P4b rocking like Rookies!

This week has been very exciting as we have been preparing for our Rookie Rockstars concerts next week. We have learnt some songs to perform. The songs are about preventing and stopping bullying in our school. They are trying to help us to remember to believe in ourselves, have confidence and to move on from situations which we find difficult.
These are some of our thoughts about the experience:
Brooke – I enjoyed the pop rock because I liked the ending.
Florence – I enjoyed the challenge time.
Aaron – I enjoyed challenge time too!
Shaun – I enjoyed the pop rock because the songs were really good.
Alfie L – I enjoyed the challenge time.
Ellie-Rose – I enjoyed the songs we learnt.
Rory – I thought it was awesome!
Kyle – I’m a big fan.
Noami – It was fantastic.
Olivia – I loved the challenge time.
Jackie – I liked the chubby bunny.
Alfie B – I loved the challenge time.
Charlotte – the penguin dance was really funny
Annie – I lived everything!
Alistair – I liked challenge time.
Eva – I liked question time.
Dylan – I liked challenge time.
Jay –
Bryce – I liked challenge time.
Ellie – I loved the singing.
Kaycee – It was COOL!
Jamie – I liked the challenge time.
Ruby – I liked the challenge time because I liked the rap battle.
Max – I thought it was EPIC!
Brandon – I enjoyed the singing.
Holly – I enjoyed the rap battle.
Owen – I enjoyed question time.
Lewis – I enjoyed question time.
Liam – I liked challenge time.
Orla – I enjoyed challenge time and the chubby bunny and the rap battle!
We really hope that as many of our children can attend the concerts as possible and look forward to sharing the children’s learning on Wednesday and Thursday next week.

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