All posts by Miss McKinnon


We have had another busy week in P3A. Here are some of our highlights:

Jack: I enjoyed Big Writing because we are writing about Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory.

Emily: I enjoyed getting the head teachers award.

Jude: I enjoyed reading because we did a new thing called reading comprehension.

Ellis: I enjoyed P.E. because I got to play fun games with my friends.

Alex: I enjoyed our reading comprehension because I finished it and I moved up to outstanding.

Aaron: I enjoyed maths because we were learning about properties of 3D shapes.

Ada: I enjoyed doing reading comprehension because it was a challenge for me.

Holly: I enjoyed P.E. because we played

a hula hoop game.

James: I enjoyed learning about growth mindset.

Aileigh: I enjoyed Big Writing because we pretended we were Charlie going into the chocolate factory.

Ellie: I enjoyed P.E. because we got to do it outside and we got some fresh air.

Scott: I enjoyed reading Charlie and the chocolate factory.

Carley: I enjoyed Big Writing because we were writing about Charlie and the chocolate factory and it’s my favourite film.

Max: I enjoyed having new people in our class so I can play with them.

Amber: I enjoyed Big Writing because we got to write about Charlie entering our own made up chocolate factory.

Teigan: I enjoyed doing P.E. outside.

Millie: I enjoyed having outdoor P.E.

*Note to parents: Outdoor P.E. lessons will take place on a Thursday, please ensure all children have an outdoor P.E. kit in school as soon as possible if you haven’t already provided one, thank you. Library sessions will take place on a Monday. *

Have a great weekend everyone.



We have enjoyed our first week in P3A and have been working very hard!

Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Jude: I enjoyed doing maths because we learned about 3D shapes.

Aaron: I enjoyed doing our Big Writing because it was so fun.

Ellis: I enjoyed going to Mr McCabe’s office to show him my writing.

Leila: I enjoyed learning about the names of 3D shapes because it was fun.

Alex: I enjoyed Big Writing because we were writing about what we did in the summer holidays. We also made sunglasses.

James: I enjoyed moving into our new class.

Jack: I enjoyed learning about a growth mindset because the activities were really fun. My favourite activity was drawing the turtle.

Ellie: I liked doing P.E.

Amber: I enjoyed writing about what we did in the summer holidays because I liked it when I went to Holland.

Max: I enjoyed it when we learned about growth mindset and fixed mindset. I have been trying to have a growth mindset.

Mia: I enjoyed Big Writing because it was fun.

Emily: I enjoyed the first day in Primary 3 because I liked it when Miss McKinnon was our teacher in Primary 2.

Millie: I liked doing P.E. with Miss McKinnon because I liked playing the hula hoop game.

Ethan: I enjoyed mental maths and maths because it was lots of fun.

Carley: I enjoyed drawing my face because Miss McKinnon helped me stick the sunglasses on.

Aileigh: I enjoyed drawing my face and my sunglasses and putting the sunglasses on my face.

Scott: I liked doing P.E. with Miss McKinnon.

Holly: I enjoyed colouring my peg and tray labels.

Olivia: I enjoyed learning about growth mindset and fixed mindset because it was fun.

Oliver: I liked maths because it’s fun.

Ada: I enjoyed mental maths and maths because I learned about things I didn’t know.

Regan: I enjoyed P.E.

Please note our indoor P.E. lessons with Mr Jeffries will begin on Tuesday 28th August and will take place every Tuesday and Wednesday. If you haven’t already brought your indoor P.E. kit into school, please do so by Tuesday, thank you.

Have A lovely weekend everyone.



Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Shannon: I liked P3C’s assembly.

Aileigh: I liked writing postcards pretending we were in Africa.

Jack: I enjoyed P3C’s assembly and writing postcards.

Megan: I enjoyed Big Writing.

Ada: I enjoyed the silver event.

River: I enjoyed P3C’s assembly because they were singing ‘I want my mummy’.

Holly: I enjoyed play time and lunch time because I got to play with my best friends.

Alex: I enjoyed lunch time because I got to play with my best friend Aaron.

James: I enjoyed lunch time because I got to play with my friend Megan.

Ethan: I enjoyed reading because I got a new book.

Ellis: I enjoyed the silver event because I got to play in the soft play and it was very fun.

Emily: I enjoyed the silver event.

Max: I enjoyed play time because I got to play with Jack and I think our friendship will never die.

Mia: I enjoyed reading because we got a new book called ‘Rescue at sea’.

Aaron: I enjoyed lunch time because it’s my favourite part of the day. I love to play with my friends Olivia, River and Alex.

Carley: I enjoyed the silver event because it was a soft play area and the best part about it was that I got to play with my best friend Ellis.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


*Please remember to return all reading books and library books next week. Thank you. *


Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Megan: I enjoyed maths.

