All posts by Mr Berginis

A week in p7b with the Yanomami

Our learning –

Isla – I enjoyed writing the story of My Day With Yarima. I had to pretend I had spent a day in the Yanomami tribe with her and had woken up the next day and written about it. I don’t know why I enjoyed it but I really did!

Rabeea – I enjoyed learning how to simplify fractions because it helped us if we had a really big fraction and it made it smaller and simpler to use.

Christopher A – I really enjoyed the p3h assembly as it was my care class and I know they have been working really hard on it and I’ve seen them rehearsing and helped them learn the songs. It was really inspirational how all the class came together and worked as a team to get it done.

Jane – I enjoyed my sports elective which was Musical Theatre. We were dancing to Greased Lightning and it was fun to learn. In the future we will be performing a show…

 Sam – I enjoyed my sports elective which was badminton. We began by playing a couple of games gainst each other then we did a warm up and at the end we did a challenge called King of the Court. The winners were Tom and Ewan (p6).

Luke – I enjoyed doing the sports elective. I also did badminton. I enjoyed it even though it wasn’t the one we were supposed to do this week.

Zenaib – I liked doing Keeping Myself Safe because I learned that if a situation like that ever happened in the future I would know what to do. For example, Share It means if something bad happens you must share it with someone you trust like a teacher, parent or Childline.

Who has impressed?

Christopher A – I think p3h impressed me because as I said above they worked as a team and came together to make a wonderful assembly.

Jane – Alexander got pupil of the week and this impressed me because he helped another person in the class with her fraction work and he worked hard to understand his own fraction work.

Taylor – Everybody at Musical Theatre impressed me because we did Greased Lightning and everybody enjoyed it and worked hard to learn the dance.

Fraser – Sam impressed me by coming second in the King of the Court challenge at badminton.

Rabeea – My table impressed me by winning table of the week.

Sam – Fraser impressed me by coming second in King of the Court because he was up against some really good players.

Sophie M – Declan S impressed me at football elective by being a great goalkeeper and making some superb saves.

Mr Berginis – I was impressed by everybody on the football elective because they worked hard, followed instructions and we had lots of fun.

Assembly week for P7b!

On Friday we performed our class assembly. The theme was TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More!

Taylor – I think our assembly was amazing and we all worked really hard on it.

 Sam – I enjoyed our assembly and us all working together as a team to create a really epic assembly.

 Christopher A – All our hard work we put in paid off as it all came out so well.

 Rabeea – This week I enjoyed doing the testing. I mostly enjoyed the maths one because it moved from easy to hard level and it was testing to see how difficult I could go.

 Fraser – I enjoyed P.E. with Mr Jeffries because I liked working with my team during badminton to see how many points we could win.

 Callum – I enjoyed reading this week’s Literature Circle reading because it was really exciting to find out what happened next in Lord Loss.

 Sam – I really enjoyed Literature Circles too. It was week 4 and my role was Discussion Duck and the book is starting to get so exciting that I ended up reading to the end!

 Tom – The testing was a little bit boring and also quite difficult because it was asking us some questions we didn’t know the answer to.

 Who has impressed?

 Rebecca – Jane impressed me by getting MVP from Mr Jeffries for PE this month.

 Rabeea – Jane has impressed me by learning her lines for Captain Scotland and putting lots of expression into her performance.

 Abbie – I’m impressed by Taylor because she stepped in at the last minute and learned somebody else’s part as well as her own.

 Josh – I’m impressed by everybody in the class and Mr Berginis because we all put such a marvellous assembly on.

 Taylor – I’m impressed with the class for putting on an amazing performance and how we worked together as a team. Also Abbie because she learned her lines so quickly.

Jane – I’m impressed with Louise because she really got into the character of Jenny Long Legs and was able to act in an annoying way!

 Fraser – I’m proud of Rabeea, Alistair, Jessica and Ewan for doing so well representing the school in the Rotary Quiz.

 Mr Berginis – I’m very proud of all of the class for how hard they worked as a team and how well they performed their assembly (including all my rubbish jokes!)



Birds on display in p7b

Mr Berginis set us a technology task for homework to construct a 3D bird. We had to use light materials so that its weight could be supported by the vines in our classroom and we had to choose a rainforest bird such as toucan, macaw, harpy eagle etc.

