The primary 4 and primary 5 choir began last Tuesday. We have twenty five choir members, and we are beginning to learn our songs for Christmas time.
We are hoping to visit the community during December and entertain others.
The primary 6 and 7 choir continues on a Friday after school. As of Friday 21st December, the choir time will be 12.15 until 1.00p.m. as I, Mrs. Innes, will be involved in my professional development on a number of Friday afternoons from 1.30p.m. – 4.00p.m.
Dates for the diary so far:
Thursday 11th December – both choirs will be recorded for West Lothian Council, All choir members should wear shirt and tie uniform.
Hopefully 11th December – Junior Choir to the Partnership Centre at 11.00 a.m.
Monday 22nd December – Senior Choir to Tesco at 1.45p.m.
Tuesday 23rd December – Junior, Senior and Staff Choirs to sing at the Church Service!
More dates to follow.
Can you please confirm when the new time (12.15pm -1pm) takes effect from. Does it include Friday 19th Dec ? (Update states Fri 21st Dec). Also will this be a permanent change or just for a few weeks in early 2015,