Belgium Blog – Monday

It’s been a very busy Monday here in Belgium. We arrived at Calais around 9am this morning and then we made a special stop off at Dunkirk to take in the scene of the famous rescue in June 1940. We learned about how the events of Dunkirk fitted in with the rest of World War 2 during our studies earlier this year so it was fantastic to see the beaches with our own eyes. Check out our picture at the monument below…


We have been very fortunate with the weather today, the sun has been shining and it’s been pretty warm. We spent the afternoon at the beach enjoying the sunshine, playing football and having lots of fun. We explored Blankenberge and made ourselves  comfortable in our rooms. The hotel has been renovated since last year and is looking absolutely fantastic.


Tonight we’ve enjoyed a delicious dinner in the hotel and then headed back to the beach for some more sandy fun. Our final call tonight was the waffle stand while a few of us decided to go for frites. A wonderful first day! 🙂

4 thoughts on “Belgium Blog – Monday”

  1. Looks like you all are having mega fun.Abbie Madden….I’m expecting some chocolate back!!!!!! Enjoy the rest of your trip guys

  2. Hi Everyone,

    It sounds like you had a great start to your trip. I’m looking forward to hearing all of your news as the week goes on.

    Have fun:)

    Miss Henderson

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