P5ms are shaping up nicely!

This week we started learning more about 3D shape with Mrs Sutherland.  We found out that a vertex is another word for a corner of a 3D shape.  We’re looking forward to learning more about this next week. 

 We are enjoying our Victorian Project and we have all been given parts to play in our School Assembly in March.  We also learned about Dr Barnardo this week and the work he did for Victorian children.  We made signs for one of his children’s homes. 

This week we wrote a biography about one of our friends.  We had to interview other people in our class in order to find out all the important information that we needed.  We really enjoyed writing our biographies.

Who’s raving about reading this week?

Harry, Jay and Paul worked really well together when reading a play called “The Kidnappers” during our Reading Rave.  I wonder if more people will join them next week? Well done boys.

From The Blog Post Box

Something I accomplished this week was…

“…getting a gold medal in Judo.”                 Isla

“…reaching Step 5 and getting better at joining my letters in handwriting.”         Harry

“…getting a faster time during our ‘Beat the Clock’ test.”    Kendal

“…using  the rollercoaster technique to help me with my handwriting.” Paul

5 thoughts on “P5ms are shaping up nicely!”

  1. Well done P5ms on another busy week. It was great to read your reflections on what you have achieved this week – keep up the great work!

  2. well done brilliant bloggers. I would like to also congragulate harry,jay and paul for being are raving about reading winners. well done everyone.

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