All posts by Mr Berginis



Callum: “During maths we learned about 2D and 3D shapes. We learned that a cube has eight vertices, six faces and twelve edges.”

Luke: “3D shapes do not have sides, only 2D shapes have sides. For example, a square has four sides and a nonagon has nine sides.”

Rabeea: “We also learned how to solve word problems. It helps us if a problem is written as a sentence because it helps us decide what type of sum it is. The three steps are: 1. Decide what type of sum using the key words. 2. Write the sum out accurately using the correct numbers. 3. Complete the sum and double check.”

Jane: “In writing we were writing Remembrance poems. To do that you had to choose your rhyming words and make up four lines in your verses. I felt it was sad to write about but it was fun at the same time because you had to use your imagination and put yourself in the shoes of the soldiers.”

Sophie M: “I enjoyed making my poem. I enjoyed making my lines so that they matched the rhyming beat. My poem was to make sure we remember all soldiers in the past and present who have died.”

Christopher S: “I enjoyed writing my poem and trying to make it rhyme. It was difficult at first but it got easier because I kept working hard. Part of my poem was:

Wear a poppy, save the day,

On the 11th, Remembrance Day. “

Callum: “I enjoyed learning about Dunkirk and how the soldiers tried and failed to take back their land and were saved from the beaches by yachts and other boats.”

Sam: “In art we were learning about another part of WW2 which was propaganda which is when the Allies and Axis tried to persuade people. Some examples were that Hitler was an evil monster, Dig For Victory and Your Country Needs You! Next week we’re going to create our own propaganda posters and we can choose whether to represent the Axis or Allies.”

Declan: “In drama we had to perform act one of Cinderella Rockafella in front of the primary 6s. It went excellent because everyone had their heads up and weren’t staring at their words.”

Taylor: “I liked circle time this week because I enjoyed hearing what everyone was up to during the holidays.”


Emma: “My table impressed me by winning table of the week.”

Christopher A: “Primary 5m impressed me this week with their brilliant performance in assembly about Guy Fawkes. I really liked how they all dressed up and found it very interesting.”

Eve: “I’m impressed with Rebecca for getting her highest score on Big Maths Beat That.”

Isla: “Luke impressed me by getting Mr Jeffries’ MVP for P.E.”

Taylor: “P2e impressed me because at wet lunch they behaved really well.”

Rabeea: “Christopher S impressed me by winning Mrs Innes’ pupil of the month.”

Rebecca: “Louise impressed me with her Remembrance poem because it had really good rhymes in it and it made sense.”

Sam: “I’m impressed by the Troopers table because they won table of the week for the first time in p7! They didn’t give up, kept trying and eventually they have won!”

Freya: “I’m impressed with Emma for winning pupil of the week for writing a really good poem about Remembrance.”

Sophie L: “Isla has impressed me because she has learned all of her words for Cinderella Rockafella off by heart.”

Sophie M: “Declan impressed me by getting onto step 3.”

Louise: “Abbie has impressed me in Cinderella Rockafella because she is putting lots of effort into her acting for the role of Teaser.”

Mr Berginis: “Well done to everyone who beat their best ever score on Big Maths Beat That this week.”



This morning p7b were learning about the Battle of Dunkirk and we’d like to share our learning with you. We’ve been using QUESTIONS FOR THINKING to help us with our learning and these came in very handy.


 We used our UNDERSTAND skills to summarise the key events which happened:

Dean: “British troops went over to France in May 1940 to try and take back land from Germany.”

Isla: “Instead of pushing the Germans back they lost more land because the German army used Blitzkrieg fighting.”

Christopher S: “The British troops ended up stranded on a beach in Dunkirk with thousands of Belgian and French troops.”

Freya: “Winston Churchill organised for ships to come over from Britain to transport the troops off the beach. They saved 340,000 troops.”


We developed our APPLY skills by thinking about what would have happened  if:

Sam: “If the Battle of Dunkirk had been fully successful then I think the war would have been over a lot quicker and less people would have died.”

Christopher S: “If they hadn’t managed to rescue the troops then I think that D-Day might not have happened because there would have been no soldiers to fight it.”


We developed our ANALYSE skills by thinking about the arguments for and against Winston Churchill deciding to rescue the French and Belgian soldiers, along with the British:


Christopher A: “If he hadn’t rescued them they wouldn’t have been friendly with the British and backed us up later in the war.”

