In class, we have been learning a lot of Scottish words and been learning in lots of different ways. Such as: using play-doh to spell our words, doing word matching games, creating our washing claes line, and so on.
We have been very busy this week with other learning going on in our class. Here is what we have been doing:
Sophie – We have been doing our Burns’ Poetry competition and 3 people have got through to the finals and I am one of them!!
Abbie – We have been doing times tables – 2x tables, 5x tables and 10x tables.
Tom – We have been making our “Kindness Tree”. Our “Kindness Tree” is made up of promises that we have all made about school. My promise is “I will try my hardest to never get on the sad cloud and get minutes off Golden Time”.
Ty – We have been learning our times tables. I know that 2 x 2 = 4,
5 x 3 = 15 and 10 x 9 = 90!
Caitlin – We have been learning Scottish words! A goonie is a dressing gown, bitts are boots, a jaiket is your jacket, sannies are plimsole shoes and a sark is a shirt!
Other News:
Pupil of the week – Brooklyn -> for doing fantastic times table sums in Maths.
3 Burns poetry finalists: Sophie, Caitlin and Megan.
MVP for January – Ty.
Hi Primary 3w,
It’s great to hear that you have been learning lots of new things this week and are enjoying all of the different activities you have been doing. Your Kindness Tree sounds very interesting. I’ll pop in and see it next week. Well done to everyone on their achievements this week. Keep up the good work, everyone.
Miss Henderson