All posts by Mr Berginis

Our week in p7b


We’ve had a very busy week in p7b.

At Christmas time we sent off gifts and cards to members of the army and navy. We received some letters back and on Wednesday we had a visit from John Patterson who serves in the Navy.

Kai: “It was fun because he told us all about his work. For example he told us that he was an engineer and he fixes engines on ships.”

Taylor: “He told us about some of the things which happened on the ship such as when one of his friends fell off the boat. They had to go to alert stations and save him.”

Lauren U: “He showed us his medals and he got one for the Queen’s Jubilee and healso got one from serving in Iraq.”

We learned about rainforest technology:

Isla: “Technology is the solution to a problem. A lot of people think it has to involve electronics but it doesn’t.”

Adam: “An example is a blowpipe. They use it to help them get animals for their feast. They use them because they are quieter than guns and they won’t scare off the animals. One of the tribes we looked at was using four metre long blowpipes.”

Antonia: “Another example is the way one of the tribes uses the trees to build treehouses. They use branches to make the floor and the walls and a special type of leaf to make the roof. They used an iron wood tree as it is the strongest.”

Ellie: “I found out that the higher they build the treehouse, the better because it helped them stop other tribes attacking them. They also built them high to avoid the floods in the wet season.”

Isla: “We learned that they can’t get drinking water from the river so they find a plant called a bromeliad which they can use for drinking water and for washing.”

Lauren U: “I learned that they use a special type of rope to climb trees to get honey for their families. They also use smoking leaves to try and pacify the bees.”

Lauren C: “When they go fishing they use Barbosa powder to make the fish confused. They swim round in circles and the hunters can easily spear them. The powder comes from the Barbosa plant and gets mashed up.”

Callum: “When children are trying to catch tarantulas, they use a long stick to poke the hole and make it come out then a thicker stick to hold down the body while they grab the legs. They then wrap it in a leaf so they can carry it and they cook it over the fire. When it makes a whistling noise it is ready. They add seasoning like chilli to make it taste a bit better.”

This week we have also been learning about deforestation:

Jack: “Deforestation is when people are cutting down or burning down trees in the rainforest and this releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Every day an area the size of New York City is being destroyed.”

Chloe: “The people are cutting down trees to get paper, soya to feed animals, palm oil for products like chocolate and also so people can goldmine.”

Harry: “People are against deforestation because it is killing a lot of animals. They are also killing innocent people who live there like the Yanomami and Tairona. It is also destroying the Ozone layer with all the carbon being released. We will also lose the medicines which are in the rainforest.” 

Antonia: “My opinion on deforestation is that I don’t really care if it happens or not because I’m not living in the rainforest. In the future I might be against it once all the trees have gone.”

Lauren U: “I’m against deforestation because it destroys the homes of animals and makes them extinct and some of them haven’t even been found yet.”

Lauren C: “I’m against deforestation because if you cut down trees it lets out all the carbon and if there are no trees left then we could all die.”



Our week in p7b


This week we spent some time helping our p1h buddies:

Chloe: “We went round the classes and helped them to do some surveys.”

Lauren U: “First we helped our buddy to decide what topic they wanted to do the survey on. Then we made up six options.”

Declan: “Next we went to a class and asked the class to vote. Some examples were favourite superhero and favourite pet.”

Isla: “When we got back to class we helped the p1 buddy colour in a bar chart using the information that they had collected. We helped our buddy write the tally mark and the number.”

Paul: “Next we helped our buddies to answer questions about the chart such as which is the least and which is the greatest. I was impressed with my buddy Jay because he said he wanted to read out the options and he did it really well.”

This week we have also been learning how to keep ourselves safe:

Harry: “This week we learned about how to make a sharp exit. This is when you are in a bad situation and you make up an excuse so you can get away quickly.”

Jack: “We learned that the difference between an appropriate touch and an inappropriate touch is because of the way it makes you feel inside.”

Kai: “Your body tells you a situation isn’t safe because it starts to produce adrenaline. “

This makes your body do things like get sweaty, get hot, butterflies in your stomach, start to shake and your mind races so you can’t concentrate.

Lauren U: “We also learned that if something happens that makes us feel unsafe we should tell a trusted adult like a parent, other family member, teacher, neighbour, police or even phone Childline on 0800 1111.”

Who has impressed?

Paul: “My mum has impressed me because she has saved up lots of money to make sure I have a great birthday party. It makes me feel precious to her.”

Adam: “My buddy Rory impressed me because he got pupil of the week for writing a detailed story.”

Kendal: “My care class (3b) impressed me because they stood up in front of everyone for their assembly and they learned their lines very well.”

Taylor: “I’m impressed with my care class (p6h) because they did their production of Olivia and I’ve heard they did really well.”

Emily: “Isla has impressed me by getting her green belt in judo.”

Lauren U: “The Cool Capybaras impressed me by winning table of the week.”

