All posts by Mrs Hammond


Last week P6a were busy with addaptive testing. The children concentrated and worked really hard on this.

Our new topic for this term is Ancient Greece and the children have been using the internet and research books to find out information about about Ancient Greece. We have looked at a timeline of significant events and some of the features of its Geography which led to the development of City States, such as Sparta and Athens. The children have enjoyed doing some of their own research to add to their knowledge. I have set a mini home learning project on Gods and Godessess for the children over the next three weeks and am looking foward to seeing their ideas to present what they have learned.

The Green Group have been learning about decimal numbers. The Blue and Maroon groups are continuig with division. The Red group is revising some multiplication facts befor looking at division also.

I hope the children have all had a lovely holiday weekend.

Primary 6a

After the success of the P6 show, The Wizard of Oz, last week P6a have been settling back into some hard work in the classroon.

The Red group have been busy working on their subrtaction. The Blue, Maroon and Green groups ahve been learning about division.

Chloe: I learned how to divide with and without remainders. It was fun.

On Tuesday P6 went to a Hockey and Basketball festival at Bathgate Academy where the children competed in teams against other local schools. Two of our teams managed to gain third place, one in hockey and the other in basketball. A big well done to all the children who competed the medals for the winners should arrive next week.

Antonia –  My team played excellently with boys and girls working well together. I really enjoyed the hockey where I managed to score 5 times.

Also this week we have been looking at Climate Change and coming up with our own ideas about how to heat water or keep buildings warm using less energy. There have been some interesting ideas, including using sheep to mow your lawn instead of a lawn mower!