Dean: “It would have made things awkward with France because we are just across the sea.”

Isla: “If we had just left them there it would have been just like handing them to the Germans.”

Rabeea: “If they had just left them then Hitler would have killed all the French and Belgian soldiers. Also, they were Allies in WWI.”

Eve: “If they had just abandoned them there wouldn’t have been a D-Day because it would have meant not enough soldiers.”


Alistair: “They could have lost even more ships and planes and it might have been a suicide mission.”

Eve: “It would have been really dangerous due to all the German planes bombing. The German planes were called Stukas.”

Josh: “If they did try to rescue the others and got destroyed then all their good work would have been for nothing.”


We developed our EVALUATE skills by deciding whether we think Dunkirk was a success or a failure for the Allies:

Sophie M: “I think Dunkirk was a bit of both because they failed to push the Germans back but it was a success because we managed to send over boats to save the soldiers.”

Fraser: “I think it was a failure because the mission was to start pushing the Germans back but the opposite happened and the Germans made them retreat.”

Rebecca: “I think it was a bit of both because the target was to push the Germans back but they ended up on the beach but it was also a success because they managed to save the soldiers we needed for D-Day.”

Taylor: “I think it was a fail because even though they saved most of the people we still left all of the weapons and tanks behind for the Germans to take.”

Callum: “I think it was an epic fail because the mission failed and the Germans pushed us back and even though they saved the soldiers we lost the artillery.”

Reflecting on term 1 in P7b

Josh: “The thing that I have enjoyed this term is learning about America. I’ve learned that it wasn’t actually Christopher Columbus who discovered the USA and that he was looking for India when he found the continents of North and South America.”

Sophie M: I’ve enjoyed doing PE this term. I enjoyed doing the dodge ball tournament where we are learning about travelling, object control and balance. I also liked doing grammar this term because sometimes I got muddled up with THEIR, THERE and THEY’RE and it has helped me with joining words and punctuation as well.”

Dean: My highlight of this term is getting into the school football team. I felt happy playing in the first match.”

Isla: “I really enjoyed doing drama and our USA topic this term. I really liked the video which looked at how America was formed.”

Tom: “My highlight was getting into the school football team for this term. I also liked learning about the USA and how it was formed.”

Rabeea: “This term I enjoyed doing the Maths Challenge. Before I didn’t do much working so it has helped me to show all my working because I have to show them to get as many points as possible.”

Nicky: “I have liked the topic we have been learning and I liked discovering about Christopher Columbus.”

Freya: “I really liked the Big Starts in the morning because I like the challenge of solving riddles and puzzles. It helps wake me up in the morning too!”

Declan: “I liked doing the Big Maths Beat That because it has helped me get quicker at my maths skills.”

Sophie L: “My best thing was reading the book Undead Pets because it has helped me with my reading skills and doing the different questions has helped me to understand the book.”

Sam: ” My favoutire thing about this term has been playing table toppers. It is a fun game but it also helps you improve your knowledge.”

Callum: “My favourite part was watching the USA video because it showed the first ever town in America which was Jamestown and it showed the first big war which was the War of Independence.”

Abbie: “I enjoyed doing basketball because it is my favourite thing to do and I enjoyed it.”

Taylor: “I enjoyed working with our p1 buddies, showing them around the school and helping them understand what to do at school and what to look forward to.”


Our learning:

Rabeea: We did the subtraction accuracy challenge and it has helped us with our accuracy by doublechecking our work. It was fun!

Fraser: I enjoyed doing Destination Judo and Street Dance on Monday because they were fun and I enjoyed getting educated in a fun way.

Callum: I enjoyed playing in the school football match. We did pretty good at the start but Boghall made a very good comeback.

Zenaib: I enjoyed the visit from Jessica’s dad because he told us all about the USA. He told us about a high school in America which got closed for a year because there were loads of fights when 9 black pupils joined the all-white school.

Hannah: I enjoyed the Street Dance because it was fun even though I wasn’t very good at it!

Christopher A: I enjoyed drama this week it was quite surprising to hear who got which part in Cinderella Rockerfella. It was fun to practice our singing skills too.

Louise: I enjoyed learning this week about the USA and how it was first founded. The British people didn’t know America existed and actually thought if you sailed too far in 1492 you would fall off the end of the world!

