Recently Classes 1, 2 and 3 have been having a Get Together every week in the hall.
We have been doing this on a Wednesday morning. It is fantastic!

We begin by singing our welcome song. It goes like this “Welcome everybody, it’s good to see you here…. “.
Then we do a ‘Look back’ where we look at photographs on the Smartboard and think about what we have been doing over the past week.
Next we do a ‘Look forward’ where we find out about some things that will be happening soon.
The final part of the Get Together is when one person in each class gets a certificate. We all clap because these people have done so well 

What we think about the Get Together.
Jason: I really like it when I get a certificate.
Geordie: I like the certificate part best as well.
Josh: I really like the certificate part and I also like the music.
Aidan: I feel really proud for the people who get the certificates.
Aidan added that he feels a bit nervous during the Welcome Song. The adults are very proud of the way his singing and actions have got more and more enthusiastic every week 
In fact the adults have been extremely pleased with how well everyone has been doing at Get Together time!
P.S. A special thank you to Jason for helping Mrs Stewart get the hall ready for Get Together every week. He does a great job!