All posts by Mrs Leamy

Laptop Learning in P4l

Hello Everyone

This week we had a chance to work on the laptops.  We were looking at the life of John Logie Baird and researching a part of his life.  We worked with a partner to identify key information then shared it with the rest of the class.  We are all very pleased that this famous Scot helped to invent the television as it is hard to imagine what life would be like now without it.  We had our third session working with the National Youth Choir of Scotland.  Mrs Leamy is very impressed with how we are all picking up on the idea of bet and rhythm and it is good fun playing all the singing games.  On Friday we took part in the schools Earth Hour and to help us remember we painted giant flourescent pandas as it is the WWF that organise the Earth Hour event.

Bye for now.



What went well in P4l this week

Hello everyone

This week our blog is coming from our Review Jotters, we thought about what went well and why.  Here are some of our comments.

l was good at maths because l am getting the hang of the times tables. Kelsey

In PE l was good at Don’t Fall in the Water because my team mates helped me. Josh

I think my writing went well because l didn’t put a capital letter in the middle of a sentence. Jamie N

I think my reading went well because l have been practising. Dave

My writing went well because l can change a boring sentence into an exciting one. Sasha

I think my spelling went well because l have been practising. Mhairi

My maths went well as l have learned how times by big numbers like 100 and 1000. Lily

This week l think my maths went well because l learned my 4 times table and l am really remembering it and they are really easy. Lucy

Please remember to look through your books to see if you have any spare for the book swap on Thursday.

Have a good weekend.


P4l Open Morning Adventure

Hello Everyone

Today we had our open morning and it was great to see lots of parents and grandparents joining in activities in our classroom.  One of the activities was to create a giant story with each person adding another sentence or two.  As it was such a wonderful story we have decided to publish here on our blog.  Each time the text style changes means it was a different person contributing.

John was bored. It was halfway through the summer holidays and he was fed up, so he decided to go exploring. He broke his piggy bank and took all his savings to spend on his adventure. John just had enough money to buy an aeroplane ticket to the rainforest. John had lots of fun doing this. Unfortunately he crashed and found himself surrounded by six gorillas. The gorillas liked him and thought he would be an active family member and they called him TARZAN! He liked it in the jungle with his new friends and also he made friends with a leopard.  The leopard asked him if he would like to come and meet his friends at the waterhole.  John and the leopard went to the waterhole, John met the leopards friend, the jaguar.  The jaguar thought John looked like a very tasty meal.  So John ran off deeper into the jungle.  John and the leopard were friends no more.  John walked deeper into the jungle for what seemed like ages. It was very dark, but in the distance he could see a light…. The light appeared to be coming from torches…held by poachers! John quickly hid as the poachers rapidly approached!  It was something, someone, someone wierd…

Thank you to everyone who wrote in our story book, the children thought you did a great job.  Here our some pictures from our ‘Open Morning’.


We Need Your Books!!

Thursday 7th March is World Book Day and P4l are going to run a ‘Book Swap’.  We really need your help to bring in any books you no longer read so someone can enjoy them and you can take a new book home.  Please have a look through your books at home and if you have any to spare please, please bring them in and hand them in to P4l.  On World Book Day you will have a chance to look at all the books and choose one to take yourself.

Thank you


Speedy Week in P4l

Lots packed in to a short week in P4l.  Amazing art with Mrs Clark on Wednesday.  Library, love, logic, pancakes and masks on Thursday and the week ended with Town Criers and shape puzzles.  We also created posters for the ‘Big Balbardie Book Swap’ we are going to run on World Book Day, 7th March.  If you have any books you don’t read anymore and would be happy to donate to the book swap please bring them in.

Bye for P4l

P4l Weekly Update

Hello from P4l

Another week has whizzed by and it is Friday already.  We ended the week with some Chinese New Year arts and crafts making super snake spirals and lovely lucky money wallets.  Goodbye to Year of the Dragon and hello Year of the Snake. 

We used our letter writing skills again this week and were given a free choice as to who we could write to.  We amazed Mrs Leamy with our writing skills and thought up some great reasons to write letters from complaints about rabbits to invites for sleepovers.  Everyone had a different idea and we showed our skills and creativity all at the same time.

We are continuing our work looking at Mary Queen of Scots and this week focused on her early life.  We had a great drama session on Tuesday as we took on roles and recreated her early years.

Wednesday was our last day with Mrs Mooney and we created some amazing art in the form of pointillism paintings and continued our work on ‘Being Cool in School’, looking at cool responses to situations.

Next week we are going to start our trips to the library again, so any books due for the library please bring them and your card on Thursday.

Bye P4l

P4l Weekly Update

Hello Everyone

Brilliant week in P4l, Mrs Leamy is a very proud teacher as everyone has been working very hard and lots of learning going on.

In maths we have been continuing with subtraction and are getting more confident using a range of methods to solve problems.  We have started to learn the 4 times table and it is beginning to stick in our brains.

We used our knowledge of Robert Burns and skills learned in our Tools for Writing lesson to write letters to Burns asking questions about his life.

In reading we have been using ‘Reading Keys’ to develop our skills for reading and thinking.  We have been working in small groups and are trying out a range of roles developing our collaborative working skills.  This week we were dicussing our books and creating mind maps to show what had happened.

On Thursday we took part in the Early Years Story Room and well done everyone on screen and also everyone else for the amazing illustrations and support for their classmates.

Bye for now P4l

P4l Burns Day Celebration

Happy Burns Day!!

After looking at the life of Robert Burns this week P4l celebrated in style with a Burns Supper. Rachel and Mhairi  piped us into the classroom with their  magic bagpipes, Mrs Leamy welcomed everyone then Shaun B said the Selkirk Grace.  After that Mrs Jamieson bought in the haggis and it was time to eat.  The food was delicious with haggis, neeps and tatties and oatcakes, shortbread and dumpling too. Our after dinner entertainment was provided by Lucy telling us about Burn’s life and Catherine and Sophie reading poetry.  Our final act was Eve who showed us some highland dancing.  We finished off the celebration with Auld Lang Syne.



This week in 4l

Hello Everyone

This week on our blog we are going to share some work from our review jotters.  We had to reflect upon what we have learned this week and here are some of our entries.

Ava learned that Scotland has 7 cities and she named them Glasgow, Aberdeen, Stirling, Inverness, Perth, Edinburgh and Dundee.

Shaun H, Jamie, Dave and Kerry learned the 10 times table and they were able to write it out in their review jotters.

Becky learned that a fortune means a large amount of money.

Sam and Kelsey wrote about Scottish artists and were able to name Samuel Pepleo as one.

Catherine wrote about Art and how you don’t always have to have lots of detail to make a picture effective.

Teigan learned to dribble through cones in P.E.

With Mrs Mooney Anais learned some 3D shapes and she was able to draw and label a cuboid and sphere.

Sasha and Ray were able to describe what they learned in P.E with Mr Jefferies talking about having a bigger base for better balance.

Jamie N, Joe and Mhairi have learned their 3 times table and wrote it out in full in their review jotters.

Sophie had a great one this week with practise makes perfect!

It has been a great week in P4l, well done everyone.