Who has impressed?

Sam: The school football team impressed me by putting up a good match against Boghall, even though they lost they did well.

Rabeea: Mr Berginis impressed me by doing well in the Street Dance even though he fell over!

Fraser: Nicky has impressed me by doing so well in his writing this week.

Louise: Christopher A has impressed me by being voted as one of the JETs. I was voted as the other one.

Sophie M: Tom has impressed me by getting pupil of the week and for being a good teammate.

Rebecca: Freya has impressed me by writing a brilliant biography about Sally Salt!

Emma: I hope everybody has a great weekend!

Match Report – Boghall vs Balbardie

On Wednesday the 9th October we played Boghall primary school. The starting seven was Tom, Sophie, Declan, Logan, Daniel M, Daniel D and Dean and the substitutes were George, Callum and Euan.

Balbardie took the lead by Daniel D scoring and we were still in the lead when Sophie scored our second. Boghall primary caught up with us by the second half. Logan scored our third and we were leading again until Boghall scored another four and the match ended with the score at 7-3 to Boghall.

The next time we could improve by communicating more and work more as a team.

By Sophie McMillan. Team Captain.

Our week in p7b


Sophie M: This week we have been writing biographies. We got partnered up with someone else in the class and we interviewed them to find out details about their family, hobbies and when they were born.

Alexander: Next we collected quotes and we asked some people in the class for nice comments about the person we were writing about.

Dean: Then we wrote all of our information in the form of a biography. I enjoyed asking people what they thought of my partner.

Sophie M: I enjoyed finding out different facts about my partner.

Nicky: I found it strange reading about myself in someone else’s writing!

What else have we been up to this week?

Rabeea: I enjoyed starting the subtraction topic because it was a revision of what we’ve done and once in a while it is good to revise what you have learned before.

Louise: We’ve been finishing our USA map art pictures. It’s been challenging because it is tricky to draw the stars.

Declan: We had a team challenge about the US states. We had to try and memorise all the capitals and flags. We had to work together as a team to work out the best strategy.

Christopher S: We found out the parts for Cinderella Rockerfella and I’m happy for Isla and Hannah for getting the parts they wanted.

Who has impressed?

Declan: I’m impressed with Christopher because he got the part of Buttons.

Josh: I’m impressed with Callum for getting the part of Rocky 2.

Dean: I’m impressed with the other p7 class because they carried on with their assembly even though the projector stopped working.

Alistair: Fraser impressed me by getting the part of one of the ugly sisters.

Sophie M: Amber has impressed when she was writing my biography because she had lots of detail in it.

Mr Berginis: I’m very proud of the class for winning Mrs Innes’ class of the month and Louise for winning Mrs Innes’ pupil of the month.

Our week in p7b

What have we been learning?

Rabeea: I enjoyed doing the pyramid challenge in maths, we had to add up the different blocks to find out the magic number.

Dean: I’m sad because I found out I have pause-itis! That is when your sentences aren’t joined together. Now I’m cured because I know I can cure it using connectives!

Sophie M: I liked doing races in P.E. and the object control. Object control is one of the building blocks of P.E.

Sam: I enjoyed redrafting my autobiographies because we used the computer to type them up. Check out our display outside our classroom!

Fraser: I enjoyed having a cup of tea with my gran and grandad at the coffee morning. I enjoyed writing my autobiography because I liked predicting the future, it was exciting.

Louise: I enjoyed watching back what we had done in drama. It was really funny and a little bit embarrassing watching yourself.

Who has impressed?

Eve: I think the ‘California Baby’ table has impressed me because they won table of the week for the first time.

Christopher A: Jane has impressed me this week because she made a great job of washing the dishes at the coffee morning!

Rebecca: Freya impressed me. i read her autobiography and it was amazing because she included lots of interesting things and had lots of detail about when she was younger.

Sophie M: Rabeea has impressed me because she always tries her best to work hard.

Hannah: My table (California Baby) impressed me because we worked together to win table of the week.

Fraser: Alistair has impressed me because he did really well working out the money and change at the stalls this morning including three sums at one time!

Mr Berginis: I was impressed with the class’ autobiographies and can’t wait to put them all up on display so everyone can read them.

Our week in p7b

What have we been up to?

Abbie: I enjoyed using the DS’s in spelling because it helped us to learn our spelling words for the week.

