Musical Fun

This term, with Mrs Innes, we have completed a range of musical activities.  We would like to share some of our learning with you! 

 Lauren- ‘we learn songs.  One of them is called the Monkey Puzzle Tree.’

 Mia- ‘We sing a song called the ‘Hairy Scary Castle!’

Isabella- ‘We play musical instruments to learn to keep the beat.  We play xylophones, African drums, claves and glockinspeils.’

 Amy- ‘I like the song Hairy Joe.’

 Emma- ‘We learned a ghost dance.’

 Ailah- ‘We use ribbons to dance.’

Mia- ‘We also play tambourines and wood blocks.’

James- We play instruments when singing the songs.’

4 thoughts on “Musical Fun”

  1. Hi Primary 1b,

    I’m so pleased to hear that you have been enjoying your music lessons with Mrs Innes. I’ve been doing Hairy Joe with P1l and we all really like it. The ribbons are great fun too.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Miss Henderson

  2. Your music lessons sound like lots of fun, and I am pleased you all are learning about all different instruments, well done.

    (Lauren’s mam)

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