We’ve had a short but busy week this week! Here are some of our highlights:

James: I enjoyed Big Writing.

Jude: I liked it when Mrs Wood came in when we were doing maths and I like maths.

Aaron: I enjoyed learning about half and quarter turns.

Emily: I enjoyed Big Maths Beat That.

Teigan: I enjoyed Big Writing.

Max: I enjoyed watching a Roald Dahl video about which Roald Dahl hero I am. I was George, he is my favourite character.

Ethan: I enjoyed mental maths and reading.

Ellie: I enjoyed doing Health and Wellbeing because we got to make cool hats.

Ellis: I enjoyed play time because I got to play with all my lovely friends.

Amber: I enjoyed watching a video about which Roald Dahl hero you are and I was happy because I was Matilda.

Holly: I enjoyed Big Maths Beat That because it was fun.

Leila: I liked doing Big Maths Beat That because I beat my score.

Alex: I enjoyed Big Maths Beat That because I beat my score and got 13 out of 17.

Olivia: I enjoyed getting my badge for the Pupil Council.

Carley: I enjoyed Big Maths Beat because it’s a challenge and challenges exercise my brain.

Jack: I enjoyed Big Writing because we were writing about Roald Dahl’s life and books.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


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