Sophie M: I enjoyed writing my autobiography. I liked being able to make up what I’m going to do when I’m older.

Rabeea: Maths was good this week because it was interesting and it helped revise my adding skills.

Louise: I enjoyed the Onesie walk because it was nice to get some fresh air and to chat with our buddies.

Alistair: I liked doing P.E. because we were playing team dodgeball. We were focusing on our teamwork skills.

Callum: I really enjoyed the feeling of winning at dodgeball with my team.

Who has impressed?

Luke: My p1 buddy Jason impressed me during the Onesie walk because he was being sensible and friendly.

Emma: I’m proud of my little sister Amber for going to school even though she was a wee bit upset.

Sam: Callum has impressed me by being the first person to reach step 3.

Rebecca: My p1 buddy impressed me with her road safety skills.

Taylor: My buddy impressed me during the Onesie walk by being brave and choosing not to walk with her mum.

Another busy week in P7b

What have we been learning?

Rabeea: I enjoyed doing Big Maths Beat That and I got my best ever score (50)

Callum: I enjoyed beginning our America topic and completing the challenge to name all of the states.

Jane: I enjoyed our What A Day focus in writing because it let our imagination run wild.

Rebecca: I enjoyed learning about grammar this week as we focused on there, their and they’re…

We use there when we are talking about a place or an event.

We use their when something belongs to someone.

We use they’re  as a short version of they are.

Louise: I also enjoyed our writing this week because I got to choose to write about meeting One Direction!

Dean: I enjoyed playing team dodgeball at P.E. with Mr Jeffries.  It helped us get better at teamwork.

Fraser: I enjoyed doing the USA challenge, it was interesting trying to match up the states. I also enjoyed the Childline workshop.

Isla: I also enjoyed dodgeball in P.E. and we were learning to work together. Writing was great because I loved the topic we were writing about.

Who has impressed?

Christopher A: Rabeea impressed me by getting her best ever score in Big maths Beat That.

Eve: I think Sophie L impressed by getting pupil of the week for showing good teamwork by helping a classmate.

Jane: I think Abbie has impressed because she also got a new high score on Big Maths Beat That. (45)

Rabeea: The whole class impressed me by showing really good teamwork in the USA states challenge.

Tom: Mr Berginis has impressed me by really helping us to learn this week.

Emma: I think Sophie L and Alexander have impressed me by being good friends.

Louise: Rebecca has impressed because she wrote a really good story because she combined her two favourite things in it.

Isla: I have been impressed by our P1 buddies because they have managed to settle in so well.

Mr Berginis: I was very impressed with the imagination and creativity shown by the class in writing this week. Myself and Mrs Waddell really enjoyed reading them.


What have we been learning?

Hannah – I enjoyed designing our cars in art as it helped me improve my shading skills.

Dean – I liked doing our table topper marathon because it was fun playing a game together as a team.

Louise – I enjoyed learning about road safety videos. They really affect your emotions and that makes you follow the rules like wear your seatbelt.

Christopher A – It was fun learning about how to shade properly in art this week. It was also great working as a pair for the lesson.

Rabeea – It was great learning about times tables. We did times table toppers and it made learning them fun!

Sophie M – I liked redrafting my story called The Race. When redrafting you need to check your capital letters and spelling and update and add new things.

Fraser – I enjoyed doing the football trials this week and also art because I found it really fun.

Jane – I liked the Childline presentation on Monday. I learned how to keep myself safe and that if I have worries I can contact Childline. The number is 0800 1111.

Who has impressed?

Zenaib – I think everyone in the class has impressed me this week because they have been well behaved and hard working.

Louise – I was impressed by the Porsches table this week as they finished as table of the week ahead of the BMWs.

Sam – I think Fraser has impressed me because he managed to do loads more in maths than he did in p6.

Rebecca – Isla impressed me because she got our pupil of the week for making a great start to p7.

Taylor – I was impressed by Sophie M this week because she got captain of the football team.

Rabeea – Mr Welsh impressed me because he got a certificate for being a good head teacher.

Dean – The Primary 1 pupils impressed me becase they managed to eat lunch by themselves yesterday.

Mr Berginis – I was extremely impressed by everyone who took place in the football trials and they all deserved their place in the squad.

P7b are stunned…

to discover that there are 57 million children in the world who don’t get to go to school!

