All posts by Mrs Gallagher

What p2g have been learning this week in school

Here are some of the things we have been learning in p2g this week:

“We have been learning to add doubles in Maths. I liked the song for adding 6-10 because I didn’t know those ones.” Rhuan

“In PE we were learning to work in teams.” Annabelle

“We were learning to say hello in French.” Baillie

“We have learned how to use ipads.” Alfie, Emma and Ava

“I learned what a terraced house is.” Demi Leigh

Colour fun in p2g

Last weej in our art lesson we learned about primary colours and secondary colours and we had fun mixing primary colours together to make secondary colours.

This week we learned about cool colours and warm colours. We used warm colours to create some sunset pictures. Some of our work looks really great. Next week we will be using cool colours to create some paintings and they will be displayed beside our sunset pictures.

Personal Targets for p2g

This week we learned about our right to an education. We learned that we are really lucky to be able to come to school as some children in other countries are not allowed to go to school and have to work instead. We heard the story of Aklima who lives in Bangladesh. Aklima wanted to go to school but spent her days scaveniging in rubbish dumps trying to find scraps to sell. We felt very sorry for Akilma and decided that even if there are things in school that we don’t enjoy doing that it is still much better than having to spend time on a rubbish dump each day.

Thinking about what we learn in school helped us to set some personal targets for this term. Here are some of our goals:

“To improve my reading.” Robyn

“To listen better.” James

To get better at number work.” Finn

“To get better at drawing.” Ava W

We will regularly review these targets to see if we are making the improvements we hope to.

Learning about our rights in p2g

It has been lovely to welcome all the new children into primary 2 this week. We have been getting used to our new classroom and routines and making some new friends.

This week we have been learning about our rights.  So far we have learned that we have the following rights:

1. To play and rest

2. To have adults listen to us

3. To be kept safe from harm

4. To have a name and an identity.

Next week we will think about the actions we have  to display that will go alongside these rights and we will create a class charter.

*** Reminder – on Thursdays we have gym and Golden Time ***

Mrs Gallagher

Highlights of P2

In our review jotters we thought about our highlights of P2. Here are some of our highlights:


1. Tennis in Fitness Fortnight

2. BIG start

3. Reading

 4. Having the tadpoles in the classroom.

Noah Y:

1. Castle trip

2. Sports day

3. Balbardie’s Got Stars in their Eyes

4. Houses and Homes topic


1. Reading

2. Cooking with Mrs Jamieson

3. Sports day

4. Fitness fortnight


1. PE with Mr Jefferies

2. Castles topic

3. Making seagulls for The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch

4.  Making model houses

As you can see there has been a wide variety of enjoyable learning happening this session. I would also like to share my highlights of P2.

Mrs Gallagher:

1. Billy No Buzz

2. Gruffalo in Scots assembly

3. Shared start

4. Having such an enthusiastic, happy and hard working class.

I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday. Good luck in P3 to everyone in P2lg 🙂

Mrs Gallagher

Health and Fitness activities in P2lg

This week we have had a variety of activities relating to health and fitness.

We talked about the importance of eating a balanced diet and learned about some nurtients we get from different foods. We talked about trying to eat 5 portions of fruit  and vegetables every day.  We looked at art work by an Italian artist called Guiseppe Arcimboldo. He had created some very funny portraits using fruit, vegetables and flowers. We created our own fruity faces pictures. Here are Ross and Caitlin with their pictures:

We thought about what fitness activity we had enjoyed most this week, here is what some of us had to say:

Lauryn “I enjoyed boccia, golf, rounders and playground games.”

Noah Y “I enjoyed golf. “

Kate “I enjoyed curling.”

Lennox “I enjoyed boccia.”

We also had lots of fun at sports day and were very proud of Megan, Sophie, Colin and Caitlin who were all awarded medals.

We are looking forward to more fitness fun next week.

An enjoyable week for p2lg

This week we have been very busy and have enjoyed a variety of things. On Tuesday everyone attended the Golden Club event. We had lots of fun. Below you will see some pictures of us doing the Conga!


On Wednesday afternoon we were invited to join p5 for their party. We had fun hour playing games with our buddies in p5.

Another enjoyable activty this week was our art lesson. We looked at Aboriginal art from Australia and created our own pictures of turtles in the style of Aboriginal art. We enjoyed using the cotton buds to paint instead of paintbrushes.

Pupil of the week this week was Rory. He made Mrs Gallagher smile at Circle Time when he said that if he had a wish from a genie he would wish for flowers for his mum. Mrs Gallagher thought that was really kind. He also did a super piece of aboriginal art work too. A great week for Rory 🙂

Next week is Fitness Fortnight, remember to be dressed for sports activities Monday -Thursday. Sports day is on Wednesday, let’s hope ths sun comes out for us.

