Belgium Blog – Thursday

What a busy day!

We went shopping this morning before heading off to Passchendaele to visit the Tyne Cot cemetery. It is the biggest Commonwealth cemetery in central Europe and contains the names of 30,000 fallen soldiers and almost 2000 graves.

Next we visited the memorial museum and learned about the battles of Ypres and ventured through a reconstruction of an underground trench system.

Out next stop was the German Langemark cemetery followed by our visit to the Bayernwald trenches. We had an hour to run around here and explore the various trench systems and bunkers. We had a massive game of tig which even Mr Welsh joined in!

Our final stop of the day was at the Menin Gate where we took part in the daily Last Post ceremony. Kirstie and Ross represented the school as head boy and girl and laid our school wreath amongst the others.

It has been a very interesting and moving day.

One more sleep left then it is time for Plopsaland and the journey back home…

2 thoughts on “Belgium Blog – Thursday”

  1. Hi Primary 7,

    Your day sounds very interesting and will have helped you to learn even more about the world wars. I’m so proud of you all for representing the school so well at the Menin Gate. Have a great time at Plopsaland:). Safe journey home. I’m looking forward to seeing you all back in school on Wednesday.

    Enjoy the long weekend.

    Miss Henderson

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