James: I enjoyed mental maths.

Ellis: I enjoyed the P6 assembly even though I didn’t understand much of it.

Holly: I enjoyed maths because we were multiplying.

Alex: I enjoyed Big Writing because we were writing a postcard and it is amazing.

Mac: I enjoyed reading because it’s fun.

Ethan: I enjoyed R.E. because I got to make a lantern and design a henna tattoo.

Jack: I enjoyed the P6 assembly because it was about energy. I also enjoyed maths because I was learning my times table and I am good at them.

Amber: I enjoyed designing a henna tattoo because I drew a flower in the middle of it and coloured in the nails.

Mia: I enjoyed the P6 assembly because I liked the dances.

Aileigh: I enjoyed playtime because I got to play with all of my lovely friends.

Carley: I enjoyed maths because I was learning my times tables but I think I need a bit more practise.

Emily: I enjoyed my sister’s assembly because it was fun.

Have a great weekend everyone.



Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Holly: I enjoyed French because Mr Perard came to our class and taught us some new French.

Alex: I enjoyed writing my information text because I am still working on it and I have written a very good sentence.

Carley: I enjoyed French because Mr Perard was very nice.

Megan: I enjoyed reading.

James: I enjoyed maths.

Shannon: I enjoyed it when Mr Perard was here because he was very kind.

Mac and Oliver: I enjoyed mental maths.

Aileigh: I enjoyed it when Mr Perard came because he taught us new French words.

Amber: I enjoyed it when Mr Perard came and he taught us how to say ‘Listen’ in French.

Ellis: I enjoyed milk and story because it was very fun listening to a story.

Ethan: I enjoyed mental maths and maths.

Mia: I enjoyed reading because I got my new book.

Emily: I enjoyed getting my new reading book.

Scott: I enjoyed mental maths because it was fun.

Max: I enjoyed it when Mr Perard came because he said that the United Kingdom has a tunnel that trains go through to get to France.

River: I enjoyed it when Mr Perard came in because he was very nice.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.



Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Amber: I enjoyed listening to Mrs Aitken talking about the procession.

Mac: I enjoyed writing our review because it was about Sports Day.

Max: I enjoyed it when we did Sports Day because I was first and I was happy.

Jack: I enjoyed Big Writing because we are writing about African animals.

Shannon: I enjoyed P2B’s assembly because it was about African animals.

Emily: I enjoyed Sports Day.

Jude: I enjoyed writing our non-fiction books because I was writing about my favourite animal, the lion.

Ellis: I enjoyed doing my reading comprehension.

Aaron: I enjoyed writing my non-fiction book because I was writing about my favourite animal, the meerkat.

Aileigh: I enjoyed play time because I got to play with all of my lovely friends.

Carley: I enjoyed Sports Day because my friend Jude won the race.

Ethan: I enjoyed reading because I got to read with my friend.

James: I enjoyed P2B’s assembly because it was fun.

Enjoy the procession everyone! Take lots of photos for Miss McKinnon! 🙂



We really enjoyed our trip to the national museum yesterday. Thank you again to Ellis’ mum for being able to join us at such short notice! Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Jack: I enjoyed going to the museum because I got to see lizards and snakes.

Jude: I enjoyed it when we touched the animal skins at the museum.

Shannon: I enjoyed the museum because it was fun.

Emily: I enjoyed going on the bus to the museum.

Alex: I enjoyed Big Writing because I was writing about a lion. They are fierce.

Aaron: I enjoyed it on the bus because I liked looking out of the window and talking to my friend Alex.

Mia: I enjoyed going to the museum.

Max: I enjoyed going to the museum because I got to touch the nose of a saw fish, it had spikes on it.

Megan: I enjoyed the trip.

James: I enjoyed Callum being here.

Carley: I enjoyed going to the museum because my partner was my best friend Mia. I liked it when we went under the tree because we played a game.

River: I enjoyed going to the museum.

Ellis: I enjoyed seeing the giraffe and elephant.

Scott: I enjoyed seeing the fossils.

Aileigh: I enjoyed the trip because it was fun.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.



We had a lovely time celebrating our successes with you all on Tuesday; thank you to those of you who were able to join us. Miss McKinnon was very impressed with our singing, we are all very talented! Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Jude: I enjoyed writing our plan for our non-fiction books.

Alex: I enjoyed maths because we are measuring length.

Aaron: I enjoyed maths because I like measuring length. It helps me learn.

Olivia: I enjoyed singing our celebration song.

Holly: I enjoyed music because we got to play the djembe drums.

Ethan: I enjoyed reading because I got a new book.

Shannon: I enjoyed drumming because it’s fun.

Mia: I enjoyed reading because I got my new book.

Aileigh: I enjoyed the djembe drums because it was lots and lots of fun.