Amber – I think it is quite upsetting because these children aren’t getting an education!

Rabeea – In India I saw loads of children who didn’t get to go to school and had to go to work instead. It was upsetting to see that happening.

Tom – I think it is sad because they’re not getting their right to education.

Callum – I think it is not fair because everyone has the right to education.


What have we been learning about?

Dean: I enjoyed writing the race and it helped me learn about adjectives and description.

Rabeea: I’ve enjoyed practising times tables and winning table of the week. We are improving our speed and accuracy in times tables.

Luke: We’ve been learning about times tables because we’ll need to use them in the future for lots of different things.

Zenaib: Everything has been great this week, especially maths and writing.

Christopher S: Writing out all of my times tables has helped me learn them.

Louise: I enjoyed when Mr Welsh took our class and we did a wordsearch challenge and I enjoyed working together with my table even though it was tricky.

Callum; I enjoyed everything this week, especially writing my story.

Jane: I liked writing about The Race and it was good to learn more about how to use descriptive words.

Who has impressed?

Isla: Mr Berginis impressed me with his drumming skills at assembly!

Sam: Josh has impressed me by keeping up his good behaviour.

Christopher A: I’m also impressed with Josh because he has managed not to move down our traffic light system.

Freya: I’m impressed with Dean winning pupil of the week for making a great start to p7.

Abbie: Taylor impressed me by beating her best score on Big Maths Beat That.

Alexander: Christopher S has impressed me by getting five stickers onto his chart already!

Taylor: Abbie has impressed me by beating her best score on Big Maths by 20 points!

Rabeea: Mr Berginis impressed me with his drumming and it was really funny to watch.

Louise: I’m impressed by everybody in the class because everybody has been working hard to earn so many table points.

Mr Berginis: I’m very impressed with how wonderful the class has been at supporting their p1 buddies.


How has your first week in p7 been?

Emma: “It has been a smashing week in p7 because it was our first week back.”

Taylor: “I’ve had a great week because I like my new teacher.”

Louise: “This week I’ve enjoyed surveying the traffic outside because it was fun.”

Christopher A: “Our class novel is called House of Secrets and I’m looking forward to finding out what happens next.”

Jane: “I enjoyed creating things for our wall displays and I’m looking forward to next week.”

Callum: “Art has been my favourite this week and I designed December for our year display on the wall.”


What are you looking forward to this year?

Alexander: “I’m looking forward to going to the Risk Factory and going to Belgium.”

Abbie: “I am looking forward to doing p7 level maths and going to Belgium. Also doing spelling.”

Fraser: “I’m looking forward to studying the rainforest this year.”

Rabeea: “I’m excited about taking on the Edinburgh University Maths Challenge!”

Tom: “I’m looking forward to the Risk Factory, Belgium and studying WW2.”

Sophie M: “I’m looking forward to playing in the school football team.”

Dean: “I’m looking to the school football team, Belgium and doing WW2”

Amber: “I’m looking forward to all of the rest of p7!”

P7b visited Bathgate Academy!


This week p7s visited Bathgate Academy for two days on Wednesday and Thursday as preparation for after the summer. Here are some of their thoughts…

Ramie: “I enjoyed the cafeteria because the hot dogs and donuts were really nice!”

Adrian: “In maths we had a teacher who could predict our numbers even though we hid them in sums.”

Abbie Madd.: “Science was great because we got to set our hand on fire! We dipped our hand in bubbly water so that the fire couldn’t harm us though.”

Sian: “I did my clarinet exam up at the high school and I’m proud of myself because I was very nervous before it. I get the results in two weeks.”

Dylan: “I liked science because we got to make custard bouncy balls and we learned about bunsen burners and how to stay safe.”

Ross: “In art we designed our names in graffiti style, it was fun.”

Ali: “We also learned how to do perspective drawing in the art class.”

Rhona: “I enjoyed CDT because we made little candle holders out of hardwood.”

Murray: “Music was really good and we were playing a South American song on the keyboards.”

Nathan: “I enjoyed science because we added hydrogen to the flames and made it pop!”

Kirstie: “Home Economics was good and I enjoyed making fairy cakes.”

Aisha: “Also in science we managed to suck an egg through the neck of a beaker using heat. It was cool!”

Amber: “I enjoyed the art lesson because we did still life drawings of plants.”