Antonia: “Lauren C impressed me by passing her bronze music medal.”

Lauren C: “Antonia and Kendal have impressed me with their friendship and how loyal they are.”

Finlay: “My buddy was off so I worked with Gabriel at buddy time and I thought he did really well reading out the options for superheroes.”

Flyn: “I’m impressed with Nathan for doing a very good entry for the Highland Games competition which has the theme ‘My Scotland Now’.”

Mr Berginis: “I have been very impressed with the concentration and effort the whole class put into their CEM testing this week. I can’t wait to see the results. “




Our week in p7b


This week we have been learning about the Yanomami tribe who live in the Amazon rainforest.

Callum: “We learned that the Yanomami live in a yano which is a big dome without a roof in the middle. It is made from sticks and logs from the forest.”

Lauren C: “The yano can have over 100 Yanomami people living in it and each family has their own section.”

Jay: “In the afternoon the boys go off hunting with the men. The boys hunt lizards for practice and the men hunt things like monkeys for food for the tribe. A hunter doesn’t eat anything they themselves have killed out of respect for the animal.”

Lauren U: “In the afternoon the girls do different chores with their mums, sisters and their aunts. They collect food from their garden such as manioc and bananas. They go into the forest to collect Brazil nuts and caterpillars.”

Isla: “They eat this thing called manioc. They have to squeeze the juices out first or else it is poisonous. It is a bit like a potato with a rougher skin.”

Finlay: “We learned that there is less and less of them because goldminers are coming into the forest and passing on diseases to them or even shooting them.”

Kendal: “We learned that every time a Yanomami cuts down a tree they beg for its forgiveness or they believe a star will fall out of the sky.”

Antonia: “We learned they sleep in hammocks that they make themselves. This is to keep them off the ground because things like driver ants or other creepy crawlies will get them.”

Declan: “The hole in the middle of the yano is there to let the smoke out from the fires and also to let in air and sunlight.”

Who has impressed?

Chloe: “The Cool Capybaras table impressed me by winning table of the week and breaking the run of five in a row that the Swaggy Sloths had.”

Antonia: “Taylor has impressed me because she has been much more focused on her work this week and concentrated better.”

Kendal: “Lauren C has impressed me because she has helped out with the p6 show.”

Callum: “Declan has impressed me because he is always so kind to people in the playground and always lets people join in his games.”

Harry: “Kai has impressed me this week because he done excellently in the team challenge yesterday where we looking at animals and their survival skills.”

Emily: “Olivia impressed me by helping out with the p3/2 Roman assembly.”

Adam: “Kendal has impressed me because she didn’t give up with her maths and now she understands it better.”

Mr Berginis: “I’m very impressed with how much resilience and hard work the class has shown during our fractions topic. They have tried their very best to learn all of the different skills.” 


Solar Eclipse


West Lothian residents are being warned to stay safe when witnessing the solar eclipse on Friday, 20 March 2015.


As the most significant partial eclipse of the sun in Scotland since August 1999, many local residents are expected to view the astronomical phenomenon. West Lothian is predicted to witness a 93% eclipse, starting from around 8.30am and lasting until around 10.45am, with the maximum eclipse at approximately 9.35am.


Looking directly at the sun is dangerous and can result in serious eye damage or blindness. To protect your eyes, please do not ever stare at the sun, even during a partial eclipse.


Follow the Dos and Don’ts of the British Astronomical Association’s Solar Eclipse Safety Code at, such as making yourself a pinhole projector with two pieces of card to view the projected image of the sun rather than looking directly at it. Children should be supervised at all times.


Our week in p7b


In Health lessons just now we are focusing on internet safety:

Antonia: “We’ve learned how to be safe on the internet by only choosing to do things which are sensible and appropriate.”

Jay: “Be careful what you click on when online because you could end up losing money by giving out your credit card details to people who are trying to commit fraud.”

Finlay: “We’ve learned that phishing is when someone online puts an advert on top of a virus to try and make you click it. If you click it you could end up with a virus that lets hackers see all your personal details.”

Isla: “If you have a social media account don’t put your personal details such as your address, phone number etc.”

Flyn: “We’ve learned to never look up inappropriate sites because we could end up seeing things that upset us.”

Chloe: “Make sure you don’t put names next to any photos and don’t put up photos where you are wearing uniform that could identify you.”

In maths we have been learning about fractions:

Emily: “We learned how to simplify fractions and we do this because it gives us smaller numbers in the fraction which are easier to use in our head.”

Finlay: “We’ve been learning how to simplifying fractions. To do it you look at both numbers in the fraction and see which times table they are in. Then we divide the top and bottom by that number.”

Lauren U: “Mr Berginis told us that we have to treat the numerator and denominator the same otherwise we are being ‘fraction-ist!’ “

Jack: “We learned yesterday about equivalent fractions. When two fractions are equivalent they are equal and show us the same part but with two different fractions.”

Who has impressed?