Here are some pictures of our fantastic, finished, feathered, flying designs. Pop along to our classroom rainforest if you would like a closer look…


Two weeks in our p7b rainforest

What have we been learning?

Fraser – I have enjoyed our rainforest topic, learning about the four different layers which are the emergent, canopy, understory and forest floor.

Rabeea – Last week I enjoyed doing drama with Mrs Innes because we were learning about slapstick. We had to form groups and we have to perform a scene and my group is Zenaib, Mrs Innes, Sophie L and myself.

Callum – I enjoyed doing the literature circle because I am enjoying reading Lord Loss by Darren Shan. It is very gory and a bit violent at times.

Jane – I’ve enjoyed literature circles also as I have really enjoyed the book so far. It has caught my attention but is also a bit confusing. My book is Lord Loss by Darren Shan too.

Alexander – I have also enjoyed literature circles. My book is called Uncle Montague’s Tales of Terror. It is good but quite disturbing because it has creepy things like living dolls and evil bench ends.

Taylor – Last week I enjoyed art as we were creating leaves. We recreated leaves we had taken photos of at the Botanic Gardens. We’re using them to decorate our classroom.

Sam – I enjoyed doing our Creatures of The River task. We had to research and create a profile on an animal which lives in the Amazon river. I worked with Fraser and we learned about the electric eel and that it can generate up to 600 volts!

Sophie M – I enjoyed the river research task too. My animal was the bull shark and one of the facts was that they can live for 16 years and they are the most dangerous sharks in the world! My partner was Taylor.

Christopher A – I enjoyed the research activity and Tom and I researched the Caiman crocodile. We learned that the female can lay up to 40 eggs at a time.

Louise – On the Amazon Challenge, I managed to complete one of the River Rewards and it was to score over 70 on the Twinoo app. Twinoo tests your mental maths and your colour blending both at the same time!

Who has impressed?

Rabeea – Louise has impressed by getting 71 on Twinoo!

 Fraser – Sam has impressed me by doing some really good research on the electric eel. He was an excellent partner.

 Dean – Josh has impressed me by drawing a brilliant yellow headed tortoise. He had lots of detail in it.

 Luke – Christopher S has impressed me by drawing our dwarf cichlids during our research task. They had lots of detail and were exactly like the ones in the picture.

 Declan – Callum has impressed me by doing his research on piranhas and drawing a detailed picture of a red bellied piranha.

 Christopher A – I’m impressed with my table this week because even though we didn’t win we kept on going and tried our best. We didn’t give up on each other.

 Rebecca – The Anacondas table impressed me by getting table of the week. They have been kind to each other this week.

Mr Berginis – I’m impressed with how realistic our classroom rainforest feels and the quality of work we have up on display already. Well done everybody!



Declan S: 57 million children don’t go to school. Some of the reasons are that there aren’t enough schools and there aren’t enough teachers.

 Abbie: Some don’t get to go because of poor weather conditions and also because there aren’t food facilities.

 Josh: There is also the fact that school is too far away and they have to walk 5 or 10 miles to get there. Another reason is that some of the teachers aren’t qualified.

 Christopher S: Some children can’t go because there isn’t enough space or because there isn’t clean water or toilets.

 Alistair: The other reason is because some children are forced to work or look after their family instead of going to school.


Isla: They are raising money to build new schools and improve the schools which are already there.

 Rebecca: They are also sending over a School in a Box which contains things like rubbers, rulers, pencils, books, clocks etc.

 Alexander: They are putting in clean water pumps into schools so the children have something to drink.

 Emma: They are putting lunch facilities into schools so children can get warm, nutritious food.

 Taylor: They are building learning centres which children can go to at different times of the day or at night.

 Luke: They are training up and supplying teachers who can provide a quality education.


Christopher A: Malala is a girl who is now 16. She is from Pakistan. Five years ago she started writing an online diary complaining about the way girls are treated in her village.

 Tom: Girls weren’t allowed to go to school and were treated differently from the boys. She spoke out against the Taliban terrorist group.

 Rabeea: She was going home from school on a bus and the Taliban shot her in the head because she was speaking out against her. She went to hospital and they managed to save her. Now she is still speaking out and her message is that girls should be treated the same as boys and get the right to an education.


