – “I like learning to write both my names”


We can’t wait to come back to school next week for more learning through play!


RRS – Everyone has the right to play! 109_2524


Nearly the end….

We can not believe that we are nearly Primary 2 boys and girls.  We have had a great time in Primary 1b, learning lots and having fun with other friends, buddies and teachers.

We have sooooooo many memories but here are some of our highlights….

  • Luke – making new friends and learning about dividing
  • Archie G – playtimes and learning about dinosaurs
  • Archie M- playing and learning about adding and subtraction
  • Eilidh – meeting my new teachers and learning about insects
  • Grace M – I like watching videos to learn new information and the activities
  • Sara – I can read now!
  • Kayden – I like lunch!
  • Sophie S – I like number work especially subtraction
  • Charlotte – I liked learning about the stone age people
  • Emily – I liked number work. I can do lots of new things.  I have lots of new friends.
  • Jude – I like the Golden Club event…I am a step 5 boy!
  • Max – I like coming to school
  • Rhianna – I like lunch
  • Grace Q – I like church
  • Lilyrose – I liked learning about dinosaurs
  • Sophie M – I liked number work
  • Artjom – I loved sports day
  • Keegan – I liked number work
  • Hollie – I liked share with other people
  • Fearne – I liked number work


Here are some of our funny moments….

  • The magician had lots of stories
  • Playing at school…don’t worry Mrs Hay you always give stickers 🙂
  • Our dancing
  • Danger Mouse
  • Being silly at playtime
  • Dinosaur that pooed a planet (it’s a book, it took 30minutes to read as we laughed so much)


We also had agreat time today….espically the teachers 🙂

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Primary 1 Golden Club Event

Today was the Golden Club! We have been looking forward to this for a very long time and it was so much fun. We were given 4 tickets and we were allowed to do 4 things at the event. These were:
– throwing wet sponges at the House Captains
– a bouncy castle with disco lights inside
– a bouncy slide called the “Terror Slide”
– we got a delicious ice lolly
We also got to dance at the disco when we were between the different games!

Here are some of our favourite parts:
Elena – “soaking the House Captains”
Ehan – “having my ice lolly”
Lexi – “I liked going on the bouncy castle”
Brandon – “the bouncy slide”
Lily – “I liked when we got to soak Miss Holwill and the House Captains”
Isla – “disco trampoline”
Akasha – “I liked the ‘Terror Slide'”
Rosie – “I liked when I found lots of tickets on the ground”
Eva – “I liked the slide because I touched the roof”








Article 31: You have the right to play and rest

Nature detectives

This week we were so excited to set our butterflies free. If you looked at our blog last week, you would see that they had all emerged from their cocoons. We took our butterflies into the garden and set them free. We named them Bob, Scooby Doo, Storm Trooper, Peter Pan and Darth Vader! It was lovely to see them all fly away and we even got to touch Darth Vader as he was so well behaved.



On Wednesday it was our class trip to the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh. We were very excited to take our teddy bears with us so that they could join in on a Teddy Bear Picnic.

When we arrived we discussed SWAF. SWAF stands for:

SWAF is what animals need to survive in nature.


We went on an Edward Bear hunt next to look for clues as to where he was! There were some paw print clues hidden around the garden and we had to find them to try and find Edward Bear.







When we finally got back to the meeting room, Edward was waiting on us with our lunches.



After lunch we played a couple more games and had to create our own SWAF island!










We had a wonderful time at the Royal Botanic Gardens and have made sure to put a picture of us eating our lunch with our teddy bears inside our pink Learners Journey Jotters.



*Learners Journey Jotters will go home today and please return these to school by next Friday 24.6.16 with the “highlights of the session” sheet completed

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Our butterflies are here!

This week was very exciting for our class as we got to see our butterflies emerge from their cocoons. We had 5 cocoons at the start of the week and by Wednesday we had one butterfly already!