Flyn: “Lauren K impressed me by winning the certificate for the Right Respecting School award.”

Antonia: “Harry has impressed me this week because he has been a really good friend by always being there when I need to talk to him.”

Emily: “The Electric Eels table impressed by winning table of the week for the fifth week in a row.”

Chloe: “Adam has impressed me by winning the P.E. MVP award for February.”

Lauren C: “Emma and Ailah in p2 impressed me because they are doing very well in their p2 show.”

Jay: “I’m impressed with my p1 buddy Ellis and he got two certificates at assembly this morning.”

Mr Berginis: “I’m impressed with the resilience shown by the class this week in their maths work while we have been learning about fractions.” 


Our week in p7b


This week we continued our learning about the rainforests of the world.

Lauren U: “We learned about the different layers of the rainforest. The top layer is the emergent layer and you would find most of the birds and butterflies up there.”

Kieran: “The emergent layer is roasting hot because it is closer to the sun. Emergent trees poke out above the canopy.”

Ellie: “The next layer is the canopy and different animals live there. It is still quite hot there and looks like a giant green umbrella.”

Kai: “We would find animals that swing such as spider monkeys or orang-utans or climbing animals such as sloths.”

Kendal: “The next layer down is the understory. It’s dark and damp because there is not much light getting through the canopy.”

Adam: “You would creatures in the understory like emerald tree boa, tarantulas and red eyed tree frogs.”

Callum: “The bottom layer is the forest floor. The conditions are very dark, wet and damp. The ground is sand but covered in dead leaves and plants.”

Isla: “Down there you would find things like jaguars, driver ants and gorillas.”

Jay: “I learned that in the rainforest chimps bang on trees to let other chimps know where they are.”

Antonia: “Elephants are the only animal that can eat belly button fruit because their horns point downwards which lets them open them up.”

Nathan: “I learned that tribes can make a tent out of leaves in less than an hour.”

Isla: “A bushbaby urinates on its paws and then spreads its scent all over the jungle!” 

Emily: “I learned that elephants go to these parts of the Congo rainforest called byes where they will hang out with each other. They scratch their bums against tree trunks!”

Jay: “I learned that glass frogs have see-through skin and you can see all of its organs.”

Kai: “Elephants help new trees grow by eating the fruit then spreading the seeds in their droppings.”

Ellie: “In the Congo, the elephants have made tracks through the jungle which lead to the different byes.”

Who has impressed?

Lauren C: “Lauren K and Kendal impressed me because even though we got beaten by Simpson Primary at the netball festival we still came second.”

Kendal: “I’m proud of Antonia for getting 80 out of 80 for Big Maths Beat That and congratulations to everybody else who got their best score.”

Antonia: “Nathan has impressed me because his hair has looked nice for the last two weeks!”

William: “I’m proud of Callum for getting 55 (his best) in Big Maths Beat That this week.”

Kieran: “Kendal has impressed me by being a good friend by sticking up for them.”

Chloe: “The Electric Eels table impressed me by winning table of the week for three weeks in a row.”

Adam: “Jack has impressed me because he has almost reached step 5.”

Mr Berginis: “I was really impressed with the descriptive writing the class did about the Journey of a Raindrop. They used lots of similes to describe the animals and the conditions and I look forward to displaying them up on the wall.”


Our week in p7b


Today is UNICEF Day for Change 2015:

Finlay: “UNICEF stands for the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund and they help children who’ve been affected by war or natural disasters.”

Kendal: “We learned about Typhoon Haiyan which hit the country of the Phillipines which is near China.”

Ellie: “A typhoon is caused by really strong winds and this can also cause a giant wave.”

Callum: “It destroyed houses and it took the roofs off of buildings and blew people off their feet. The winds reached 195mph!”

William: “To help, UNICEF have built homes and shelters and have helped them get clean water and food.”

Olivia: “They have also spoken to children who have been affected and gave them a chance to talk about things like losing their family.”

Kyra: “Also they sent over medicines and doctors and nurses to help treat the ill people.”

This week we had some buddy time with our P1 buddies:

Jay: “We helped our buddies create pirate masks and we also made hooks from tin foil.”

Finlay: “My buddy enjoyed it because he enjoys colouring in and he coloured it in his own unique style.”

Adam: “My buddy thought it was fun and I enjoyed it too because I saw the smile on his face.”

Harry: “My buddy and I and Josh enjoyed the task and Josh really enjoyed making the tin foil hook while Bryce enjoyed colouring in the mask.”

Who has impressed?

Kendal: “Class 1, 2 and 3 impressed me by performing their assembly in front of a big audience. I thought it was really good and they got up and spoke their parts confidently.”

Callum: “Declan has impressed me because he is always nice to everybody and makes them smile.”

Finlay: “Declan impressed me by beating his best ever score on Big Maths. Well done to everybody else who beat their score too.”

Adam: “Mr Berginis has impressed me because of the way he taught us about perspective in art this week.”

