P5m Rock!

This week we have been finding out about the different types of rocks. There are three types of rocks – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. Sounds tricky but we have our secret weapon to help us remember them – chocolate! The holes in a Crunchie bar remind us of the lava cooling and leaving gas bubbles in igneous rocks. The layers of the Caramel Wafer remind us of the layers of sediment building up in sedimentary rocks. The Curly Wurly (which we held in our hand throughout our Chocolate Geology lesson) reminds us how metamorphic rocks are formed by heat and pressure.
We studied the characteristics found in the different types of rocks and are becoming quite good at identifying them. Many of us have been quite surprised by how interesting rocks can be. A few of us are keen to start building our very own collections.
From the Blog Post Box:

This week I discovered…..

…that there is a rock cycle where rocks can change from one type of rock to another.        Cameron
…how to add Thousands, Hundreds, Tens and Units.       Erin M
…that if I concentrate hard I get my work done quicker.       Craig
…how to recognise the different rocks.      Liam
…that obsidian is an igneous rock.      Robbie

5 thoughts on “P5m Rock!”

  1. Hi Primary 5m,

    What a fantastic way to learn about the different rocks by using chocolate bars. Did you get to eat any of the chocolate when you were finished?

    Have a lovely weekend everyone. Only 12 sleeps until Christmas Day:)

    Miss Henderson

  2. Oh Chocolate my very favourite! what a fun way to learn. Ross bought some little stones at the weekend. Ask him about them!

    1. Ross shared his blue obsidian and rainbow obsidian with the class. It’s great to see the learning continuing outside the classroom. Thank you Ross.

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