P2 are looking at patterns

This week we have been looking at patterns in different areas of the cuirriculum. In numeracy we have looked at shape and number patterns and have been making some patterns of our own. In literacy we learned about alphabetical order and learned how to put letters and words in alphabetical order. We have also been looking at patterns on lighthouses. All lighthouses are different, some have a few stripe, some only have one and some have none. We made lighthouses of our own this week too.

Next week we are looking forward to the Golden Club event. 28 of us are in the Golden Club now, Mrs Gallagher thinks that’s great 🙂

P2lg end of topic reflections

This week we finished our Houses and Homes topic.  We did some reflective thinking about what we had learned and what we had enjoyed. Here are some of our responses:

“Houses in Spain have flat roofs.” Zoe

“I liked going on a walk to see the houses in Bathgate.” Amber

“I enjoyed painting houses.” Caitlin

“I didn’t know what a wasp’s home was called before.” Harvey.

“A squirrel lives in a drey.” Dasha

“I enjoyed learning about houses around the world.”  Sophie

We are going to finish this term by reading about a special person who lives in a special kind of house, more about that next week!

We are looking forward to the Teddy Bear’s Picnic on Friday. Remember to bring along your teddy for some stories, songs and snacks in the garden at 10.05am.

Active maths in P2lg

This week in numeracy we have been learning about how to find the area of shapes by counting in squares. Today we took some squares outside and made some shapes of our own that all had an area of 10 squares. The playground ended up being too windy for us so we moved to the dining room where Mrs Gallagher set us some challenges. The first challenge was to make a square using more than 10 of our small squares. Harvey and Cameron were the first pupils to complete this activity, you can see them in the picture below. Our next challenge was to make a letter of the alphabet. Cole and Kate did a great job of making a letter E as you can see below too.

This week we have also had some special visistors in our classroom. Mrs Jamieson brought in some tadpoles for us to see. We are looking after them for a few days to see how they change before they go back to the pond. We have been very keen to learn about tadpoles and have enjoyed reading about them and drawing pictures.

Today at Celebrating Success assembly we were proud of Megan, Lauryn, Katie, Lewis and Caitlin who all received certificates. We all did very well singing our songs too.

Next week will be library visits on Thursday so remember to bring books and cards along then.

What p2lg have been doing this week

This week we have been learning about fractions in numeracy. We have been learning how to find half of a number. It’s quite tricky but our fractions boards help us to see how to do it. Mrs Gallagher also brought in some oranges to show us that a fraction of something is smaller than the whole thing. We enjoyed eating them afterwards as a snack.

In topic we have been learning about houses and homes on the past. We learned that we are very lucky to live in modern houses as there were many things about living in houses in the past that were not so nice, for example having to go outside to use the toilet. Mrs Jamieson brought in some items for us to have a look at. We enjoyed trying out the inkwell and pen to do some writing and using the meat mincer.

Here is what we had to say about our learning this week:

Colin: “We heard a different Three Little Pigs story at the library. I liked it.”

Aidan: “We did writing about a haunted house for the Young Writer competition.”

Lauryn: “I liked going to the library.”

Archie: “I enjoyed learning about fractions this week.”

Lennox: “I liked seeing Mrs Jamieson’s artefacts that she brought in to show us.”

What P2lg have we have enjoyed this week.

We’ve had a very busy week this week in P2lg. In our review jotters this week we thought about what we had enjoyed the most. Here is what we had to say:

Rory: “I enjoyed Balbardie’s got Stars in their Eyes.”

Michelle: “I enjoyed playing basketball with Mr Jefferies.”

Katya: “This week I liked the SSPCA talk.”

Archie: “This week I liked making model houses. I liked it very much.”

Aaliyah: “I liked maths this week.”

We are very proud of Noah and Archie who were placed third in the final of Balbardie’s got Stars in their Eyes.

*** Pupil of the week***

Jack was pupil of this week for showing a good understanding of work on tens and ones in numeracy.

Next week we are looking forward to our library visit on Thursday.

P2lg news

We have had a very busy first week back. We started our new topic of Houses and Homes. We listened to the story of  The Three Little Pigs and then we had the Big Bad Wolf challenge of making a house with a partner that the wolf couldn’t blow down. We had a choice of 4 different materials to use to build the house with.  Some groups did manage to make houses that could not be blown down by the wolf (or Mrs Waddell’s hairdyrer as it really was!). Mrs Gallagher was impressed with our efforts. We also learned about the different types of houses and we are busy preparing for some talking and writing activities about our own houses.