Jay: “I’m impressed by my table this week and we did much better this week and won (half) Table of the Week.”

Finlay: “My table has impressed me by winning table of the week.”

Mr Berginis: “I was impressed this week by how well everyone worked with their p1 buddy and also by how well everyone sat at assembly.”


A very traditional week in p7b

On Monday we held our Burns Supper in the hall:

Ellie: “I enjoyed the Burns Supper and there were loads of guests. At the end we sang Auld Lang Syne. I liked the mashed potato best.”

Kendal: “My favourite part of the Burns Supper was singing Auld Lang Syne at the end because it was fun.”

Lauren U: “We ate haggis, neeps and tatties. My favourite was the tatties even though I don’t ususally like them!”

Kieran: “I want to say thank you and well done to the junior choir and Adam for their brilliant performances at the Burns Supper.”

Lauren C: “I enjoyed doing the dancing even though I think I failed a bit. We danced Strip the Willow and I totally forgot how to do it!”

Chloe: “I enjoyed doing the Strip the Willow because it was really fun and I really like dancing.”

p7b: “Thank you to Mrs White and Mrs Murray for all their hard work preparing and cooking the food.”

On Tuesday we attended the transition ceilidh at Bathgate Academy:

Kai: “I enjoyed the ceilidh. Before we went I felt like I didn’t realy want to go but I regret that because I enjoyed it so much.”

Kieran: “The class done well with the dancing. At one point when I was dancing I looked at my dad and he laughed and it made me laugh too.”

Lauren U: When we were dancing Strip the Willow myself and Kyra had to demonstrate for everybody else in our set how to do it.”

Lauren C: “I enjoyed it up until we had to dance with someone from another school. Even though the pupils from the other schools seemed really nice I wasn’t all that inrigued to dance with them.

Jack: “I liked how they demonstrated the dances before we did them because I had forgotten how to do some of them.”

Taylor: “I didn’t like the ceilidh because I don’t like dancing, especially when we have to do it with a stranger!”

Adam: I think that my group in Strip the Willow got a bit confused at one point!”

Who has impressed?

Kieran: “Callum has impressed me because he almost beat his best score in Big Maths. Mrs Innes too because she is organising lots of shows at the same time even though she’s not feeling very well.”

Kendal: “I’m impressed by Lauren C because she beat her best score in Big Maths. Well done to everybody else who beat their score too.”

Ellie: “I’m impressed by Kendal because she got the MVP for P.E. for January.”

Antonia: “Lauren C has impressed me this week because she stood in at the last minute for the Reply To The Laddies and did really well.”

Lauren U: “The whole class impressed me by getting the drama award for January.”

Taylor: “Flyn has impressed me by reaching step 4 along with Kendal and myself.”

Lauren C: “My table impressed me because even though we didn’t win table of the week we were good sports and took it very well.”

Flyn: “I’m impressed with Antonia because of how hard she worked to deliver the JRSO letters quickly this morning.”

Mr Berginis: “I was proud of the class for how they behaved at the both the Burns Supper and the Academy Ceilidh. Well done!”



Oor week in p7b with Tam o’Shanter

This week we have been learning about the Robert Burns poem, Tam o’Shanter.

Jack: “In the poem Tam is an alcoholic who loves drinking in the pub with his best pal Soutar Johnie.”

Paul: “A woman warns Tam that he might drown or something else terrible might happen if he doesn’t stop drinking so much.”

William: “The pub shuts and Tam must go home so he gets on his horse called Meg (Maggie)”

Lauren C: “He passes the bad bit of town and he sees lights coming from Kirk Alloway which is supposed to be haunted. He is feeling brave and not afraid because he is drunk so goes and has a look!”

Lauren U: “He looks inside the church and sees the devil playing bagpipes. The devil is a big hairy black dog.”

Callum: “While the music is playing, warlocks and witches are dancing. Most of the witches are old and ugly hags but then Tam spots…”

Harry: “…a beautiful witch named Nannie and she is wearing a white shirt called a cutty sark. Tam watches her dance.”

Chloe: “Tam is so impressed with her dancing that he shouts out WEEL DONE CUTTY SARK and all at once the room is dark!”

Kai: “All the witches and warlocks come out the church and chase Tam. He gets on his horse and rides away heading towards the bridge.”

Antonia: “He needs to cross the bridge because he knows they can’t cross running water but before he gets there Nannie rips off Meg’s tail!”

William: “The moral of the poem is that if you are drinking too much or thinking about women too much, you’ll end up in trouble!”

Who has impressed?

Lauren C: “Antonia and Lauren K have impressed me this week because we have quite a tough piece in music but we pulled through by working together.”

Lauren K: “Emily has impressed me because she has been concentrating and working really hard this week.”

Taylor: “Mr Berginis has impressed me because he is a good Scottish dancer!”

Emily: “Lauren K impressed me because she is really good at the Scottish dancing and she helped me get better at it.”

