This week we have been continuing our electricity topic of ‘The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch’ by making a working circuit using a battery, wires and a bulb. Â We experimented with our wires to see how to connect the circuit correctly and we discovered that we needed to have the 2 wires connected together to the battery and the bulb in order to light it up.
We have been continuing to practise our Celebrating Success song and we hope to see you there on Tuesday 16th of May at 1.30pm 🙂
We have been busy writing about our seagulls Fred, Bob and Bert who were really naughty to Mr Grinling, eating his lunch and going on adventures.
Wee reminder to build your own lighthouse at home as part of homelearning.  I’m looking forward to seeing them all finished 🙂
Achievements this week-
Pupil of the week-Charlotte
Elena has learned how to tie her laces 🙂
Kyle has gained his white belt in Tae Kwon Do
Hollie has moved up a level to the Senior class in her dancing
Artjom is competing in a gymnastics competition-good luck!
Akasha has been practising her balances
Lexi has learned how to play a new song on her guitar