When we came into school on Friday morning we had 3 more butterflies! Only 1 butterfly was still in its cocoon. We could see its patterns and Miss Wilson said that the butterfly would be out very soon. We kept an eye on it all morning.

Only 10 minutes later, it emerged! We finally have 5 butterflies.

In the final picture you can see some red liquid on the lid. You might be wondering what this is. We thought it might be blood, but we researched it further and found out this was meconium! Lots of this means that your butterfly is healthy and is a normal part of the process. It is just leftover waste material stored in the butterfly’s abdomen.

We are very excited to set them free on Monday in the garden and can’t wait to see if they will land on our hands and heads!

Article 28: We have the right to an education

P1a’s busy week in school!

We have been learning so much this week that we wanted to share all of the exciting things we have been learning and doing.

Sports Day was on Tuesday and all the boys and girls walked to Balbardie Park and took part in lots of races.
Tiana – I liked doing the sack race
Eden – My favourite part was doing the sack race as well. I also liked when I came 3rd
Teigan – My favourite part was at the end when everyone did the running race
Lily – I liked when me, Isla and Lois won some of the races
Scott – I came 4th in the potato and spoon race
Isla – I liked when I got 1st place 3 times and got 2 medals!





Here is an update on how our caterpillars are coming along:
Akasha – They are in their cocoons
Ehan – I am excited for when they turn into butterflies
Lily – I am excited for when they are going to turn into butterflies and when we are going to let them go
Eden – I am excited to see them fly all about
Eva – I am excited to see the butterfly patterns


This week we went on a minibeast hunt!
Elena – On our first minibeast hunt we didn’t find that much, but when we went again we saw a red spider
Ehan – We got into groups – Group 1, 2, 3 and 4
Lily – We had lots of fun trying to find the minibeasts in the garden and I had lots of fun in my group



Pupil of the week: Rosie Chalmers for using positional language accurately and confidently in Maths.


Playground Pupil of the week: Orlaith Stirling for being helpful to all her friends and tidying the playground.


Article 28: We have the right to an education

Sports day

We had a fantastic first Sports Day at Balbardie. Here are some of our reflections:
It was fun
Lots of people helped us
I liked the mum and dads race
I liked the house team race
We tried our best
I liked the sack race
I liked the potato and spoon race
I liked cheering for my friends
I liked it when people got their medals
I liked the running race
Everyone clapped
Family and friends came and watched
We all got stickers
I loved it all


Well done to Luke for winning the lap race and Archie for being the overall P1 winner.


With our stickers for taking part 🙂

P1a Healthy Eating

This week we have been learning a lot about healthy eating and the foods you should eat a lot of, foods you should eat sometimes, and foods you should eat a little of.

We had Shared Start on Wednesday where parents and grandparents were invited to come along. We had a bunch of “Very Hungry Caterpillar” games and everybody really enjoyed the colouring in pictures the most!

Here are some healthy eating tips:
Brandon – Pasta is a food you can eat sometimes and it can make you big and strong
Akasha – My healthy eating tip is that you should eat strawberries because they are my favourite
Kyle – Eat soup every day
Freya – Eat vegetables so you can grow very strong
Elena – Look after your body so you can grow very big
Teigan – My healthy eating tip is to eat apples
Scott – Exercising so you can get big and strong
Rosie – You can drink milk so you can be nice and strong
Isla – Eat lots of green stuff because my dad says it’s healthy to eat lots of green stuff

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Owls at Balbardie

Yesterday we were very lucky to have Archie’s Granda and Uncle visit us in school today with their owls.  We learnt lots about them all and got to stroke them.  Some of the facts we learned were:

*owls can turn their heads 270 degrees

*if they have black owls they hunt at night

*if they have orange/pale eyes they hunt in the twilight

*they eat mice

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One of our favourites was Skippy who came from Australia as he kissed our fingers.  But the best bit was when Archie’s Barn Owl, Stealy, flew over us.


It was a great afternoon and very exciting.  A huge thank you.