Jack: I enjoyed our celebrating success assembly and reading because we got our new book about icy cold places.

Ellis: I enjoyed playing the djembe drums because I had fun.

Carley: I enjoyed playing the djembe drums because I got to do it with Miss McKinnon.

Max: I liked it when we played the rumble on the djembe drums because it was a new thing to do.

James: I enjoyed the djembe drums because it was fun.

River: I enjoyed snack time because I got to play with my friends.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.



Here are some of our highlights from this week:

Ellis: I enjoyed reading because I got to read with a partner and I had lots of fun reading with them. I also enjoyed the walk because I got to run with my friends.

Jude: I enjoyed the assembly and we learned about keeping ourselves safe.

Holly: I enjoyed Big Start because I got to read the rest of my library book.

Megan: I enjoyed reading.

Mia: I enjoyed reading because I got my new book.

Amber: I enjoyed reading because we got ‘The shark with no teeth.’ In the story, he tried to eat a turtle shell for his dinner and he lost all of his teeth so the other sharks laughed at him.

Carley: I enjoyed going to the library because I got my favourite book there. I also liked doing the sponsored walk.

Aileigh: I enjoyed doing the sponsored walk because it was really fun.

Ada: I enjoyed the assembly because I learned about keeping myself safe in supermarkets. I also enjoyed reading because I got ‘The shark with no teeth’ and it’s really funny.

Ethan: I enjoyed going to the library because I got a book about space and it was really cool.

James: I enjoyed going to the library because I got my favourite book, ‘Mr Big’.

Max: I liked the sponsored walk because we were given pedometers to tell us how many steps we did.

Alex: I enjoyed the city walk because I ran so fast that I did 2,240 steps.

Jack: I enjoyed the walk because I was having lots of fun. I also enjoyed the assembly because it was about keeping you safe.

Aaron: I enjoyed being on outstanding because it’s my birthday.

Have a great weekend everyone!


P2A Highlights

We have had a very busy week this week. We had our first Xcite session and also our first Djembe drum lesson. We all really enjoyed both experiences!

Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Carley: I enjoyed the singing assembly because we sang very good songs.

Max: I liked golden time because Aaron shared his toy with me.

Holly: I enjoyed reading because it was fun.

Ellis: I enjoyed golden time because I got to play with my friends.

Jude: I enjoyed golden time because it was nice to play with Aaron, Max and Jack.

Alex: I enjoyed golden time because I shared my meerkat and Sonic with Aaron and Jude.

Jack: I enjoyed topic because we were learning about Africa.

Aileigh: I enjoyed reading because I like reading with a partner.

Amber: I enjoyed topic because we used an atlas and learned where Africa is on a map.

Ada: I enjoyed Big Writing because I love writing stories especially the middle part, it’s the most interesting part.

James: I enjoyed playing with Jack during golden time.

Megan: I enjoyed reading.

Aaron: I enjoyed reading because I got my new book Hansel and Gretel and it is a beautiful book.

Apologies for the late posting of this blog. We have had some technical difficulties.



P2A Highlights

We have had a very busy first week back. Here are some of our highlights:

Shannon: I enjoyed circle time.

Alex: I enjoyed Big Writing because we were writing the beginning of a story.

Jude: I enjoyed Big Writing because we were writing about a magic hat.

Megan: I enjoyed reading.

Aaron: I enjoyed Big Writing because I chose a deep dark wood as my setting.

Ellis: I enjoyed learning about how to say things in French.

Jack: I enjoyed learning how to say “What is your name?” in French.

Holly: I enjoyed reading because it’s fun.

Ada: I enjoyed Big Writing because I love writing stories.

Aileigh: I enjoyed Big Writing because it’s fun.

Amber: I enjoyed learning how to say “Good night” and “Hello” in French.

James: I enjoyed saying “Bonjour Madame.”

Carley: I enjoyed learning to say “My name is…” in French.

Max: I liked doing French because Miss McKinnon told us how to say things like “Bonjour Madame” and “Bonjour Monsieur.”

Ethan: I enjoyed Maths.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


*Next Friday (20th April) we will begin an Xcite programme running for 3 Fridays from 11am to 12pm. For this, the children will require sports clothing. They can either wear their P.E. kit or they can bring in something else on the day. However, due to the timing, the children will not be able to change back into their school uniform before being collected at 12.10pm. Therefore, if they choose to wear their P.E. kit, please ensure they return it on the following Monday, thank you. Also, for these 3 weeks we will have our golden time on Thursday. *

Please bring review jotters into school as soon as possible if you haven’t already. Thank you.

Happy Easter everyone!

Here are some of our highlights from the week.

Holly and Megan: I enjoyed going to church because I liked the songs.