 Zenaib: Malala has inspired me because she has spoken out and still does and she isn’t afraid of anyone. She is trying to get rights for girls for education.

 Christopher A: Her story has inspired me too because no matter how many threats she got from the Taliban she is still pushing forward to get her voice heard and improve conditions for girls in Pakistan.

 Josh: I think she is very brave to stand up to the Taliban and speaking out on behalf of girls in Pakistan to have a right to an education.

 Rabeea: I was amazed by her story because she was the youngest ever person to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize which has been won by people like Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela.

 Louise: I think she is very inspiring because she stood up for her rights and everybody else’s rights and she believes in her own personality.

 Christopher S: I think she is inspiring because after being threatened and almost killed she is still talking out about what she believes.

 Isla: I find her really inspiring because no matter how many times they threatened her or tried to kill her she didn’t give in.

 Mr Berginis: I find the story of Malala very emotional, especially seeing everybody raising their hands in the video and saying “I am Malala” to show their support.




p7b go dancing at Bathgate Academy!

On Thursday we went to Bathgate Academy to take part in the annual p7 ceilidh. We joined with pupils from p7m as well as schools such as Boghall Primary, Blackburn Primary, Murrayfield Primary and Simpson Primary and it gave us a chance to get to know some of the pupils who will be our classmates in S1. We showed off the dance moves we have been learning in PE this term by doing the Canadian Barn Dance, Gay Gordons, Military Two-Step, Strip the Willow and Dashing White Sergeant. We also got to sample some tasty haggis bon-bons which had been prepared by the Home Economics epartment. The finale to our ceilidh was to join together in a big circle and sing the Robert Burns classic: Auld Lang’s Syne.




Dean: It was fun and it was good to meet with pupils from other schools.

 Fraser: It was a good experience because I enjoyed dancing with my classmates.

 Amber: We had lots of fun and some funny moments.

 Alistair: It was great to see pupils who used to be at Balbardie and catch up with how they are getting on.

 Zenaib: I found it fun and enjoyed dancing with the pupils from the other schools.

 Louise: I really liked the haggis bon-bons.

Burns week in p7b

Our week:

Jane: “I enjoyed doing the big SWST spelling test. It was good to test myself on words I wouldn’t normally use.”

Luke: “I enjoyed doing the practice CEM tests. We were the guinea pigs for the rest of the schools in West Lothian.”

Rabeea: “This week I enjoyed doing the INTERPRET part of our maths project. We were interpreting the results we had collected, organised and displayed.”

Fraser: “I enjoyed creating our Scottish word posters. I discovered that the Scottish word for a monkey is a pug! We made a display outside our classroom, check it out!”

Sophie M: “I enjoyed our Burns Supper. I liked eating the haggis and I liked when everybody got up at the end and sang Auld Langs Syne.”

Christopher A: “I enjoyed the Burns Supper because it was really good how well all the presenters done to keep it all professional and I really enjoyed everybody coming together to do an old traditional circle.”
Eve: “I liked doing PE this week because we were learning the Dashing White Sergeant. We got put into sets of six and within that we were in a set of three.”

Alexander: “I really enjoyed this week because I was one of the three people voted through to the final of the poetry competition to represent our class.”

Who has impressed?

Emma: “I’ve impressed myself by winning the class poetry competition. I performed The Sair Finger.”

Zenaib: “I think the whole class impressed me because we were all very mature when we were doing our Sex Education lesson this week.”

Sam: “Rabeea impressed me by managing to get 80 out of 80 in her Big Maths Beat That this week for the first time!”

Isla: “P2e impressed me by learning all of the words for their assembly this morning.”

Jane: “Well, em, Rabeea impressed me this week for getting 80 out of 80 for her Big Maths Beat That.”

Christopher A: “I think the whole class impressed me by learning the Dashing White Sergeant so well because we all committed to it and put in lots of effort.”

Louise: “My whole table (Foo’s Yer Doos) impressed me yesterday in table toppers because we won so many points.”

Rabeea: “My dancing partners for the Dashing White Sergeant were Sophie and Alistair and they impressed me by staying in time with the dance.”

Sophie M: “Dean impressed me by carrying the haggis around the room and not dropping it during the Piping of the Haggis at our Burns Supper!”

