Comic Crazy in 5m

This week we have been learning about comic strips. We explored a variety of comics and picked out the main features. Then it was time to have a go ourselves!

First we read a short story about how William Wallace became an outlaw. Then we had to decide how to divide the story into six frames. After that, through the use of pictures, speech bubbles, thought bubbles, captions and sound effects, we had to recreate the story. It was quite tricky but we were very proud of our completed comic strips!

From the Blog Post Box

This week I was proud of…

…my maths because I have definitely learned a lot more about big numbers like 45,904. I know how to use a comma to help me know where the thousands are.                        Olivia

…myself because I think I did a good Stay Away From the Edge poster.                   Jane

…my mum because she is doing so well in her job.                            Madeleine

…the Yellow Table because they worked so hard to win Table of the Week.                           Gemma B

…Andrew for being the best friend ever!                                Ramsay

…myself because I am working hard for the stickers for my chart. I’m almost on Step 2! Lexis

2 thoughts on “Comic Crazy in 5m”

  1. Hi Primary 5m,

    Your comic strip writing sounds like good fun. I’ll pop into see them when I’m passing your classroom.

    I really enjoyed reading about all of the things you are proud of.

    Miss Henderson

  2. I loved Madeleine ‘s comment and many thanks for the informative talk. It was great to see so much work already on the walls!

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