Celebrating Success P1a

This week was our Celebrating Success assembly. We were very excited to perform our song “I’m a miracle”. We have practised a very long time to perform in front of the audience and Miss Wilson thinks the boys and girls did fantastic. We also thought the other classes performed very good!

Eden got a certificate for “Always trying her best in everything she does”

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Lily got her certificate from Mr Welsh for “Outstanding work”

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Rowan got her certificate for “Always being aware of others feelings and needs”

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Isla got her certificate for “Always trying her best and always putting effort into everything she does”

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Well done, everyone!

Our pupil of the week was Rheagan Thomson for demonstrating how to be a good friend!


P1a are looking forward to learning about…

We have been learning about being Nature Detectives! So far, we have been learning about the different parts of a plant and last week we labelled a picture of a plant to show our understanding. This week we have been learning about minibeasts and insects that you can find in nature. We got to create our own minibeasts with paper and glue and created some fantastic creatures!
We have also been learning about the water cycle and how rain is created. We learned some really big words such as:

Isla – Evaporation is when the sun heats the water and it rises into the sky
Lois – Condensation is when lots of tiny raindrops come together and it gets too heavy
Ehan – Precipitation is when the clouds get too heavy and rain falls down

We created a model that showed the water cycle. Miss Wilson was very impressed with how well we worked independently.

Article 28: We have the right to an education

Nature Detectives

We have started our new learning context of Nature Detectives.  We know that plants and animals need water to survive.  We learned about the water cycle.  Some of the new words we have learned are precipitation, condensation and evaporation.  We learnt these words when listening for information, watch an experiment and making a model.  We have also become weather forecasters and are making daily observations.  We are looking forward to learning about the lifecycles of some insects.  We are getting some butterfly eggs and frogspawn to help us learn…watch this space for our updates.   New in our classroom – we have a tent with lots of ‘minibeasts’, binoculars and magnifying glasses.

P1a meets Badger the mystical mutt!

On Tuesday, P1a went to visit the local library. We were extremely lucky to meet the author, Laura Jackson, of the book series “Badger the mystical mutt”.
Eva – Some children ordered some books and the author signed them! I liked when Badger had the big maracas.
Akasha – I liked the story.
Orlaith – At the start of our visit, Badger patted all the adults heads.
Eden – I liked when Badger got the maracas!
Lily – I liked when Badger shook his tail at everybody and some people were trying to catch it.
Isla – I liked when Badger got the big maracas.
Elena – Badger showed us some magic tricks.

We have been reading some of the stories in class and love hearing about Badger’s love for toast!!



Article 28: We have the right to an education

Sharing and showers!

What a funny week it’s been! The weather has certainly been keeping us on our toes. We hope the children enjoy filling in their weather diaries in the next few weeks, although we didnt expect snow to be there!

This week we have enjoyed –
Liam – I liked planting my bean plant.
Sarah – I enjoyed learning in my writing lesson.
Ava – I enjoyed learning songs.
Evie – I enjoyed sorting out my bean plant jar.
Keira – I enjoyed doing my subtraction work.
Emma – I enjoyed making the plant grow on the computer.
Daniel – I liked learning how to count to 20 in French.
Alysheeya – I liked learning about sharing using my playdough.
Jess – I enjoyed learning how to plant seeds.
Maddison – I liked learning the days of the week in French.
Harris – I liked watching the alphablocks.
Nina – I enjoyed learning how to say how old I am in French.
Alex – I liked doing takeaway sums.
Ryan – I liked playing on the ipad.
Leon – I liked playing with the cars.
Isla – I enjoyed playing with the farm.
Dionne – I liked doing subtraction using a number line.
Esther – I enjoyed French learning how to say how old I am.
Grace – I enjoyed how to grow a plant.
Skye – I liked playing on the ipad.
Marley – I liked playing with the cars.
Elise – I enjoyed going to the hub.

We have started learning about sharing using playdough mats and teddies.

Wishing you all a very happy long weekend!

Article 28 – the right to an education.