Mr Berginis: “The whole class impressed me so much with how enjoyable they made the Burns Supper this week and by making our guests feel so welcome.”


We’ve been focusing on Scot’s language and words this week. Here are some of our favourite words:

Eve – HURDIES – bum

Rebecca – FOO’S YER DOOS? – How are your pigeons?

Freya – PUDDOCK – frog

Isla – ARGIE-BARGIE – fuss, argument

Declan – GOWK – fool

Nicky – WAIN – child

Alexander – NETTERCAP – spider

Sophie L – WHEEST – be quiet

Tom – EEJIT – idiot

Alistair – RAMFEEZLED – confused

Sam – STRAMASH – pushing and pulling

Sophie M – DUNDERHEID – stupid

Louise – CRABBIT – grumpy

Emma – HOOLET – owl

Rabeea – SCUIL – school

Hannah – CUDDIE  – horse/donkey

Abbie – LUGS  – ears

Amber – BUMBEE – bee

Josh – CLAMJAMFRIE – party

Callum – HOWE DUMB DEID – dead of night

Jane – CHAVIN AWA – pecking away

Christopher A – GLAIKIT  – stupid-looking

Christopher S – BOAK  – feel sick

Luke – BOWDIE-LEGGIT – bow legged

Mr Berginis – NUMPTIE – fool

Who has impressed?

Rabeea: Isla has impressed by working hard to learn all her lines for Cinderella and never giving up.

Amber: I’m impressed by Sam and Sophie L for winning drama pupil of the month.

Jane: I’m proud of the p3/2 pupils because they just kept going during their assembly when the music stopped.

Isla: I’m impressed by Eve, Amber and Rebecca for getting the breakfast club pupil of the week.

Eve: I’m impressed by the whole class because we have tried to make our show successful.

Christopher A: I’m proud of everybody who has been working on and off stage for Cinderella because no matter how big or small a part everyone has, they have worked hard and committed.

Christopher S: I’m impressed with us all for winning Mr Berginis’ pupil of the week.

Abbie: I’m impressed with Rabeea for getting a good score in Big Maths and impressed with Hannah for stepping at the last minute to be Teaser and learn her words.

The P7 class in striped pyjamas

Our week:

 Amber: “I enjoyed reading the Boy In The Striped Pyjamas, it was really sad. I also found it difficult to watch the film because it was a bit upsetting.”

Fraser: “ I enjoyed reading The Boy In Striped Pyjamas. It was really interesting and I would recommend it to other people because you are getting to see the war through the eyes of a young boy.”

 Isla: “I also enjoyed watching The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas but I found it really sad.”

 Jane: “I enjoyed watching more of Anne Frank as well because I enjoyed it and learned more and more. They thought that the Nazis had got in through the attic window at one point and they were really scared but it turned out to just be rats. It was scary to watch and I was on edge.”

 Zenaib: “I enjoyed watching some more of the Diary of Anne Frank because I got to know more about what they did in the Secret Annexe. For example, they were joined by an eighth person: Mr Pfeffer the dentist and Anne and Margot were schooled by their father while in hiding.”

 Abbie: “I enjoyed watching the p1 nativity because they put lots of effort in to it and it was outstanding.”

 Christopher A: I enjoyed going to the Nursing Home on Monday with the choir and we got to sing all our songs for the residents. It was awesome because we finally had an audience to perform to and they were an amazing audience. The residents were really joyful and were really impressed.”

 Rabeea: “I enjoyed doing the division accuracy challenge because it helped us learn to go over and double-check our answers.”

 Tom: “I enjoyed reading Nemesis for Literature Circles this term because it was a high standard and it had loads of action and detail in it.”

 Who has impressed?

Jane: “I think the p1s have impressed me this week by putting on an excellent performance in the Nativity.”

 Sam: “The choir impressed by singing so well at the Royal Scot Court and if they keep that up they’ll do just as well at the Partnership Centre next week.”

 Eve: “I’m impressed by Rebecca because when we were away with the choir she sung really loudly and she was outstanding.”

 Zenaib: “I’m impressed by everyone because they have worked so hard this week.”

 Rebecca: “I’m impressed with Louise for doing an amazing Apply role in Literature Circles. She found great links between herself and the character in the book, Izzy.”

