Viking Experts

As we approach the end of a very busy term, we have been thinking about all the things we have learnt. Our big topic this term has been the Vikings and we are now Viking experts!
These are our highlights:
Rory – I didn’t know that longhouses only had one room and that the animals slept in the house with the people!
Liam – I didn’t know that when the rich Vikings died they were put on a boat and set out to sail to Valhalla.
Aaron – I didn’t know that when Vikings died they were buried with their weapons.
Ellie-Rose – I enjoyed learning about the Viking boats.
Holly – I enjoyed learning about Viking longhouses; that some had turf rooves and some had stone.
Alfie L – I didn’t know what longhouses were made of like stone and grass for the roof.
Bryce – I liked learning about the Vikings and their longboats
Kyle – I liked learning about Viking Gods.
Charlotte – I didn’t know that the 30 days of Happiness existed and I like doing the things for it. So far, I’ve enjoyed making someone smile!
Alistair – I learnt that the Viking warrior had to honour his lord or king and was expected to battle at any moment.
Jay – I didn’t know that the Vikings invaded Scotland.
Brandon – I liked learning about the Viking boats and I didn’t know that the Viking boats were red and white.
Jamie – I liked doing division in maths.
Owen – I enjoyed learning about coordinates and how to find marks on a grid.
Lewis – I didn’t know much about longships but now I know a lot!
Brooke – I liked writing about when the Vikings died.
Max – I liked learning about dividing.
Kaycee – I liked learning in NYCoS about So and Mi.
Jackie – I liked doing my class talk because it helped me to get more knowledge about Viking gods.
Ellie – I liked watching the class talks.
Orla – I liked learning about the 30 days of happiness.
Ruby – I enjoyed doing my class talk because it was really fun.
Dylan – I liked learning about the Viking weapons.
Eva – I liked Alistair’s Viking talk about the Vikings.
Olivia – I liked learning about Odin because I never knew that he drank water from the fountain of wisdom and that he had to sacrifice an eye to do so.
Florence – I liked learning about the Viking Gods.
Noami – I liked learning about the Viking deaths.
Alfie B – I liked learning about area.
Annie – I liked learning about area and how we measure it in cm2.
Shaun – I enjoyed learning about the 30 days of happiness because I liked the smile challenge.
Our learning partners of the week are Ruby-Anne and Charlotte. Well done, girls!

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