William: “Declan impressed me with the score he got in his Big Maths Beat That.”

Finlay: “Paul impressed me with his Aladdin peformance. He had a big part but learned all his lines.”

Chloe: “Everyone in the class impressed because I think they did excellently in their Aladdin performance.”

Lauren C: “Olivia impressed me because even though she didn’t have a big part she was very good at it.”

Mr Berginis: “I absolutley loved watching the class perform Aladdin last week and I was so impressed with the confidence they showed performing and the hard work they put into rehearsing and preparing.”


Oor wee week in p7b

This week we have been learning about the life of Robert Burns:

Lauren U: “We’ve learned how Robert Burns grew up and we learned he was born in 1759 and died at the age of 37.”

Paul: “We’ve learned about some of his poems. There is one which everybody sings on New Year’s Eve called Auld Lang Syne. We also learned how poor he was and that their house smelled of urine.”

Kieran: “We learned about how he worked on the farm as he grew up. He churned butter and collected eggs when he was small and when he was stronger he chopped wood and ploughed the field.”

Callum: “He had an eye for the ladies and he wrote lots of love poems to help him get lots of girlfriends!”

Chloe: “He had to move home quite a lot to live on different farms because the soil wasn’t very good.”

Adam: “The reason that he became interested in poetry and songs was because his mum used to sing on the farm while she worked.”

Olivia: “We know he had lot s of affairs and lots of children with different women.”

Kendal: “I learned that he sold his first book of poems because he wanted to raise money to move to Jamaica but people liked them so much he decided to stay in Scotland.”

Declan: “We are writing a biography about Robert Burns and we have key facts like when he was born and died and about his family and about his poems.”

Jack: “His wife’s name was Jean Armour and he had nine children with her.”

Emily: “He had three brothers and three sisters and he was the oldest of them all.”

Nathan: “He wrote To A Mouse because he just about ran over a mouse and destroyed its house so he wrote it to apologise to the mouse!”

Finlay: “He wrote another poem called To A Louse to tell the louse to get off of the beautiful girl’s head in the church!”

Who has impressed?

Paul: “Jack has impressed by learning all of his lines. Well done to everybody who has worked hard to learn their lines too. Mrs Innes has impressed me with all the hard work she has been doing to help us get ready for Aladdin.”

Kendal: “Olivia has impressed me by learning all of her lines for Aladdin. Kieran impressed me by getting up early and coming into school to help Mrs Innes get prepared.”

Emily: “Our table (the Bravehearts) impressed me because we won table of the week.”

Kieran: “Kendal has impressed me by equaling her best score in Big Maths Beat That. “

Adam: “Mr Berginis impressed me with the way he taught us about Robert Burns and helped us understand about him.”

Finlay: “Nathan has impressed me because he is confident about dressing up as Widow Twankey and doesn’t get embarrassed.”

Mr Berginis: “I have been very impressed with the hard work and determination the class have shown in preparing for their Aladdin performance. I can’t wait to see it.”




Last night was very wild and windy and most of the class had trouble sleeping. We talked about our wild weather stories:

Lauren C: “Yesterday I took my dog a walk in the wind and rain and I was running into the wind and it was hard to breathe.”

Finlay: “In Tenerife in 2012 there was a really bad rainstorm when we were on the beach and I cut my foot on a nail because I couldn’t see it due to all the rainwater!”

Lauren K: “When I was in Italy once there was a really wild blizzard and we couldn’t see where we were going when we tried to find shelter!”

Kieran: “In 2005 I was in Salou and there was a storm coming and I nearly got struck with lightning!”

Antonia: “When we were on holiday the wind was so strong that it blew my brother off of his feet!”

William: “Last night my dad had to travel up to Perth and I went with him and we saw cars blown over!”

Jay: “I was on holiday in Turkey and we saw a tornado out at sea!”

Harry: “Once when I was in Tenerife when I was 2 or 3 I was still in my pram and this palm tree was blown over by the wind and just missed me and my gran.”

Ellie: “One year I was at Balbardie park and I couldn’t see because it was a blizzard and I fell down the hill and faceplanted!”

Callum: “I was at football training last night in the wind and when I jumped up to header the ball the wind pushed me back!”

Mr Berginis: “When I was about 7 I went on holiday to Salou in Spain. We were sitting on the beach and it started to spit with rain. My dad said it was just a passing shower but it rained for two days and the water was up to my neck!” 

Next Friday we will be showcasing our acting talents in our pantomime Aladdin. Here are our thoughts:

Kieran: I can’t wait to wear my sparkly red hat and waistcoat!”

Ellie: “I think we are all  going to look fabulous!”

Lauren C: “I’m looking forward to wearing a cloak and being a baddie!”

Kai: “I’m going to enjoy doing my part which is being a talking rat!”

Antonia: I can’t wait to see Nathan dressed up as a girl as Widow Twanky!”

