P3/2 have been learning in different ways

We learn on our own, with a partner, in small groups or as a whole class.

We do this in Maths, Literacy, IT, PE, Drama, Art, Music and RME.

Here are our comments:-

I like Drama as we are learning The gingerbreid mannie in Scots. I am the gingerbreid mannie !-Katie

We like doing the Caterpillar Boogie. We are gardeners-Isla,Luis,Harris

I got Pupil of the week for giving 100% in all areas.I felt really happy-Eva

We like doing Maths because it gives us more knowledge. Just now it is Mental Maths-Jess,Eden,Dylan

I can’t believe that Mrs Innes said I am going to be chatting to Education Scotland about The Gingerbreid mannie-Grace

The Gingerbreid mannie is in Scots and it is so hard to do!-Florence

I like being the narrator in The gingerbreid mannie-Niamh

I like getting Star of the month from Drama with Mrs Innes. I got it for my solo singing in The Caterpillar boogie-Lily

I like doing PE with Mr Jeffries on a Monday. We played Cops and Robbers today-Ellie

I liked growing cress with Mrs Spence last Wednesday-Zara

Today we were playing Tunnel Tig at PE-Rory

I like doing Art with Mrs Spence. I loved Jolomo sketching and painting-Archie

I like being Narrator one in The Gingerbreid mannie-Ross

I like being an animal in The Gingerbreid mannie-Nina

I am enjoying being a rainbow bird in Caterpillar Boogie-Sophie S.

I liked getting a new workbook for Maths. I did some dividing in it -Max

I like my part in The gingerbreid mannie as a narrator-Kaycee

I like Caterpillar Boogie-Noah





Please send costumes in if you haven’t already !

Thank you






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