Christmas is coming!

We have been working very hard this week in P4a to complete our assessments. Mrs Mackenzie and Mrs Collings are very proud of the ways in which we have sat quietly whilst completing our tests and also ensuring that we gave our classmates the best environment to do their best also.
On Monday we had a day full of PE. We had gym with Mr Jeffries playing bench ball. We are looking forward to playing against P4b after Christmas and against other schools in a festival later in the school year.

To complete our RME topic on belonging we talked about the ways in which we ensure that we belong to our school, our families and our class. We discussed the ways in which all these communities have rules to help everyone to be a part of the community. We discovered that our families have a lot of different rules which work for each family.

In our science topic, we created our own fossil skeletons. Some of them are very cool!

In Maths we continued looking at 2d shapes and we learnt to draw them after hearing a description of their properties. Some of them are really tricky – especially the quadrilaterals.
Today we enjoyed a fabulous assembly by P6 all about Space. We are really looking forward to learning about space when we are in the Upper School.
Table of the week – with 390 points

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