Lauren K: “I’m looking forward to being painted blue when I play the genie.”

Mr Berginis: “I’m looking forward to seeing the class perform and show off all the hard work they have been doing with Mrs Innes.”

Some thoughts from p7b

Kieran – I am excited because my aunty is coming up from England to visit us for Christmas. We don’t get to see her very often.

Jack – My New Year resolution is to try and score a goal for the school football team.

Finlay – My New Year resolution is to improve my behaviour and make it even better.

Ellie – I’m looking forward to Christmas because I think I’m getting a horse from Santa!

Jay – My New Year resolution is to get better at my times tables maths because we won’t be able to use our times table squares to help us in Big Maths Beat That.

Kieran – I enjoyed learning about World War 2 this term and my favourite part was the Holocause because we read and watched The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas. Also because we learned about two people who managed to escape from Auschwitz.

Kendal – I’m looking forward to Christmas because I get to spend time with all of my family.

Kai – I’m looking forward to Christmas because I bought a massive Christmas cracker and I’m looking forward to pulling it with my little sister.

Harry – I’m looking forward to Christmas to see the look on my gran’s face when she opens her present. I think she will really like it.

Olivia – I’m looking forward to Christmas because I think I am getting a dog from Santa!

Isla – I’m kind of excited about Christmas but my dad is going into hospital on the 22nd and might not be back out in time for Christmas.

Adam – I’m excited for Christmas because every year me and my sisters have a wee tradition of watching a horror film every year!

Antonia – I enjoyed learning about World War 2 and my favourite part was learning about Anne Frank because it was interesting to find out how they managed to stay hidden away for two years.

Ellie – I enjoyed the Boy In The Striped Pyjamas but I got a little upset at different parts of it because it was sad.

Chloe – I enjoyed going to visit the trenches down at the Partnership Centre because it was really fun and interesting. I learned that if the soldiers tried to peek out over the top they would get shot.

Harry – This term my favourite thing was watching Goodnight Mr Tom because it was a really good WW2 movie.

Finlay – I’m looking forward to Christmas because it means that all of the soldiers from Afghanistan will get home.

Mr Berginis – All of p7b and myself would like to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and we hope you enjoy the Christmas holidays. 

Our week in p7b

Our learning:

Callum: We learned that the Holocaust was when the Jews got sent to Concentration Camps and they were split into two lines. The ones who were fit enough to work in one and the weaker people in another and they were sent to the gas chambers.

Kieran: We learned about two people from Auschwitz who managed to escape. They were called Wessler and Vrba. They escaped by hiding in the wood pile for three days and then they headed to Slovakia but unfortunately when they told people about what was happening in the camps, nobody believed them.

Flyn: We learned that Anne Frank was a girl who was 13 years old and she and her family lived in Amsterdam. They were jews so hid from the Nazis in a secret annex above her father’s factory. Only a few people knew about them and helped them get food. They could only move about when the workers were finished their shifts.

Paul: She wrote in her diary about her fears and hopes and after she was taken by the Nazis her dad decided to turn it into a book for other people to read because it gives a message of keeping hope despite being in a difficult position. It has sold millions and millions of copies.

Finlay: We had our Christmas Party yesterday afternoon and it was fun. We played a lot of games like Pass the Parcel and Musical Knees and Musical Arms.

Jay: We played the Corners game where people got eliminated from a different corner each time the music stopped. The winner was Mya from p7m.

Lauren U: We finished reading The Boy In Striped Pyjamas. I found the end very sad and on Monday we are going to watch the film and then we’re going to compare the differences between the book and film.

Who has impressed?

Kieran: Flyn has impressed me because he was really trying hard in drama this week to perform without his script.

Flyn: Mr Berginis has impressed me because he helped me through some difficult things this week.

Antonia: Lauren C has impressed me because she can play the top line and bottom line of Little Donkey on the clarinet.

Emily: The whole Woodwind group and brass impressed me because we worked well together to learn and play Little Donkey.

Lauren C: Kendal and Ellie have impressed me with how well they are taking on their new instruments.

Lauren K : Antonia has impressed me because she has adjusted to her new line in Little Donkey very well.

Adam: Flyn impressed me by not giving up on his maths even though he found it tough.

Mr Berginis: The class have impressed me on lots of occasions this week. They impressed me with how much fun they had at our party and how well behaved they were and they were fabulous with their p1 buddies today.

Our week in p7b

Our learning:

Kieran: In French we were revising the French words for animals and colours. I learned that noir is black and that un mouton is a sheep.

Kendal: In French I learned that un cochon means pig, un serpent is snake and rose is pink.

Declan: I learned that vert is green, blanc is white and le chat is cat.

Lauren U: We also learned about entertainment during WW2. They went to the cinema and watched propaganda films and news reports about the war. They also listened to music like Vera Lynn and Andrews Sisters.