 Mr Berginis: “I have been really impressed with the mature discussions the class have had over the past two weeks about aspects of the Holocaust like Anne Frank and The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas.”



It’s p7b’s week isn’t it?

Our week:

Alistair: “We learned about how to use apostrophes in grammar. You use them when you are squishing two words together like must have into one word like must’ve. You also use them when it is someone’s property like mum’s shop or dad’s farm. You never use them for plurals like carrots or dogs. We played apostrophe pairs to help us learn the rules.” 

Sophie M: “I enjoyed writing the thank you letters to the fallen soldiers this week. It felt like you were actually talking to them and it was enjoyable because I liked sharing what I had learned with them and I was able to tell them I remember them.”

Rabeea: “This week I enjoyed doing our new times table Big Maths Beat That. I enjoyed it because I like doing my times tables. I scored 65 out of 80.”

Christopher A: “I enjoyed drama this week because we did a full run through of all our songs and it meant that when we come back to it we can do the whole thing because we’ve done it before.”

Dean: “We learned about the end of WW2. I found it quite sad that the Americans dropped the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and that so many people died and that America resorted to that.”

Isla: “I also found the nuclear bombs in Japan really scary. When the bombs hit people died instantly and were turned to ash. I don’t think they should have done it because America should have thought about how they would have felt if Japan dropped a bomb on them.”

 Eve: “We made Christmas tree decorations out of salt dough cookies but they aren’t edible! We painted them with acrylic paint and there are stockings, snowmen, stars and trees. You can buy them at our stall at the Christmas fayre tomorrow and they are 50p each.”

Who has impressed?

Sam: “Rabeea impressed me by getting pupil of the week and being the first person in our class to get onto step 5.”

Sophie M: “Emma has impressed me by doing well with her work.”

Eve: “The whole class has impressed me by getting their best ever score on the new Big Maths Beat That (because it was their first ever score!) Everyone has also been doing really well with Cinderella Rockerfella.”

Dean: “Callum, Christopher, Amber and Alistair all impressed me by reaching step 4.”

Jane: “I’m proud of Sam this week because he was really good at being the teacher in Literature Circles because he was firm but fair and telling us what to do.”

Zenaib: “I’m impressed by Sophie M because she is always a really good friend to everybody.”

Christopher A: “Jane has impressed me this week because for the past two weeks she has done the door monitoring and taken her responsibility seriously.”

Mr Berginis: “I’m proud of the letters everybody wrote this week to the fallen soldiers. You showed how much you have all learned and you expressed how grateful you are for the sacrifices they made.”


Our week:


Jane: “I enjoyed the Choices for Life event because it taught us the dangers of drugs and smoking. The video was called Liam’s Story and in it it taught us that even if other people are smoking you have the right to say no!”

Alexander: “We had Choices for Life live this week. I learned that you shouldn’t take drugs or smoke because it can hurt your body and your lungs can swell up.”


Sophie M: “I enjoyed learning about the Blitz which was when the Nazis came over and dropped lots of bombs on London and other parts of Britain. The bombs kept getting bigger and bigger as the war went on. I liked to see how much damage the bombs did when we watched Blitz Street, one house got totally demolished.”

Louise: “We watched a programme about the Blitz called Blitz Street where they built a street of 1940s houses and set off bombs to recreate the effects of the Blitz. The first and second bombs set off and we saw shrapnel travelling at 7000 miles per hour but the milk bottle survived!”

Emma: “It was scary learning about the houses being blown up in the Blitz because people were being killed with all the bombs.”

Freya: “It was quite surprising that the only thing that survived the bomb experiment in Blitz Street was a glass milk bottle!”


Callum: “We learned that D-Day involved five beaches called Sword, Gold, Omaha, Utah and Juno and happened on 6th June 1944. We found out that Omaha beach was a slaughter because the German defences hadn’t been bombed properly. “

Isla: “I really enjoyed learning about D-Day this week. D-Day was when the Allies sent over 160,000 troops over from Canada, Britain and USA to five different beaches in Normandy, France. I really enjoyed writing the letters as if we were a soldier from D-Day because you had to think about how they would have felt.”

Christopher A: “I also enjoyed writing the D-Day letters as to complete the success criteria we had to put ourselves in the shoes of the soldiers and we also had to pretend we had just survived the worst day of our lives. It was hard to put it into words and try and decribe it so it was a challenge but fun.”

