
Dear Parents/Carers                                         RESURFACING OF SCHOOL PLAYGROUNDS


While the front playground has no access/exit, in the morning P1 + P2 + P3 pupils will go straight into the Gym hall, P4 + P5 pupils will go to the playground area at the pencil fence and dining hall and P6 + P7 will stay in the back playground.  PSW’s will supervise the children in these areas and class teachers will collect their class from the designated area.


At the end of the school day P1 + P2 + P3 will leave through their normal doors, P4 + P5 will exit through the doors in the Gym hall and P6 + P7 will exit through the blue glass doors.


When the back playground is closed all access/exit will be through the main gate where the Crossing Patrol is.  P1 + P2 + P3 pupils will go straight into the Gym hall (up the side of the pencil fence) and P4 + P5 + P6 + P7 will stay in the front playground.  PSW’s will supervise the children in these areas.  Class teachers will collect P1 + P2 + P3 from the gym hall, P4 + P5 will line up at the glass door at pencil fence and P6 + P7 will enter through their own door.


At the end of the school day P1 + P2 will leave through the main entrance door, P3 + P4 will exit through the glass door at the pencil fence and P5 + P6 + P7 will exit through their normal door.


Mrs. Miglis

Head Teacher (Seconded)

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