Finlay: Children in the countryside used to watch for planes crashing and would go and collect the different bits of metal which was called shrapnel. They didn’t have TV so listened to the radio to music, reports and serials like Superman.

Kieran: One of the songs that we listened to was Pack Up Your Troubles and the soldiers used to sing it. My nana remembers my papa singing it and sometimes sings it to me.

Ellie: This week we had a live Glow meet called Choices for Life. It was about the dangers of smoking. I learned that smoking can give you wrinkles in your skin and it damages your lungs.

Antonia: We watched Liam’s Story where a boy called Liam got peer pressured into trying a cigarette but he then chose not to do it and walked away. I think giving in to the peer pressure at first wasn’t good but glad he chose to walk away eventually.

Paul: We were writing thank you letters this week and we had to make sure it was in a letter format and we will either take them to Belgium or down to the War Memorial to read them.

Adam: We also learned that rationing took place during WW2 and you could only get a little bit of food and you had to make it last all week. Also, that if you dropped or lost any food it didn’t get replaced.

Jay: We learned that at the end of WW2 America dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima. It was so bright an explosion that some people vanished and all that was left behind was their shadow. Also, some people got poisoned by the nuclear energy.

Paul: We also learned that the plane that dropped the bomb was called the Enola Gay. Enola spelled backwards is alone. The explosion made the shape of a mushroom cloud and if you were close enough to see it it would have probably killed you.

Who has impressed?

Lauren C: Isla has impressed me because she is growing more confident with her oboe.

Kendal: Lauren U and Declan have impressed me because they are the first in the class to reach step 5.

Jack: Melissa from 7m impressed me by getting 3 certificates at assembly!

Kieran: Antonia has impressed me because she got 73 and beat her best in Big Maths.

Harry: Callum has impressed me because he got 50 in Big Maths and beat the record.

Taylor: Lauren K has impressed me this week by getting 80 out of 80 in Big Maths!

Kai: Euan in p2 has impressed me because he won the p2 float design prize.

Paul: Mr Berginis impressed me with his good accents and impressions when we read the Boy In Striped Pyjamas.

Declan: Paul has impressed me by learning all of his words in Aladdin in the songs and he’s getting really good at it.

Callum: Nathan has impressed me because he got a great score in Big Maths.

Ellie: My table impressed me because we got table of the week.

Lauren K: Mrs Innes has impressed me with all of the plays and dramas she is helping us with and she is making them all great.

Adam: My table has impressed me because we improved from last to second place.

Finlay: Mr Berginis impressed me with his Christmas jumper.

Antonia: Ellie has impressed me with her determination in maths because she kept going with her division even when she found it hard.

Mr Berginis: I’m impressed with how much the class are enjoying The Boy In Striped Pyjamas and how they are able to talk about the issues in the book and how they relate to the Holocaust.

Our week in p7b

Our learning

Lauren U: We made Christmas tree decorations for the Christmas Fayre. We made two different types of stars, Christmas trees and stockings.

Isla: On Monday we went to Bathgate Academy and did a treasure hunt. We had to go to four different parts of the school and find the answers to different questions. It was to help us learn our way around the academy.

Taylor: On Monday at the academy at break time we sat in a circle and ate our snacks and discussed our worries with Mrs Burns the deputy head teacher and some of the sixth year prefects.

Flyn: At the high school we did a science lesson where we learned about forces. We used a Vandegraff generator to show static which made your hair stand up.

Harry: At the science lesson we had to rub a rod with a cloth and then put it next to water and the water bent because of the electrostatic force.

Chloe: We also learned about magnetic forces by using magnets and iron filings we saw the different ways the iron filings moved because of the magnets.

Paul: We were learning this week about what it was like to be an evacuee during World War 2. We went through lots of different emotions and each table had different experiences for example some children were evacuated straight away to the countryside while some stayed in the cities.

Lauren C: This week in PE I had fun doing the muscular endurance activities. We did press-ups and crunches and things like that. We did them to help build up our muscles.

Finlay: I liked maths because we got to learn more about division. If you know your times tables it makes it a lot easier.

Who has impressed?

Declan: Jay has impressed me because he got all of his answers correct in his division work.

Finlay: Callum, Antonia and Lauren K impressed me by getting the new highest scores on Big Maths Beat That.

Antonia: Flyn has impressed me because in PE he tried his hardest and kept going even when he was tempted to stop.

Ellie: Olivia has impressed me this week because she done really well in PE and kept going.

Lauren C: Olivia and Emily impressed me by working their hardest to try and move up the class behaviour steps.

Flyn: Antonia has impressed me because she done really well in PE and didn’t give up.

Isla: My PE Castles team has impressed me because we have improved and are in the lead at the moment.

Adam: Kieran impressed me with his D-Day letter and I could tell he put a lot of effort into it.

Jay: I am impressed with Declan because he got a new high score on the Wall of Fame for the 11x table.

Paul: The whole class has impressed me with the propaganda posters we created which are on display in the class.

