Category Archives: Modern Languages

A blog to promote modern languages across the school

P3/2 love French

We love learning French and we do it through games eg Kim’s game and chaud /froid. We also are enjoying learning  a wide variety of French songs too.

Here are some class comments:-

We like the French songs especially Leon le cameleon-Grace,Nina

I like singing “lundi matin” about the days of the week.Today Friday is vendredi-Eva

I like singing “il court il court”. I like because it gets faster !-Niamh

I like learning different words- ca va ! -Isla

I like learning classroom items- la gomme- Zara

I like learning French so that if I go to France I will be able to speak it-Jess

I always say au revoir when I am leaving Mrs Aitken at the end of the school day-Katie

I ‘ve enjoyed learning the word bof ! -Ross

Bonne weekend !




Guest editors from the blue table…..

Guest Editors this week are children from the blue table.
Ben –I enjoyed SRA.
Louie – I enjoyed making the bottle cars.
Dani- I enjoyed maths with Mrs Mackenzie.
Callum – I enjoyed doing 2D shapes in maths.
Hayley- I enjoyed RME because it is challenging.
Jaime-Lee – I enjoyed making the Pudsey because it is FUN.
Lucy- Katie- I enjoyed PE because we did gymnastics.
Rose- I like outdoor P.E because we are playing hockey.
Katie- I enjoyed outdoor P.E because we played hockey and I scored twice.
Emily- I like P.E because we do gymnastics.

Thanks blue table for your work on the blog this week!

From Mrs Collings

The children worked really hard on finding shapes around the building as we started our work on 2d shape. These are some of the photographs they took with Mrs McFarlane on their shape hunts!

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The children also worked really hard trying to make balloon powered cars. Despite our best efforts, we really struggled to get any of the cars to work and we’ve discussed the different design flaws and the ways in which can improve our design.

The children have also been working hard to make their activities for the stall for the christmas fair. More details to follow……..

Pupil of the week – Ben for using all the key features of a cartoon strip to retell Emerald the Alien’s story.

Table of the week – with 940 points

Article 28 – the right to an education