Here are some of our highlights from the week:

Mac: I enjoyed the assembly because it was about our school rules.

Alex: I enjoyed Big Writing because I was writing a procedure about how to plant cress.

Jude: I enjoyed Big Writing because I got to read my procedure out to the class. I also got two stickers.

Megan: I enjoyed the assembly.

TJ: I enjoyed Big Writing because I got to write a procedure about how to plant spinach.

Mia: I enjoyed getting to plant my spinach.

Scott B: I enjoyed maths because I helped Teigan.

Ada: I enjoyed assembly because some people from the nursery came to visit. We learned about our school rules.

River: I enjoyed guided reading because I only got one question wrong.

Holly: I enjoyed maths because I’m getting better at it.

Ellie: I enjoyed assembly because we got to sing ‘Build Up’.

Ellis: I enjoyed assembly because we got to learn about our school rules.

Aaron: I enjoyed assembly because I was changing the slides on the computer for Mrs Leamy.

Amber: I enjoyed Big Writing because I was writing a procedure and I’m almost finished.

Jack: I enjoyed Big Writing because I was writing a procedure about planting cress. I also enjoyed the assembly because we were listening to a funny song called ‘Our School Rules Song’.

Aileigh: I enjoyed the assembly because we were singing ‘You Are A Star’ and ‘Build Up’, it was fun.

Carley: I enjoyed maths because I have been learning how to subtract. I enjoyed play time because I was playing a game with my friends Millie and Poppy.

Leila: I enjoyed play time because I was playing ‘Angel’s Diary’ with Ada. I enjoyed showing my homework project and I went to see Mrs Johns, she gave me a sticker.

Olivia: I enjoyed showing my homework to Mrs Johns.

Millie: I enjoyed play time because I was playing a very fun game with my friends Carley and Poppy.

Scott R: I enjoyed playtime because I went outside and played with Teigan.

James: I enjoyed planting because I named my cup Tim.

Shannon: I enjoyed playtime because I played with Aaron.

Have a great procession weekend everyone!


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