On Wednesday we had our class trip to Craigmillar castle. Despite the weather we had a great day. We loved being shown round the castle by our guides from Castleview Primary school. Lots of us enjoyed the game they played with us but the best part for most of the class was hearing the story of the mysterious skeleton that was discovered bricked up inside the castle walls 200 years ago. The guides asked us to think about what could have happened to the skeleton and we wrote letters back to them explaining what we thought. Some of our ideas were very imaginative.

Castle Adventures in p2lg

This week in writing we were writing our own Castle Adventure stories. The success criteria for our writing was to continue a story using the same characters and setting. Here are a couple of our stories:

Suddenly the magic key began to glow. The magic took the children to a castle. Biff was a knight. She kept bad people out of the castle. A dragon came to the castle. Biff was scared of the dragon. The queen was angry that the dragon came into the castle.

By Darja

Suddenly the magic key began to glow. The magic took the children to a castle. It took them to the king’s bedroom. The king sent them to the witches’ dungeon where they were making a potion to melt the bars on the window so they could escape. Biff and Chip sneaked out of the window and ran away. The king shouted for them to come back. The magic key began to glow and took them back home.

By Katya

We are looking forward to sharing everything we have learned about castles with our parents next week at shared start.

Measuring up in p2

On Wednesday we were using our feet, hands and cubes to measure objects and areas in our classroom. We also used our class height chart to find out who is the tallest in the class. Rory is the tallest boy, he is 130cm. Cole is very close behind at 129cm and Megan is the tallest girl at 128cm.

We have also been learning about how to become a knight. We learned that young boys would start their training at around age 7. It took 14 years of training to become a knight. We thought was a very long time to have to train. We enjoyed looking at the different kinds of weapons used in battles.

Pupil of the week this week was Michelle for always working hard and for her excellent behaviour . Well done Michelle!

Billy No Buzz

This morning we performed out very special assembly to our family and friends. Here is what we had to say about the perfoamnce:

“It was awesome!” Noah Y

“I liked it when Archie and Skye did their dance,” Aidan

“It made me cry because it was so nice!” Megan

It was good fun!” Kate

I liked having my dad there,” Katie

“I liked dancing, it was fun!” Rory

We did an absolutely super job of singing, dancing, speaking and acting and Mrs Gallagher is very proud of everyone.

This week’s pupil of the week certificate went to the whole class for being able to transfer note taking skills we had learned in our reading lessons.

Next week we are looking forward to our trip to Craigmillar castle on Wednesday, we hope the rain stays away!

Problems in p2lg

This week we have been learning how to solve problems in Numeracy. We found it really tricky at first but are gaining confidence in our problem solving abilities. We have learned to work logically, to make a picture and to make a table to help us to solve problems. Mrs Gallagher was really impressed when some children started to make up some Castles themed problems of their own and we are going to have a chance to do more of this next week.

We have also been learning how to draw portraits to make a royal portrait gallery in our classroom. It’s going to be in an unusual place in our classroom, pop in next week and see if you can find our portraits.

We are very excited about our special show next week, look out for some pictures of us in our costumes coming up on next week’s blog post. 🙂

This week in p2lg

This week we have started our castles topic. We have learned about some of the parts of a castle inside and out and we have started to turn our classroom into a castle.

Zoe “A portcullis is a jaggy door at the entrance of a castle.”

Cole “The soldiers shoot bows and arrows through the arrow slits in the walls.”

Harvey “The tallest building is called the keep.”

We are looking forward to our parents joining us to make some coats of arms this morning.


Pancake making in p2

This week we made pancakes with Mrs Jamieson. It was lots of fun and we enjoyed eating them as a snack. We also had a pancake tossing competition. It was very funny.



 Liam “We had to put eggs, milk, flour, sugar and salt in a bowl and mixed them together.”

Noah Y “It was fun trying to toss the pancake.”

Aaliyah “I liked it when Noah flipped the pancake and it landed on his head.”

Megan “I had syrup on mine, they were delicious.”

***Pupil of the week*** Noah Y is pupil of the week for always working hard and behaving well. Well done!

We are looking forward to our parents visiting next Friday morning for the open morning.

This week in p2lg

This week we have learned about Chinese New Year. We watched a video showing a dragon dance and learned about the historical story of the animal race which started the 12 years in the Chinese zodiac. This year is the year of the snake. Most of our class were born in the year of the dog but Caitlin was born in the year of the pig.

We started to think about our new topic of castles. We shared what we already know about castles and thought about what we would like to learn. We also gave Mrs Gallagher some ideas about what we would like to have to play with in the classroom. She liked some of our ideas very much, especially creating a throne for our classroom.

*** Pupil of the week *** Lennox is pupil of the week this week for trying hard with his listening skills. He also impressed Mrs Gallagher with some lovely handwriting.