Celebrating Success in P3W

Congratulations to all the boys and girls in the school for their achievements this year! We were all so impressed with how well everyone has been doing.

Well done to the following boys and girls in P3W:
Ty Shek for enthusiasm and excellence in P.E.
Harvey Forrest for always working hard in all his subjects and trying his best.
Samantha McMillan for always making a huge effort in presentation of all work.
Lennox Clarke for always being respectful of others.
Sophie Lindner for always trying her hardest and working well with others.

Miss Wilson is very proud of all the boys and girls for their hard work!

Here is a picture of our performance of “You’ve got a friend in me”

One thought on “Celebrating Success in P3W”

  1. Hi Primary 3w,

    Congratulations to everyone on their achievements. I really enjoyed your song. Well done.

    Miss Henderson

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