Jack and Amber: I enjoyed the Easter service because it was fun.

James, Aileigh and Emily: I enjoyed reading.

Ethan: I enjoyed reading because I got a new book.

Ellis: I enjoyed going to church.

Alex and Aaron: I enjoyed Big Writing because we were writing about a beach.

Max: I liked the assembly because I like reading.

Carley: I enjoyed learning about half past times.

Mia: I enjoyed going to Number Gym Club.

We hope you all have a lovely Easter holiday.


P2A Weekly Highlights

Jack, Aileigh, Aaron, Jude and Olivia: I enjoyed learning about clockwise and anticlockwise turns.

Amber: I enjoyed maths.

Ethan and River: I enjoyed writing.

Holly: I enjoyed big writing because it was about a haunted house and it was fun.

Megan: I enjoyed reading.

Ada and Emily: I enjoyed learning about our sense of sight.

Mia and Ellis: I enjoyed working with the bee bots.

Alex and Max: I enjoyed our shared start.

Carley: I enjoyed watching our Skellybones performance.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.



Thank you to everyone who came to see us perform Skellybones today. We have worked very hard and we really enjoyed performing for you all.

Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Olivia: I enjoyed learning about Carroll diagrams.

Amber, Mia, James, Aileigh, Ethan, Ada and Oliver: I enjoyed doing the P2 show.

Jude, Holly and Aaron: I enjoyed doing the P2 show because it was fun.

Max: I liked doing the reading challenge.

Alex: I enjoyed saying my line and River’s line in the P2 show.

Carley, Ellis and Emily: I enjoyed giving the flowers to my mum.

Jack: I enjoyed doing the P2 show because I liked all the songs and dances.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.





2A Highlights

Some of our highlights from the week:

Emily, Mia, Aileigh and Carley: I enjoyed maths.

Jude, Ada, Aaron, Ellis and Olivia: I enjoyed learning about tally charts and bar charts.

Holly and Ethan: I enjoyed the assembly.

Megan: I enjoyed reading.

Alex: I enjoyed creating column graphs.

Jack, Max and Amber: I enjoyed learning about road safety.

James: I enjoyed learning about friendship.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


P2A Highlights

Some of our highlights this week:

James and Holly: I enjoyed making Valentines cards.

Emily, Megan and Mia: I enjoyed reading.

Alex: I enjoyed getting my new reading book.

Mac and Amber: I enjoyed writing this week’s review in our review jotters.

Ethan: I enjoyed doing maths.

Jack, Jude, Aileigh, Ada and Aaron: I enjoyed learning about how people celebrate Valentine’s Day in other countries.

Olivia: I enjoyed doing mental maths and maths.

Max: I enjoyed celebrating Valentine’s Day.

Carley: I enjoyed talking with Oliver.

River: I enjoyed Big Start.

Have a great weekend everyone.


P2A Highlights

Emily, Jude and Ada: I enjoyed maths.

Jack: I enjoyed going to Mrs Mansfield’s class to practise our songs.

Megan and James: I enjoyed reading.

Mia: I enjoyed the shop game.

Ethan, Holly, River, Aileigh and Ellis: I enjoyed the disco.

Aaron: I enjoyed it when we got the book ‘Warming up’.

Carley: I enjoyed it when we tasted all of the different fruits because one of my favourites was the mango.

Alex: I enjoyed becoming a bronze champion.

Max: I liked playtime and lunch time.

Olivia: I enjoyed becoming a silver champion.

Have a great holiday everyone.


P2A Highlights

Emily, Jude and Ada: I enjoyed maths.

Jack: I enjoyed going to Mrs Mansfield’s class to practise our songs.

Megan and James: I enjoyed reading.

Mia: I enjoyed the shop game.

Ethan, Holly, River, Aileigh and Ellis: I enjoyed the disco.

Aaron: I enjoyed it when we got the book ‘Warming up’.

Carley: I enjoyed it when we tasted all of the different fruits because one of my favourites was the mango.

Alex: I enjoyed becoming a bronze champion.

Max: I liked playtime and lunch time.

Olivia: I enjoyed becoming a silver champion.

Have a great holiday everyone.


P2A Highlights

Olivia and Ada: I enjoyed learning about our five senses.

Mac and Megan: I liked doing topic.

River and Amber: I enjoyed the assembly about the Vikings.

Carley: I enjoyed talking with Aaron because he was lots of fun.

Jude, Ethan, Aileigh and Emily: I enjoyed smelling the different paints.

Max and Holly: I enjoyed golden time.

Aaron: I enjoyed reading.

Jack and Oliver: I enjoyed the smelling paint challenge.

Mia: I enjoyed maths.

Ellis and James: I enjoyed smelling with my nose.

Alex: I liked reading my reading book because it’s about saving animals.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.