
Maths this week we have been exploring decimals. We have found this hard to start with but by the end of the week we knew how to turn fractions into decimals and what tenths and hundredths are.

Evie,Caitlin and Sophie: I liked doing decimals and turning fractions into decimals

Cameron and Annabelle: I liked the decimal song.



This week we have written then flashback part of our adventure story. These were excellent Mr Cunningham was very impressed and had 7 star writers this week, with the class voting Evie’s story as their favourite.

Grace: I liked listening to other people’s stories.

Evan: I liked writing because we got kidnapped in our story.

Freddie: I enjoyed writing our kidnapped stories.

Ava: I enjoyed writing about where I was kidnapped and getting taken hostage in a pub.

Kaitlin: I liked listening to other people’s stories.

Ellis: I enjoyed writing this week.



This week we also looked at Victorian food. We learned the difference between what the different classes of people ate and how only rich people had low tea and middle class people had high tea. Then we got to try some poor people food… GREUL!!!

Erin: I liked learning about Victorian food.

Demi – Leigh: I liked tasting the disgusting gruel.

Dadirayi: I liked learning about the rich and poor people.

David, Aaron, Lotte, Jessica and Leia: I liked tasting the food. (Leia gave it 10/10)

Olivia: I didn’t like the gruel.



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