Kai: Kyra has impressed me with how much she wrote in her report about the academy visit.

Kendal: I’m impressed by Emily this week because she got a new high score on the Wall of Fame.

Mr Berginis: I was impressed by how well behaved the class was when we visited the academy on Monday for our science lesson.


Another busy week for us with rehearsals for Olivia coming along a treat. We have amazed Mrs Haddifon with our acting and singing skills, and we are all very excited about sharing our talents with you at the P6 Show.
On Wednesday we took a trip to the Caribbean via our imagination and wrote fantastic poems using Similies. We followed this up with work on our display which is looking fabulous! We have an underwater scene, a Caribbean Fruit Stall and an amazing Smoothie Bar.

Our week in p7b

Our learning…

Emily: We learned this week about Propaganda. Propaganda was used in World War 2 to try and convince people to do something or think a certain way.

Kai: When we learned about Propaganda and learned that some of the posters were made by the Allies for the Allies and some were for the Axis. We made posters to show we understood how it worked.

Kieran: I enjoyed drama this week because we were practising our lines. We were focusing on act 2.

Isla: We’ve been practising our multiplication skills this week and we did an accuracy challenge. We do an accuracy challenge to help us learn the skill of double-checking our work for errors. I got fully accurate and felt happy.

Lauren U: We also learned about D-Day this week and for our writing this week we pretended we were soldiers who had survived D-Day and we wrote letters back home to a loved one called Rose.

Paul: D-Day was 6th June 1944 and it was when loads of soldiers were killed on the beaches of France because they were trying to push the Germans back to Germany. Thousands were killed but the mission was a success and it led to the end of the war.

Taylor: This week we started our new version of Big Maths Beat That which has 80 sums which are all times tables. It’s harder but is helping me learn my times tables.

Jack: In P.E. team 4 came first in the castles tournament and they scored 53 points.

Chloe: In p1 buddy time we helped our buddies learn how to play games and take turns.

Who has impressed?

Chloe: I’m impressed with the Wardens table for winning table of the week.

Kendal: I am proud of the p7 netball team because we came second in the tournament.

Emily: I’m impressed by Mr Berginis because he has a good German accent when we read the Boy In Striped Pyjamas novel.

Lauren U: Kieran has impressed me because he did well on his first go of our new Big Maths Beat That.

Paul: I’m impressed by Declan because he has nearly finished all of his WW2 project.

Kieran: I’m impressed by Lauren Ure because she is doing well at Big Maths Beat That.

Flyn: I’m impressed with Antonia for getting Pupil of the Week for being a great help to her p1 buddy.

Harry: I’m proud of Paul for scoring well in Big Maths Beat That.

Taylor: Lauren Kirk has impressed me because she beat the class highest score for Big Maths Beat That.

Mr Berginis: I was impressed with the D-Day letters we wrote this week and was very proud of how caring we all were towards our p1 buddies. 

Our week in p7b

Lauren C – I enjoyed redrafting our Remembrance poems this week because I am really proud of mine.

Kai – I enjoyed learning about the Blitz. I learned that bombs have lots of TNT in them.

Lauren U – On Tuesday (the 11th of November) we went to the Remembrance Service at the War Memorial and we got to put down crosses which had names of soldiers from Bathgate who died during World War 1.

Flyn – I enjoyed writing about what makes a super p7 because I think it was my best piece of writing in p7 and it was really fun.

Ellie – I enjoyed learning about the Blitz and found out that it blew up people’s house and it was very sad.

Chloe – I enjoyed seeing how much damage one bomb could do to a house during the Blitz.

Callum – The school football team played their first matches this week in a football tournament at Creamery Park. It was really fun to play in the team.

Antonia – I enjoyed P.E. this week because we did the bleep test and I scored 10.2 in it.

Jay – I enjoyed doing art with my p1 buddy and he was really good at painting so it was fun.

Who has impressed?

Flyn – Nathan has impressed me because he got pupil of the week and I’m really proud of him.

Adam – Declan has impressed me this week because his writing was really good and he put a lot of effort into it. Everybody did really well.

Harry – I’m proud of my table because we got our hat-trick of wins for table of the week.

Jay – I’m proud of everybody in the class because during P.E. we all got good scores in the bleep test.

Lauren C – Ellie has impressed me by how well she did in the bleep test in P.E.

Taylor – Olivia has impressed me because she tried so hard in her Big Maths Beat That.

Kendal – Isla, Chloe and Lauren U impressed me by doing their singing in front of the whole class at drama.

Antonia – Paul has impressed me because he has a huge part in Aladdin but has worked really hard to learn all of his lines.

Lauren U – Kyra has impressed me because she got her best ever score in Big Maths Beat That.

Ellie – Kyra has also impressed me this week because I think she did very well in her maths.

Mr Berginis – I was proud of how well-behaved and respectful the class were at the War Memorial Service on Tuesday.