Who has impressed?

Tom: “Josh has impressed me by getting pupil of the week, he has behaved maturely this week. Well done Josh.”

Alistair: “Rabeea impressed me by getting 72 out of 72 in Big Maths Beat That!”

Emma: “Sophie L impressed me with her score on Big Maths Beat That.”

Isla: “Rebecca impressed by getting one of the choir solos.”

Sophie M: “My P1 buddy Charlotte impressed me by getting pupil of the week in P1m.

Callum: “The Troopers impressed me by winning table of the week.”

Louise: “Zenaib impressed me by getting her best ever score in Big Maths Beat That.”

Jane: “I’m proud of everyone who got a duet in the choir and I’m impressed by Christopher A and Isla for getting a dancing part to Rocking Around the Christmas Tree.”

Alistair: “Mr Berginis has impressed me by being such a good teacher so far in p7.”

Eve: “Rebecca impressed me by singing really loud and really well on her audition.”

Mr Berginis: “I was very impressed with all of your D-Day letters as they contained such great emotions and descriptions.”

Victory for school football team!

Boghall 4 Balbardie 5

On Wednesday 13th November we played Boghall primary. The squad was Sophie M, Declan, Tom, Fraser, Christopher S, Luke, Ewan, Daniel D, Daniel M and Logan. At the start of the match we went down 2-0 but we still kept our heads up, then Declan scored and made it 2-1. Then we scored our next by Logan scoring and making it 2-2. Daniel D scored from behind the halfway line making it 3-2 to Balbardie. Then after half time Boghall scored again making it 3-3. Logan scored again making it 4-3 and then Boghall equalized again. Balbardie scored making it 5-4 with Logan completing his hat-trick and as a result we won! Match report by Sophie McMillan

Captain’s Comment by Sophie McMillan: “Everyone put 100% effort into it and played really well even though the weather conditions were pouring down with rain and really windy. Well done team.”

Manager’s Comment by Mr Berginis: “I’m very proud of how well you represented the school. You showed resilience and desire to win and you played as a team. Keep it up!”

A week to Remember in p7b

This week we redrafted our Remembrance poems and made a  display outside our classroom. They are our way of showing we remember not only the soldiers who gave their lives in the past but also the soldiers who fight for us every single day across the world.

Our week:

Callum: I enjoyed our lesson about evacuation. We got to experience what it would have been like to be a child evacuated during the war. We all had different things happen to us, some of us had better situations while some had relatives who were killed. It was interesting to see the emotions children felt.

Rabeea: I enjoyed doing long multiplication this week. We were using bigger and bigger numbers and learning how to solve different problems. I also had fun in Drama because we managed to run through the whole of the first act.

Sophie M: My highlight of the week was our school football match against Boghall. We all tried our best, worked as a team and showed we were proud to represent Balbardie.

Christopher A: In Drama, we practised scenes 1-6 and everybody did really well. There was lots of great acting and accents and most had learned their lines off by heart.

Rebecca: We researched famous people from WW2 this week. Louise and I researched Franklin Roosevelt and discovered he was the President of the USA during the war and he had to lead his country through some very tough times.

Isla: I enjoyed doing research on Oskar Schindler this week with Jane. We discovered that he was part of the Nazi party and he worked in a concentration camp but he then helped 1200 Jewish people escape, therefore saving their lives.

Fraser: I enjoyed redrafting my Remembrance poem. I had to choose what order to put my verses in and make sure my rhymes all worked properly. I also really enjoyed researching for my WW2 project this week.

Who has impressed?

Declan: The school football team impressed during our win over Boghall because they put in loads of effort.

Tom: I’m impressed with Fraser who played his first ever game of 7-a sides this week and did well.

Rabeea: Sophie impressed by showing great leadership skills by motivating the football team and leading them to victory.

Isla: Well done to Sam for winning pupil of the week.

Eve: Well done to the Flyers for winning table of the week.

Sophie M: Nicky has impressed by working really hard all this week.

Tom: I’ve been impressed with Josh’s behaviour this week.

Mr Berginis: A big well done to Isla, Dean, Rabeea and Sophie L who are our first four pupils onto step 4.