What way is the wind blowing?

We made wind socks in sensory room and took them outside. 

Aiden says the wind socks are easy to make.  Why not try make one to see what happens!

Dylan has told you the things you need to make a wind sock.

You will need:

Tissue paper

Strip of paper

Sticky tape

Glue stick


A straw

Caitlin and Cody have told you how to make a wind sock

  1. Get everything you need.

2.  Make a circle with the paper.

3.  Add the wool for strings using the sticky tape.

4.  Add the straw handle using sticky tape.

5.  Cut lines in tissue paper.  DON’T cut all the way.  Stop halfway.

6.  Add the tissue paper by using sticky tape.

Then wait for the wind or wave it yourself.  They will blow about.

One thought on “What way is the wind blowing?”

  1. Hi Class 2,

    WOW! Your wind socks sound brilliant. The children in P2e are learning all about weather and I think they would love to see your wind socks. Maybe you could take some along to their class to show them?

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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