Preparing for and performing in our Ancient Egyptian assembly with P3B has been a highlight for everyone this week!
Teigan: I enjoyed making bracelets.
Alex: I enjoyed making our golden bracelets for our assembly.
Leila: I enjoyed our assembly because my dad was there and he was really proud of me. I was also really proud of myself.
Aileigh: I enjoyed our assembly because it was about Ancient Egyptians and it was fun.
James: I enjoyed it when we did our assembly.
Millie: I enjoyed our assembly because my mum and dad were there and I liked showing them our dance routine.
Megan: I enjoyed the assembly.
Aaron: I enjoyed our assembly because I thought it was funny when Jack threw the teddy bear.
Mac: I enjoyed making our headdresses.
Jack: I enjoyed our assembly because we have been spending ages working on it and I think we were all very good at it.
Ada: I enjoyed our assembly because my friend Millie was the queen.
Oliver: I enjoyed making our neck plates.
Holly: I enjoyed our assembly because my mum and my little brother were there and I think they were proud of me.
Scott B: I enjoyed the assembly because I liked the bit when Alex was pretending to be dead.
Ellie: I enjoyed preparing and doing our assembly because it was really fun.
Carley: I enjoyed our assembly because I liked the scene with Alex, Jack and Ellie in it. I also enjoyed saying my lines and doing the dance. I will never forget this day.
Jude: I enjoyed saying my lines and singing the songs in our assembly.
Shannon: I enjoyed our assembly because we got to sing and dance.
River: I enjoyed our assembly because a teacher told me she really liked our assembly. During the assembly, I was very proud of myself.
Scott R: I enjoyed our assembly because we got to sing and we got to do the actions.
Ellis: I enjoyed making things for our assembly and doing our assembly.
TJ: I enjoyed it when I saw my mum and dad at our assembly.
Max: I enjoyed our assembly and I thought no one was coming but my dad did.
Amber: I enjoyed the assembly because we got our faces painted and we painted things for our assembly.
Mia: I enjoyed our assembly because I was one of the dancers.
Olivia: I enjoyed our assembly because I got to put my head in front of Max’s and it was funny.
Miss McKinnon enjoyed watching everyone give such an excellent performance and is very proud!
Thank you to everyone who came to see us today and help us get ready! It is much appreciated.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.